Showing posts with label iran. Show all posts
Showing posts with label iran. Show all posts

Saturday, March 22, 2014

War in the other Gulf?

A few weeks ago, we heard news of Iran moving a submarine to the United States East Coast and Russia moving a spy ship of some kind to Cuba.


That should be a pretty startling question, really..

The United States has not been faced with such questions for some time. Terrorism brought a new form of illusive warfare to the shores of the United States.. but state run military threats were thought to be a thing of the past.

Until Iran made a ‘deal’ with us.. and until the breakdown of relations with Russia took place—despite those old weird photo ops featuring Hillary Clinton and reset buttons. 

This new NATIONAL JOURNAL article breaks it down this way:

Russia and Iran have been cited as possible threats that might, at some point, lurk in the waters just off U.S. shores.

Russia and Iran have been cited as possible threats that might, at some point, lurk in the waters just off U.S. shores.

A 2013 military exercise pitted systems such as Patriot interceptors, Aegis warships and combat aircraft against potential cruise-missile or short-range ballistic missiles fired from the Gulf. But the drill highlighted a particular vulnerability to cruise missiles lobbed from that region, U.S. Northern Command head Gen. Charles Jacoby indicated in congressional testimony last week.

 He said the Pentagon has “some significant challenges” in countering these missiles, but is exploring “some opportunities to use existing systems more effectively to do that.” Many detailed results of the Oct. 11 drill conducted near Key West, Fla., remain classified, Jacoby said.

But we need to ask the question, is this just more fear porn to grip the nation in a constant state of worry? Is it just another attempt to vilify Russia and Iran without just cause? Or is it possible that the threat is real..?

There are strange military moves happening.. weird moved around the world.. tensions are building and budding.

The reset did happen.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

The world at war: Darkness prevails. Even though love abounds.

I have been doing some thinking lately about all this violence, chaos, and nonsense surrounding us on this planet. I haven’t posted anything overly meaningful here in quite some time, so no better time than the present, I suppose.

I look at most things now through vision of a father. I became a proud dad almost two years ago. The world hasn’t changed much since my son was born. Sadly it’s degenerating quickly now. Talk of war, acts of violence.. machines taking over.. a mechanical and technological future of dictatorships and mobile devices that will track you and track everything. Jobs are scarce.. But people are abundant. There is a disconnect there and I don’t know how that will turn out. Do you?

But the most immediate concern seems to be, as usual, the Middle East. Talk of war between Iran and Israel at an all time high. Even China and Japan are in the midst of newfound tensions. And as we know, Libya is .. well, Libya. Lots of other embassies look like our embassy in Libya, too, as violence spreads.

All due to a movie? A MOVIE?

Somehow I don’t buy into that theory.

Nonetheless, it’s happening, and it’s the current theory offered by the powers that be. So for the sake of argument we’ll just go with that..

But as a dad, I think: How do you explain a world of senseless violence and cruelty to a child—a child who just wants to live, learn, and love?

Sadly lots of people ask themselves that daily.

No one to date has found an answer. From the Crusades.. to the Jonestown Massacre.. to our current day insanity of war and needless violence, how can it all keep going like this? Humanity has learned nothing since day 1.

Think about the basic invention that catapulted technology and travel: The wheel. Man created a wheel and from that point we decided to put weapons on it to make them move faster.. and that is about it.

Weapons and war and battle and death. A long trail of tears is dragging behind the human race.  

I think during trying moments in history, the bad always got worse and the good always got better. So hug your kids and love your family, laugh with friends and just smile at a sunset. Because it’s quite frankly all we have to grasp.. Madness is taking place outside our homes. We can lock ourselves in and fear it.. or simply open the window, hear it.. and live our lives anyway. 

Monday, July 23, 2012

Some want the games to begin. Others are just ready for them to end.

The Olympic planning committee must be a paranoid lot. I’d join were I to know how to. They are worried about volcanoes and earthquakes during the games.. flooding and other mass casualty events. But it seems most pressing this year is something that may be realistic: An international event that could send the games spiraling into a political realm.. As a matter of fact, a TIMES OF ISRAEL article is reporting that the London Olympic planning committee is worried that Israel may strike Iran during the 2012 games... Londoners are worried about Iranian missiles that are reportedly capable of reaching the city..

Yet another report says that London is on high alert for terror attacks.  While this was likely and predictable, here is the part that is raising eyebrows: Israel fears that an Iranian terror squad is in London to attack Jewish athletes.

The games are set to begin. And with them will come pageantry and honor, decency and pride (and a lot of condoms, I think I read athletes are getting about 15 per person for a sex-ramped up romp double week of lust)… Hopefully the world will remain at peace. Hopefully the only battles will be on soccer fields or tracks.. or swimming pools or basketball courts. By God, the last thing this world needs is more anarchy and violence.. We are a small pale blue dot. We are tiny compared to this universe. And one filled with hate war.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

If it's not one axis of evil nation, it's the other

Fireworks over the Middle East.. not celebrations of American independence but instead a test of global security: Iran has test fired missiles in a war of nerves..

According to Reuters and other news sources tonight, Iran says that it has successfully test fired medium range missile … these missiles, according to reports, are capable of hitting targets in Israel.

Tensions have escalated between the West and Iran over recent months. Israel has ratcheted up a war of words with the nation..

And now as tensions mount this Fourth of July eve, the United States is sending warships to the Persian Gulf tonight—which according to officials is a signal to Iran..

According to ABC NEWS, the missiles tested by Iranian missiles attacked ‘mock enemy targets’..  And oil prices, predictably, surged

All eyes on Iran during the Fourth of July.