Showing posts with label abortion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label abortion. Show all posts

Thursday, March 26, 2015

This is how a baby in the womb reacts with a mother is smoking..

COSMOPOLITAN magazine published the photo.. They perhaps didn’t expect the anti-abortion responses they got en masse, including these chosen few:

  • So…how about their reaction when they’re aborted+ripped to pieces? Does that “disturb” you? 
  • Let me see if I get this straight: according to Cosmo smoking while pregnant is bad, but abortion is just fine? 
  • So which is it, just a mass of cells that can be destroyed at will, or a small human with feelings? Can’t be both 
  • They should show how the baby reacts when they are being murdered. 
  • Holy Crap, These fetus-thingies are alive!!!11!!1 
  • Because this is the internet. And speech is free. And COSMO’s Twitter became very political.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Aborted babies incinerated to heat UK hospitals

After it was revealed, an instant ban was placed on the practice by officials in Britain.

This is not about abortion.. this is about respect. This is disturbing.. 

Aborted babies incinerated to heat UK hospitals

Monday, May 13, 2013

A jury has found Philadelphia abortion provider Dr. Kermit Gosnell guilty on three counts of first-degree murder…

The jury also found Gosnell guilty of involuntary manslaughter in the death of a former patient of his. 

The ‘local crime’ story comes to an end (sarcasm)

Justice truly served … Well done, jury, well done.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Gosnell Trial Witness: Baby Abortion Survivor Was 'Swimming' in Toilet 'Trying to Get Out'

Read this one at your own risk.

It makes sense that we paid attention to events in Boston this week.

But it continues to NOT MAKE SENSE as to why we aren’t paying any attention to the Kermit Gosnell murder (not abortion) trial..

Gosnell Trial Witness: Baby Abortion Survivor Was 'Swimming' in Toilet 'Trying to Get Out'

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Gosnell Employee: I Saw Ten Babies Breathe Before They Were Killed

Pretty horrific stuff, don’t you think?

But yet another day of empty media seats and hardly any coverage.. 
I just don’t get it. This does not have to even boil down  to a pro-life vs pro-choice issue.. I think both sides can reasonably agree on the premise that we are all anti-murder.

The trial thus far has featured a strong prosecution.. this was damning today.. but I still cannot get over the testimony of the maintenance man who became tired of his job because he had to constantly clean up baby body parts ..

Gosnell Employee: I Saw Ten Babies Breathe Before They Were Killed

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

More horrific Gosnell trial testimony

More information coming from testimony at the Kermit Gosnell Philadelphia abortion trial.. James
Johnson was a janitor and maintenance worker at the ‘clinic’ .. And he testified that he quit the job because he became tired of cleaning baby body parts out of the plumbing system.. he also became sick of scooping baby parts up with a shovel and taking them to a rat infested basement..

Other workers testified that as some women were given drugs and about to abort their babies, they’d put them on toilets where the baby would spill out.. The plumbing often became blocked up with the bodies..

Every day you’d think this trial could not get worse. And every day it does.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

David Weigel of SLATE has another must read story on the Gosnell trial non coverage

The money quote:

So the question, raised by pro-lifers, is this: Explain to us why Gosnell isn’t a national story. Somebody else can try. I can’t explain it. It’s never made sense to me, how a local crime story becomes a national story. Two words: “Poop cruise.” CNN ran hours of coverage and grainy video of a stranded Carnival cruise ship, a situation that inconvenienced many and killed none. How does a missing college student or an angry man in a TSA line become part of Our National Conversation? I don’t know. I do know that a reporter in the bubble is less likely to be compelled by the news of an arrested abortionist.

David Weigel of SLATE has another must read story on the Gosnell trial non coverage

Why I Didn't Write About Gosnell's Trial--And Why I Should Have - The Daily Beast

This is an amazing and honest article by Megan McArdle of the DAILY BEAST.. And a must read in my opinion..

Why I Didn't Write About Gosnell's Trial--And Why I Should Have - The Daily Beast

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Even more alarmingly, Gosnell instructed unlicensed workers to sedate patients with dangerous drugs in his absence… In addition, he regularly performed abortions beyond the 24-week limit prescribed by law. As a result, viable babies were born. Gosnell killed them by plunging scissors into their spinal cords. He taught his staff to do the same

Page 281 of a grand jury report about Philadelphia abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell.

At the trial, a worker admitted killing at least 10 babies by cutting their spines..

If you’re pro-life you’re disgusted by this story.

And if you’re pro-choice, I trust you’re disgusted as well.. 

This is truly a house of horrors..

Saturday, March 16, 2013

New data is revealing just how many abortions took place in China in the last 40 years


Since 1971, doctors have performed 336m abortions and 196m sterilisations, the data reveal. They have also inserted 403m intrauterine devices, a normal birth control procedure in the west but one that local officials often force on women in China

The numbers do not directly equate to “missing” births because some couples who violate the one-child rule have also had abortions or been sterilised, while intrauterine devices can be removed

Sunday, January 23, 2011

New York TIMES details the horrors of the Philadelphia abortion clinic

The first paragraph of the excellent TIMES story is perfect:

It was always open late, way past the time the pizza place next door closed at midnight. The women who emerged from it — often poor blacks and Hispanics — appeared dazed and in pain, and sometimes left in ambulances. The doctor who ran the clinic, Kermit Gosnell, had been sued at least 15 times for malpractice. Two women died while under his care.

The rest of the story gets worse, we you have been reading already if you follow Coal Speaker

New York TIMES details the horrors of the Philadelphia abortion clinic

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Update on the sick abortion doctor case from Philly

Sick case of abortion doctor in Philadelphia killing babies after they were born..
..he was charged with eight murders.. he used scissors on the newborn children.. Among the allegations: He wouldn’t tell moms how far along they really were.. he had white women get abortions in a cleaner place.. authorities found infant’s feet saved for no reason.. He would perform abortions late at night.. he wouldn’t be concerned with women’s health implications after performing procedures.. State of Pennsylvania regulators are also being faulted with not keeping a watchful eye over the abortion clinic in Philadelphia..
"Ghoulish" clinic..
The case is also about poverty..
Stirs national debate about abortion..