Thursday, July 18, 2013

Cancer news that you should know

Some cancer news that you need to know:

The current conditions as of 3pm July 18 2013.

Take a peek at this come January and see which you’d prefer..

The NSA Admits It Analyzes More People's Data Than Previously Revealed

A friend of a friend of a friend of a friend…heard it from a friend who heard it friend who heard it from a friend you were snooping around..

The NSA Admits It Analyzes More People's Data Than Previously Revealed

The jurors going OUTBACK tonight

Lifestyles of the sequestered.. For some reason, I always would like to think that a jury goes behind doors to deliberate in a hot, sweaty room without an air conditioner working, like in 12 ANGRY MEN. In the case of the George Zimmerman trial, there were no men, and not even 12 people, instead six as Florida allows for a jury trial. Now information has been released about their sequestration .. While in confinement, they enjoyed pedicures, they were permitted to go bowling, shop at the mall, go to the Ripley’s Believe it or Not museum.. and had some dinners at the Outback Steakhouse. Now I don’t decry them for their luxuries.. this was a long trial and they did not get to see their family.. But could they at least have chosen the Texas Roadhouse over Outback? Outback does not even rate! And finally.. I trust that they ….did not see any newspapers while they were out and about, when they used to go out…?

Terrible news.. tragic news.. and potentially criminal issue..

Update: 23 dead children in India simply for eating a school lunch.. This is such a horrible story.. That is their only crime in life.. eating a school lunch . And now of course the 'government will investigate'.. And I am sure find allllll the ‘answers’.. There are already some answers, at least some bits of information, being released: The food was laced with pesticides..

Troubling news..

Syrians are fleeing from war at a rate not seen since the Rwandan genocide.. 

That comes to us from the United Nations..

According to the UN, the number of people fleeing the conflict in Syria has escalated to an average of 6,000 a day during 2013 - a rate not seen since the genocide in Rwanda nearly two decades ago, U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres said on Tuesday… And if anyone remembers those dark days in Rwanda, go back through amnesia lane and treat yourself to some horrid history from the mid 90s..

NASSER al-AWLAKI writes a New York TIMES op ed: The Drone That Killed My Grandson

This is a monumentally important editorial.. You need to read it.

NASSER al-AWLAKI writes a New York TIMES op ed: The Drone That Killed My Grandson

The news that does not matter udpate

ROLLING STONE magazine is defending its placement of a handsome looking Tsarnaev on the cover of its new issue.. I wrote about this yesterday, in part saying the outrage is nonsense and we are further arguing in this nation about things that don’t matter. This ROLLING STONE issue makes that point—with even CVS an other retailers saying it is going to ban the magazine from being sold in its stores! We continue to be victims of some pretty high rolling mind games. Take a peek outside your box, America.. there’s more to every story.

Speaking of debating about things that do not matter:

Jenny McCarthy tapped to co-host THE VIEW.. outrage now due to her critical comments about vaccines causing autism.. Yet again, proof Americans get outraged and angry about things that do not matter one hill of beans. At all.. No matter WHAT she thinks about anything.. that is the purpose. She is supposed to be controversial. This is for ratings. Americans who are outraged by this: YOU ARE BEING PLAYED, good.

How to be a bad talk show host as exemplified by George Noory.


This guy is such a stooge. 

Unfortunately every stooge gets his day. Or his decade. Premiere Radio Networks just extended his contract—and Noory says in the press release he will be on the air long enough to see NASA put a man on the Mars.

Knowing that, NASA may fast-track their mission.

For your reading without my commentary. This letter does indeed speak for itself, and it’s very well-stated..

CVS won't sell Rolling Stone issue with Boston Marathon bombing suspect on cover

This is a little crazy..
Censorship simply because of a cover image..?? Too much, America.
What is not about the first amendment that gives everyone such sh&t fits?

CVS won't sell Rolling Stone issue with Boston Marathon bombing suspect on cover

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


The Worst Way To tell Someone They’re Fired

Damn autocorrect! I’m trying to fire someone here.

Why you should not fire someone via text message..

The man with no memory: Navy vet wakes up, speaks only Swedish

Stories like this always blow my mind. Imagine this: A Navy vet goes unconscious, wakes up without a memory, and speaks Swedish. That frightening concept is exactly what happened in the case of Michael Thomas of Florida, who was found in a Motel 6 in Southern California by police.. He now believes he is Johan Elk of Sweden..

Bizarre stuff, isn’t it? 

What secrets lurk in the minds of men—especially when they lose all memory and allow their brains to work without stopping..

The man with no memory: Navy vet wakes up, speaks only Swedish

Looking forward to the CONJURING

The CONJURING is being released this weekend.. Advanced screenings had some flare, with Warner Bros warning people that the effects of the film may be rough.. Also at the screening: A priest.. Not bad marketing and PR from the film—though websites like SPIRITDAILY.COM linked the DREAD CENTRAL article on the CONJURING screening with a headline “a movie to stay clear of”..

This just in.. Jar Jar Binks condemns the Tsarnaev Rolling Stone.
Like other reptilians, Jar Jar is highly offended..


Rolling Stone has a released a statement on its controversial ‘The Bomber’ cover. 

[h/t @buzzfeednews.]

This is America right? Now news organizations have to explain that their reporting was not meant to offend anyone?!

Maybe the folks who want to ban the Tsarnaev cover from their stores would be happier if the editors of the magazine sent them this one instead:

I live 45 minutes from Boston and let me tell you everyone is livid. I applaud Rolling Stone for this gutsy move. It was a risk man. I think they are trying to paint the picture of before and after to show the contrast between the reportedly happy American (because he was a citizen) teen and the "monster" he became. I applaud Rolling Stone for the balls to publish this knowing people would be angry. I think the contrast and the publicity was the point. Not to glorify him as a "rock star."

Amen! Thanks for your perspective. And I agree with it..

I recall both NEWSWEEK and TIME putting nice happy photos of the Columbine killers on their respective covers back last century..

I personally consider this ROLLING STONE controversy beyond ridiculous (CVS will actually censor the magazine …) .. I also think collectively everyone needs to take a deep breath, eat some fruit or something, and realize what actually matters..

And besides, that image of Tsarnaev actually tells a story all by itself.

Study: Government Tracking Movement of Every Vehicle with License Plate

Well how about that then!

Study: Government Tracking Movement of Every Vehicle with License Plate
So these are the things Americans get mad about now? Magazine covers? Do people buy magazines anymore!? There is “controversy,” “anger,” and “rage” after ROLLING STONE placed Tsarnaev on its cover.. some have complained that the cover is ‘tasteless’ and offensive. Some say the picture, self-taken by the would be terrorist when he snapped it, makes him look like a rock star instead of a bomber. .

When people get past the fake controversy of a simple cover image, the actual ROLLING STONE story features some revelations you may not have heard of before, including the fact a plea from his former wrestling coach may have been enough to get him to surrender from the boat he was hiding in..

This is terrible news from India..

This is a terrible story from India, where school food killed 22 kids..traces of organo phosphorous have been found in the meal served to children which is poisonous.. This has caused protests and anger across Bihar, and India itself.. and now according to reports, it could have been deliberate poisoning..

WATCH: How Promiscuity Is A Form Of Self-Mutilation

The story from the HUFFINGTON POST.. interesting article. Worth time reading..

WATCH: How Promiscuity Is A Form Of Self-Mutilation

This would appear to be some important news today..

Antarctica’s Pine Island Glacier has calved, forming a new iceberg that is 277 square miles in size and is almost as big as New York City. Scientists have predicted the glacier to split since October 2011

This would appear to be some important news today..

Not being hasty with Hastings.. but this is another weird one

More strange occurrences are being reported concerning the death of journalist Michael Hastings.. SAN DIEGO 6 in California is reporting that his body was cremated against the wishes of the family.. And now his wife has hired a PI. Let the truth shine..

Have not been up to Graffiti Highway in a while in Centralia, but if this piece of art is any indication of what I am missing, I need to get there fast..

Photo Compliments of the blog: hereticinexile:


Old Route 61

South of Centralia, Pennsylvania

April 2013

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Dreadful dinner woes

I rarely blog about the mundane nature of my existence, instead focusing on the horrific ways of our planet, but this one is a tale needing to be told of my night last night.

My chicken looked great.. until I cut into it and realized I left the plastic on it. And sadly it was so beautiful.. Curry seasoned plastic-covered chicken.. Baked to perfected. 

It became food for maggots moments after I cut into the first piece and ended up with a 2 inch piece of plastic in my mouth. But it was the most delicious plastic I’ve ever eaten..

Does plastic still constitute as one ingredient in my one ingredient lifestyle..? Guess not..

'Glee' star Cory Monteith died of heroin and alcohol mix, coroner says

And now we know..

'Glee' star Cory Monteith died of heroin and alcohol mix, coroner says

Monday, July 15, 2013


Enjoy the week!

The heat is on.

Summer's Worst Week of Heat NYC, DC, Philly, Boston

It’s hot.

No really hot.

No it’s hotter than that.

I always chuckle when those who ‘love the summer’ are seen quietly fanning themselves as sweat pours down their faces in the high noon heat of summer. You still like it, summer lovers? You enjoy the sweltering murderous heat? The kind that kills puppies and makes you sick? You’d really pick this over the cool breeze of fall and the snow of winter? 

I guess it’s all relative. 

After all, even the snow lovers come to miss the warmth by February..

Until then.. we have a HEAT WAVE!

Summer's Worst Week of Heat NYC, DC, Philly, Boston

In weather like this the only thing good to do is park

U.S. Repeals Propaganda Ban, Spreads Government-Made News To Americans

Perhaps one of the most important stories I have ever read.. seriously.. 

And you may think it’s simply conspiracy theory. But it’s not. This actually comes from FOREIGN POLICY magazine…

U.S. Repeals Propaganda Ban, Spreads Government-Made News To Americans

Case of the Mondays: News you can't use

Fukushima update: “Children catching crayfish in 1.13 μSv/h atmospheric dose in Kohriyama”

This Year’s Gulf of Mexico Dead Zone Could Be the Biggest on Record

Claim: Snowden possess blueprints that describe how the NSA operates..

Second night of protests after Zimmerman verdict.. demonstrators block freeway in LA.. cops respond with ‘less than lethal’ rounds..

Massive heat wave set to build across Eastern United States throughout the week.. big cities will be sweltering.. parts of the Southwest will be unbearable.. 

A heat wave in Japan has now killed 12..

A heat wave in the UK has now killed 4..

India getting its worst flooding in 50 years..

Fracking is being linked to faraway earthquakes..

Could it be? Nessie caught with Google earth!?

Did you think recently that the day was getting quicker? That time was advancing? There is an interesting analysis done, and it appears that changes in the Earth’s spin actually change the length of the day —but not by much.. as a matter of fact, experts will tell us that we should not even notice it. However, what if we did? What if.. these little stutters actually do get noticed by our minds?

Important story to read: Chinese police on Monday accused British drug maker GlaxoSmithKline Plc of channeling bribes to Chinese officials and doctors through travel agencies for six years to illegally boost sales and to raise the price of its medicines in the country

Twinkies are back—and being marketed to ‘dudes’ ..

The volcano that screams..

So how BAD is Roundup anyway?

Emergency measure coming against Monsanto in Italy..

Web industry chiefs don’t like domain expansion plans..

"Vampire" graves found in Poland..

Spot on: Police say a psychic found the body of a murdered 11-year-old boy..

New photo emerges from 1985 White House function.. Princess Diana dancing with Clint Eastwood.. PUNK..

Man uses his young daughters to re-create photos of horror movie scenes.. Joshua Hoffine says he does get hate mail for some, including one controversial photo that shows a wolf charging towards his daughter.. Here is the official website

The intriguing world of after-death experiences..

Lea Michele releases statement concerning the death of Cory Monteith..

Rammed: GROWN UPS 2 pummels PACIFIC RIM at the box office..But..DESPICABLE ME 2 holds the first place ..

RUE MORGE interviews the twins behind the twisted AMERICAN MARY

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Zimmerman's lawyer compares Trayvon death to kids who die of cancer...


Zimmerman's lawyer compares Trayvon death to kids who die of cancer...

Saturday night’s main event.

Bars and restaurants filled with patrons undoubtedly are now suddenly embroiled in Saturday night conversations about George Zimmerman, Tweeting their thoughts, and lamenting the justice system if they disagree..

There will be outrage and rage.. some will be happy that the justice system, for all purposes, seemed to work. Work in the sense where a jury finds a defendant not guilty because the prosecution substantially failed in proving the case of Zimmerman murdering Trayvon Martin in cold blood… one night in Florida months ago.

Tonight, when a jury of six women, five mothers, found Zimmerman not guilty, the justice system was exposed…It’s flawed and often wrong.. sloppy and long.. Legal briefs are abundant.. nights are late.. And the battles are more than skin deep.

When Casey Anthony was found not guilty, so many felt a world of horror for her daughter who had no justice… And now tonight, many feel the same for Trayvon Martin..

Trends are trending on Twitter tonight. Facebook is alive and well with passionate opinions.. Bloggers are opining .. in person, many are rambling. 

This trial intrigued the nation.
And whenever a trial does that, it causes so much division.

Maybe it’s time, as a nation, we come to grips with the fact that we are needlessly divided by race.

When it comes down to it, what really divides us? 

Are we divided by race?
The class system?
Religious differences?


It somehow goes back to money.

And money will be the issue now, as the civil litigation against George Zimmerman will begin. Most likely immediately.

OJ was found not guilty last century. But the civil lawsuits got him—even before he got himself by getting caught robbing his own trophies…

The George Zimmerman trial has played out, and now the outcome will play out..

It wasn’t 12 angry men, but instead 6 something women. Maybe if the jurors express their thoughts, we’ll find out if they were angry or happy with their decision..

George Zimmerman and his wife Shellie, with Seminole court services investigator Rob Hemmert talk in the courtroom in the George Zimmerman trial in Seminole circuit court in Sanford

Not guilty

The jury has reached a verdict in the trial of George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch volunteer accused of murdering Trayvon Martin.

Here we go…

So I must ask.. who is PACIFIC RIMMING this weekend?

Friday, July 12, 2013

More saki, more happy, more foodie, more drinky.

A night of food and fun at Uma Japanese hibachi steakhouse in St. Clair, PA..

Good times..

Wow… This haboob is striking Phoenix Arizona right now.. more here..


Two of the great things on earth combined: Ragtime piano music and Tetris. great mashup..


I am going to attempt to stay out of the ever-so-controversial weeds of the George Zimmerman case..

But I can only say this.. I am annoyed, very annoyed actually, with the amount of times both the prosecution and defense used the word ‘really’ in their closing arguments. Apparently both sides have been watching lots of old Tina Fey/Seth Meyers “really” skits from the Weekend Update bit on Saturday Night Live.

It was completely overdone.

At one point the defense lawyer, you know the one who looks like a sick cross between John Kerry and Mark Furhman of OJ fame, said “really? really? really? really? ” .. .REALLY?!


The jury, all six strong, should have in lockstep shouted back ‘YES REALLY!’


Things are about to get rough and dicey in Taiwain.. Yonagunijima (Yonaguni) island station E of Taiwan reported a sustained wind of 60.2 m/s (134 mph)

And you thought the TERMINATOR was just a movie..

DARPA is making this..

The FastCompany article says, 

Boston Dynamics has been busy working on an entrant for DARPA's Virtual Robotics Challenge, a contest aimed to create robots that can help in disaster situation.

Sure.. and it could also crush you with one lugnut if it gets mad.

You pick.

And you thought the TERMINATOR was just a movie..

Clyde Lewis is finally back on radio..

Last night, the long awaited return of Clyde Lewis on radio took place.  Lewis has been absent his hosting duties for several weeks since his operation to remove tumors from his kidney..

During his return program, Lewis was emotional about the operation he just went through, and was seemed concerned that his future may hold more bouts with his cancer.. 

For his return  program, he was joined on Ground Zero Radio by Al Jourgensen, the ‘godfather of industrial music’..   His subject matter was titled ‘In my time of dying’..

While his guest was interesting, it’s much more likely that listeners tuned in to hear Clyde’s harrowing tale of being under the knife, in medical are.

Clyde opened the program relaying the now most-sent news story of the “dead” woman who woke up on an operating table—just as doctors were about to remove her organs.. Lewis said it was something like that which scared him more than anything, especially since he has been through many medical issues in his life..

Clyde Lewis sounded heartfelt and graceful in his attitude and approach concerning his return. He had emotional words towards his finance, who undoubtedly has been affected emotionally by Lewis’ condition..

During his time away recovering, Clyde Lewis was forced to post a video of himself to prove he was alive, as rumors became rampant online that he passed away as a result of his cancer. Some on his Facebook page, even last night, wondered if he had returned too soon to the radio. However, anyone who listened to the show will realize that Clyde Lewis puts his entire heart into his job—it certainly doesn’t sound like work for him, but instead a way of life.

This website is  biased. We love Ground Zero Radio and have come to truly respect Clyde Lewis.

We are happy as hell that he’s back hosting the program live.. 

But we also hope, as did many of his fans, that he did not return too soon for his own good.

Prayers and positive thoughts will continue to be with him.

They won’t have Big Sis to kick around anymore.. she’s off to the University and leaving Homeland Insecurity behind..


.— .- -. -. .-      .- -.-      .-      .-. .. -.. ..—..

Some savy internet users immediately realized that the hidden code would be discerned quickly at .. it appears that a user on was the first to crack the code—a code that translated to WANNATAKEARIDE, the saying Art Bell used to use when he hosted Coast to Coast AM..

It may be debatable as to who first deciphered what the code was, but it is even more debatable as to what it means.

Art Bell himself took to Twitter to write this:

A few minutes later, after giving credit to a Facebook user for being the first to respond to the code, Art Bell wrote this:

Anyone who has followed Art Bell for any given time will know that staying tuned means being very, very patient.

Since he joined Facebook years back, rumors were persistent that he would make a return  to radio. He has voiced his discontent with the current incarnation of Coast to Coast AM and George Noory, however he decided to not take deals offered to him to compete with the show—even going to Facebook to explain to his followers that he did not want to destroy the program he created..

But now, the most recent behavior indicates that he may actually come back to the spotlight in some form.

That or he plans on posting a new photo of an RV he intends on going on summer vacation in.

That is the mysterious part of Bell’s messages..

We can do nothing but stay tuned..



This is going to be a very dangerous storm for Asia.. here is Typhoon Soulik poised and ready to strike Taiwan.. it’s been years since Taipei got a direct typhoon hit. That lucky streak could end by Saturday in the AM as this storm bears down..

Positive thoughts and prayers are with the island nation..

How to kill an area; Leave it

There has been an exodus from the coal region of Pennsylvania over the past generation.. high unemployment, economic conditions worse than other areas, and traveling to better jobs, all have forced younger people away from Schuylkill County .. And now the POTTSVILLE REPUBLICAN is sharing knowledge that has already been assumed: Most people who are young want to leave Schuylkill County..

Schuylkill County commissioners had a press conference on Thursday. They say that the county has lots to offer—presumably more than Yuengling beer and the A-Hole in Girardville—but they lament the fact so many young want to leave the area. To put a number on that,  survery was conducted of the ‘yout’ of the region.. it found that 55% want don’t plan on living in the county when they are adults.

Of course, kids have grand plans. There is sure something about the coal region, maybe those tentacles of coal veins, that latch on to your spirit and trap you in the area.. Kids today become coal-region bar hoppers tomorrow, still wearing their varsity football jackets, trying to relive the dream of yesteryear. Just place GLORY DAYS by the Boss, and most will tear up thinking about the Friday night lights—unless your school didn’t have lights, in which case you’ll think of Saturday Afternoon Sun (*Cardinal Brennan football players would understand that*)…

So ….what would be a model for the future?

Two possibilities exist:

1) The county will continue to perish slowly, like a miner running out of oxygen in a confined space.. It will keep its high unemployment, and is generation of disenchanted kids..

2) Many who leave the area for experience and knowledge, will actually come back to Schuylkill county at some point in their lives, and bring progress to the area. The future will feature people, people who don’t sport mullets and cutoff jean shorts, creating jobs and hope .. 

Which possibility is more likely? 

A stroll down any street, Schuylkill County, will show how difficult number 2 would be to achieve.

How to kill an area; Leave it

Thanks to all the new followers recently..

Very humbling.

Hopefully my crazy talk tonight on 432 hz didn’t drive you away..

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Those those who want to listen, Rob Simone on Coast to Coast AM went in depth on the 528 hz in 2011. . It was an interesting show, and until today I completely forgot I listened to it.

Maybe I was the victim of frequency mind control.

Those those who want to listen, Rob Simone on Coast to Coast AM went in depth on the 528 hz in 2011. . It was an interesting show, and until today I completely forgot I listened to it.

What's the frequency Kenneth?

Good REM song.. remember that? Dan Rather should.

Nonetheless, I am researching all of this crazy HZ information and came across an interesting article on the 528 hz.. The ‘love frequency’ .. This website at least concluded that 432 hz is the best..

So they say..

Is this all crazy to you?


Here is the DOORS, changed from 440 hz to 432 hz.. Can your ears tell any difference?

I notice it..


LET IT BE at 432 hz.. Much better.


So let’s get a little conspiratorial and crazy, shall we?

Here’s a video where your untrained ear can most likely tell the difference between 432 hz and 440 hz.. Which ones makes you feel calmer, I ask?

I think there’s something to this whole vibration of the earth thing..

Sadly no one emailed me a song that made them happy..

But I had a fallback plan. I resorted to actually conversing with people—in person—about the topic throughout the day…

Quite an array of tunes..

Lionel Richtie..
Lee Greenwood (yes someone actually said that)
Even Annie Lennox.

I found out, though, whether it was LOVE GROWS WHERE MY ROSEMARY GOES or SWEET DREAMS… I can find some happiness with the songs mentioned by friends and co-workers too.

So it gives me the feeling that, regardless of the era of time or the artist who created it, everyone’s happy song has a common thread: they are just songs that make you feel good. Even if you didn’t realize someone else’s song could make you happy too, you realized after they said it.. “well,  golly that song makes me happy too.” And you need to use the word ‘golly’ for it to be truly happy.

The other thing I began to contemplate was that old rumor and conspiracy theory that the 432 hz frequency we should be is on is perverted by the 440 hz we were placed on. Maybe these happy songs are on the 432? Just sayin..

Maybe some happy songs coming tonight.. along with some conspiracy talk about those strange HZ rumors..

Thirsty for happiness Thursday

Looking for positive thoughts today..

And happy music
My favorite happy song is Love Grows Where my Rosemary goes (and not because of the movie SHALLOW HAL!)

So what is your ‘happy song?’

The AFP reports..

Pope Francis on Thursday bolstered criminal legislation against child abuse in the Vatican in an overhaul of laws that apply to the clergymen and lay people who work in the tiny city state.
The Vatican said in a statement that the pope’s decree included “a broader definition of the category of crimes against minors” including child prostitution, sexual acts with children and child pornography.

This is great news! Amen.
The AFP reports..

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Ok weird: Federal crash investigators revealed Wednesday that the pilot flying Asiana Airlines flight 214 told them that he was temporarily blinded by a bright light when 500 feet above the ground.

No comment…

Ok weird: Federal crash investigators revealed Wednesday that the pilot flying Asiana Airlines flight 214 told them that he was temporarily blinded by a bright light when 500 feet above the ground.

Ok.. anyone who worked in the food industry knows what a Mother’s Day cleanup or a New Years Eve night looks like. But i don’t care how bad the restaurant you were in was, it looks nothing like this Golden Corral …

There have been images posted online, including this one, that will be sure to shock your system .. And maybe your digestive track if you’ve recently eaten there.

By the way, for your health, the restaurant is in Florida..

Piles of trash.. ‘fresh’ meat near dumpsters.. 

And to all the dirty restaurants among us: The net is filled with foodies and whistleblowers.

If your kitchen is this bad, it deserves to be online for all to see..

My lifestyle change continues

Last night I proposed a one ingredient (and substantially  more standing) lifestyle. Today was day one.. I think it went well. Carrot juice in the morning followed by an apple, chicken with salt and pepper at lunch and broccoli.. dinner is yet to be determined.

The goal is not to really lose weight, though that would not be a bad thing, but also to just be overall …. better. Feel better, act better, live better. That is the true goal of the one ingredient standup lifestyle..

We will see how this goes..

In the mean time, here are 20 other healthy foods to consider

Special Features - The Crucifixion Principle: How the media is helping murder movies | Flickering Myth



Anghus Houvouras is an old friend and a great writer. This article is pretty well thought out, too..The argument is made that the media is murdering movies before they are out.. The ‘Crucifixion Principle’ .. interesting concept. Good read.. It’s worth a follow as well ..

Special Features - The Crucifixion Principle: How the media is helping murder movies | Flickering Myth

New information being revealed by police in Canada: Evidence criminal act may have led to the Lac-Megantic train crash

According to police, it wasn’t terrorism. Just ‘criminal’ at this point.

Investigators are trying to determine if the train’s brakes were disabled.. 

New information being revealed by police in Canada: Evidence criminal act may have led to the Lac-Megantic train crash

Just in from the AP

BOSTON (AP) — His arm in a cast and his face swollen, a blase-looking Dzhokhar Tsarnaev pleaded not guilty Wednesday in the Boston Marathon bombing in a seven-minute proceeding that marked his first public appearance since his capture in mid-April.

Remember when everyone mocked Russ Feingold for warning Americans about the vague language and potential problems from the Patriot Act?

It was 2006
George W. Bush was president..
And we were all not aware of what Edward Snowden has recently told us..

If only we could go back in time and say sorry

Remember when everyone mocked Russ Feingold for warning Americans about the vague language and potential problems from the Patriot Act?

When the Google stops the doodle

This from CNN:

Google and related services were inaccessible to some users this morning, prompting confusion and consternation across the Web.

Reports of outages began about 9:30 a.m. ET and quickly spread on Twitter, with users asking if the problem was affecting others as well.

Among the services affected were Gmail, Google Plus, Google Drive and YouTube. According to anecdotal reports, the outages appeared to be most prevalent among users in the Southeastern United States.

Google did not immediately comment on the problem.

Apparently the outages prove Google just hired someone from Tumblr. I jest!
Thank God it’s summer. If it was a school year kids would be flunking tests from sea to shining sea this morning!

Alternatives for your outage: DuckDuckGo and StartPage

If you want to see the Internet(s) in its infancy, here you go

Look no further than Geocities.. This website captures some of the classics..

I myself had a few Geoshitties sites.. 

It was the original Myspace.. the original blogger..the original Facebook.. it predated Tumblr. The divorced dads and Jeep lovers from the 1990s paved the way for the personal blogs and opinionated sites of today.

God bless Geocities, and the pavers of the internet superhighway.

But Yahoo! shut down Geocities.
And now Yahoo! owns Tumblr…


From the cute little Beeb to the depths of depravity

I haven’t had any kind words for Justin Bieber. I’ve maintained no fever.
And with TMZ report about Bieber urinating into a mop bucket at a NYC city restaurant and cussing
Bill Clinton
, my already 0% regard for him has now plummeted j to the negative territory.

I will not say anything that hasn’t been already..

I think every working man, woman, and child should be offended at this. It’s tasteless sure, but even more so is an insult to minimum wage workers and disregarded service employees—many of whom should be busy deleting any songs they own featuring the voice of Beebs.

Yes, indeed….the cell phone camera is always spying. In this matter, Bieber was using his own urine in an attempt to humiliate the people who most likely just waited on him hand and foot. But instead he only disgraced himself even further than the repugnant little creature has done previously..



"€œWhy did you shoot me? I was reading a book”: The new warrior cop is out of control

Good to see so many people linking this around the Internet(s) .. I linked it a few days past.. Love seeing everyone in agreement, right and left, about the state of American police…


I’m digging this because I’m reading through his new book as all of these articles are being posted online. I’m so glad that this topic is receiving more much needed attention. I mean, the Department of Education has their own fucking SWAT team for crying out loud.

My step-dad was a sheriff in Dallas, Texas for fifteen years so when the topic of police abuse comes up you can imagine the kinds of discussions it devolves into. In just the few years since my step-dad retired, the police force in America has changed dramatically.

"€œWhy did you shoot me? I was reading a book”: The new warrior cop is out of control

See, drones just don't kill everyone in your neighborhood with a single blast, but they can deliver clean clothes, too..

New technology is here to stay. For better or worse.
Dry cleaning.. better
Drone attacks.. worse.

See, drones just don't kill everyone in your neighborhood with a single blast, but they can deliver clean clothes, too..

Federal worker: Watch you co-workers

Even more from McClatchyDC:

Federal employees and contractors are asked to pay particular attention to the lifestyles, attitudes and behaviors – like financial troubles, odd working hours or unexplained travel – of co-workers as a way to predict whether they might do “harm to the United States.” Managers of special insider threat offices will have “regular, timely, and, if possible, electronic, access” to employees’ personnel, payroll, disciplinary and “personal contact” files, as well as records of their use of classified and unclassified computer networks, polygraph results, travel reports and financial disclosure forms.

Oy …

Federal worker: Watch you co-workers