Showing posts with label george zimmerman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label george zimmerman. Show all posts

Thursday, July 18, 2013

The jurors going OUTBACK tonight

Lifestyles of the sequestered.. For some reason, I always would like to think that a jury goes behind doors to deliberate in a hot, sweaty room without an air conditioner working, like in 12 ANGRY MEN. In the case of the George Zimmerman trial, there were no men, and not even 12 people, instead six as Florida allows for a jury trial. Now information has been released about their sequestration .. While in confinement, they enjoyed pedicures, they were permitted to go bowling, shop at the mall, go to the Ripley’s Believe it or Not museum.. and had some dinners at the Outback Steakhouse. Now I don’t decry them for their luxuries.. this was a long trial and they did not get to see their family.. But could they at least have chosen the Texas Roadhouse over Outback? Outback does not even rate! And finally.. I trust that they ….did not see any newspapers while they were out and about, when they used to go out…?

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Saturday night’s main event.

Bars and restaurants filled with patrons undoubtedly are now suddenly embroiled in Saturday night conversations about George Zimmerman, Tweeting their thoughts, and lamenting the justice system if they disagree..

There will be outrage and rage.. some will be happy that the justice system, for all purposes, seemed to work. Work in the sense where a jury finds a defendant not guilty because the prosecution substantially failed in proving the case of Zimmerman murdering Trayvon Martin in cold blood… one night in Florida months ago.

Tonight, when a jury of six women, five mothers, found Zimmerman not guilty, the justice system was exposed…It’s flawed and often wrong.. sloppy and long.. Legal briefs are abundant.. nights are late.. And the battles are more than skin deep.

When Casey Anthony was found not guilty, so many felt a world of horror for her daughter who had no justice… And now tonight, many feel the same for Trayvon Martin..

Trends are trending on Twitter tonight. Facebook is alive and well with passionate opinions.. Bloggers are opining .. in person, many are rambling. 

This trial intrigued the nation.
And whenever a trial does that, it causes so much division.

Maybe it’s time, as a nation, we come to grips with the fact that we are needlessly divided by race.

When it comes down to it, what really divides us? 

Are we divided by race?
The class system?
Religious differences?


It somehow goes back to money.

And money will be the issue now, as the civil litigation against George Zimmerman will begin. Most likely immediately.

OJ was found not guilty last century. But the civil lawsuits got him—even before he got himself by getting caught robbing his own trophies…

The George Zimmerman trial has played out, and now the outcome will play out..

It wasn’t 12 angry men, but instead 6 something women. Maybe if the jurors express their thoughts, we’ll find out if they were angry or happy with their decision..

George Zimmerman and his wife Shellie, with Seminole court services investigator Rob Hemmert talk in the courtroom in the George Zimmerman trial in Seminole circuit court in Sanford

Friday, July 12, 2013

I am going to attempt to stay out of the ever-so-controversial weeds of the George Zimmerman case..

But I can only say this.. I am annoyed, very annoyed actually, with the amount of times both the prosecution and defense used the word ‘really’ in their closing arguments. Apparently both sides have been watching lots of old Tina Fey/Seth Meyers “really” skits from the Weekend Update bit on Saturday Night Live.

It was completely overdone.

At one point the defense lawyer, you know the one who looks like a sick cross between John Kerry and Mark Furhman of OJ fame, said “really? really? really? really? ” .. .REALLY?!


The jury, all six strong, should have in lockstep shouted back ‘YES REALLY!’


Tuesday, June 25, 2013

George Zimmerman's Trial Begins, with a Knock-Knock Joke

Truly bad form.. cannot believe he did this..

George Zimmerman's Trial Begins, with a Knock-Knock Joke

Friday, August 10, 2012

Prosecutors accidentally send out images of a dead Trayvon Martin.

This seems to be a pretty horrible error made by Florida prosecutors in the Trayvon Martin murder case. Among the confidential documents that were ‘accidentally’ released was a photograph of Martin’s dead corpse.  Prosecutors quickly emailed reporters requesting that they do not use the picture of Trayvon Martin’s lifeless body, as they were not meant for public consumption.

I actually hope the photos don’t get ‘out’ there.. we have enough morbid and grotesque websites showcasing famous peoples’ dead bodies. I would be sick to think that a teenage kid’s body would appear on one of those sites. 

Nonetheless, we are living in an age where mistakes happen quickly, and when  they do there is little time to re-do the action you did wrong the first time. Click and save these days means upload and publish—long before you get the chance to run the document or blog post by anyone who would say, “are you sure you want to publish photographs of the dead victim before this trial begins??”