Showing posts with label saturday night live. Show all posts
Showing posts with label saturday night live. Show all posts

Sunday, February 15, 2015

My really ultra sad and depressing assessment of tonight's SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE 40th anniversary nostalgia

I was looking forward to this 3+ hour extravaganza celebrating SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE’S 40 anniversary for weeks.. Tonight when it finally began, I couldn’t to turn it off..

Let me explain.
I grew up watching the show.. from an early age, I recall my parents allowing me to stay up late on a Saturday to watch the cold open, usually with Phil Hartman nailing his Ronald Reagan impression. I typically was only able to stay away until the band’s first song.. As I got older, the show was a staple of my existence on weekends.. after working late at a restaurant for several years, this program was the go-to before turning in and waking up the next day to do the same grind job again. There are even particular seasons I find the best: The 92-94 years, and then 97-the early 2000s..

The special airing tonight is giving me a different sense of SNL.. In a sense, I think the forced nostalgia is a bad thing. The live recreation of old skits using the same actors—actors clearly who have aged and gained weight—are not kind.  The parade of stars is obviously interesting to watch, but it’s also a bit unnerving to see how fast 40 years went by. And how many stars have left our world.. the number of unfortunate deaths of cast members is normal with a program that spans four decades.. But the sharp recall it gives so many people seemingly makes them also think of their own demise..

Call me a little too negative on this, but I was reminded watching it of my own aging process as well.. Some may call me young yet.. But when you realize that you’re about 6 years younger than this program, you get the ‘oh boy’ moment..

There are some other things that are called to mind when seeing this many years of memories. First off, SNL is running shorter clips of the classics. They used to be 20 years old.. but now as they age, the life of the memories has become abbreviated to fit more..

And in fitting more, it also showcases how the ‘not ready for prime time’ comedians of the 1970s have led to a ‘does anyone still watch this show?’ mentality of our current age..

The modern world of comedy is a bit different.. The youth of today, for better or worse, like watching clips on Youtube or short 10 seconds VINES.. or even shorter three second GIFs.. Or better yet, one frame memes usually featuring some sarcastic or rude commentary about life. The live entertainment offered up on SNL is not cutting edge. While they have attempted to mix the internet generation onto their show, the last effective cast to do that was Andy Samberg. And really, he only gave us a ‘dick in the box’ as the fondest memory some have of him on the show..

I am really not trying to be negative—I am not. But seeing Chevy Chase’s weight start gathering around his neck like a brace, and “Opera Man” coming back, Steve Martin singing ‘King Tut’, and Dan Aykroyd blending up a fish al-la-70s style, I get a bit nostalgic. And a bit sad.. And quite honestly a bit too much.

Maybe some nostalgia should be left to the personal moment, the time when you’re alone and contemplating all you have seen and done.
Maybe this 40th anniversary special is a little unhealthy..

Yes, I am seeing the Facebook and Twitter messages of people “LOL”ing  .. And they are taking photographs of the show from the smart phone of the TV, mostly trying to brag about the APPLE TV or SAMSUNG in their homes… It all seems so vacant.. It seems so forced..
Compared to the early clips of racy and risky humor, the current incarnation of this show is overly safe and about as cutting edge than a dull butter knife.

This is my honest assessment and gut instinct of this NBC special..I may be wrong.. But it’s how I feel.

Perhaps I am alone..
Or maybe 40 years worth of three generations is LOL in spite of themselves tonight.. and when it’s over they will wonder where their night has gone. And their lives.. As the beat goes on.

Friday, February 13, 2015

NBC expands 'SNL 40th Anniversary Special' to more than three hours

SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE 40th anniversary special will be more than three hours long.. Which I think is well worth it. The show, for all its troubles through time, has given us memorable pop culture moments.. sadly most cast members were forgettable. 

Maybe it was because it was when I was younger and dumber, but I think some of the best humor on the show came from the 92-94 seasons and then the 97-2004 years.. The most recent few have showcased how the program is quickly losing its influence as the power of television wanes..

NBC expands 'SNL 40th Anniversary Special' to more than three hours

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

'SNL' Political Secrets Revealed: Hillary's "Entitlement," the Sketch Obama Killed and the Show's "Karl Rove"

The 2002 Saturday Night LIVE book has been updated.. and information is now becoming public about the new contents..

This is appearing in the Hollywood REPORTER, and it’s a fascinating tale of the inner workings of the program..

Saturday Night LIVE is an institution.. I personally think the show has lost its zeal and luster over the last few seasons, and the comedy appears to be toned down to appeal to a safer audience as opposed to the risky humor that made the show a hit to begin with.

But according to this story in the HR, there’s much much more than meets the eye behind the scenes..

Interesting read..

'SNL' Political Secrets Revealed: Hillary's "Entitlement," the Sketch Obama Killed and the Show's "Karl Rove"

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Saturday, October 5, 2013


Proving that anyone is funnier with Miley Cyrus’ tongue.. here we have a series of stars proving it, including House Speaker John Boehner, celebrated star Robert Goulet, Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan, and former Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell. 

Rounding out the photos.. Miley Cyrus proving anyone is funnier with hog dog eating contest hands in their mouths..

Good evening.

Enjoy SNL.

Tonight on SNL..the only.. the only.. the Virus. The Cyrus. 

She’s just being Molly.

Friday, July 12, 2013

I am going to attempt to stay out of the ever-so-controversial weeds of the George Zimmerman case..

But I can only say this.. I am annoyed, very annoyed actually, with the amount of times both the prosecution and defense used the word ‘really’ in their closing arguments. Apparently both sides have been watching lots of old Tina Fey/Seth Meyers “really” skits from the Weekend Update bit on Saturday Night Live.

It was completely overdone.

At one point the defense lawyer, you know the one who looks like a sick cross between John Kerry and Mark Furhman of OJ fame, said “really? really? really? really? ” .. .REALLY?!


The jury, all six strong, should have in lockstep shouted back ‘YES REALLY!’


Sunday, February 17, 2013


So tonight NBC decided to play a blast from the past. The Saturday Night LIVE pop culture show all about the 1990s. And originally aired in 2007.

So it’s not bad enough NBC is reminding people how old they’ve gotten, but they have to doubly do it by reminding us with a repeat of a reminder!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sure Jeopardy has Watson cleaning the clocks of human competitors, but no computer will ever be able to emulate the grand skits of yesteryear on SNL with fake Trebek and fake Sean Connery… Therapists for 100 Alex.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

A funny skit.. in a creepy kind of way..


“I have to say that seeing you in person is affecting me in a way I didn’t think it quite would.”

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Just a quick note..

Either my intelligence was completely insulted and my brain turned to mush watching Debbie Gibson and Tiffany be eaten by steroid-injected animals, but I thought Saturday Night Live with Jessie Eisenberg was one of the more creative and funnier shows in recent memory. That, or the past few shows have been so dismal. But I was pleasantly surprised.. Even the awkward and strange cameo of Mark Zuckerberg had humor, although I’d still rather watch Andy Samberg play Zuckerberg than Zuckerberg himself.