It’s pretty disgusting if you think about it..
But if you think this is bad, just imagine a grave yard in Hollywood.
Just kiddin’.
New study reveals the global impact of debris on marine life
It’s pretty disgusting if you think about it..
But if you think this is bad, just imagine a grave yard in Hollywood.
Just kiddin’.
We all know –or most of us I hope– that oceans are filled with plastic debris. It’s large wastelands of human consumption.. plastic bottles and everything else, like K-Cup pods and toothpaste holders. But the scary part, besides the destruction of beauty on the planet, is this:Plastic is getting into the food chain. Eventually you are always what you eat..
…hmm…did the United States find a new place to dump its used water bottles? Cassini probe now sees a plastic ingredient on Titan .. It reminds me of how much we don’t know about anything.. such as the planet made of glass.. and now a moon consisting of plastic..
Plastic Man will be renamed to Titan Man..
I rarely blog about the mundane nature of my existence, instead focusing on the horrific ways of our planet, but this one is a tale needing to be told of my night last night.
My chicken looked great.. until I cut into it and realized I left the plastic on it. And sadly it was so beautiful.. Curry seasoned plastic-covered chicken.. Baked to perfected.
It became food for maggots moments after I cut into the first piece and ended up with a 2 inch piece of plastic in my mouth. But it was the most delicious plastic I’ve ever eaten..
Does plastic still constitute as one ingredient in my one ingredient lifestyle..? Guess not..