Must be unpleasant..
Researchers Say Titan Smells Like Farts and Gasoline
…hmm…did the United States find a new place to dump its used water bottles? Cassini probe now sees a plastic ingredient on Titan .. It reminds me of how much we don’t know about anything.. such as the planet made of glass.. and now a moon consisting of plastic..
Plastic Man will be renamed to Titan Man..
News from space. The wild frontier that we don’t have enough money to spend to get there anymore. Besides private companies, of course.
Amazing universe: Solar tornadoes as big as the US eat up the sun’s atmosphere..and not only that, but there may be 11,000 super tornadoes on the sun’s surface!
This is how solar flares can kill: A distant planet had an entire atmosphere blasted away by solar flares 60 light years away fom Earth..
Saturn’s moon Titan may have an ocean beneath its surface!
Exhumed rocks reveal that Mars water ran deep..