So hard they would be permitted to leave marks.
You ARE in Kansas, Dorothy..
GIVE EM WHAT YOU GOT: Teachers could spank harder under bill pending in Kansas Legislature
So hard they would be permitted to leave marks.
You ARE in Kansas, Dorothy..
There seems to be a shift happening everywhere.. Art Bell coined the term the ‘quickening’ in the 1990s. I think we are living through it.. Humans are evolving to become zombies thanks to meth and Krokodil.. businesses are rapidly closing due to an evolving economy .. visit a mall lately?
And now this: Animals very well be becoming more aggressive towards human beings. Everything evolves..
Maybe animals are just getting sick of the ‘masters’ of the planet..? How long before Alfred Hitchcock’s THE BIRDS actually happens?
Yesterday we linked up news that the UN was going to condemn Lil Kim Jong Un in North Korea for crimes against humanity.
They did. And I read the report almost in full.. it reads like Nazi Germany.
I really get angry at people who say the atrocities committed during World War II are limited to the 20th Century.
Clearly they are not—they are happening now and Kim Jong Un is just one of the global players destroying goodness on this planet with his evil acts.
China has now rejected ‘unreasonable’ criticism of North Korea—obvious global political games still being played even though babies and innocent people are being slaughtered by Kim..
The UN report says that the crimes in North Korea has no parallel un the contemporary world. I fear they are wrong on that..
Perhaps the worst of the worst is Kim Jong UN forced mothers to drown their newborn children..
The drought in the West continues.
President Obama has used the subject in speeches about climate change.
Amid the wreckage that the drought is causing.
Bad form POTUS..
Bankers gone mad.. various sources across the Internets have been telling you about the dead banker count now being 6. They are all considered suicides—jumping off buildings in London and even shooting themselves in the head with nail guns were among the choices to self-expire. And now we add number 7: A JP Morgan banker leaps to his death in Hong Kong.. Of the information we know now: The man went to the 30-floor Charter House in Hong Kong.. police failed to convince him not to jump. JP says he was a junior level banker who played a role on several projects. Infowars has a wrap no the previous 6 suicides.. Anyone else besides me becoming very alarmed at this suicide rate lately? What else is happening that we don’t know..?
BUT… the dead bankers know something we don’t? Zero Hedge is reporting that George Soros is putting a ‘put’ on a big market crash..
DING DONG THE BANK IS HERE! Other banker news that may hit closer to home than some distant suicides—so close to home it could be on your own front door.. According to Capital One, they now have the ability to show up at your door and also your workplace.. They have told their customers that they could show up just about any time, and any place, that they please.. One person observed that not even the IRS has these powers without specific warrants..
And this: Venezuela is on the brink of some mighty bad financial times..
I don’t know what to say. . it’s a terrible day. America is suffering a clown shortage.
Really. We are.
Trade organizations fear that people just don’t want to be clowns anymore..
Here’s the clowndown: Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus are pretty worried over a lack of interest in people being clowns.. Interest in becoming one has declined…
So there you go unemployed college grads.. a new profession awaits.
Do you have what it takes?
When I read stories like this, I literally weep—and I mean that..
I link this story not to bring more added pain and misery to the man who now must face a life after this grim event, but because I hope you, reading this, can pray or ask God or ask Allah or ask the collective consciousness to bring some type of goodness or love to this man’s life..
I cannot even imagine the suffering endured by his family, and now by him..
…it is returning to New York City after 42 years.
Now that is cool.
Him as a host? Not sure about that.. time will tell.
But glad it’s back in New York City…there ‘TONIGHT’ begins.
I am amazed that no one is talking about doing an autopsy to even see how some of the 1,000 bodies died. No one..
I guess the suffering continues for the ‘lunatics’ of yesterday..
A massive asteroid, the size of three football fields, is flying by earth today.
The asteroid is 2000 EM26. You can watch the Slooh webcast starting at 9pm EDT on February 17 2014 ...
It will be 2.1million miles away (pretty close in space terms, right?) The GUARDIAN reports this:
But it is defined as a potentially hazardous near-Earth object (NEO) large enough to cause significant damage in the event of an impact. Scientists estimate the asteroid, travelling at 27,000mph, is 270 metres (885ft) wide.
At its closest approach at 2am UK time, the rock will be 2.1m miles from Earth, or 8.8 lunar distances.
It is happening almost exactly a year after the Chelyabinsk, Russia, hit. (Remember that night? We were watching one asteroid ‘safely’ fly by earth as another one almost hit!!?)
At least we knew about this one.. it was discovered back in the glory days of the post Clinton 90s on March 5, 2000. And now here we are.. 14 years later.. the fly by is on. Let’s hope no ‘junk’ comes with it…
We have been following the Latoya Ammons exorcism case (and subsequent movie deal that Father Maginot made with the makers of the CONJURING) ..
I think there is something else behind the scenes here.. Zak Bagans bought the case.. the priest is getting a stash of cash for selling the story.. Forgive me for doubt, but I just doubt at this point. Right now, the only credible ones appear to be the police.
And I want to hear FROM the hospital workers who saw the boy walk on the walls, now about HOW hospital workers saw a boy walk on walls…
Why have the most important eye witnesses been silent so far?
Bless you father, for you have profited.
This Florida online paper perfectly sums up the horror that is drugs, particularly bath salts, in the once great coal region of Pennsylvania ..This is a great article, written from looking in from the outside. Dennis Maley, the author, grew up in Schuylkill County PA, or as residents term it the “skook” .. He penned this article about a trip back and a sad view of how bath salts and other hardcore drugs have destroyed the last remaining goodness that was the county.
A few points from Maley:
I grew up in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, or the Skook as it’s affectionately known. It is an area that has suffered through a long history of problems with pervasive drug addiction. In that way, it’s no different than a lot of small, economically-depressed places that have fared poorly in the post-industrial economy. The stories are the same, but for some reason, the drugs are often different, perhaps reflecting the particular brand of desperation most prevalent in any particular geographical region.
He goes on..
I’d been hearing the tales for a long time, but by that last trip home the scope had become unthinkable. One after another, I heard dozens of stories about the ranks of friends and acquaintances who’d jumped to the dark side and become a “salter.” It wasn’t just the usual suspects either. Smart people with good jobs and intact families saw their lives quickly circle the drain before nose-diving down the pipe and into oblivion.
I myself have known people, or known of people, who suddenly lost their way and changed their entire personality due to drugs.. It’s a horrible thing, too. The zombie look that the face gets is frightening..
Another point from the author:
All of it felt surreal. I was without a frame of reference. This many people couldn’t be off the grid, living some underground life as fiends with an insatiable craving for some drug you bought in a head shop with cartoon pictures on the box. Then it happened … I saw one.
She was a formerly gorgeous girl, five years my junior and daughter of a family friend. Her face was hollowed out so deep that it called to mind the Skeletor character from the horrible live-action movie, based on the He-Man cartoon. Her once full lips were now pencil thin and scabbed over on at least half of their surface area. The doe-eyed baby blues I remembered as her most striking feature had narrowed into slits, leaving her with only a permanent expression that seemed to drip with cynicism. Then there was the assortment of scabs and open cuts dotting her face. Her teeth looked like they’d begun rotting in place and her once-curvy body had thinned to the point that I might have missed her, had she been standing sideways rather than facing me straight on.
I have seen the people he is describing.. I have seen beautiful young and hopeful people become destroyed because they made a choice to do some hardcore horrid things.
While you see the coal region close up every day, looking at it from a new perspective always gives you a fresh look.. Reading an account from someone who left before the bath salt and meth fad began here is striking.. Everything that was is gone. Things that were stable are not..
As the Coal Speaker has followed for years, you never know where you’ll find a meth lab in the area.. The Coal Speaker has also began documenting what I feel will be the ultimate demise of the area: Closed malls, schools, hospitals, and hope. Deep down, beyond all the facts and headlines, there is something else happening.
When I was a high schooler at the now defunct Cardinal Brennan High School in the roaring 90s, life was fine. Kids did bush parties—late night beer fests in the middle of corn fields or in hideouts in the woods. That was the test of a teenager… beer. Miller or Coors.. toxic sure… but things changed.
These days drugs are rampant.. And if you think the cops are immune you’re pretty naive to how things work.
There seems to be a disconnect—county leaders don’t realize just how fast and how much the area changed.. They don’t get the immense change that happened. And most don’t realize how much bath salts, meth, and other hard core drugs are responsible. War has come to our towns.. The drug war. And sobriety is losing.
Don’t get me wrong. The drug was has failed. But let’s not forget how it was meant to fail—the CIA has been busy beavers..
I feel like I am digressing.
Back to this article..
Despite your belief about drugs and whether we should jail people for them…there is something very rotten at the core of Schuylkill County.
It would make you happier. Really.
Even if you talk about the weather.
A new study has been released linking autism and other disorders of the brain to chemicals..
The LANCET NEUROLOGY journal—which is a peer reviewed and high respected publication.
Among the chemicals cited: Chlorpyrifos, Tetrachloroethylene, lead, methylmercury, polychlorinated biphenyls, arsenic, and toluene..
The other day, we read that 1 in 4 Americans don’t understand the basics of the rotation of the planet Earth around the sun. And now this today: More and more Americans think that astrology is real science. THANKS KATY PERRY
First in a new series I plan on doing: My daily doodle.
For the initial piece of awful art: a potty chair filled with excrement! Ayden had his first full weekend of 100% success in the potty training department. He had help from a TV, and a mean Skeletor bobble head that sat next to him.
I hope that my doodles improve with age. It has been about nine years now since I drew anything, and that was after an entire life of drawing daily.
So it’s time to start practicing again, a daily doodle may help..
This is the state of horror in the world—the real kind..
There is testimony from behind the cell walls of prison camps in North Korea. CNN reports this:
"A North Korean prison camp survivor told of a pregnant woman in a condition of near-starvation who gave birth to a baby — a new life born against all odds in a grim camp. A security agent heard the baby’s cries and beat the mother as a punishment. She begged him to let her keep the baby, but he kept beating her. With shaking hands, the mother was forced to pick up her newborn and put the baby face down in water until the cries stopped and a water bubble formed from the newborn’s mouth."
Beyond disgusting..beyond horrific.
This is real…
The crimes being committed against humanity are dreadful and continuous..
And now the big question at the United Nations:
Will NK ally China block action?
I took note this morning, despite the frigid air and snow covered ground, there are birds again. They are flying.. they are chirping.. they are looking for food. They are coming back. Yes, indeed.. spring will spring.
And with it comes severe weather, the risk of tornadoes destroying homes, hurricane season, El Nino, record heat, misery, air conditioners breaking, and morbid high temperatures making trousers soaked in sweat for the remainder of the day. That is summer.. and right now lots of people are begging Mama Nature to provide that. As for me? I’ll miss the cold. It’s already fleeting..
I am truly beginning to think colleges are a big BIG waste of time and effort. But then again, no one will consider you for work unless you have a degree from a University (Other than Phoenix)
I feel like starting my own school. the Google School of Self Knowledge.
You can take a test after four years of learning everything you want on Google. The test will be Google free, though, you cannot use a computer. If you pass, you get a degree..
Damn you Buzzfeed quiz that correctly labeled me a 90s person. Damn you.
It seems like every day we hear about cops killing homeless people or mentally challenged people.
Today we hear about them tasering a deaf man trying to communicate via sign language…
From the report:
The Greater Los Angeles Agency on Deafness is filing a lawsuit on behalf of Jonathan Meister, who was charged with assault as a result of the incident. According to the lawsuit, Meister was retrieving boxes he had left at a friend’s house when police, alerted by a neighbor to a possible burglary, arrived.
Officers Jeffrey Salmon, Jeffrey Tysl, Erica Bristow, and Mark Hultgren allegedly ordered Meister to stop loading the boxes into his car, but Meister could not hear the order. One of the officers then grabbed Meister by the hand, who
As Paul Simon wrote:
A man walks down the street
It’s a street in a strange world
Maybe it’s the Third World
Maybe it’s his first time around
He doesn’t speak the language
He holds no currency
He is a foreign man
He is surrounded by the sound
The sound
Cattle in the marketplace
Scatterlings and orphanages
He looks around, around
He sees angels in the architecture
Spinning in infinity
He says Amen and Hallelujah!
Other reports claim that the decision was the teacher’s all alone..
In 2014, do we really need to be banning this stuff? Seriously?
Showing he still has it to pick the best photos with headlines..
There are ups and downs in these games..
But boy are we bad this year.
The Olympics standings right now, numbers as of February 16 2014 at 3:30 PM
There are good people in the world..
What say you internet users: Right or wrong? Censorship or not?
Kendall Jenner nipple photo at fashion show deleted by INSTAGRAM ..
The question arises: Is she too young at 18 for sheer clothing?
If INSTAGRAM wanted to do anyone a favor, they’d lay off the nipple content and remove Justin Bieber’s account altogether.
Opinions out there fashionistas or nipple lovers?
As said yesterday.. I began feeling like Jack Torrance. Thankfully roads got cleared in time to make a grocery store run. It felt amazing to pay too much for groceries just because I was out.
I think there are times that some people impose cabin fever on themselves. There seems to be this thought, every time it is about to snow, that if people don’t get their bread and milk they are going to quite literally die. I have seen firsthand people panic and stock up on things, even though they live about 50 steps from the front door of a major grocery store..
I spoke to a local restaurant owner who told me he does not close when it snows, and since everyone else does, his business is typically better during storms. Smart move.
I myself get hungry for Chinese food during snowstorms. I can be confident that regardless of the day or weather, Chinese food will always be available.
I did read one news account that isn’t as kind to Miley as some others: “Miley Cyrus: From Foam finger to laughing stock..”
Not sure how many of the 1 in 4 also think the earth is flat.. (and 6000 years old) ..
The cross country Satanist murders…
This is a disturbing story (too close to my own home base as well for my comfort) ..
Nineteen-year-old Satanist Miranda Barbour said she and her 22-year-old husband killed a man in Port Treverton, PA in a sadistic way..
She also just gave an interview to the local newspaper, the DAILY ITEM, that quotes her commenting that she killed 22 people across the country so far in a Satanist romp..
She told the paper she can pinpoint them on a map and ‘stopped counting’ after 22 deaths..
According to the paper, the FBI has been inquiring into the case, giving some more credibility to her claims of multiple killings..
The story is also making national attention due to her claims of multiple killings— and it is another example of why you should be very careful on Craigslist..
Imagine someone downloading your entire brain onto a USB stick, or whatever future storage device is thought up.. I guess there would be good aspects to this ability.. But come on, folks, this is pretty freaky for the future.
Now to be honest, I’d love to opportunity to be able to download the previous night’s dreams. But what if we dream up something that may be perceived as criminal? In a future world, will we be punished for the subconscious thoughts?
Yes indeed. Downloading the brain sure sounds fun. Until you think about some interesting consequences of such advanced actions..
For anyone in the white shaded area—you know, the folks who have feet of snow on the ground—this is a scary image. It’s another ‘little’ storm coming for Monday into Tuesday.. Shovels and plows need to get ready one more time.
Tonight we took Ayden to get his favorite food: Pizza.. While there, the owner sent out his two kids to play with their Ninja Turtles with our son.. It was great. And it was a pure child bonding moment, giving mom and dad time to eat.
At one point, Ayden announced: “Watch this.” We all thought he was going to do some amazing thing with the Ninja Turtle toys, or perhaps recite something he memorized from his literature (for a three year old) ..Instead he proceeded to go to the muddy and slushy part of the hard tile floor of the restaurant, and he did a spot on tumble-set—quickly getting up saying he hurt his head.
That’s our boy.
So the big storm this week.. and another snowstorm happening today. There is a certainly part of me, each time I look out the window and hardly see the road in front of me due to giant snow piles, that I feel a little more like Jack Torrance from the SHINING.. Sure, I’m not living in a big vacant hotel .. And I don’t have spirits serving me drinks yet. But my God.. the insanity of being homebound .. the mind numbing winter that keeps you stuck in four walls.. I LOVE getting outside to shovel at this point. That’s just how crazy it is feeling..
“The Simpsons” is getting the LEGO treatment in May with a full episode animated using the popular blocks.
LEGOS seem to be all the rage..
LEGOS dominating at the box office …no matter the age.
And now the SIMPSONS..
I am enjoying it..
Just picture of the scene of panic during this one
Video evidence that despite the snow and cold, it’s never too soon to get your summer belly ready..
More than 200,000 people displaced and five airports have been closed as volcano erupts on Indonesian island.. Interesting to see how active the volcanoes have been on earth lately.. Any sign of anything or just a global belch?
It really gives me pause to see the images from Indonesia where this volcano has blown.. This is the most populous island, according to the AP. There are innocent people stuck in the cross hairs of a truly mean planet earth..
THIS is an amazing image..It comes from NASA and you care see, if you squint, Great Britain underneath a giant comma shaped Atlantic cyclone.
It was taken February 12.. and it’s one of those many storms bringing hell on earth to Great Britain, including massive winds and flooding rains.. Read more here..
And more on the weather striking: It has become the biggest rescue mission since the Blitz! 80MPH winds, heavy snow, and flooding rains.. And now pile line failures are igniting fires! This is the ongoing disaster facing the United Kingdom.. What amazes me most about this DAILY MAIL article is the variety of disaster photos.. whether it’s flooding or snow, fire or wind.. all are happening now across the pond as David Cameron tries to stay in charge of a fleeting moment in climate time.
Is the mainstream news getting exorcism crazed—or have demons started to run amuck!?
First the Latoya Ammons story was picked up by world media.. and now this: An ex-county commissioner in Brentwood Pennsylvania, near Pittsburgh, is now speaking out about demons possessing his home!
KDKA reports that Bob Cranmer says he waged a two year battle of good vs evil.
Cranmer says the evil entity in his home attacked his family—bites and scratches.. he said black shadows would slide on his walls.
As usual, you need to use your own discernment when reading these accounts..
And your faith, or non-faith, will sway you ..
But Bob Cranmer seems convinced..
I may not have been a blizzard, but my God there is a lot of snow.. And even the lack of the ‘term’ blizzard being given to a storm does not take severity away—especially those special moments, around midnight, when you are trying to shovel to prepare for the next today. And while you shovel, the wind whips your face with new fallen snow and the drifting begins on the paths you tried to clear.. Yes, that is really what winter is all about. It makes me chuckle to see the Sochi Olympics are experiencing record warmth this year. They should have picked somewhere in the Northeast and they would have been fine..
The snow is ending just in time for millions of spectators in life to celebrate commercialism at its best: Valentine’s Day. No modern holiday comes without its share of mystery and occult, though. Including this lover’s day.. It all goes back to love and fertility, and sacrifices to the gods.. There is a good wrap up of what the ancient meaning of the holiday is.. As for now? It’s to buy as many awful gifts for your loved one as you can at extremely high prices..
How about this: Express true love with honesty, goodness, and reality. Be real. Be you. Get a gift on days that don’t require it…
And that’s my speech.
This is the scene right now along the Pennsylvania turnpike, where up to 100 vehicles, or more, are piled up in a chain-reaction accident.. Follow it here..
There was a decision to LIFT speed restrictions along the highway—though it wasn’t even clear of ice and snow in portions!
For your reading pleasure and discernment, offered with no comments.
This is video of an amazing fireball streaking across the sky a few days ago in Maine.
It happened in broad daylight..
It could have been space junk. Or a meteor..
AP: Facebook is rolling out a change to its 159 million US users that will give them more options than ever before when it comes to choosing their gender.
A new, customizable option gives users about 50 different terms to identify their gender, including androgynous, bi-gender, intersex, gender fluid or transsexual.
Missing is trisexual.
Is the trisexual lobby this weak!?
Think the view outside your snowy window is frightening, check this.. A massive snowstorm hit Stavropol Russia with blinding winds and subzero temperatures, as this REUTERS image shows…
Spring will be here before you know it though..
And I predict by May and June we’ll be wishing the 90s and 100s would go away..
Come on Costas. Get some eye drops.
New Years eve has never been the same since Dick Clark died. And now we suck at the Olympics. Thanks to you.
Hope you’re happy.
But this goes to the overall question of assisted suicide in general.. not only for children, but for adults.
Medicine seems to have two functions right now. On one hand it’s trying to help relieve pain and help people survive (which is why opposition to medicinal pot is inane) and on the other hand it is trying to enforce a culture in which we need to decide when people die. When their time is up.. when no more miracles can happen.
I don’t know what to say about children in immense pain and suffering, nor about adults. It is a sad fact that happens every day—and yes, many of them want to die and I don’t doubt that many of them purposely die at their own hands. As I understand it, we would have people able to assist them in killing themselves.
I don’t know, also, what safeguards would put in effect that we don’t start killing off those who are, perhaps, societal rejects. Not that we ever did that before, humans have always been extremely kind to each other without violence or eugenics. Sarcasm bolded..
This is a tough subject for me, to be honest.. It’s a deep and difficult question: When should a suffering person be permitted, legally, to have help in ending their lives? When should their terminal illnesses be over.
And really, it goes far beyond medical and religious.. it delves into the spiritual. I read an interesting article by someone who said that suffering in the here and now is just a part of the never-ending reincarnated spirit that needs endure physical and emotional pain. I don’t know if I agree with that statement, but it shows that there are more than enough different opinions which can be expressed in this issue.
I also wonder this: What if a medical advancement occurs but since it’s cheaper to allow a child to die, we opt for the death over the procedure? I know, I know, a little less likely but .. a question I ponder.
Read this section from a report on the Belgium issue:
Foes of the law in the House said the proposal was full of holes.
"Can you tell me what a ‘state of discernment’ means?" asked Becq.
Does near death mean “three days, three weeks, six months?” asked Steven Vanackere, another Christian Democrat.
I am undecided over the morality .. I am also unprepared as a human to see human suffering at such unfair levels—especially when suffering children bring so much doubt that a God even exists..
But I say this: Is it a medical advancement to find cures and new treatment for disease to relieve suffering, or is it in fact advancing society to just ‘end it’ and give up? That’s a big, big question. And when you boil it down to an individual suffering, it may not matter a hill of beans. For the long term, though, it’s a truly moral issue that society will be grappling with.
Feel free to keep the conversation on this issue going.. Email me if you want too at
Thanks for the comment and sincere question. It caused me to think..
Here’s something controversial to ponder while you sit indoors during a snowstorm.. allowing sick children to opt to kill themselves.
I’d add in the ole ‘slippery slope’ argument..
I’d also say, if you’re for assisted suicide for adults, how do you make a distinction based on age?
There are so many moral implications and question.. so many reasons to argue.. And so many sick children …
On that note, if you’re for assisted suicide for children, what limit would you impose.. only sick? or sick and tired..
So many issues and so many problems with this.
Sounding the alarm to my Catholic and atheist readers alike: What say you all!?
These are three telling headlines in today’s POTTSVILLE REPUBLICAN AND HERALD.. A factory closing, a school having issues, and yet another store in the Frackville Schuylkill Mall shutting doors..
There was an old adage about the coal region of Pennsylvania: There’s a church and bar on every street corner. These days the churches have shuddered and even some bars too—it’s the bars closing that may bring pause…
A major hospital with 100+ years of history in Ashland Pennsylvania is now an empty vessel. The silhouette at night of the empty structure is a frightening sight..
Schools have closed and merged, leaving buildings to become dilapidated. This year, an old Catholic School Immaculate Heart in Girardville was taken down after days of heavy machinery chipping away at the heart of the building..
The people of the coal region, though often mocked for poor grammar, are good people. This was a good area.. But it’s fast becoming a land of no return, a place where no industry thrives.. A place where malls teeter on the brink of closure, where schools struggle not with grades but with meth and bath salts.. Where police dismantle their oath to protect and serve and instead sever ties with morality. This is an area where coal mines are abandoned, housing histories of millionaires.. but those millionaires’ homes just waste away into desolation.
There was once a close knit society in the region. When I grew up, things weren’t perfect, but they were fine. There were businesses, factories, churches, restaurants. Now there’s not. There’s little here.. There’s so little.
Are there still good people? Amazingly people.
Does the area still have a chance? That is a tougher question.
I have long believed that every town in the coal region could be the next Jim Thorpe. It could happen.. but it would take a lot.
And with industry constantly leaving, and more ‘things’ constantly closing, that is becoming a much harder prospect to fathom..
Right now, February 13, 2014, there’s a monster snowstorm hitting the coal region and other states along the East Coast.. The snow is covering the pollution and litter, the pothole filled roads, and the empty buildings. But when it melts, it will all be there again.
I am beginning to feel, strongly, that the coal region is not the place to raise my three-year-old son. He will not be growing up in the same place I was ..
That close knit society is losing thread.
The empty buildings have nothing to offer.
A vacant hospital two miles away can’t help.
And a mall without stores is the loneliest place in the world.
What is best.. trying to create a better place to live, or realizing that things are far beyond repair and going somewhere that is already a decent place to be?
That is the question..
And over the next year or two my wife and I will be debating that question..