THE LINES ARE OPEN! ASK ME ANYTHING! TELL ME ANYTHING! I may, or may not respond accordingly.
But a fact complicates that flawed thinking.. a fact like this: FEMA saw the FEWEST disasters in more than a decade..
Of course even the BIBLE says that God rested on the 7th day.. so I suppose Armageddon also takes breaks now and that for relaxation..?
Darkness during wartime..
83% of electricity in Syria has been wiped out due to war..
The before and after is like day and night..
That’s why you will not be president.
Barack Obama, in a joking response to Jimmy Kimmel last night after Kimmel said the first thing he’d do as president is open the files on AREA 51, Roswell, and UFOs..
And another UFO related quip from the show:
On President Clinton’s claim that he went through the secret files on extraterrestrials and found nothing:
"That’s what we’re instructed to say."
Obama went on to read ‘mean tweets’ . . his comments about UFOs are considered, of course, jokes.
But let’s not forget.. for a joke to truly work, there’s always a shed of truth behind it.. Perhaps it is why people like KIMMEL, who always seem to ask Presidents about UFOs, will not be President..
Kimmel had previously made some waves after asking former President Clinton about aliens.. at that time, Clinton was analyzed to have had ‘stressed’ behavior during his response.. I can’t find any analysis yet of Obama’s reaction..
Jokes.. Jokes.. laughable moments. Teachable moments?
Am I overreaching here?
So this pope could borrow a card from the Naztinger deck.. perhaps an early out..
Or the fulfillment of the prophecy of the POPES?
This very thing happened one year ago. In the very same spot..
….the year of the goat.
We are a social media obsessed nation. World. ETC.
And now there is scientific evidence that maybe all of this is ruining our life..
The money quote:
About 58% of people surveyed said “posting the perfect picture has prevented them from enjoying life experiences.” Sound familiar? Trying to get that perfect concert photo, or just the right sunset pic sometimes interferes with enjoying the experience itself.
I know a few folks who do this.. I will keep them nameless.. But there’s one intriguing facet of 20/20 vision on this. Even though I roll my eyes at a few people I know and love when they insist on getting the perfect picture, I do, years later, love going back and seeing that perfect picture existing.
Ahh.. the yin and yang of life..
Pretty sure this is the grossest thing I’ve seen this year: A condom that looks and SMELLS like pizza. No need to insert your own joke. No pun intended.
The plot thickens indeed.
This would also mean that during that last ‘good night’ message that came from Flight 370, the person listening could have been tucked away for a long night’s nap..
Astronomers have found the most conclusive evidence yet that a large watery ocean lies beneath the surface of Jupiter’s moon Ganymede.
SET SAIL FOR Ganymede!
Take a deep breath.. read the headline a few times until the true power of it sinks in. Jupiter’s moon.. a salty ocean..
Though it may seem like eons for my, it wasn’t too long ago that I learned in school how Earth was the only planet with life and water. And there were only 9. Boom. Done.
Now there’s trillions with untoldillions to be discovered. And maybe multiverses.. and Pluto is NOT a planet. But CERES has glowing balls of light emitting from it. And we are landing on asteroids.. and there’s a ROVER on MARS watching the sunset from the distant planet.. and TITAN may have water.. And MARS may have HAD water..
And we are stardust.
And there may be aliens..
And we are not alone.
This is an amazing time to be alive. It also makes me ponder if ‘disclosure’ is going to drip out slowly .. with each new story about water on some distant body in space, are we being primed for the ultimate: Not only water is abundant, but life is too?
From the LA TIMES STORY, a money quote:
"The solar system is now looking like a pretty soggy place," said Jim Green, director of planetary science at NASA. "The more we look at individual moons, the more we see that water is really in enormous abundance."
A soggy place.
Much different than those 1980s and 90s grade school textbooks in science. And even much more different than those 2013 textbooks.
Throw them all away.
Next up?
Jason Lazarus asked for photos that people couldn’t bear to hold on to, and this is what he received from anonymous donors.
There are some emotional photos included.. Even if we don’t know the story behind them, the untold words are monumental. Everyone has a story..Everyone has deep emotional scars, secrets of their existence.
I will not send mine to VICE but instead just publish it here.
This photo, for me, is too hard to keep. Goodbye to it.
A pilot either knowingly, or unknowingly, made a very phallic flight path in the sky over FLORIDA..
I suppose men never grow up..
Interesting article.. Worth the read.
The money quote:
Up to this announcement, any of the characters could have been gay. Admiral Akbar. Boba Fett. Hell, even, Lando Calrissian. Would it matter if Lando Calrissian was gay? Not at all. His role in the story wasn’t impacted by his sexual orientation. If I had read the headline ‘Lando Calrissian revealed as gay’, all I would have thought was ‘that makes sense: those overtures to Leia were overcompensation.’ Lando ran Cloud City, betrayed Han and friends, and redeemed himself by blowing up Death Star 2.0. Gay… straight… it didn’t matter.
We live in a time where everyone is desperate to label everything. To define what something is or isn’t because saying nothing somehow implies intolerance. To me, the Star WarsUniverse feels far more intolerant because they’ve flat out told me there’s been no gay characters in canon until now. I liked it better when there was ambiguity to it, because it had no impact on the story I was watching or comics I was reading.
NASA confirmed a fireball reported in the sky over Colorado and nearby states was an “Earthgrazer” meteor hitting the “atmosphere at a very shallow angle.”
Now we know..
There have been lots of fireballs lately.. But this COLORADO one may have been the biggest and brightest I have seen in some time..
A number of people reported bright lights over various part of Pennsylvania last night.. There were even reports closeby my home base of a number of blinking and floating lights in the air behind a church—I wrote a brief bit of info on that, explaining that both autumn and early spring are some of the more paranormal times of the year (http://horrorreport.com/2015/03/12/lights-and-nights/) ..
But now someone in my own family, more than 40 miles from the place I described in last night’s post, said he also say bright flashes of light outside of his house around 10pm ..
I checked the AMS site, and there were scattered reports around PA and NY (http://www.amsmeteors.org/members/imo_view/event/2015/656) .. can’t find anything that would concretely explain any of the weird lights being seen around Eastern Pennsylvania on Friday the 13th’s eve..
Yesterday, after seeing the newest cover of TIME magazine, I noted that Hillary Clinton is the latest in a long line of people to get the dreaded devil horns.
Seems that, while few ready my site and I have little importance, I was on to something that will not trend and become a story. Because today, TIME MAGAZINE is investigating why it keeps putting devil horns on people. Really.
Maybe it’s time that insiders start reading COAL SPEAKER on a regular basis.. We’re ahead of the curve as usual, with very few noting it.
There are rumors online that Vladimir Putin is either sick, or even dead!
The NYT says,
The last confirmed public sighting was at a meeting with Prime Minister Matteo Renzi of Italy on March 5 — although the Kremlin would have citizens think otherwise.
Given that the Kremlin borrows all manner of items from the Soviet playbook these days, there appeared to be an attempt to doctor the president’s timetable to show that all was well.
The KREMLIN is busy doing damage control..
The mystery deepens: Where’s VLAD the IMPALER…
This is how the ASSOCIATED PRESS dispatch reports it for the official record:
NASA launched four identical spacecraft Thursday on a billion-dollar mission to study the explosive give-and-take of the Earth and sun’s magnetic fields.
The unmanned Atlas rocket - and NASA’s Magnetospheric Multiscale spacecraft - soared into a clear late-night sky, right on time. Within two hours, all four observatories were flying free.
A billion bucks to study, as the AP also reports, this:
Magnetic reconnection is what happens when magnetic fields like those around Earth and the sun come together, break apart, then come together again, releasing vast energy. This repeated process drives the aurora, as well as solar storms that can disrupt communications and power on Earth. Data from this two-year mission should help scientists better understand so-called space weather.
While I am not trying to induce mass hysteria or concoct some elaborate conspiracy, the timing is amazing—to some, most likely, even suspect. CERN is back with a vengeance this weekend, as the large Hadron Collider is going to fire with DOUBLE the power as previously done.. With the restart, scientists are hoping to unravel the secrets of dark matter and the universe.. Clyde Lewis had a couple of shows and guests this past week that may raise eyebrows and speculative questions, including Anthony Patch, someone who clearly, not in the mainstream has been sounding an online alarm over the CERN restart..
Since CERN was just being planned, people feared it would create a gaping black hole or alternate reality for everyone living on earth. Some even argue that it did just that, thinning the veil in a sense and giving us a whole new vibration..
And now with NASA satellites traveling to the sky to study magnetic reconnection, and some CERN magnetic happenings, all eyes are on the multiverse this weekend. Let’s see how things go..
A red alert has been issued for Vanuatu as a massive cyclone begins to lash the South Pacific island nation.
With Cyclone Pam expected to deal a major blow to the island nation of Vanuatu, officials were pleading with the population to get to safety, or risk their lives.
The country spent Thursday stocking up and fortifying buildings for the cyclone’s strong winds, torrential rain and devastating storm surge, but experts fear the worst will happen if Pam hits Vanuatu’s population centers directly, especially the coastal capital, Port Vila.
The country’s government issued a red alert for all six provinces as Pam closed in, BBC said. The alert orders all of the South Pacific nation’s 250,000 residents to get to shelter immediately, the report added.
And even more intense, a tweet posted by a user Humans of Vanuatu says a few things about the storm, right now, as it hits:
Folks, I’ll be honest. It’s really bad out there. The wind is howling with a deep roar that just doesn’t let up. Anyone not in shelter now is in mortal danger. Frankly, I don’t think our country will make it through this without some deep scars.
The shutters are groaning like ghouls, but the power is still on, and my internet is still running full bore. Not sure how I’d be feeling if not for that….
Just got a text from some of the skeleton crew on the Tina 1, one of those ships opposite our house that you saw in the video. They’d love to get off the ship now, but they can’t. They’re stuck there for the duration.
This is PAM as she starts the terror on land:
A van carrying radioactive isotope Iridium-192 has crashed in north Bosnia, local media reported. The vehicle ran off the road after colliding with a car.
And more:
Iridium-192 is a radioactive isotope with a half-life of 73.83 days. It is also a strong gamma ray emitter and is commonly used as a gamma ray source in radiography and radiotherapy as a radiation source.
According to the UN, Iridium-192 is the isotope that most frequently goes missing when radioactive materials are used to make a dirty bomb.
See what happens on Friday the 13th?
For anyone who is a horror movie genre, I have a story on my other website about how I hope it’s coming back again.. I can be best described as the most incredulous anti-horror movie horror fan, usually being overly critical of junk and garbage I wish was never made. But the real horror fan in my celebrates the films of the genre that were game changers—those that contained the social commentary and hidden messages only a more intelligent viewer could pick up on..
I have also long believed that professional wrestling and horror movies are both the best ways, at any given time, to see what a ‘generation’ is all about.. You can also cleanly, it seems, chop that up into decades and it makes sense.
Would you be comfortable with an interactive Barbie that not only records your child’s voice but also uploads them to a cloud? It’s exists . And now child advocates want the toy production to be halted… Good luck fighting this.. my guess is even if the Barbie is banned now another one will come along soon..
If our washing machines will record us in our homes our Barbies will too..
At what point will we allow our old fashioned antiquated and wrong believes about the age and size of the universe dir? And when will we begin to think of the multiverse theory is a way that goes beyond just poking fun at the those who believe it..
Let’s not forget the news just released last week: We found a black hole that, if we are right about how black holes forn, is older than the time frame of the big bang..
Can we sometime soon just admit we practically don’t anything!?
So stop buying books claiming it and assuming it in your daily life.. you’ll be better off once you banish that nonsensical scientific fallacy from your full brain.
Anyone who thought the Department of pre crime was just some figment of some nineties movie’s imagination should have known better. This is how it will be, you will be watched and arrested before you commit a crime. The question will be how right or wrong the technology maybis..
A girl who vanished 14 years ago may have been seen.. or her doppelganger.. either way the FBI wants hell..
More here: http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/girl-who-vanished-14-may-have-been-spotted-eight-years-n321881
I still call this a Clinton duo plan: the image of the embattled candidate who fights back and wins.. genuis
Clinton’s own acknowledgement of the email controversy had previously been limited to a a single tweet, in which she called on the State Department to make public her emails.
While I don’t propose that as a definite, I only bring it up as a possibility..
What if.. what if.. Hillary and Bill thought this whole thing up? Triangulate, slowly drip out the news that Hillary may —cue the music— had a private email system on her personal server.. What if Bill and Hill figured to own this, they release it.. get bombarded, embattled.. and create Hillary as the Teflon woman, the iron lady of the United States.. the comeback kid of the 21st century..
I got this thought today during the theater of Hillary Clinton’s press conference.. she downplayed her scandal. And her first questioner—one that noticeably was chosen by a media handler—asked Hill basically, if a man did what she did, would people care? And Hillary handled it with ease, a smile, and a knowing ‘thank you’ without stating it.
She won today—I know lots of people say she didn’t.. But she won.
In one sense, people like the notion of Hillary because, face it, it’s going to get fun again. Politics will be theater again, good theater.. MEET THE PRESS may actually become a must watch again..
I could be completely wrong about this theory, maybe absolutely wrong.
But as the email slow drip starts, if we see very positive emails of a commander possible Commander In Chief directing situations with ease, then my theory will become more than just a theory..
Yes indeed.
90s style.
RIP Sam Simon, the co-creator of the Simpsons..
He was only 59 years young.. his agent said he was battling colon cancer and today lost that battle..
He also worked on TAXI and CHEERS..
Published reports tonight say that Simon had previously decided to give his entire fortune to charity..
We knew this was coming 15 years ago.
Now it has..
It’s hard to believe that it’s been one year since the MH370 nightmare started on the planet. And even more unsettling, it took one year until we were told that the locator beacon battery was expired.
A new twist..
A new angle..
A new conspiracy.
Nothing ever made sense to me about this news story—nothing. The phone calls that supposedly were being made AFTER the flight went down.. the endless searches in various portions of ocean.. the strange passengers.
And now this newest bit of lunacy: The expired pinger.
Nothing made sense and nothing will.
We are one year into a mystery that rocked aviation and has become one of the biggest mysteries that will live on well after this generation expires..
He wrote, in part:
Substitute teacher Sheila Kearns did a very stupid thing when she showed a horror movie to a Columbus, Ohio high school class. But she doesn’t deserve to go to jail.
And this:
Kearns showed abysmal judgment—although she maintained throughout her trial she was unaware of the film’s content. She should never be allowed near a classroom again. But jail? These were high schoolers. Not kindergarteners.
I am in full agreement and have written countless stories on my website concerning this case, and the bizarre chastisement of this woman as some sort of modern day witch. I wonder if her race had something to do with it..
There is a point of ridiculousness too. Chances are most of the students in the class already saw the ABCS OF DEATH–and if they did they would realize it wasn’t even that great of a movie, even the lower forms of people who live and breathe snuff films were not overly excited about this or even the sequel..
Rockoff writes more,
More disturbing than the draconian sentence is the law under which Kearns was prosecuted. Her crime falls under an umbrella of moral codes known colloquially as “obscenity laws.” And while they might seem like a relic from a time when rock and roll was the devil’s music, they’re still on the books in almost every state in the Union.
I am glad, truly glad, that someone besides me is 1) paying attention to this story and 2) upset by the insanity of putting a woman in prison for something that, under all scenarios, isn’t a crime..
A big greetings to all of the new followers who landed on the COAL SPEAKER page this week. Humans.. Humanoids.. alien hybrids.. Art Bell fans. We’re all the same.
For those just joining us, the Coal Speaker is constantly on a quest for world peace and information, truth, and justice.
You can also find the more paranormal and bizarre side of me on www.horrorreport.com, my other site.
Or just peruse the annals of history here on COAL SPEAKER.
Either way, stick around. Even you, PORN BOT who may be fake.
HARRISON FORD is alive and well after a plane crash.. so you had to figure jokes like this were coming.
The DRESS went viral last week. Is it black? Blue? Yellow? Or white..
So many debates took place in living rooms across America. While President Obama was mum on NET NEUTRALITY, and the real for the new Internet still had yet to be revealed (AND STILL HAS YET TO BE REVEALED), the debate over a dress color went viral and cruel. It even divided my family..
No better time like now to capitalize on the event..
Which is exactly what The SALVATION ARMY is doing with a new advertising featuring a battered woman wearing the very dress that caused so much pointless division among the millions debating it..
The ad says this: “Is it so hard 2 see black & blue? 1 in 6 women are victims’ … Along with those words: An image of a woman, clearly with the makeup of abuse on her body, in the dress–clearly this time a dress that is gold and white.
The campaign showcases how marketing is now done: Cheap and efficient. And effective all around.
At one time, the question was: Does art imitate life or does life imitate art?
Now the real mystery may be: Is life a meme or are memes just life? And amazing fodder for viral marketing techniques..
The overall response from Facebook and Twitter users seeing the marketing campaign has been positive–the dress is ad is powerful and now puts important colors into perspective–things that really matter..
Not in the ARTBELL.COM description is the other side of the coin: The power of Bellgab. The world has yet to find out how much influence they have with the night time voice of the night owls..
Amazing set of headlines.. “Sex-horror’ film? Yeesh..
Now, the chapter is closed with the sentencing today of Sheila Kearns.. One I still don’t get completely.
But no one else seems to be a little queasy with an African American teacher being thrown into jail for showing a horror movie–a legal horror movie–to a class.
AS a matter of fact, media sources are busy playing up the ‘horror’ of her crime, as evidenced by insane headlines running across the NET:
Anne Barnard in the NEW YORK TIMES has the best report online tonight regarding what ISIS has just to the ancient site of NIMRUD in Northern Iraq..
Barnard writes,
It was the latest in a series of attacks on ancient structures and artifacts in Syria and Iraq that the group has destroyed in the name of its harsh interpretation of Islamic law. Last week, Islamic State militants videotaped themselves destroying statues and artifacts in the Mosul Museum and at the Nergal Gate entryway to ancient Nineveh. The militants captured the city during its offensive blitz through much of Iraq last June. “The terrorist gangs of ISIS are continuing to defy the will of the world and the feelings of humanity after they committed a new crime that belongs to its idiotic series,” the ministry said in a statement on its Facebook page, referring to the Islamic State, also known as ISIS, ISIL or Daesh.
And more:
Nimrud is the sprawling site of a city founded by the Assyrian King Shalamansar I, who died in 1245 B.C. Among the most impressive objects at Nimrud are the colossal statues known as “lamassu,” mythological creatures that depict either lions or winged bulls with bearded human heads. Pairs of the 17-ton statues are at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the British Museum.
More on the breaking news today from NBC NEWS dispatches:
A statement from Iraq’s Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities didn’t elaborate on the extent of the damage, saying only that the group continues to “defy the will of the world and the feelings of humanity” with this latest act.
Nimrud was the site of what has been called one of the greatest archaeological sites ever discovered in history..
It’s a high tangled web.. I’d rather not get involved or I’ll quit too.
More here.. http://www.refinery29.com/2015/03/83204/taylor-swift-tumblr-bully
Incidentally back in the summer of 2010, I also quit Tumblr after a band of neo Nazis started to hate me after posting a historic quote about Adolf hitler.. I soon reentered the fray.. haven’t quit since. but u always could. .
CNN is reporting this as though it’s new.. anyone paying attention to alternative news, such as Shoebot.com, will find this news as no shock. ISIS is murdering gays by throwing them off of buildings.. I think it’s about time a number of groups who have been outraged as the slow progress of LGBT rights in places like Russia—and even sometimes America—begin to educate them on the crimes against humanity taking place daily in places controlled by ISIS…
Just When You Thought driverless Cars Were A Far Way Away.. You’re Wrong. . They are coming next year..
So get ready the grave new road of technology..
The future is bright..and fresh and cold. But if you’re like me you’re both anticipating the amazing ability of a just in time future of groceries but also completely creeped out by the logical and negative conclusions of the brave new world. Get ready for your future. GMO automatically delivered when your smart fridge decides….
THE ABCs OF DEATH case settled..
COLUMBUS, Ohio — A former substitute teacher convicted of showing a movie including graphic sex and violence to a high school class was sentenced on Wednesday to 90 days in jail.
Sheila Kearns, who was convicted in January of four felony counts, apologized in court, saying she hadn’t watched the movie before showing it to her Spanish classes at Columbus’ East High School in April 2013. The movie, “The ABCs of Death,” consists of 26 chapters, each depicting some form of grisly death and representing a letter of the alphabet, such as “E is for Exterminate,” ”O is for Orgasm” and “T is for Toilet.”
She faced a greater amount of prison time than this..
I still don’t even understand how she is getting prison time for showing a movie that released in various venues and one that most people in the class probably already saw in some form or another at home.. A firing justified? Yes. Prison time? I still don’t get that..
A fun little debate is soaring on the BELLGAB website and also on my other site// the HORROR REPORT is covering the situation of Ellen from iHeartRadio asserting a copyright claim over not only Coast to Coast AM programs that U7RADIO.ORG is playing, but also SIRIUS XM Dark Matter shows..
If you’re interested read in full here..
The HOLLYWOOD REPORTER posted the exclusive ..
MISERY was one of Stephen King’s greatest books.. A musical version of the story fascinates me. As does the choice of Willis.
Hope it all works out fine..
MASSIVE eruptions in Japan - Sakurajima Volcano blows its top
This is your anscestor. And mine.
As a matter of fact, according to a report today, it’s the jawbone of one of the fist humans. Phallab Ghosh from BBC reports,
The 2.8 million-year-old specimen is 400,000 years older than researchers thought that our kind first emerged.
The discovery in Ethiopia suggests climate change spurred the transition from tree dweller to upright walker.
The head of the research team told BBC News that the find gives the first insight into “the most important transitions in human evolution”.
And it’s a link with the famed LUCY.
The early human. Defined by a jaw. Not a brain. That stuff came later.
Another snowy night.. potentially a housebound day tomorrow for lots of folks in the eye of THOR.. So why not turn off the lights, close the blinds, and entice your mind with a movie about the surreal, unreal, and paranormal. DARK SKIES is one of those films. Try it on for size—an abduction movie with dark shadow aliens, the Greys, evolves quickly into what I think was one of the most legitimately scary and good movies I’ve seen in quite some time.
There are some memorable scenes.. memorable characters. Specifically the idea that the other worldly suddenly presents itself into the lives of mundane people is freaky.
Besides one annoying scene I thought was plagiarism—a family sitting down to a dinner prior to an alien invasion like in SIGNS—the movie was strong and had a good alien premise. If you like alien movies. Or scary ones..
Add to the agenda a dark room and healthy snacks..I think it’s worth it.
Find it on NETFLIX if you can’t find it anywhere else..
After the movie, lighten the mood with the Ballad of the Greys.
Proof is in the prison pudding?
According to potential Republican presidential candidate BEN CARSON, being gay is a choice.. He points to the prison population.. And said you go in straight but come out gay..
No he really said this.
Because a lot of people who go into prison go into prison straight — and when they come out, they’re gay. So, did something happen while they were in there? Ask yourself that question
So I did ask myself that question. And in the search yield of results, I found a study from Just Detention International that says while prison rape is a problem, many times the idea of relations are anecdotal.. But even that study did not prove any ‘gay’ or straight facts..
Maybe Candidate Carson should also read this 2012 story from the UK GUARDIAN portraying the truth about being gay in prison. Sadhbh Walsh wrote,
The reality of life in prison for homosexuals and transgender individuals does not appear to reflect this myth. One young man named Rodney, imprisoned for fraud and check-forging, sent me a detailed account of his life so far in prison. He described a litany of brutal rapes, assaults, beatings and, eventually, the total abandonment of his male identity as his only means of survival in the hyper-masculine and often homophobic prison environment. His account suggests that far from being a paradise, prison for gay men can be a living hell.
I think if Ben Carson wants to continue in his quest for office, he best get an advisor. Also if this is an indication of other beliefs, he may also want to avoid questions on evolution and try not to get stumped on the names of world leaders.
U.S. Ambassador to South Korea Mark Lippert was injured in an attack in Seoul, possibly by more than one person, according to U.S. government sources.
Police in Seoul say Lippert was cut with a razor blade. Lippert is being treated. A suspect has been detained.
Homer Simpson predicted the mass of the Higgs boson in a 1998 episode of The Simpsons, according to a science writer.
In The Wizard of Evergreen Terrace episode, Homer is shown in front of a blackboard working on an equation.
Twelve years later, scientists at the Large Hadron Collider discovered the Higgs boson.
A case of the fluffy whites..
Candidate for Pennsylvania Senate, Joe Sestak, makes news for wearing sneakers from 1987..
Something strange is happening in the skies of PARIS.
And here.. (Some of the most damning findings released)
But there will be no prosecution of Darren Wilson..
I am not in favor of censorship.. but I don’t think the banning of this type of film has me particularly upset.. There is a certain style of torture movie I typically avoid.
However.. In no way am I in favor of this being banned.. Or anything else.
A note of caution: Don’t Google “what to do with an enormous carrot” at work..
I believe this message was sent based on a post from 6 months ago in which I referred to a dead autumn copperhead in front of my house.
I grew up when winter set in.. now with spring on the way and the birth of new little evil baby snakes, my fear will come back.
But I will attempt to grow up. I am in my 30s, and a male. So right about now is the prime time to grow up, right?
Monsanto just got a new bow-tie wearing fan..
What gives?
Growing scientific evidence suggests a future where our brains may prematurely fail in later life through under-use, thanks to Mother Nature’s rule that we ‘use it or lose it’.
This makes some sense to me.. we are not ‘wired’ to be as wired as we are.. It may take a couple of generations to get in the groove.. until we merge with machine, it will be a bumpy and depressing ride..
This is shocking.
It’s the first time McDonalds has admitted to actually using CHICKEN.
I kid, I kid..
This is a good first step though.. now if they take the REST of the plastic and garbage out of their product, we will get somewhere.
Food CAN BE fast. And healthy.. It is just up to consumers to demand it. Thanks to the FOOD BABE and others like her, it’s happening..
Let’s label this the DE-CRAPPENING.
Devil in a blue dress.
Or was the stress white?
Either way a brand new story about an old affair—the man who painted Bill Clinton reveals the secret Monica Lewinsky Easter egg hidden within..
I did not get the chance until just this weekend to see GONE GIRL.. But finally, my son’s sleeping hour, my wife and I sat down to watch this.. I am a little bit disappointed with the end. I will not spoil it—though I will tell you that you see the full package of Affleck during a scene—but the movie was too great to have such a let down finale..
I have no full review, and perhaps no point. But it’s the internet, I don’t have to.
Am I alone in my dislike of the ending of this movie? It’s so bad it makes me actually dislike the entire film, though until the final five minutes it was perhaps one of the greatest movies I’ve seen in years…
It also reminded me of how much I don’t want Ben Affleck to be BATMAN..
Liz Kearney in the SALT LAKE CITY TRIBUNE has a good report on this somewhat unsettling event.. and this part caught my eye the most:
Longtime locals swimming at Boiling River on Feb. 22 told Livingston Enterprise Managing Editor Justin Post the water seemed hotter than they’ve ever remembered it. A small cascade of hot water which in the past has been pleasant to sit under was unapproachably hot one recent Sunday, Post said.
Heasler, who has been with the park for about 12 years, said he and his staff aren’t absolutely certain what’s going on, but they are examining a couple of theories.
There have been tons of websites scaring me for years about Yellowstone.. And then tons of public statements from officials tell me and everyone else not to worry..
I follow DUTCHSINCE to get the truth..(you should too) ..
And now mainstream news is talking about how the Boiling River is hotter than every—in the wintertime.. Fear mongering from the SALT LAKE CITY TRIBUNE it is not..just them reporting facts and theories..
But the ever so scary potential for a Yellowstone event lingers in the back of America’s collective consciousness..
A very brutal murder of a 13-year-old boy is rocking Japan—and people are wondering it was inspired by ISIS..