Saturday, May 12, 2012

The top-secret US National Security Agency is not required to reveal any deal it may have with Google to help protect against cyber attacks, an appeals court ruled Friday. The US Court of Appeals in Washington upheld a lower court decision that said the NSA need not confirm or deny any relationship with Google, because its governing statutes allow it keep such information secret

The top-secret US National Security Agency is not required to reveal any deal it may have with Google to help protect against cyber attacks, an appeals court ruled Friday. The US Court of Appeals in Washington upheld a lower court decision that said the NSA need not confirm or deny any relationship with Google, because its governing statutes allow it keep such information secret

Remember the asteroid Vesta? Turns out now that scientists say it is actually a tiny planet

Call me crazy, but I had a hunch that Richard C. Hoaxland Hoagland was on to something..

Remember the asteroid Vesta? Turns out now that scientists say it is actually a tiny planet

Chile asks fishermen to help save birds caught in nets; Chilean beaches littered with dead fowl

There is always something about news accounts of animals beaching themselves or thousands of dead birds being found in a single week that freak me out a bit. 

Animals many times are harbingers.. They are sometimes more clued in to earth and how things work than humans.

We can learn a thing or two perhaps if we stopped and thought about these profound numbers of dead birds along Chilean beaches. If we care.

Chile asks fishermen to help save birds caught in nets; Chilean beaches littered with dead fowl

No room left on land.. so we are turning our oceans into a giant landfill of plastic waste. Good show, humans.

….There will be ramifications. Don’t we care?

No room left on land.. so we are turning our oceans into a giant landfill of plastic waste. Good show, humans.

HOLD THAT END TIMES SCENARIO! A new calender from the Mayans seems to point to life after 2012. Like we should be shocked..

…I know, I know. You were hoping for destruction and mayhem on December 21, 2012. 

Well.. being earth, that is entirely possible. But surely not the end …. Mayhem and destruction never has an end.

HOLD THAT END TIMES SCENARIO! A new calender from the Mayans seems to point to life after 2012. Like we should be shocked..

Friday, May 11, 2012

The EPA weighs in

The agency says that Dimock, PA water is safe… so anyone in the mood for bottled Dimock water ?!?

The movie ouster graphic design industry: Cutthroat to say the least

The movie ouster graphic design industry: Cutthroat to say the least

DARK SHADOWS is being released this week. No way it will outdo what AVENGERS did last weekend.. and maybe it should not. I like Tim Burton, or at least liked him. His films are creative.. interesting. The whole Johnny Depp/Burton constant connection is nice in a way, but also.. unsettling. I don’t necessarily think that every film Burton makes needs to have Depp in the main role. 

Even more, the true question I have about this is whether DARK SHADOWS was meant to be a dark comedy or more of a true horror. A lot of good horror and creative scares could have been done. Instead, as Burton would predictably do, he turned it seemingly into a 21st century BEETLEJUICE. Which in itself isn’t bad.. but is it what should be?

I am interested in reactions of you all care to share any. Did you see the film, and what did you think?

Thursday, May 10, 2012

If anyone out there is like me you’ve been paying close attention to sunspot AR1476. I realized this sunspot looked familiar and just figured it out: It’s in the shape of Hawaii. Except Hawaii doesn’t blow off massive CMEs that could devastate Earth’s power grid.

Well there’s region 1476. Let’s wish ourselves good luck for a day..

Now this is cool.

Why look for UFOs when there are UWOs (underwater weird objects) right beneath us!?

This video was taken by cameras looking at an underwater drill recently near England. It shows a massive blob of a brown creature. 

The brown blob has a name: A Deepstaria enigmatica jellyfish.

While the entire video is fascinating, I really started getting amazed around 3:15 seconds into it..

This video clearly defines the reasons I am frightened of the deep, dark ocean. I don’t even have to add words to explain..

A cool breeze.. a shower.. and a rainbow. All in a spring day.

This photo was taken at Bloomsburg University.

( Compliments Kate. Good picture. )

The newest edition of PLAYBOY. Oh wait.. That’s TIME mag. This month featuring a Vladimir Putin centerfold spread.

Trying desperately to keep print alive, TIME? …

Feet don't fail him now

Tough night last night .. Little Ayden sprained his foot trying to play soccer in the house. He may be a sports star one day. But not at age 1.5..

The little person is doing ok, though. Getting a good sleep now after a very long day at the emergency room and eating Wendy’s French Fries last night … Yes, we let him splurge, Michelle Obama would not be fond of his post-sprain diet.

In the old days you got a recovering child a toy. Now toy stores are closed.. so we just add to childhood obesity. I guess. Or something like that.

I knew parenthood was stressful.. But I guess I just never understood that stressful meant….it’s stressful !!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Earth looks to the sky: Monster solar event may soon occur..() Big sunspot dramatically developing..

Heard someone say .. a solar flare would do us good. But think of how much reliance we have on .. technology. No hands. Just keys.

The just in time life we have lived for a half century would potentially end with a burst of the sun

So no.. I don’t hope for a flare to end all satellites. Instead I pray it won’t happen. But as we know, everything is eventual..

So is monster sunspot1476 the one? The killshot? Cue Dr. Doom Ed Dames. Somewhere on some mountain, he must be ready, right?

Besides impending solar doom, everything else here on the pale blue dot seems to be .. as erratic and insane as ever..

Saturday, May 5, 2012

If the light from the supermoon keeps you awake throughout the early hours of Sunday morning, take a few moments or an hour or two and listen in to John B. Wells host Leonard Mlodinow on Coast to Coast AM about how we may be shaped more by the unconscious mind than the one that’s conscious. 

The supermoon rises.

Hopefully not a bad moon rising.

A beautiful scene from my window. Hopefully the view of the moon is just as wonderful where you are.. Moments like this make me just focus my eyes on the sky and wonder just what else is out there millions of billions of light years away that we will never know..

A large new sunspot is forming..

A large new sunspot is forming..

A space weather forecaster is warning: A truly damaging solar storm could happen soon, and the world is not ready

Not ready at all!

A few people have said over the years I’ve don’t this site that there have been too many solar updates.. so many sunspots, so little time. And I have stood by my fascination and fear of the sun since day one. 

Mike Hapgood’s conclusion makes me continue to fear the blast that do harm. Hope it never happens.. but people who stare at the sun long enough know it will. 

A space weather forecaster is warning: A truly damaging solar storm could happen soon, and the world is not ready

Matt Drudge has a headline running tonight about the Obama campaign kickoff: 

I’d like to say maybe we just should call it half full?

Depends on your party affiliation I suppose.

Independents will just stay neutral.

Oh, by the way, Sunday marks 6 months until the election. And six months until your television, radio, newspapers, and internet will not be under a hostile takeover of campaign donors, big corporations, and politicians. Good luck. Clear the cache on November 7.


A distorted view of an Italian restaurant.  Not the kind Billy Joel sang of but the kind that a child can yell in. Ayden loves pizza. 

Columbia Secret Service escort Dania Suarez says she fears for her safety

Columbia Secret Service escort Dania Suarez says she fears for her safety

And here I have always thought Andre Linoge did it!? 

New clues are being revealed in the lost colony of Roanoke Island..  Maps are helping.

The mystery isn’t solved yet. But researchers seem hopeful that they are close.


For years we have seen reports that Facebook is actually making people lonely.. what if, instead, it is actually making us more anxious?

For years we have seen reports that Facebook is actually making people lonely.. what if, instead, it is actually making us more anxious?


Sad day ..

And one that is making me feel a bit old to be honest.

With the death of Adam Yauch and the sudden “flashbacks” to Beastie Boy days of the 80s.

Indeed old time is a flyin’..

That same Boy that’s Beastie today tomorrow will be dyin’.

RIP Adam Yauch

When NATO comes to town: Lockdown being planned for NATO summit in Chicago.. plans to shut down roads.. changes to public transportation routes expected..

When NATO comes to town: Lockdown being planned for NATO summit in Chicago.. plans to shut down roads.. changes to public transportation routes expected..

Study: Amish farm kids "remarkably" immune from allergies..

..and autism.

Here’s a hint to those who laugh at the Amish: Maybe we should figure just what it is that they are doing right.

Study: Amish farm kids "remarkably" immune from allergies..

Friday, May 4, 2012

Very interesting..

Blond hair gene… how it evolved..

Mystery of Solomon Islands Blonds begins to be understood..

The heat is on..

Welcome to the summer!
Box office blasts ready.. First up.. AVENGERS..
Already the film has scored the highest midnight opening of all time.. Record setting weekend coming? The full moon will be bright over crowds heading to see the first box smash of summer ‘12.. Feeling like a good year for movies? Maybe.. Insiders predict $172 mil for AVENGERS is possible. 
The film opening this weekend in 4,349 theaters strong.. 

Next week the box office mania continues with DARK SHADOWS opening in 3,700 theaters.. Can Johnny Depp and Tim Burton NOT freak out America enough to create a decently sized opening weekend? Time will tell. 

So who is going to AVENGERS this weekend?

At 11:34 p.m. EDT Saturday night, the moon will be about 221,802 miles from Earth. That's about 15,300 miles closer than average

Yes indeed.. the supermoon is coming.

Can’t wait to see photos stream all over the net..

Thursday, May 3, 2012

A new spray can get you drunk within seconds.. and sober just as quick

A new spray can get you drunk within seconds.. and sober just as quick

A storm followed by a beautiful foggy orange sunset here in the Coal Region of PA.. Bring on Friday

NJ mom arrested for taking her 6 year old tanning.. I’m frankly just in shock at her face..

Good read: Mother Jones on why we should be worried about the 'lone' mad cow case

Good read: Mother Jones on why we should be worried about the 'lone' mad cow case

Dr. Mary Neal from last year on Dr. Oz..

I just heard her the other night on Coast to Coast AM. Her story sounds profound.

But profound why? Because as a skeptic she now believes in near death experiences and God? Or because the brain convinces dying people that God exists…? I wish we knew.. ?

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Many men lie about girlfriends that they have had.. but what about the President of the United States? Apparently he did about his "New York girlfriend" who saw a play with him.. He wrote about it in his memoir. Turns out that it... really didn't happen

Many men lie about girlfriends that they have had.. but what about the President of the United States? Apparently he did about his "New York girlfriend" who saw a play with him.. He wrote about it in his memoir. Turns out that it... really didn't happen

I am slightly addicted to Temple Run

Ok.. More than slightly.


I’m an enormous BATMAN fan.. even more of a fan of the Nolan films than any other. The latest trailer was released… 

All I can say is this: If a movie trailer can raise the hairs on my arms and cause my eyes to swell with tears, I cannot even imagine what the whole movie will do. 

Yes I’m not ashamed to admit it. DARK KNIGHT RISES may make me, a 31-year-old grown man, weep.

One question. 

What do you think about this man?

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The UK DAILY MAIL publishes a story that respects UFO abductees and gives them a forum to speak.. drawings as well of the supposed aliens that took them


The UK DAILY MAIL publishes a story that respects UFO abductees and gives them a forum to speak.. drawings as well of the supposed aliens that took them

We’re here to take your liver: Facebook begins new organ donor ‘share status’..

No really.. Facebook users can now share as their status whether they are an organ donor or not. I don’t want to debate the pros and cons of organ donation or broadcasting it to the world on Facebook. But I did want an excuse to post a photo from one of my favorite movies, THE MEANING OF LIFE.. The scene with organ donations cannot be forgotten. Hope the folks who show up at your door for your liver don’t exist. If they do, they will be busy checking Facebook for their next patient.

Man discovers he has a broken neck--and has had one for 40 years!

Man discovers he has a broken neck--and has had one for 40 years!

I'm your Venus, I'm your fire

Once in (our) lifetime event: Last chance to see Venus transit for over 100 years.. Pretty cool stuff. Hope the skies are clear.. and speaking of Venus 100 years ago when people saw it last time: History: A Historican weaves thrilling tale of 18th century expeditions to see Venus transit..

It makes me slightly sad that we don’t have edge of the seat expiditions anymore. Things are too easy. Let’s make space exploration dangerous again!

The groans. The moans. The tones. And Canada is getting really annoyed

The Earth may be making strange sounds.. but Canada seems to be thinking the noises it is hearing are coming from the United States!

The Wall Street JOURNAL reports that residents in Ontario are blaming the noises for illnesses, whipping dogs into frenzies, and keeping cats housebound.. 

Americans cannot seem to hear it.

Only people in the “Windsor Hum” area..

Is it Detroit?

Is America itself groaning?

There sure is lots to groan about, right?

Paul vs. Paul The epic economic debate. No really, it was just that cool to hear them both debate like civil people.

Paul vs. Paul The epic economic debate. No really, it was just that cool to hear them both debate like civil people.

Boxers gone wild!

This photo illustrates how brutal of a hit Tony Pietrantonio’s face took in Atlantic City.. Wow.

Monday, April 30, 2012


[soundcloud url=""]

Some might say.. indeed.

Travel with me back to the the mid 90s.. peace and prosperity, minus the brewing crises of war and economic peril.. It was fun. 

And Oasis was fun to.

This song, SOME MIGHT SAY, brought to you by SoundCloud and Tumblr. Turn up the volume, crack open whatever cold beverage or brew whatever hot one.. 

I think this song feature the best line in any song ever written, 

Some might say they don’t believe in heaven

Go and tell that to the man who lives in hell

Holy crap is that Adam Sandler?!

My wife after she saw a photo of Hugo Chavez. No, it indeed is not Adam Sandler.

I am bothered by some email forwards lately

I will be honest. I hate email forwards. Really despise the long joke format emails, too.. If you are going to send a forward, I contend the best of them are just the quick one liners or just a quick photo. And do a favor to the receiver, delete all the nonsense email addresses and other names of people who got it for the previous year.

That all being said.. I really really despite People of Walmart forwards.

The website is hugely popular. I’ve been to it. I walk away from it being lightly amused and first and then … well.. disturbed. Not disturbed by the “people” of Walmart but by the whole concept that, regardless of how much of fool you may look like in our yellow thong or high boots, someone is ready to snap a photo of you and post it online. Your face isn’t blurred.. your image captured for the amusement of others who now get it in email—people who probably pick their noses and rear ends and look just a foolish at times as the people they are laughing at.

Earlier today I posted a quick link about a new APP that tells you if you are ugly or not. Maybe you are really attractive. 

Instead I’d opt for the app to tell me if someone is ugly deep down in their soul. 

I love a good laugh. But constantly laughing at the expense of other? ..that I am not fond of.

Some history just got made today. From the ruins of Ground Zero over a decade ago to this, today: The Freedom Tower, 1 World Trade Center, is not taller than the Empire State Building.

Not bad for a project that seemed to almost never get off the ground, excuse the pun. 

From those tragic days in the post 9/11 world, cleaning up dust and debris, bodies and souls.. to this. 

History made today.

And you thought the human race was lazy today! Just imagine the our species when they can sit back in a space age style couch and zoom across the land. That’s right, Toyota unveils the couch of the future… 

Just hopefully they account for the average weight of humanity soaring over the 300 pound mark. Big seats?

The state of our culture.. A new APP can tell if you (and someone else) is ugly

The state of our culture.. A new APP can tell if you (and someone else) is ugly

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Blow by blow.. but not laugh by laugh.. a website DEADLINE.COM reviews Jimmy Kimmel and President Barack Obama.. verdict: Flatline

Blow by blow.. but not laugh by laugh.. a website DEADLINE.COM reviews Jimmy Kimmel and President Barack Obama.. verdict: Flatline
What’s the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull? A pit bull is delicious

President Obama last night at the White House Correspondents Dinner.

I guess it was funny.

Humor has changed in the past few years.. Presidents stopped “looking for weapons of mass destruction” during the comedy hour in favor of jokes about eating canines. 

Bye weekend. It’s been real.

Ayden Morris has the whole train to himself.. Hope you are all as lucky. Happy Sunday

Missed this notable story from yesterday.. a 4.1 quake was downgraded to a 3.8 but the real story is that it was near the San Andreas fault and it was felt in Los Angeles.. 

More from CNN on the quake. No major damages.. 

It was not on the San Andreas fault. But close. Too close for comfort?

If you have been watching lately the ring of fire in the Pacific is .. well… on fire. Is it only a matter of time? Well of course the answer is yes. It is only a matter of time for virtually anything on this planet. Hopefully a big one won’t hit like it did in the past.. But with how active the ring has been as of late, this latest “near” Andreas quake is a little too close for comfort… 

This is America, 2012: A teenager in Houston is back home after a dodge ball game ended with him being violently beaten..

He underwent surgery on his cheekbones. He’s 14. A boy punched him repeatedly in the face after he was “bumped,” according to cops. The photo now of Preston Hodge was posted by a family friend. He told CBS news that he wanted to illustrate bullying in the once great American school system..

Interestingly, the comments on the story from CBS in Houston seem to be revolving around the race of the victim and the race of the beater… 

The world is going mad. We are divided we stand? For now.

Hope justice prevails. Hope the 14-year-old victim recovers.. And here’s hoping the future is a little brighter than the dark times this current generation is seeing.

Sometimes I think this nation has gone to hell. Not even in a hand basket. It would be too comfortable in one.

Sunday morning sidewalk reading

From Live Science, here is an interesting listing of nations that are the most religious and the most atheist..

Interestingly, only a little more than 4% of people from Japan are certain of the existence of God. After the year that they have had, who can really blame them?

Saturday, April 28, 2012

The strange sounds still being heard around the world

Sky roars, bird choruses, and all those sounds. People who follow me or read this  occasion may be aware that I am a close follower and interested person in the alleged “strange noises” and sounds being heard around the world. From trumpets and horns to metallic train like jolts to megawhirls that sound like jets. It runs the field.

And now, according to a site I check often, more sounds have been heard in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and other places.

In addition to that, if you listened to Coast to Coast AM this past week, Linda Moulton Howe was on with a decent report about the noises across the globe and some new accounts from April 2012.

I say alleged noises because, besides YouTube, I have not heard these noises first hand. But I did receive a message from someone who said she has heard the noises and what she reports made my skin get some chills:

I don’t believe this is a hoax. It may be on youtube, but I have heard these strange noises myself along with several others. Although unexplainable to ourselves, I heard every explanation available. Jet engines echoing off the mountains, wind, mountain goat groaning, electromagnetic anomaly, etc. Good thing it wasn’t interfering with our communications, huh? I think this is something you will have to hear for yourselves.

I think people from Clintonville, Kiev, the UK, Russia, China, and other towns, counties, and nations that have been hearing the booms and noises, would all say the same thing. The USGS explained away the booms in Clintonville with a 1.5 quake.. but many residents, some who messaged me, were not convinced and not secure in the explanation. I don’t think I’d be either, quite frankly.

So what is it?

Gas extraction?
Earth changing?

The core moving.. ? so many questions. So few answers. So many rumbles … 

First monetary collapse and now this: Suicides have Greece on edge

It has been a rough time for the Greeks.. Turmoil and protests in the streets.. austerity measures.. massive layoffs and hikes in fees and taxes. Economy constantly teetering on the brink of complete mayhem.. And for some, apparently, mayhem took hold and they ended it all: Suic

ides are putting Greeks on edge just before an election..

More from Reuters on the official accounting of this story.. The Reuters report begins,

On Monday, a 38-year-old geology lecturer hanged himself from a lamp post in Athens and on the same day a 35-year-old priest jumped to his death off his balcony in northern Greece. On Wednesday, a 23-year-old student shot himself in the head

Reuters points out that Greece had the lowest suicide rate in the world. Things seem to be changing as the economy falters. And people are taking notice in the nation ..

Reuters continues,

Before shooting himself during morning rush hour on April 4 on Syntagma Square across from the Greek parliament building, the 77-year-old pensioner took a moment to jot down a note.

"I see no other solution than this dignified end to my life so I don’t find myself fishing through garbage cans for sustenance," wrote Christoulas, who has since become a national symbol of the austerity-induced pain that is squeezing millions.

Greek media have since reported similar suicides almost daily, worsening a sense of gloom going into next week’s election, called after Prime Minister Lucas Papademos’s interim government completed its mandate to secure a new rescue deal from foreign creditors by cutting spending further.

The tragic and dire situation that Greece finds itself in has this very real and human element. People are ending it all, people who had decent careers and decent families.. and once decent middle class lives. 

Earlier this year, in January, widespread reporting took place around the world about the horror of Greek children being abandoned on the street by parents who could not afford them anymore..

There seems to be a rise in mental health issues. 
And family issues.
Oh, yes, and money issues too.

Greece, the once great powerful nation. Perhaps the troubles and tribulations that now befall on the good people of Greece are just cautionary tales about how, despite our wealth, we too can lose it all.. And maybe if the richest men are only wealthy in material and now spirit, this cautionary tale becomes a freight train of horror blasting down the tracks for the rest of the modern world…

Life in the universe may not be as abundant as you'd think with millions of potential earth like planets say scientists who ponder if life on earth is a fluke..

And I wonder this based on the pondering of the highly educated: If life on earth is a fluke then it makes me almost have to ask whether the human species is a parasite? Did earth develop a disease named life? Or is it instead a message that somewhere the old debated book we call the Bible is on to something that science is finally realizing: Human are special and in the image of God?

Weighty questions, I guess, for a weekend..?

Interesting political strategy.. While Mitt Romney makes headlines and continues to win states, Ron Paul silently winning lots of convention delegates

Interesting political strategy.. While Mitt Romney makes headlines and continues to win states, Ron Paul silently winning lots of convention delegates

The movies I want to see this year.. what ones are you looking forward to?

For me it’s only three: 




That’s about it. How about you?

Good luck to the folks at Knoebels today as their spring/summer 2012 season begins. If you’re ever near the coal veins of Pennsylvania, you may want to consider a voyage to the little amusement park nestled in the woods. It’s clean and reasonable.. It’s not huge but what is the need.. and while I get no money for this little text advertisement, I will be spending money there this season accordingly. My son won’t be tall enough for most rides but .. he can watch. 

Good luck Knoebels.

The 'Holy Grail' of planets discovered

We’ve been hearing about potentially millions of billions of trillions of planets existing in the galaxy for months now with the discoveries that Kepler has given us. Finally, it appears that astronomers have found a planet that people could maybe live on. But… Scientists found the planet, Gliese 667Cc, orbiting around a red dwarf star, 22 light years away from the earth. Which is really far away.. So don’t pack your bags yet. You’re confined to the little blue dot for the time being. Future generations though may make it more important to get off this dot depending on how many resources have been depleted by the time we master the art of light year travel..

The 'Holy Grail' of planets discovered

Thursday, April 26, 2012

A man describes waking up during a surgery

He said it was a nightmare. I can only imagine. And hope I never experience it. This is a deep fear in me.. and if you think about it long enough it will be a fear for you too.

A man describes waking up during a surgery

Mom says that Facebook flagged a photo of her son with Down Syndrome as inappropriate

Mom says that Facebook flagged a photo of her son with Down Syndrome as inappropriate

Forget SOPA: Enter CISPA. The House just approved it. Obama said he will veto it. But he said he'd veto things before and didn't.. Watch this one..

Forget SOPA: Enter CISPA. The House just approved it. Obama said he will veto it. But he said he'd veto things before and didn't.. Watch this one..

Just when UFO enthusiasts thought they got proof.. in comes the skeptics with facts. Some thought this image showed a space ship near the sun. Others with degrees and most likely huge school loan bills say is a collection of cosmic rays.

So who do you trust.. hubba hubba hubba.. who do you trust?

Labor Department withdraws child labor farm rules

Labor Department withdraws child labor farm rules

Food should not kill you, right?

Tell that to people who make it..

Subways have never been safe.. but now iPhones and iPads on subways are the least safe of all

Subways have never been safe.. but now iPhones and iPads on subways are the least safe of all

Just when you thought you were getting ahead of the game. . . comes this study

Sure, my pudding expires December 21 2012 and lots of other people think people in general will, too. But we can’t lose hope. Fukushima may have blasted the planet with extreme radiation.. others worry about our online rights being suddenly stripped with the next bill that has too long of an acronym to even understand anymore. And the weather is crazy, isn’t it? Slightly maddening cows hopefully didn’t get into our meat supply, even though South Korea banned our imports. We will still eat them. Beef, it’s what for dinner. 20 years later you may go mad, too.

But all that aside, life isn’t that bad, right?

Enter this study: The planet Earth is ready to face a century of disasters.

That’s right.. not just a few weeks, or a month.. or a year or two. No, this report goes all the way: A whole century. But the time humans make it to the 22nd, if we should be so lucky as a species, generations may look back on us in 2012 and say ‘these poor schmucks didn’t know what was about to hit them!’

The Royal Society seems to know. They say world population needs to be ‘stabalised’ (British spelling) in order to take awayeth from the rich nations and giveth to the poor nations.  Yes, indeed. Agenda 21 anyone? Perhaps conspiracy theories of population control are right after all?

What surprised me was that this report didn’t talk much about the most pressing issue set to face our world in the next 20 or so years: Water. Just peruse your local video rental store…..oh wait they are all shut down… Go to Netflix, you won’t find these in the local RedBox: 5 documentaries that you must see to understand the water crisis that we face—in our lifetime.. 

But instead of worrying about clean water and air… let’s frack. Seriously.. Fracking make it all go away.

But it does seem to cause an increase in manmade earthquakes, doesn’t it? If you care. Most of the fracking in rural areas anyway. And what person REALLY cares about the rural area anyway. 

Besides the Obama administration, which wants to limit what farmhands can do. 

Little House on the Prairie. Now regulated!?

Get me Bill Gates! I need a vaccine.

My rambling Thursday morning whatever. Over and out.


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

So what is he thinking.. the knowing eyes… will he return? Will he stick to shortwave.. Ham is his handle and Coast is the past? Interesting new photo of Art Bell posted tonight by Mr. Bell himself on his Facebook page. Radio equipment in the back, apparently not getting dusty and actually quite clean after the 2011 fire extinguisher incident.

So now what?
Until we know, you can find him hamming it up on Echolink, if you have the technological knowledge to do so.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

X X X 

Billionaires to pursue riches in the asteroid belt..
It’s not just about mining.. it’s about politics.
And try this: Maybe it’s about hubris, too.. ?

ShortFormBlog: US officials confirm 4th domestic case of mad-cow disease


The diseased animal “at no time presented a risk to the food supply or human health,” the USDA says. Officials discovered the animal at a rendering facility in central California, which they have not chosen to name. During a briefing in Washington, USDA chief veterinarian John Clifford assured…

At no time.. At no time.. at no time.

No risk at all to food?… No risk.

No risk.

Saying it over and over again makes it all more true, right?

ShortFormBlog: US officials confirm 4th domestic case of mad-cow disease

Sunday, April 22, 2012

ACLU: It looks like there is slick little trick brewing in Congress. Supporters of locking people up without charge or trial are getting ready to play yet another trick on the American people.

ACLU: It looks like there is slick little trick brewing in Congress. Supporters of locking people up without charge or trial are getting ready to play yet another trick on the American people.

I am following this story.. you should too: Suspicious stain found in basement search for Etan Patz..

I don’t know where the case is going, but I can only imagine how emotional it is for the family.. the family that probably never got over the day that Etan Patz vanished. 

How do you deal with this type of tragedy? Some may say just end your own life.. but what about the chances that your child may return.. and you’d miss it. Or the chances your child’s abductor may soon be found, decades later?

Are two mysteries linked? I don't know but it's a compelling possibility..

The cycle of destruction? Could it be that there is a common denominator between colony collapse and autism? Birds and the bees and the kids and the trees.. we are all connected after all.. So why wouldn’t chemicals hit us all, too..?

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Sad news tonight.. Jonathan Frid, the actor who played Barnabas Collins on Dark Shadows has died.. too bad he couldn’t make it to the Johnny Depp movie premiere, or maybe good he couldn’t.. I have odd feelings about the Depp DARK SHADOWS..Tim Burton and Co. may have outdone themselves.Or just worked to freak us all out yet again.. HorrorReportCOM But as for Barnabas, no was better than Jonathon Frid.. Good show, Mr. Frid. You were the best soap opera vampire of all time.

New Graffiti Highway art in Centralia PA

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Parody photo. Real headline and news story: The Vatican is ordering a “crackdown” on “radical” nuns in the United States, you know, the type that have the audacity to not wear habits or challenge bishops. 

Wonder how the crackdown will go. And what exactly occurs during a 21st Century Catholic crackdown is anyone’s guess.. most likely won’t be the same as one that occurred to women in the 1st. Just a hunch.

Happenings from the most happnin' of happnin' planets in the Milky Way

AFP reporting: “Agricultural authorities in northwest China have culled about 95,000 chickens after an outbreak of the H5N1 bird flu virus, state press reported Wednesday”.. Chinese government says “epidemic is now under control”..

Bishop implicated in sex scandal.. Philadelphia man told a jury Wednesday that the Archdiocese of Philadelphia priest who allegedly sexually abused him for years starting in the late 1970s had said a colleague who is now a bishop in West Virginia also had sex with teenage boys..

The hottest March in decades for the United States.. the coldest May coming for the UK? According to forecasters, the coldest in 100 years is coming to the UK, putting summer on hold, and introducing the possibility of biting winds, snow, and cold..

Cops take students’ DNA for murder case—without parental consent..

Neolithic acoustics of Stonehenge revealed by academics..

Marketing early: Kids grow up addicted to online porn sites..

Extreme Universe puzzle deepens..

Space Shuttle Discovery will have a new home: A museum..

Update: Volcanic activity recorded at mountain near Mexico City..

Giving credit where credit is due: Ryan Seacrest says AMERICAN IDOL would never have existed if it was not for Dick Clark..
Reaction from the entertainment world to “world’s oldest teenager’s” death..
Dick Clark: Smooth and unstoppable..
Clark’s fortune was worth millions..

Nurse who is accused of killing mother and kidnapping baby will begin court life..

The Secret Service scandal continues to emerge.. Now news that the prostitution party was pre-planned.. one of the women invovled with the scandal in Columbia speaks.. ABC reporting reports that the Presidential Advance Team did their own advance work for their own personal sexual needs.. They reserved a space large enough for 30 people before traveling to a club.. The woman involved said she has ‘nervous attacks’ and ‘this is really big’..
Indeed it is.

There is something oddly comforting about watching DEAL OR NO DEAL reruns

I wish there was a return to DEAL OR NO DEAL .. where are they now type of show. Where exactly did they spend that $5 grand that the banker gave them…

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Reporting at its best..?


The POST story seems to me aiming to attempt journalism when they write about the Popocatepetl volcano.. until the second sentence when the author writes, “not a good thing”..

The ‘reporting’ continues when the POST says, “It is also a little bit freaky, in a Krakatoa kind of way”.. It also said the “lava dome was growing in the volcano crater like a teenager’s pimple on the eve of prom night”.. 

Regarding how dangerous of a situation it is, the POST doesn’t let us down with yet another bad pun and reference to pop culture: “Authorities raised the alert level to high yellow, or 5 on a scale of 7 (with 7 presumably being something out of a Michael Bay film).”

And you say hardnose journalism is dead! You claim real news is a thing of the past. 
And you know what? You’re right. Apparently real reporting about very serious things is dead. 

Monday, April 16, 2012

Winds of change. The stench it is all the same all over again.

I noticed something tonight.. My area, for those who don’t know, really doesn’t change much. If you travel away for a while and come back you’ll feel like you are stuck in the same age.. which has benefits and negatives all in the same. You know what ground you stand on. But you also don’t reap in the glory that changing of scenery can offer.

Tonight, as the typical early spring breeze blew and the sun set, I noticed something. Maybe it was a revelation—one that I will botch up and not do justice by even typing it out in rambling thought. But the breeze blew, birds’ chirps resounded around me like a chorus of warmth, and the sun finally gave way to the night sky. And I thought: Is earth just a classroom in which people roll through now and then for a lesson? Or instead, are we constantly rolling through the same planet? Are we recycling over and over again on earth, trying to get this right? I don’t know. I don’t even know where my thoughts took me.. 

I think it was one of those moment in time split second glimpse of the thin veil that divides this realm and another. 

I mean, I looked at this sunset with birds singing and wondered if it is the first time this generation of birds were here? Maybe they were just recycled and came back again since they were so good at filling a spring evening with refreshing music. Maybe. And maybe I was here before. And saw that same sunset for centuries. Maybe? Getting a little weird yet?

Think of it.. if your each down into the water and grab a fish, what do you do the fish, besides let it gag and garble to death? You make it see a vision of a whole new world .. even if it is only for seconds. 

I think from time to time, when we have momentary lapses of reason, we chip away at the shroud that keeps us from understanding a higher purpose. Or power. Or … nothing?

Maybe there is nothing.
And maybe there is something.
And maybe there is reincarnation.
And maybe there is everything.

I just don’t know.

I bet you don’t either. Which makes my abhorrently un-understandable diatribe I just typed all the more ‘out there’..

Wanna take a ride!!!??

The voice of Coast to Coast AM since Art Bell in the 1990s through this year has been Ross Mitchell. His deep voice and sometimes frightening delivery during some of the best shows in the past made those best shows even better. But now, he isn’t working for Coast to Coast AM anymore. He now announces for competitor RED EYE RADIO.. 

The end of an era? 

Some already thought George Noory has taken the show to new lows over the past several years since Art Bell left full time and now altogether. And with the absence of Ross Mitchell, those voices have only become louder.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

A dad in action! Ayden Morris’ newest ability to leap small couches with a single bound still isn’t injury proof. Thankfully I was there to capture.. Mom caught the image during a video take.. 

Internet freedom in the crosshairs of some very big people around the world

Google’s Sergey Brin says the threats range from governments trying to control citizens to the rise of Facebook and Apple-style ‘walled gardens’.. Excellent must read GUARDIAN article..

Internet freedom in the crosshairs of some very big people around the world

Here is how some schools discipline kids with special needs: They shock them 31 times for not taking off a coat.

This story should be should be fake. But the tortuous treatment occurred while teachers chuckled at it all. But get this: The school uses shock therapy to “help” the kids..

These stories are not confined to the distant past .. there are now.

Here is how some schools discipline kids with special needs: They shock them 31 times for not taking off a coat.

Girls just wanna have fun.

A website gets a hold of some photos of Hillary Clinton downing a brew and rocking the dance floor

This can’t do anything but make you like her.

And it is not at all like the embarrassing situation that the Secret Service agents caused the nation..

What the hell was someone thinking part two: This whole Secret Service prostitution flap comes down to this: $47

What the hell was someone thinking part two: This whole Secret Service prostitution flap comes down to this: $47

Hold the spicy tuna roll.. More than 100 across the nation sick from salmonella linked to yellowfin tuna..

For all my friends and foes that enjoyed this year's mild winter--get ready.. Tick season is knocking on the door and it is going to be a very bad year

Hence: The reason I love cold and snow when it should snow with cold. 

For all my friends and foes that enjoyed this year's mild winter--get ready.. Tick season is knocking on the door and it is going to be a very bad year