DARK SHADOWS is being released this week. No way it will outdo what AVENGERS did last weekend.. and maybe it should not. I like Tim Burton, or at least liked him. His films are creative.. interesting. The whole Johnny Depp/Burton constant connection is nice in a way, but also.. unsettling. I don’t necessarily think that every film Burton makes needs to have Depp in the main role.
Even more, the true question I have about this is whether DARK SHADOWS was meant to be a dark comedy or more of a true horror. A lot of good horror and creative scares could have been done. Instead, as Burton would predictably do, he turned it seemingly into a 21st century BEETLEJUICE. Which in itself isn’t bad.. but is it what should be?
I am interested in reactions of you all care to share any. Did you see the film, and what did you think?
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