Thursday, January 26, 2012
My goodness.. she's just being Miley indeed..
Did you all see the newest photos of Miley Cyrus having too much fun with a cake..? I cannot even bring myself to put the the photo on here..
Midday slump.. News of the world
Global earth groan phenomenon continues .. Strange noises heard and reported on in Saskatoon.. Are they electromagnetic? If not what are they ..
Atheists plan to build a temple to worship nothing..
Madonna plans to bring ‘gay’ to the Superbowl..
Artificial intelligence .. 'Predictive policing expanding throughout the globe..
NWS confirmed 2 of Wdnesday’s tornadoes as EF-0, in Pearland and Brenham, TX…
Is this month’s strangely severe weather a a sign of a violent spring to come?
Are dolphins multilingual?
Bird knocked out of orbit by ….orb?
Demolition crews snap ghostly photograph in house before it gets destroyed..
Apple defends itself after New York TIMES story on factory conditions in China reveals potential abuses..
Pat Sajak admits to hosting the Wheel of Fortune drunk
But… It is the wheel of fortune. It should be THE RULE to host it drunk..
Pat Sajak admits to hosting the Wheel of Fortune drunk
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Top of the morning
Watch: Sunspot 1408 being monitored for additional potential solar activity in coming days..
The earth is groaning .. The earth is moaning.. But maybe it’s just power lines? Or a UFO.. wide ranging theories exist on the strange noises being heard around the world—and on YouTube shortly thereafter ..
People laugh as cops shoot a man to death..
Strange noises in the sky being blamed on US testing..
Amanda Knox may return to Italy .. By choice..
Parts of the Sahara hit with snow ..
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
The laundry list.. telling kids not to drop out.. telling America he saved the auto industry.. wants a bill on his desk to create jobs..Obama on immigration reform: ‘Send me a law that gives them the chance to earn their citizenship’
The election year has officially started..
A big shoutout to Newt Mitt or Jeb.. you will be facing a very strong and effective leader..
I am STILL standing by my prediction of a November blowout with Obama winning.. the type of election landslide we have not seen since Reagan..
Think of it this way: a root canal may be one of the most painful procedures a dentist can perform. Now just imagine if a dentist uses paper clips instead of posts !
While it may be unfathomable to ponder, it happened.. A dentist admitted to doing just that and is pleading guilty for it..
Silence can be deafening
The newest message from Pope Benedict is urging people who are slammed with blogs and inundated with tweets to do one thing: Try to be silent. At least for a little while.. the Pope’s message may actually resonate with more than jut people of a catholic faith.. Who isn’t slammed with too much information? Who is not overburdened by useless emails? An who, really, is not a slave to their phone..?
Pope Prada’s message surely resonates with me.. Shhhh..
Monday, January 23, 2012
GET READY: The strongest geomagnetic storm in more than six years was forecast to hit Earth's magnetic field on Tuesday, and it could affect airline routes, power grids and satellites, the U.S. Space Weather Prediction Center said.
Some people have messaged me on here throughout my time on CoalSpeaker asking why I spend so much time thinking about and reporting on solar flares. This massive belch from the solar center of our little set of life is the reason why..
GET READY: The strongest geomagnetic storm in more than six years was forecast to hit Earth's magnetic field on Tuesday, and it could affect airline routes, power grids and satellites, the U.S. Space Weather Prediction Center said.
Watching this 18th debate tonight..
I get the impression that Newt Gingrich is blessed with an overabundance of confidence.. that Mitt Romney’s face looks like it may lose Florida.. that Rick Santorum wants to pray.. and that Ron Paul desperately wishes we would end the FED.
Just another debate … free oranges for all.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Do you suffer from memory loss? Well it's quite possible you had 'mind blowing sex,' as researchers say it could actually hurt memory..
……..what was I just saying..?
Do you suffer from memory loss? Well it's quite possible you had 'mind blowing sex,' as researchers say it could actually hurt memory..
An AMERICAN SPECTATOR writer says he infiltrated OccupyDC and helped incite a riot--just in order to write an article about it..
Patrick Howley said he helped incite a riot at the National Air and Space Museum on Saturday afternoon and was pepper-sprayed in the process..
I don’t feel one bit bad for him for being pepper sprayed…
An AMERICAN SPECTATOR writer says he infiltrated OccupyDC and helped incite a riot--just in order to write an article about it..
Canary rumblings.
The total population of La Restinga has now been evacuated… epicenter of seismic activity seems shifting toward the center of El Hierro.. Government raises alarm level to a red alert..
Evacuations amid a seabed volcano eruption..
And yes.. various rumors abound online of a big East Coast tsunami rolling after a big earth change in the Canaries.. the problem for me with this contention is that I have not, yet at least, heard any serious discussion about it besides crazed internet folks who regularly say the end is coming anyway.
But… that doesn’t mean it can’t and won’t happen. And another reminder of how fragile the ground we walk on can so often be..
How about a Herman Cain Drinking game? Simple rules
For those watching tonight, perhaps a political drinking game is in order: Watch until Herman Cain talks about the ‘999’ plan, turn off the debate, and just start drinking.
Weighty endorsement
Busy day in Republican politics.. Chris Christie threw his weight behind Mitt Romney.. Mitt was not injured..
But injury may come in a different dose for Romney, who may be asked some questions about a White House document dump saying HIS health care plan was the basis for the Obama plan!
Protests are spreading throughout the nation! Anger is building.. and the knowing eye of Diane Sawyer is watching, perched high the fray from her Manhattan window, complete with a cocktail and flaxseed biscuits. Ms. Sawyer’s reporting of the event that not only is it spreading in the United States but in a lot of countries too. Like 1,000!?
Sure thing. Sawyer said Monday that the protests ““as of tonight, it has spread to more than 250 American cities, more than a thousand countries — every continent but Antarctica.”
So to that I say! Wall Street protesters! It’s time to occupy Antarctica! It’s time to revolt and let those ice shields know who’s boss. Oh the times they are are a changin’.. Cold or no cold. Sweat away the capitalism and tell that icy refuge for no one just what you think.
Then Ms. Sawyer can report on the last country on earth that finally has a protest.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Horror gone too far?
I’ve been following the by Australia while it horrifies others..
Friend Cinema Pscyho wrote up an article opposing the ban on the film, but not completely endorsing the scenes of simulated child rape..
I respect his opinion while I do not agree: I for one will not be lining up anywhere to see SERBIAN FILM—and even though I typically am against banning movies, the notion of this film makes me question my long-held views on freedom of expression..
Perhaps I have grown weak in my long years of life.. I have an eight-month-old son now, too.. a wife.. and a family. And my old days of horror movie watching and time wasting are gone.
Nonetheless.. .pushing the envelope is fine with me—and sometimes worth the effort to make a point. But pointless gore in a quest to freak out and disgust an audience — or even make a freaky audience happy with disgusting scenes—isn’t a positive way to pop my culture. I’ll be fine without seeing SERBIAN FILM..
Where is Pink Floyd when you need them.. Kids are going to be banned from blowing up balloons and blowing party whistles
And it is not an ONION article, but the real deal: This is true, unadulterated, and strange. The UK TELEGRAPH reports:
The EU toy safety directive, agreed and implemented by Government, states that balloons must not be blown up by unsupervised children under the age of eight, in case they accidentally swallow them and choke.
Safety first. Fun last. And freedom? …no consideration for that old thing.
Where is Pink Floyd when you need them.. Kids are going to be banned from blowing up balloons and blowing party whistles
This is a must read from the latimes:
Hostages of child prostitution: Las Vegas social worker Marisela Quintero tries to help girls who have all but sold their souls to pimps. Some run even when offered a way out. Others wind up dead.
Photo: A 17-year-old girl reads a Danielle Steel novel in her cell at the Clark County Detention Center for juveniles. “My quota — I had to at least make between $500 and $800 dollars a day. If I didn’t, I had to stay out until I did,” she said. Credit: Francine Orr / Los Angeles Times
Horrid .. and it actually make me physically ill. I’ve never believed in the death penalty.. but…………
I have no doubt this NY POST story has some bias, but it begs the question: Is an "aimless" Obama becoming Richard Nixon?
…stories similar to this popped up in the 70s.. could this White House feel so attacked that the only retreat the president has is isolation?
I have no doubt this NY POST story has some bias, but it begs the question: Is an "aimless" Obama becoming Richard Nixon?
Oh...that Tumblr taste of victory.. when
…a porn-bot ‘reblogs’ your post just to direct visitors to their site. I’d compile a list of ‘don’t go tos’ but there would be just to many judging from how many people I blocked.
This is just how strong the 9.0 Japan quake was
Scientists say that the huge Japanese earthquake this year was enough to alter Earth’s gravity in that location! MORE: The researchers found the Tohoku-Oki quake reduced the gravity field there by an average of two- millionths of a gal by slightly thinning the Earth’s crust..
Complex megadisaster? ..The 9.0 Japan shake may have truck the atmosphere first!
Canary shakes
Earthquakes continue in the Canary Islands.. government issues new warnings over potential El Hierro volcano.. The island was shaken late Saturday by a 4.3-magnitude quake// there have been more 4.0 s and above recently..
Surface deformations exceeding 35mm on the 280-sqkm island, where residents have been put on alert for a possible volcanic eruption.. officials have been working to tell the population of the area that a quake is not imminent..
There have been roughy ten thousands earthquakes in recent weeks in the island chain—and vast amounts of internet rumors that a mega-tsunami would form if there is a quake, a fact challenged by many. Hope we never find out for sure..
Mysterious booms alarming Pennsylvania town — it’s not a quake but it’s sure a shake ..
The booms began in June and have continued throughout the summer and now the autumn..
Fire companines and gas companies have responded with no one giving answers as to what the strange noises are..
The Harrisburg PA township said it has requested the help of the U.S. Geological Survey and state experts to investigate the occurrences and determine what is happening.
Even more: Dillsburg PA residents say the noises have been happening for three years now… What could it be? technology? advancing earth shakes? gas lines.. The noises are also occurring in many parts of the world ..
…it’s just that simple?
Want to look like Megan Fox? fruit.
I suppose with prices of fresh food these days, it’s no wonder she’s ‘too poor’ to have kids.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
....a dark and cool October night..
Watching Ghost Adventures with the lights off. But sadly not scared. I was hoping for more..
For those up late after midnight... John B Wells hosting Coast to Coast AM
….for what it’s worth. Hope it’s worth something.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Friday, October 7, 2011
Happy Friday
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Perhaps Ayden is getting a little too used to being with me. He responds with joy to Art Bell’s voice..
Monday, October 3, 2011
Creative protesting. Wall Street has been taken over by zombies.
Of course, you may say, nothing new there.. But it was. Occupy Wall Street protesters got into the season today with their portrayal of corporate zombies on Wall Street.
I think I have a new Halloween costume idea..
This looks absoluteness immense..
A large fire at a chemical plant outside Dallas has sparked evacuations at a nearby school and businesses. (Photo by LifewithMoon on Instagram).
If it's Chris Christie ..
The pounds vs. the string bean! Large Marge vs. Olive Oil!? Obama vs. Christie 2012!? ….if it is the match, the Jersey boy better hurry.. time is getting late and primaries are getting earlier…
My fascination with the sun continues.. I am simply amazed with this video of a comet diving into the sun, followed by a massive CME
It forces the question: are these two events, seemingly separate, somehow linked.. Cause and effect. Did the comet equal the CME? Pure coincidence? Look through some recent history, this comet/CME type event happened July 5, 2011 too..
My fascination with the sun continues.. I am simply amazed with this video of a comet diving into the sun, followed by a massive CME
The boiling sun revealed
New video shows how the sun boils—and it’s a view that the human eye has never seen before
Amazing stuff, truly. A whole new perspective .. ..and a new thing to think about in relation to the ton of solar flares and CMEs that recently decided to emit from the big ball of light in our solar system..
And in a related story to the sun, check out this video of a comet hitting the sun.. and after a CME explodes out. Could it be that they are …linked?
Like cookies in a jar for a baby...
….Facebook and Twitter are just too much to resist for officials ..REUTERS reporting an excellent (and obvious?) account of how Twitter and Facebook have been co-opted .. and now, you can update your status and photos for family, friends, and LAW ENFORCEMENT!?
As I wrote before on here, Facebook isn’t free. You may not be paying out of pocket for the use of the service, but it is coming with a very hefty price: Freedom and privacy.
Reuters reporting in detail of internet firms working hand in hand with law enforcement and government around the world.. And this:
"Demands from governments for Internet companies to hand over user information have become routine, according to online privacy researcher and activist Christopher Soghoian, who makes extensive use of freedom-of-information requests in his work. "Every decent-sized U.S. telecoms and Internet company has a team that does nothing but respond to requests for information," Soghoian told Reuters in an interview.
Estimation: 300,000 request (at least) occur every year for information from the free net services.
Some may say: If you’re not going to do anything wrong there is nothing to fear. But fear itself. And a future in which all is monitored heavily, emotions are not expressed freely, and the world is under so much control that you are forced to update your status.. and if you don’t, the chip in your arm will do it for you. Sound incredibly insane? …so did the iPhone, Twitter, and Facebook only a few short years ago..
You’re beating heart..
Some Polish Catholics gathered this weekend at a special mass for what they consider a miracle: A communion host has developed a dark spot and they are convinced that it is the actual heart of Jesus.
The spot has been there since 2008. The CHURCH said that two medical doctors determined that the spot was heart muscle tissue..
No word on the official medical report. But a black mark on a heart is never a good sign..
Sunday, October 2, 2011
M CLASS The entangled eruption of both sunspots… Sunspot 1305 hurled a coronal mass ejection towards earth.. it is expected to hit October 4 with a potential geomagnetic storm. Developing..
M1.3 Solar Flare has took place at 17:23 UTC Sunday afternoon and was centered around Sunspot 1302..
Sunspot 1305 caused an M3.9 Solar Flare took place 00:50 UTC Sunday morning..
Solar Ham..
Space Weather
Babies and bronchitis
Tonight’s Saturday night highlights: Baby wheezing. Baby projectile vomiting. And bronchitis was diagnosed. Ayden had a rough few hours but will be just fine.
Super Trooper — the Oceans
Saturday, October 1, 2011
The world can breath a temporary sigh of relief
Just when the world was breaking apart over the Ashton Kutcher/Demi Moore rumors, we can be at ease this Saturday morning:They attended a Kabbalah service together.
Kabbalah is still around…? I haven’t seen those little red string bracelets in a long, long time..
Al-Awlaki.. the point of no return
Who could argue with this: The death of a terrorist is a good thing.
Who could say that this is incorrect: Anwar al-Awlaki dying in an airstrike is a victory for America.
Early this morning, news broke that the al-Awlaki did in fact die during an airstrike. Around midday, President Obama praised the death and subsequently so did everyone else.
It was a drone attack that actually killed the terrorist. In Yemen.
Al-Awlaki wasn’t just another terrorist, and that is why this event matters perhaps more than any other in recent war history. In fact, he was an American citizens—one that the United States government actively tracked down, and killed. And now, tonight, it’s raising questions on how much power a president should have during war time, or frankly any time. The authority to hunt down and kill a citizen…
Despite both Republicans and Democrats praising the President and the killing of al-Awlaki, it has raised some concerns and debate in the nation. President Bush signed an order after 9/11 that there would be no distinction in the ‘war on terror’ between nationals and foreigners.. Today’s air strike and killing of al-Awlaki showcases the first time since that order was signed that a high profile terrorist killed has been an American.
There will be much debate—well maybe not since it appears most in public circles are applauding the killing—about this death.. but it’s clear the most immediate outcome will be this: He won’t be having dinner at the Pentagon anymore, as he possibly did after 9/11. It will be interesting to see who takes his place..
Forever Lazy .. or Lame?
Yes it’s been around for months, but it’s starting to get more popular than ever: One of the strangest new gifts for this Christmas season coming now: Forever Lazy!
It looks lesslike a snuggy and more like the bunny outfit that Ralphie wears in CHRISTMAS STORY.. Maybe it’s the ultimate novel idea for a nudist who doesn’t like the cold in the morning.. hot tea with a full body soft suit..
It maybe this is the world’s way of connecting back to what they wore as children. The only thing lacking from the Forever Lazy are the plastic feet bottoms.. Which i’m sure isn’t far behind should the demand for such child-like contraptions for adults exist.
It promises warmth from head to toe.. and warmth, I’d guess, comes with no style.
Though the strangeness with this outfit abounds, I’ll predict with certainty: It’s going to fly off shelves like hotcakes. Or snuggies.
Friday, September 30, 2011
In the mood for ghosts...
All New Ghost Adventures: Mizpah Hotel on 09/30 at 9pm E/P .. tonight..
Not that I am paid to advertise for them, but I’m quite addicted to the show — especially around this time of year..
Good dreams with bad people
…strange night terror has seemingly been averted—for now..
I’m pretty certain that the priest from POLTERGEIST 2 was in my dream last night..
Maybe it’s because a post I had alluded to the movie? Or just because it’s that season..
However, in my dream, I don’t think he was particularly frightening but instead quite fun to be around. Not that I’m inviting him into my night again, mind you, but at least the most recent visit he made was somewhat pleasant..
Awful news
A tremendously horrible story from Pennsylvania where a ten year old boy was struck by lightning..The lightning hit just as he exited the school bus, as other students watched.. Awful story, the boy is in critical condition—I cannot even imagine the horror of the family and friends involved hear and my prayers go out in a big way.
You might be a smoker if...
You’re a miner, construction worker, or…that’s right, a food handler.
This comes from an official government study.. A study I doubt few needed to predict the trades where smoking happened most.
Mark of the Cain..
I’m very surprised that no one from the Christian right has yet tied in the Herman Cain ‘999’ plan with ‘666’..
Maybe, as of now, no one has been upside down while reading his plan..
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Zoe hits
It’s the new basis of a city-wide disaster drill in the nation’s Capitol.. a Cat 2 hurricane rampages through DC. And during a year when a hurricane almost did—after an earthquake struck—it seems all the more plausible.
Nibiru must be close by..
Monday, September 26, 2011
Lucky again
The NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center, or SWPC, says this coronal mass ejection (CME) largely missed the Earth…