Friday, September 23, 2011

An update from yesterday: Strange particles may break the law of physics

An update from yesterday: Strange particles may break the law of physics

Major news from today..

Palestinians submit UN statehood bid

Gary Barlow accused of going through vulnerable X Factor veteran Ceri Rees’ bag in scenes cut from the show

Call me old fashioned, but I’m getting really sick and tired of TV shows that seem to just mock human beings for the pure enjoyment of mocking them.. I don’t get it. This is not entertainment. It’s class-less garbage, beamed throughout the world for every eye to see. I’m tired of pop culture. Tired of inane trash called reality shows. And even more incensed with rage over shows that take vulnerable humans and made a disaster of their already disastrous life for the almighty dollar—or in Ceri Rees’ case, the almighty Euro..

Quick FYI for followers who care ..

Ghost Adventures returns with new shows starting tonight.
And the voice of John B. Wells will sit in to end the week on Coast to Coast AM — a must listen to I’d surely say.. 

It should be criminal for highways on Fridays to look like this. Happy motoring if your car is being drenched like mine is..

NASA said its dead satellite would miss North America.. Now it may HIT NORTH AMERICA

Timeframe: Tonight/Saturday..

NASA said its dead satellite would miss North America.. Now it may HIT NORTH AMERICA

So much for hopes the satellite won't hit me

Latest info: North America is back in a potential target zone for the bus sized satellite fall.

Heads up

Nifty.. North America is apparently safe from the satellite fall. The rest of you all need safety head gear.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Got a message...

…that I am so infatuated with solar flares. I don’t think I am. I think we all should be.. news recently has come out about how influential these flares actually are to our environment, weather, and long term global situation. Even more, there have been incidents in the past when solar flares knocked out technology—then telegraph machines.. Imagine a world in our modern age with no technology for a bit of time? It’s more important than ever, in my mind, to understand and watch the sun. 

Everything turns on its head.. this is amazing news...

I can’t get over this.. so many years of news, so many links throughout those years.. so many photos.. so many videos.. controversy.. breaking news.. comets, asteroids.. and everything else. And now, tonight, this September night, we learn that the laws of nature, as we have all learned it, may be very wrong. That is huge. Massive. Earth shattering, perhaps..

Here is what is now being challenged due to the new news coming from the particle smashing folks at CERN: Einstein said in 1905 that nothing in the universe can travel faster than the speed of light in a vacuum. Today, researchers at the CERN lab near Geneva claim they have recorded neutrinos, a type of tiny particle, travelling faster than the barrier of 186,282 miles (299,792 kilometers) per second.

Scientists have been left scratching their heads.. wondering how such a long-held theory could be challenged by this event.. but it happened. And if it proves to be absolutely true, then the basic laws of physics may need to be changed—physics that so many have learned in high schools and colleges throughout this world.

Amazing news.
Amazing facts.
Amazing findings..

So does e=mc2, or does it just not equal after all?

Models on where the solar flare is going

Models on where the solar flare is going

Once again, thank you SPACEWEATHER

They are providing a quick and life image of where the dead NASA satellite is in real time, or as real in time as we can get.. At least you can pinpoint what area it will fall so you can adjust your Friday headgear if need be.

In the spirit of tonight’s news that CERN has defied the law of physics with particles faster than the speed of light, here is a stroll down conspiracy past: The Philadelphia Experiment 

By the grace of something or someone, this X class solar flare wasn't pointed directly at earth.. and from the duration and look of it, we should all be very glad it wasn't

By the grace of something or someone, this X class solar flare wasn't pointed directly at earth.. and from the duration and look of it, we should all be very glad it wasn't

A bystander who suffered permanent hearing loss after Pittsburgh police deployed a Long Range Acoustic Device against protesters during the 2009 G-20 Summit has filed a federal lawsuit against the city

A bystander who suffered permanent hearing loss after Pittsburgh police deployed a Long Range Acoustic Device against protesters during the 2009 G-20 Summit has filed a federal lawsuit against the city

Amazing: There are speed of light experiments giving baffling results at CERN

And now.. the question arises: Was Einstein wrong!?

And if he was, did the Philadelphia Experiment happen after all?

Amazing: There are speed of light experiments giving baffling results at CERN

Operation Mountain Gaurdian

An interesting time to have an interesting emergency drill in a very interesting place

Operation Mountain Gaurdian

Stock block

Today’s just one of those days I’m glad I’m not invested in the market….then again, we ALL ARE INVESTED after all, now aren’t we……

X Class flare erupts

X Class flare erupts

Monday, September 19, 2011

This was what the seven-ton Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite looked like in 1991

When it hits earth, in who knows how many pieces, it will look very different

Andrew scribblings: Someone explain to me, if you can.. How can't NASA know where the satellite will fall?

Well this explanation is as good as any.. andrewwhiting:


Defunct NASA satellite to crash to Earth this week

.. I just still don’t get it. The sky is falling. Heads up. It may hit. 1 in 3200 chance of a human dying, says NASA. .

It’s pretty simple, actually: the atmosphere just below where the satellite currently is…

….but 1 in 3200 chance of human life lost!? Heads up

Andrew scribblings: Someone explain to me, if you can.. How can't NASA know where the satellite will fall?

The World's Deadliest Volcano Rumbles.. Farmers Flee

The World's Deadliest Volcano Rumbles.. Farmers Flee

Someone explain to me, if you can.. How can't NASA know where the satellite will fall?

Defunct NASA satellite to crash to Earth this week

.. I just still don’t get it. The sky is falling. Heads up. It may hit. 1 in 3200 chance of a human dying, says NASA. .

…Coal Speaker solar flare hits earth. Be alert.

Dozens of TSA workers have been fired for not checking bags.. but what I wonder: Did they grope!?

Dozens of TSA workers have been fired for not checking bags.. but what I wonder: Did they grope!?

We have become a brainwashed world, buying things we don't need and becoming mind-numbed by advertisements telling us we need things that we don't

We have become a brainwashed world, buying things we don't need and becoming mind-numbed by advertisements telling us we need things that we don't

The kids aren't alright.. years of cell phone use and texting have led teens to this: They can't write!

The kids aren't alright.. years of cell phone use and texting have led teens to this: They can't write!

A La Nina year? Upcoming winter clues offered at Accuweather

Those places that got buried in feet of snow last year may not have to worry this year.. La Nina’s pattern changes may be a coming…

A La Nina year? Upcoming winter clues offered at Accuweather

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Ouch! An article slams Katy Perry, and a lot more: Katy Perry - The Boredom Of Whoredom

While it’s a nasty article, it’s extremely well written and after I was done, I couldn’t help but nodding in some sort of ‘old man’ sense of agreement. 

The quote from TakiMag’s article that stuck with me the most: 

Today, Katy Perry is married to former sex addict Russell Brand and dances around a Candyland gameboard dressed like Bettie Page shooting whipped cream out of her tits. Millions of little girls love her, filling arenas to max capacity. Some of them even got up onstage the other night to sing along:

Last Friday night
We went streaking in the park
Skinny dipping in the dark
Then had a ménage à trois

I have a son now… I have a child. A true child. Someone who will hear these words and maybe ask me what they mean. So forgive me for my sudden prudishness, but now I question some of pop culture. 

When I walk around a store and see lingerie-type underwear for young girls I wonder if pedophiles are behind it.. I wonder if the guy looking at my son at a supermarket is … someone that should stay away. I am protective. Which is natural. So when  I hear Katy Perry’s words, I think different as a dad than I would has a non-dad.

But sorry… I still like Ke$ha. Don’t know why. 

In the end, I just hope my son likes my taste in music: Billy Joel, Native American, Rag Time, Simple Plan, Lady Gaga, 70s and .. yes, Kesha. 

Another price of coal region life… Jammed coal furnaces..

Imagine this world: President Obama orders YOUR arrest because you faked a Facebook name.. ridiculous? Yes.. but could it happen.. maybe. Under new draconian rules from Congress, it sure would

Imagine this world: President Obama orders YOUR arrest because you faked a Facebook name.. ridiculous? Yes.. but could it happen.. maybe. Under new draconian rules from Congress, it sure would

Interesting new Ron Suskind book on Obama White House unleashes this: Women feeling ignored and excluded

The book is called “Confidence Men: Wall Street, Washington, and the Education of a President” .. and it’s set to make waves.. 

Could this be.. the propelling factor to launch Hillary’s anti-Obama 2012 campaign?! Women excluded.. Hillary to the rescue.. Amazing thing, this politics sure is.

Interesting new Ron Suskind book on Obama White House unleashes this: Women feeling ignored and excluded

Millions of dead fish in China.. what does this mass die-off mean?

Millions of dead fish in China.. what does this mass die-off mean?

A thousand converge on Wall Street for day of rage

A thousand converge on Wall Street for day of rage

Is your 401K at risk?

Is your 401K at risk?

Another straw poll, this one in California

Winner is:

Mitt Romney
Michelle Bachmann
Rick Perry


Another straw poll, this one in California

Oh the Gas we pass.. I have some fond memories of this one



 by awynhaus

I probably need this for my classroom.

 Every classroom needs a copy.. Even colleges sometimes


Officials say a strong earthquake has hit northeastern India near the border with Nepal. There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries

The fight:

The AP reports:

In just one round, Floyd Mayweather Jr. got a head butt, a kiss and a hug from Victor Ortiz. He responded with a right hand that ended a bizarre fight early.

I suppose what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, unless the AP and the world are watching..

A quick thank you..

Good evening all.. Happy Saturday old and new followers alike. Earthlings and those from elsewhere, too.. Enjoy the show.

A record number of visits have occurred to the Coal Speaker site in its history. Since August 1 2011 there have literally been thousands of people here, which for a small site of independence and sometimes dependence, that’s not bad at all. Since September 1, 2011 alone, there have been been thousands of people visiting this site from over 340 cities, according to my Google Analytics information. Places around the coal region of PA, all the way to Frensco CA, and back again— along with at least 55 international cities from at least 10 other countries. It’s amazing to be alive during a time when my little ridiculous postings can reach so far out there… and as my alien image wonders, are people from beyond this planet seeing this too. Maybe it will make them turn away……

Thank you all again.

…I had a dream about my hometown  of Centralia last night. In it, there was no mine fire and my son was on a swing set in the playground—a playground that in reality is covered with grass and nothingness. I wish the dream was real.. how life would have been different. I always wonder how my life’s path would have been altered were it not for the mine fire that destroyed my home town..

A new generation: Moving home

The economy is forcing parents to take back in their adult children along with their children’s children.. a new and evolving economy *(depression) recession is causing such upheaval that kids are being left with no choice but to move back to the original nest. Empty nest no more.. wonder if the parents will re-ignite their parental roles and mandate curfews?

Nonetheless, we can laugh if we all so choose, but instead we should cry. A new generation, one that was promised an American dream, is being forced to live out a long nightmare. Barely able to afford car payments.. trying to scrounge together cash for basic groceries. Yes, indeed, this is a new world that looks a lot like an old one.. The 1950s through 90s perhaps were the waning days of prosperity in this country.

A new generation: Moving home

Georgians don’t like the ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW?


Proof offered: 

Georgia town shuts down production of ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW..

The mayor of Carrollton, Wayne Garner, had ruled last week that the production was risque and therefore not suitable for the city-owned theater 

No tax dollars used for the horror in this town, so sayseth the Mayor.

But it does bring up a pretty interesting question. If public tax dollars are being used to fund a play, what should be the limit? Should it be rated G so all taxpayers and their children can go? …does an R rated play work with tax money? Ethical questions aside, the ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW dates back decades..but not in this Georgia town, that is for sure.

No whooping cough vaccine? NO EDUCATION FOR YOU!

California schools banning students who don’t get the whooping cough vaccine..

Dead Sea hosts mass nude photo shoot

Saturday, September 17, 2011

It's a Saturday night in Harrisburg, PA, and chances are no one will want to leave the bar at 2am last call

It's a Saturday night in Harrisburg, PA, and chances are no one will want to leave the bar at 2am last call
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker said Friday all he knows about FBI agents seizing items from the home of one of his top agency officials is what he’s seen in the media and that his office has not been told anything about the raid

Good evening all.. Happy Saturday old and new followers alike. Earthlings and those from elsewhere, too.. Enjoy the show.

Does this site playing background music annoy you?

I only do it on weekends.. but wonder if it’s too much

The strange world of coincidences

A reader who runs (check it out) alerted me to something I missed… strange currencies that run through this world, don’t you think?

Ted Kennedy’s Daughter Dies At 51…

Walter Mondale’s Daughter Dies — At 51…

Kara Kennedy, daughter of late Sen. Edward Kennedy, died last night of an apparent heart attack at a DC health club - NBC News

South African court blocks nation from buying 11 million Chinese condoms because they aren't big enough

South African court blocks nation from buying 11 million Chinese condoms because they aren't big enough

Once again, someone famous making us all feel good about ourselves.

Megan Fox says she’s too poor to have kids..Eh?

It appears that during times the famous aren’t working, the famous are getting work done.. Hi new Simon.

Does Comet Elenin even exist anymore?

Scientists speculate that it may have disintegrated

Does Comet Elenin even exist anymore?

Saturday morning after Reno crash: Patients in surgery or waiting for it..At least three dead

CNN reports:

The pilot, identified as Jimmy Leeward, a real estate developer from Ocala, Florida, was killed in the crash, according to a show official.

The 74-year-old was flying a P-51 Mustang. The event has been canceled and a memorial service will be held for the pilot Saturday afternoon, the show said.

Saturday morning after Reno crash: Patients in surgery or waiting for it..At least three dead

Friday, September 16, 2011

Get down with your bad self, Ralph Nader!

More on the Reno crash


'Mass casualties' after plane crashes at Reno air race

'Horrific scene of bodies, wreckage'…

'Horrific scene' of bodies

More than 75 injured at Reno air show

'Horrific scene' of bodies

This image captured from video shows the scene of a plane crash at the Reno air races.. developing story of a tragic situation and potentially mass casualty event.. At least 30 injured at 8:40 EDT.. The accident happened just before 4:30 p.m. during the National Championship Air Races at the Reno-Stead Airport, KTVN-TV reported.


WOW.. amazing, frightening.. developing. This story being watched right now around the world.. the crash in Reno.

And the earth still shakes..

6.6-magnitude quake hits near Japan



Plane crashes into stands at Reno Air Races; fatalities, injuries unknown


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Kids as young as kindergarten age now receiving monthly terror drills

Instill the fear in early. It will last longer..

Kids as young as kindergarten age now receiving monthly terror drills

New research shows that yellow eyelid marks are an early sign of heart disease

New research shows that yellow eyelid marks are an early sign of heart disease

Question of the night: Is a college degree worth the cost?

Point: College grads can’t find jobs. Student loan debt is passing the $1 tril mark, and higher than credit card debt nationwide… 

The sunspots pointing at earth..

Could the sun set off the next big earth disaster?

Could the sun set off the next big earth disaster?

Oh did NASA mention?

…the satellite that will crash on earth, somewhere, is over 6 tons.. almost 7. And it will hurl down to earth at 5 miles per second.. 

Stay inside?
Wear a hat?

…it could fall anywhere between 57 degrees north and 57 degrees south. Good luck earth..  

They like me! 
They really like me!!

Bloomberg reports: MOST POPULAR POL IN THE WORLD is Hillary Clinton! 

Buyers remorse setting in?

Love up to a point, Pat?

Pat Robertson says Alzheimer’s makes divorce OK

What’s next, 700 CLUB, death panels!?!?

Wonder what he really thinks?

Joe McGinniss, ‘Rogue’ author, speaks out on Sarah Palin: ‘She is a vindictive hypocrite’ and an ‘utter fraud’

Remember that dead satellite falling to earth? NASA said today it's fall faster than expected and will hit the planet a day earlier than first thought

Remember that dead satellite falling to earth? NASA said today it's fall faster than expected and will hit the planet a day earlier than first thought

A new grim reality for the Postal Service

It’s not 1911 anymore.. welcome to the 21st century, 19th century process..

The HILL reports the inevitable: 

The postal service announced Thursday it was considering closing nearly 250 processing facilities, cutting equipment by 50 percent and slowing mail delivery in an extreme cost-cutting effort. It is looking for $3 billion in annual savings

A new grim reality for the Postal Service

Just another Friday night..


Abbas Says Palestinians Will Demand Full U.N. Membership at Security Council..

Here comes the sun

11 sunspots now pointing at earth.. Good luck us.

George Lucas was ahead of his time... NASA discovers a planet with two suns

George Lucas was ahead of his time... NASA discovers a planet with two suns

Is Ron Paul the new cool?


Video: Intense flooding in Thailand

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Any other groans out there?

Anyone else in my readership hearing the earth make noises? I’m curious to know..

The groaning earth

I wanted to give a quick (*again) thank you to those who messaged me and emailed me not to worry about that video I posted the other day of the groaning earth. But those who know me know that there is no rest for the weary: I did further research into this strange phenomenon and I enter, for the record, the following link: A collection of groans and moans that the earth seems to be making (and yes I see that the site isn’t perhaps the most trustworthy but at least it provides a good set of videos that appear they could at least be)

And don’t get me wrong. I am a fan of common sense and a man who appreciates real science. But also someone who is paranoid about the possibility that science can’t explain it all.. and with these groans, some seemingly occurring before earthquakes, it creeps me out. Perhaps more than anything else at this time besides solar flares.. these groans and moans that the earth is making freaks me beyond belief.

This is what happens when a comet hits the sun. So comets, beware. You'll be eaten

This is what happens when a comet hits the sun. So comets, beware. You'll be eaten

I am still upset.

For the first time in 157 years the Bloomsburg Fair is canceled. Just not right… I know the flood..the misery.. but my God, just not right at all.


An Ocean City tornado today. Yes, you read that right.

Throw the cold, Mamma Nature, Ayden’s ready

This sunset, a few leaves on the ground, and 50 degrees at 7pm. Not ready for this yet!

Another sunspot, another flare

Sunspot 1289 just hurled a flare our way. A glancing blow is coming.. watch for auroras for those way up north.

A NOTE TO DAVID KARP: Please let us be able to start to reply to our replies on blogs hosted here.

It would help. I think most people would enjoy it. Though if you tried it Tumblr would be down for 78 hours…

To answer two questions asked of me

  1. I think the search for life on other planets is a great thing. And the search for a new home for us may even be more reasonable.

  2. I hope Barry Manilow doesn’t want the uninsured to die. But I think those who listen to his music regularly may die before others…