Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Ron Paul: We are enabling a future American dictatorship

Ron Paul: We are enabling a future American dictatorship

What old wives tales say: Birds hitting your window could be an omen of death

But as someone pointed out, cars weren’t invented when wives tales were.. so a bird hitting a car window can still be left in the unknown category..

What old wives tales say: Birds hitting your window could be an omen of death

Just got another comment from a reader.. another strange bird incident

Yes, indeed.. something is amiss in the airborne population..

If Casey Anthony is found guilty, it may very well be because of today

Today’s trial cannot be anything but a devastating day for the defense team .. The idea of Casey’s father sexually abusing her was the bombshell on day one, but the more I think of these disturbing 911 calls played today the more I feel that the deck is stacked against Casey.. 31 days without knowing where her daughter is? .. while she parties? .. while she cusses out her mother? .. while the pretends a housekeeper did it?

The jury has a lot to take away from today.. raw emotion and heartache on the stand. 

The 911 calls are the key, I say, to the jury’s eventual verdict..

No matter the time or age, truth cannot be shielded.. the light of day always finds it.

Can you hear me now?

Not so shocking, but interesting that the WHO is coming to grips with piles of science that has already sounded alarm bells over cell phone radiation.. It may cause cancer … May. World Health Organization has declared the radiofrequency electromagnetic fields emitted by cell phones to be “possibly carcinogenic to humans..

Some don’t agree that cell phones are possibly carcinogenic..

There hasn’t been much on this website concerning the Casey Anthony trial, but today may be the day I got hooked on the news..

Today’s rocking day in court: 911 calls were played of Cindy Anthony’s frantic report on the missing Kaylee..

Cindy Anthony has an emotional day on the stand..

The calls played were frantic.. raw emotion. Casey Anthony’s f-word laden diatribe from court on the night she was arrested talking to her family painted her to be callous and uncaring about the Kaylee.. The mom saying the car smelled of a rotting corpse.. the Febreeze used to take the scent of death away..

Pure, raw, and unfiltered emotions live on TV for the world to see.. As Casey Anthony looked on..

The American court system is all about innocence until guilt is proven, beyond reasonable doubt.. But the circumstantial evidence—and evidence in general—seemingly is piling up. 

31 days without knowing where your daughter is, while you party, blame a nanny.. with imaginary friends as well.. 

Unbelievable testimony.. But even more unbelievable recordings of the disturbing words of Casey Anthony..

Joe Burbank-Pool/AP Photo


I have gotten a few comments and a few private messages about birds hitting windshields across the nation.. Are birds out of whack? Cell phones perhaps destroying their senses? … their typically refined radar abilities gone? .. It’s strange to say the least. And maybe indeed a product of more than coincidence that that birds are having just a few odd encounters with glass..

Strange to me.. For the second time in one week a bird hit my windshield while I was driving… I’m half Irish and paranoid, is this a harbinger of impending doom?

Well that is 'definitive' ...!

Radiation from cell phones can possibly cause cancer, the World Health Organization said today

The Sarah Palin maybe maybe not tour continues.. And she's wearing a helmet

The Sarah Palin maybe maybe not tour continues.. And she's wearing a helmet

In the f*(*ing land down under: New law will allow police to fine Australian who swear

In the f*(*ing land down under: New law will allow police to fine Australian who swear

All this news that the weekend was filled with chaos and gang violence throughout the nation

First thing I thought: What else is new. Gangs are plentiful and constantly battling.. But when you see some of the more extreme urban warfare this weekend, such as Facebook-organized gang warfare on beaches in Boston, it gives pause to the American mind. Is this what Memorial Day and other holidays have come to? Is this why vets have gone missing and dead … to allow gangs to terrorize citizens on a summer beach?

Not just Boston: Miami also becomes war zone during Memorial Day weekend

Not just Boston: Miami also becomes war zone during Memorial Day weekend

I can't say I wouldn't have been angry too: Anger at a cemetary at overgrowth of weeds and grass

I can't say I wouldn't have been angry too: Anger at a cemetary at overgrowth of weeds and grass

South Boston brawl: Up to 1,000 youths reported involved; police say brawls moved elsewhere

South Boston brawl: Up to 1,000 youths reported involved; police say brawls moved elsewhere

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Buckle Up: Goldman Sachs predicting $5 a gallon gas this summer

Buckle Up: Goldman Sachs predicting $5 a gallon gas this summer

Amazing image, Memorial Day in Joplin, Missouri:

A torn American flag hangs on a pole outside of a house that was damaged during a massive tornado in Joplin, Missouri. US President Barack Obama will take part on Sunday in a ceremony to mourn the 132 people killed by the powerful tornado, the White House said.

 (AFP/Getty Images/JOE RAEDLE)

A Sunday in Joplin

President Barack Obama, back from Europe, tours the destruction in Joplin, Missouri ..

My son is just bound to be famous..

My strange and rambling thoughts on being a father in the 21st century

Someone who read this already said it was overly negative. But I present it as a hopeful series of thoughts.. It’s not a fun world, but as a parent, I’m trying .. and making my child’s life the best ever is now the central point of why I am here.

Oh the perils of parenthood.. the faulty ground of fatherhood.. So much running through my mind these days as my son grows older.

Back in February when a new life entered this world, my wife and I celebrated.. As time goes on, I become more fearful.

It seems that civilization itself is a heap of wreckage. It appears that society is breaking down and becoming a swampland of corruption.. The entire land of the free and home of the brave seemingly is circling in a toilet of depravity. Maybe I’m just overdoing the amount of bad news out there, but a few notes of interest lately showcase why I am a fearful father.

The TSA is groping children—or at least they were going to—at a prom. Checking for weapons.. the breeding ground for a pscyhological test appears to have begun at airports. And now, in our modern day life, we are faced with a future in which some could be touching, groping, and grabbing, all in the name of security, at proms, schools, churches, old-lady lunches, trains, and whever else one can envision people freely moving. 

Tornadoes and other natural disasters seem to be occurring on an extreme level. Sure, we’ve been here before. Our atmosphere has a history, and tsunamis, earthquakes, and devastation all took place on this pale blue dot before. But this time, it seems different… it seems quite frightening. It is almost as though we are on a hair trigger, and at any moment the bottom could fall out from under us..

The economy is getting no better. Jobs are painfully few… McDOnalds just hired 50,000 folks, all whom won’t get health care since the Obama Administration gave the company a waiver. How quaint. Burger King tells you that you can have it your way.. McDonalds, however, has it their way.

Corruption is everywhere. Child prostition rings, disgusting abuse of our elderly, horrible treatment of innocent civilians in warfare… all of which adds up to a world in utter chaos.. It can lead even the most religious person to wonder aloud of there is a God that is watching. After all, if a higher power is watching how could such disgraceful abuse of human life itself be tolerated.. At least hopefully there is a God keeping good notes.

GMO crops frighten me… Buffoons declaring that the end of the world is coming alarm me because so many others follow them, often into oblivion or even mass Kool Aid induced suicide.  Just pick your flavor and drink away..

Sure the news is bad. Yes it seems bleak. And bringing a child up in a world of war is troubling.

However…when I sleep at night, and hear the quiet breath of my baby boy, I myself sleep better. When I look at my wife, see me child, know that he has grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, family and friends, all who love him, it gives me a bit more hope for my sometimes hopeless mind.

Being a parent isn’t easy. As a matter of fact, everyone I spoke to who was already a parent told me it wasn’t going to be a simple affair at all. 

But what I find easy is the hard stuff… late night feedings, boxes of diapers, belly aches, gas, and fevers.. All of that is a part of the natural progression of life. 

I expected all of that. 

What I never expected was the wide range of emotions when I read the news…the idea of sitting at a table with my son on some future day, where I need to explain why some grown persons don’t treat other persons with dignity.. why murder happens.. why masachistic child torture takes place.. and why sometimes people in a distant land want to destroy innocent purity. That, my friends, may be the most difficult thing I’ve even come across.

What prompts this verbose text? This morning, I saw a snippet in my morning paper about a mom in New York City, right after giving birth, tossing her newborn child down a dumpster. The baby lived. It was saved by a maintenance man who heard the muffled cries of the suffering life form. The mom was arrested. And that was that.. another story of another sad beginning of another life on earth.

I want to save children from this.. I yearn to break out of my conditioned negativity, despite all the negative, and work against established norms, because those norms are so oftern perverted by men who declare the ‘norms’ to be normal. 

I want purity. Honesty. Love. I believe the whole of society is better than the worst of society. For sure, though, we see the worst on the front pages and top stories of our newcasts. 

I want to teach my son to be himself, treat others with respect. And I want to tell him to ignore all the others who don’t.. because in the end, they go against human nature and have given in to a cult of decadence that has never given any good people a good outcome. 

No it won’t be easy. But neither are those late night feedings. And my wife and I are happily doing that.

Wish us luck.

And good luck to you too… Hope these words light a fire of goodness and love within your heart.

Well this can't be good: Typhoon Strengthens, May Hit Fukushima Nuke Plant

Well this can't be good: Typhoon Strengthens, May Hit Fukushima Nuke Plant

News from the world of importance to me and hopefully you..

LockheedMartin, a major defense contractor, says it was hit with a cyber attack on May 21 but also said no information was compromised.. May 21? The rapture didn’t happen, but a cyber rapture of sorts may have..

Major embarassment for the magazine PSYCHOLOGY TODAY, which had to say sorry after a article was posted saying that black women were less attractive than other women.. Can it get more offensive than that?! .. Well, yes. The article used data based on another study to make several claims such as “black women are objectively less physically attractive than other women” yet “subjectively consider themselves to be far more physically attractive than others.”..

Little green monsters: E. coli cucumbers may be in Autralia and HUngary .. don’t be hungry in Hungary for the deadly bacteria..

The quickening: More than 800 tons of fish have died and rotted on fish farms in a lake near Taal volcano south of Manila, with authorities blaming it on a sudden temperature drop…

Dr. Drew says that Conaway did not die from a drug overdose, as is being reported widely in the afterhmath of his relatively young demise..

Born that way and selling this way: Lady Gaga’s newest album expected to sell 1 million copies within its first week alone..

Thousands turn out for Austrlian ‘slut walk’..

Everything is changing: Married people no more .. the number is low.. More people not married than married in the United States..

Bad business: 91-year-old grandmother busted in California for selling suicide kits..

Joplin heartache

Barbecues are lighting up around the fruited plain, but in Joplin Missouri, celebrations are few and sadness is abundant.. The rays of sun cannot even help diminish the pain so many are feeling this Memorial Day as the death toll rises yet higher to 139.. About 100 people are still missing—but that is a far cry from the frightening number of 1500 a few days ago..

What to make of the weather this week? The anger of mother nature.. the quickening coming? .. Just a pattern that happens now and then and all over again? 

Experts will opine until their eyes run dry, but states across the nation this week, including Schmuckraker home base of Pennsylvania, all have battled severe weather and tornadoes. Well, not battled but instead took cover from the wrath of the path..

May next week be better. And this summer too.. And may some comfort come to the town of Joplin, along with Tuscaloosa, both which have experienced losses beyond anyone else’s imaginations this spring.


[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTnzEvtDAxQ?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=374]

Never trust a girl name Judy.

Sorry Judys…

Goodnight all.

Billy Joel — Why Judy Why

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Earthquake: Philadelphia?!

Earthquake: Philadelphia?!

Mystery boom shakes Philadelphia

Mystery boom shakes Philadelphia

An appropriately written sign at the Coney Restaurant in Ashland, PA

The sad new term 'tornado orphan' .. But they're carrying on through life..

The sad new term 'tornado orphan' .. But they're carrying on through life..

Memorial Day 2011

A scout salutes as he helps place some of 100,000 U.S. flag near head stones at Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery in honor of Memorial Day, Friday, May 27, 2011, in San Antonio, Texas.

(AP Photo/Eric Gay)

Summer is here: 

Tubers float the Comal River as Memorial Day Weekend marks the beginning of summer, Friday, May 27, 2011, in New Braunfels, Texas.

 (AP Photo/Eric Gay)

Friday, May 27, 2011

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vw4KVoEVcr0?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=374]

I’m a dog person myself, but seeing this video of a mom cat comforting a kitten having an apparent bad moment during sleep makes me know that no matter the species on earth, we are all connected in our emotions. In a sense, no matter our size of type, we are all the same.. I’d bed if we looked close enough even trees do the same. Of course modern science would call me crazy.. But if cats can do it, what can’t? Maybe ..worms.


Singer Lady Gaga hangs from a wire zip line as she rides to the stage during a live concert performance in New York’s Central Park televised on ABC’s Good Morning America, May 27, 2011.


Cool stuff: The moon may have a lot more water than imagined, perhaps as much as on Earth in some parts, a study said Thursday, in a discovery that has cast doubt on long-held theories about how it was formed

Cool stuff: The moon may have a lot more water than imagined, perhaps as much as on Earth in some parts, a study said Thursday, in a discovery that has cast doubt on long-held theories about how it was formed

Amazingly huge melon-sized hail fell in Norman, Oklahoma…

Thanks inflation..

The Memorial Day barbecue is almost 30% more expensive this year over last..

And in kind, I’m searching for the perfect burger. I’f love suggestions and where in the states is the USA where I can find one.. comment appropriately. The hunting begins for the cheeseburger in paradise.

I envy people who start holiday weekends early.. And secretly laugh when they leave early just to get stuck in traffic.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Amazing video of a truck being decimated by a tornado

Amazing video of a truck being decimated by a tornado

Wherever you are tonight, let me know your weather

Wherever you are tonight, let me know your weather

Hail.. tornado watches.. heavy rain. It's all here

The heavy storms have moved east.. here in the deep and dark abandoned coal region of Pennsylvania, heavy hail is pounding roofs, sidewalks, and car windows.. Tornado watches sounding.. heavy rain falling.. 

There is something going on. The weather is intense. These storms, as they has moved through the nation, has brought pure and utter hell to whoever was hit.. And it is no different today and will be no different tomorrow.

I can’t imagine an entire summer of this. And I certainly never thought it would be an entire spring.. But since Tuscaloosa when so much damage started, it just seemed to never stop…

I write this as the sky turns black yet once again..

It could be anyone! Anywhere!! Maybe even you..

New research on how to spot a psychopath..
Helpful stuff. This will only make me just more paranoid about neighbors, bosses, and even family and friends.. Maybe rightfully so.

Have blog. Will earn money

We hope.. Support this site so maybe I cab be one of the success blogger stories the New York TIMES will write about..

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UoCyzwl20xY?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=374]

Good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight. Whatever time zone you are from.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A dog eat dog world..? The strange history of Nazi experimentation with dogs reavealed.. Adolf Hitler wanted dogs to be able to be taught to speak, read, and write.. And worship the Nazi party while they were at it..: STRANGE BUT TRUE: HITLER WANTED TO CREATE AN ARMY OF TALKING DOGS

This image, showing trees stripped bare after a devastating tornado hit Joplin, Missouri, May 23, 2011, taken by Reuters’ Eric Thayer.. Chilling.. disturbing.. amazing.

The power of nature.. rolling storms taking out lives, limbs, property, and the aura of safety that surrounds so many of us..

Even Schmuckraker home base had a surprise tornado warning Monday night, a massive storm rolled through. No where near the severity of Oklahoma City Tuesday and Joplin on Sunday.. But nonetheless, the nation is being scourged with a sudden dose of bad weather..

Hopefully the jet stream moves into a new pattern and allows weather to change its direction from ultra-violent to just …weather..

We’ve been through bad weather before. But this year seems to be different. It seems to be more deadly. And watching news accounts, reading dispatches from reporters, and seeing photos from the scene, there is something more traumatic and real about the outbreak of horrid conditions around the country..

May it end soon! 
Not with a bang but with a silent whimper of wind taking us into a beautiful summer. 
Tough luck.. the pattern appears locked. 

To all the men and women of prayer out there: Keep praying

Good weather resource: Up to the minute live weather alerts as they happen around the nation

Good weather resource: Up to the minute live weather alerts as they happen around the nation

….continuing with the Mr. Beam music theme. Goodnight all.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Rush hour rampage: Large tornado hits Oklahoma City during rush hour

Rush hour rampage: Large tornado hits Oklahoma City during rush hour
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJ1Fa-n1oGE?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=281]

Howard Goodall’s lovely theme to “Mr. Bean’s Holiday”

Sadly ? one of my favorite movies.. and one of the most pleasant soundtracks as well

Monday, May 23, 2011

The legal way to steal a photo: How to Tumblr with a clean consistence

The legal way to steal a photo: How to Tumblr with a clean consistence



Pretty large storm just rolled through Coal Country

All is well.. As a matter of fact, not sure if there was a tornado or not, but crazed paranoid daddy made the family barricade ourselves in the basement in a room with no windows. Safety first! …maybe paranoia first … 

And after the storm rolled through, a double rainbow formed.. I have no video like the famed YouTuber of the past, but a double rainbow sure looked nice.

I’ll film it if there’s a triple rainbow….

Hope all is well.

A total of 116 people are confirmed dead as a result of Sunday's tornado in Joplin, Missouri, city manager Mark Rohr says

Absolutely breathtaking rainbow in Missouri just moments after the deadly tornado

Absolutely breathtaking rainbow in Missouri just moments after the deadly tornado

TSA Patdowns At Santa Fe Prom - Video - KOAT Albuquerque


TSA Patdowns At Santa Fe Prom - Video - KOAT Albuquerque

This is what America has become!! TSA crotch grabs at peons, graduations, and everywhere else....

This is what America has become!! TSA crotch grabs at peons, graduations, and everywhere else....

A terrible night in Missouri

At least 89 people were killed by the tornado that hit Joplin, Missouri, on Sunday, city manager says

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enebLAOjoq8?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=374]

…peace out there in internet world. Goodnight to all who wish to sleep, and hopefully those who can’t will soon find rest.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Pootie Poot back.. Vlad the impaler decided he'll be president of Russia again

Pootie Poot back.. Vlad the impaler decided he'll be president of Russia again

Iceland shuts its main airport

Iceland shuts its main airport

Something in the air

Intriguing story about scientists publicly saying that the Japan quake was 'in the air' a day before it occurred..

Too creepy even for Google's standards... Stark warning against facial recognition technology from Schmidt..

Too creepy even for Google's standards... Stark warning against facial recognition technology from Schmidt..

Anyone want to go into business with me?

Strike while the iron is hot: Shirts with Camping’s face reading ‘I survived the rapture and all I got was this lousy t-shirt’

When prophecy fails

…so will the Camping crowd go to Sunday mass? Did some commit suicide? Did some families break apart? Will ANYONE allow Harold Camping to yell that the world is ending again? I will not lie, I pity the folks that gave up their fortune—but I loathe the man who TOOK fortunes from followers.. Mr. Camping is the worst kind of preacher.. The epitome of a fear mongering money loving man of God. We’ve seen his kind before and will again.. But hopefully this Sunday morning will include soul searching for those who gave up their lives to wait for the end of humanity, even though the Bible they profess teaches no man knows the hour of the doom they hope for.. My rant is done. Until the next preacher comes along.

Blast from the past.. with timeless words from the Talking Heads

Saturday, May 21, 2011

And who can we thank for the world not ending? Macho Man Randy Savage of course!

Maybe it's not the rapture, but earth's core may be melting

Maybe it's not the rapture, but earth's core may be melting

Volcano erupts beneath a glacier in Iceland

Volcano erupts beneath a glacier in Iceland

Gone Camping?

Sooo… Anyone hear hear from Reverend Apocalypse yet? Awkwaaaard…

Still here...

Man in a coma after planking on a moving car

Man in a coma after planking on a moving car

If I lose followers today I'll assume they were raptured

Have a cigar. No matter who sings it, the Foo Fighters or Pink Floyd.

Friday, May 20, 2011

A quick note..

Had a conversation with a believer of the rapture—though she doesn’t buy it’s going to be tomorrow.. If I have some time later I’ll try to write a little more in depth on my thoughts….. That is of course if any of us really have time left.

An unsettling Friday evening thought

My net worth is pitiful, and even more pitiful when compared the $72 million Family Radio May 21 nuts…. And im laughing at them?.. While they laugh their way to the post-rapture bank to cash in their end of time fortune…

Macho Man Randy Savage dead in a car accident

Macho Man Randy Savage dead in a car accident

Rapture ready? Not a chance

I’m going to the grocery store for my order in case I’m not taken body and soul to a heavily heavenly feast… So any hints or suggestions on a rapture ready grocery list?

Of earthquakes and rumors

Last night, news emerged and spread around the world of an 8.4 earthquake off the coast of Libya.. Suddenly, the world was faced with the prospect of another mega-quake and the damage it would cause.. The trouble is, the USGS reported no earthquake and has not since.. A quick Google search already shows the plethora of conspiracy theories and that the government is hiding information on the quake.

The report came originally from the National Institute for Earth Physics.. but nothing reported on the USGS, or anywhere for that matter..

A theory proposed on some websites in the immediate aftermath of the non-8.4: A bunker buster bomb hit its target, registered, and wasn’t from within the earth but from mankind destroying something on the earth…

The global rumblings last night compared to today.. the vanishing news of an earthquake that apparently did not happen? …though the conspiracy theories will now roll..

Very peculiar night for those who follow such events.

Some startling new information revealed about the post-mega quake Japan

The ocean has substantially changed around Japan since March.. and it revealed some unstable faults lines and how it could change earth. Scary stuff..

Some startling new information revealed about the post-mega quake Japan

Men wax their hair and pejazzle themselves in a new twisted way of self-genitalia worship

Perhaps men was simply jealous that women could jewel of their vajajays.. now the male appendage could be made look like a mini ruler of a nation, jeweled up and ready to go.
Good luck humanity.. no where to go but down from here.

Men wax their hair and pejazzle themselves in a new twisted way of self-genitalia worship
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLQhxTvlvrA?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=374]

Prom season is here.. how many classes from 1980something on used this song to say goodbye to their youth?

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Strauss-Kahn-man granted bail

Strauss-Kahn-man granted bail

Tongue in cheek zombie warning from the CDC.. We hope

The government warning about zombies? Yes.. inded they are.. Natural disasters may not scare people as much as the prospect of a zombie invasion, or so thinks the CDC, which jokingly (?) released instructions in writing on how Americans should prep for a zombie invasion.. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention blogged a tongue-in-cheek (?) post on zombie apocalypses, and how basic preparedness will help even if there are flesh-eaters roaming… Good luck earth. Good luck.

Christian who believe the end of the world and their rapture will come on Saturday, May 21, will likely not be attending, but nonbelievers of the Doomsday predictions are planning parties for Saturday.. And if the world does indeed end, no worry of a hangover on Sunday morning..

The real question is, after the world continues to operate as normal on Sunday, will the Christians go back to Church and pray about why their were not taken? … or sleep in..?

But Harold Camping’s camp is standing firm on its dire predictions that God will save them on Saturday and leave the rest of the world to suffer until October, when the plug gets pulled on the rest of us..
No fear from other preachers, though, who are lining up against the father of fear..

One day in May: The end of it all? … or just another day.
I think deep down we know the answer.

But just in case Camping is right and the end is here, there is a company that will provide a kind service to you: Taking care of your pet after the rapture.. 


Plank me

All of my ‘planking’ websites that began following me the past few days have dwindled away and are gone.. no more. I suppose I didn’t produce enough material for them to .. .plank to. 

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIJN6WWf3Rg?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=374]

The Gunner’s Dream .. still alive in a world of war.


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSb3kTA6vVI?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=281]

Raw video: Newt Gingrich hit with glitter attack at event…

Maybe that Planet X idea isn't so far off: Japanese astronomers say they have found free-floating planets that do not orbit a star

Maybe that Planet X idea isn't so far off: Japanese astronomers say they have found free-floating planets that do not orbit a star

Men in power behaving badly

TIME magazine’s upcoming edition has a cover story that asks why men of power act like pigs.. Of course the reference is direct to the Kahn Man of the IMF being accused of raping a women in a hotel in New York City .. he was of course arrested this past weekend before going back to Paris. 

Dominique Strauss-Kahn is just another example of a long line of powerful people ravaging the innocent, the weak, or children..

In my humble opinion, perhaps one of the best examples from our fuzzy memory of men behaving badly—horribly, criminally, and disgustingly—comes from the 1980s into the 90s, when a rising star named Larry King in the Republican party ended up in a legal mess, financial crisis, and sex scandal that some said weaved its way into the highest halls of government within the United States

And sadly, there will be more Kings and Kahn men… twas always thus, and perhaps always thus will be. The good people of earth should hope for a judgement in an afterlife, far from the bounds of humanity, and closer to the hounds of hell where some people who trample down the innocent deserve to be.

A Christian group is urging the world to get ready for the end times—end times that are set to begin May 21.. This Saturday. The rapture is coming, rapture ready followers of the doomsday prediction are getting ready for their immediate trip to heaven scheduled for this weekend.

The rest of us, the prediction so says, will have to wait until October for our demise. We will face the tribulation while the caravan of Christians, warning the world, will be in heaven watching the earth’s last dramatic days..

But.. my question posed here now: What will this group do on Sunday morning, the day after the end times.. the day after they were set to be raptured.. the day after they predicted the end of the world would occur. Will they attend Sunday mass or just leave religion altogether?

 Some are jokingly planning post-rapture looting on Facebook.

And I guess if the rapture happens, it won’t be jokingly..
Let the strangeness begin..

Some amazing rare color images from the Great Depression revealed.... they sure look a lot like now, don’t you think?

3,500 years ago... An Egyptian princess with a modern heart condition..

Must have been the food at the McShpinx’s

3,500 years ago... An Egyptian princess with a modern heart condition..

US Army Corps: 2.2 million acres of farmland flooded in Miss. Delta…about 1% of U.S. cropland

Nightmare on baby st

Ayden had his first baby nightmare last night.. As parents, my wife and I felt sad and yet helpless to tell a three month old not to be afraid.. But I thought, what in the world is a three-month-old’s night terror consist of? Maybe a dirty diaper? Empty bottle? Or even a past life regression? If only we could film dreams..

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFBDz5EAi6Q?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=374]

Draggin the Line — REM

Goodnight world.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011