Showing posts with label wwe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wwe. Show all posts

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Mexican Wrestler Pedro Aguayo Ramirez Dies From Blow in the Ring

MORE.. Pedro Aguayo Ramirez, known as Hijo del Perro Aguayo, fell unconscious on the ropes, apparently after receiving a flying kick from fellow wrestler and former WWE star Oscar Gutierrez, known as Rey Mysterio Jr., according to video of the match in a municipal auditorium in Tijuana.

Mexican Wrestler Pedro Aguayo Ramirez Dies From Blow in the Ring

Monday, January 12, 2015

Finally news about a wrestler not tragically dying too young..

MACHO MAN Randy Savage is going to be inducted into the WWE hall of fame..

The announcement coming tonight on RAW.
And long overdo ..

Snap into a Slim Jim..

(AND BEFORE YOU TELL ME THAT WRESTLING IS FIXED, READ 'THE FIX IS IN' .. at least wrestling doesn’t pretend to be real like other sports)

Monday, July 21, 2014

Russian-themed WWE characters use MH17 disaster as part of act

People are quite angry about this, so the mainstream media says, on Twitter and all of the other antisocial networks that exist out there on the information beltway.

While it may be the old ‘too soon’ cliche that is best used in this situation, I am not at all surprised at what the WWE is doing.

Back when when the WWE was the WWF, they capitalized on Iranian hatred by making Hulk Hogan win the 1984 title belt against the Iron Sheik.. 

In 1990, Sgt Slaughter turned his back on the United States and joined with Iraq ..

Hulkster had to ave the say the day and rid the WWF of anti-American sentiment. 

So now wrestling has LUNA..
Controversial: The 'Lana' charter played by C.J. Perry  made reference to flight MH17 being shot down and hailed Russian president Vladimir Putin for 'making fools' out of the U.S.

But there’s no Hulk Hogan to save the day this time. I think John Cena is right for the job..

Listen.. We all know, at this point in life, that wrestling is fake. It’s an act.. but so often it’s on the cutting edge of pop culture—it’s how it stayed in fashion for so many decades. Vince McMahan is obviously no stranger to controversy and will get through this LUNA lunacy quite fine. 

As to whether it’s offensive? Sure.. but that’s the point. It’s an attempt to market the character as someone we will all hate in unison. It’s quite a keen way of doing it.. controversial, too. But … if an organization was free of controversy, people may very well stop paying attention to it.. Don’t think THAT doesn’t run through Vince McMahan’s mind.

Russian-themed WWE characters use MH17 disaster as part of act

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


I am quite literally emotionally drained after weeping through this video of “Connor the Crusher” being cheered on by professional wrestlers from the WWE.. 

Connor died of brain cancer after his amazing day at Wrestlemania.. The WWE put up a tribute video for the little amazing old soul who is not longer with the planet earth.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

William Moody is dead. Wrestling fans may not know that name, but they would Paul Bearer—the character Moody is known  for.. 

For year, he was the manager of the Undertaker on WWF wrestling, now WWE. 

He died Tuesday evening.. he was only 58

I am pretty sad by this one.. childhood has another nail in the coffin, I guess you could say. I grew up being amazed with the faces that Moody was able to make..

The WWE official site is also recognizing 20 years of entertainment fans..

And no tackiness or pun intended.. but hopefully William Moody will rest in peace.

Monday, April 11, 2011

On the advice of my sister..

I Netflixed-up the best of Wrestlemania tonight with my wife and newborn son, forgot about real life for a bit, and felt like a kid all over again. Thanks Erin. Now back to reality.. (After a few minutes humming Hulk Hogan’s ‘Real American’)