Tinseltown lets the good times roll..
Vanity Fair offers up some photos from the Oscar party
For those who care:
The news wire..
The photo wire..
Google real time
Box office Mojo
Nikki Finke
The best bunch of news links I can offer.. I’m sure you already had yours picked.
In the wake of strong earthquakes, deaths, injuries, and landscape changes, a new threat has emerged: Incidents of domestic violence are also surging..
Fatigue and frailty of humanity.. and a skyrocketing increase in abuse and violence..
"Sometimes the way that it’s expressed, people are a lot (closer to) their breaking point and sometimes some of the reactions can be quite out of character. Certainly domestic violence is something that becomes more obvious."
Always the real thing. It’s diet. And now:
And you thought it was just aspartame you had to worry about..
The AP Impact article wants us not to be scared.. I’d rather be informed .. Most of what is reported is already well known. The true and frightening question may be: What makes us think the testing has ended..?
And it’s also worth noting: The blizzard of 93 occurred well into March of that year, as well. It could happen. Chances are it won’t. But after this year’s wild winter weather, once last hurrah is a very possible situation..
Yesterday was Johnny Cash’s birthday..Hard to believe the man in black left this earth in 2003, so many years ago now.. Time does fly.
We are told this time Zuckerberg’s online database on you, updated by you, will change what information about you you are able to share with people who are not you. If you care to ..
Having a child makes parents speak in code. I am not joking.. Mom or Dad will say things to each other through their infant who can’t speak yet. Case in point, if Tara wants me to do something, she will tell Ayden, “And now daddy is going to help out and get [insert task or item]”.. And I do it to her.. While changing a diaper, “Now mommy will get me the butt creme.” Well not always butt creme.. but no matter who much I mature or progress in age, the term ‘Butt Creme” for a product will always make me laugh—just don’t get it on your iPhone screen, it’s a chore getting clean.
Johnny Cash takes us into another Sunday..
This Sunday is Oscar Sunday. It’s set to be dull.
It’s also cold in Tinseltown.. But never too cold for a red carpet..
What is it about a Sunday morning that makes you feel like everything is coming down…?
I found this interesting article from a Canadian source on UFO sightings in Pennsylvania, which apparently is at a level 4 for sightings.. didn’t know. But what is interesting is the location, I81 and 83, described in the article, are both highways I often frequent in my day-to-day life.. And supposedly there was a cigar shaped UFO sighted over the general area of Enola, Harrisburg, etc..
This all occurred around October of 2010 — one more before I too had what I can only call an interesting experience. In the oldest archive of Coal Speaker, on Friday November 19, 2010, I saw something cigar shaped in the sky..And I felt lucky that for the first time in 30 years of life I saw something completely unexplainable in the sky..
Perhaps I saw the same cigar shaped UFO.. Perhaps I was simply tired. Maybe now, with a newborn in my life, I will get less sleep and hallucinate and see more.
But the notion that we are alone in this vast galaxy of planets and star systems is ludicrous. Ludicrous speed at that.
And interesting new book from a retired army colonel says UFOs are most likely real but that there is no cover-up of them from the government.
John Alexander writes in his new book “UFOs: Myths, Conspiracies and Realities.”
He writes in the book that there is no secret group covering up UFOs, but that disclosure has already taken place in the highest circles of society, and even some past presidents like Truman and Eisenhower knew..
Sunday morning.. mom and baby are sleeping. Dad is updating a website and reading about UFOs.. Having a child don’t change everything. Just the important stuff..
It’s not 1999 anymore, and movies that M Night Shyamalan make aren’t greeted with open arms like they once were.. The latest to receive some unfortunate acclaim: The Last Airbender, which the Razzies named worst picture ..
And tonight, Hollywood will most likely name some other bad pictures the best picture.
Sex and the City the sequel got worst sequel.. And Ashton Kutcher got worst actor for Valentine’s Day.
Charlie Sheen is perhaps the most intelligent Hollywood star in years! His TV show is going to be even more famous if it’s canceled, it may end up on HBO making millions more in a special.. that’s if he makes the right choices. Wrong choices will lead him to a VH1 reality show about losing weight, if he gains weight, or perhaps even an appearance on a future episode of Donald Trump’s THE APPRENTICE, if Donald doesn’t run for president.
Blanket media attention will continue on Sheen on a special edition of “20/20” to air Tuesday, March 1st, 2011.. An interview with Charlie Sheen. Just him, though, Alex Jones will not be there.
Goodnight all.
Creedence Clearwater Revival - It Came Out of the Sky
Happy Saturday evening everyone. Dance the night away
The United Nations Security Council votes 15-0 in favor of sanctions against Libya and its leader, Moammar Gadhafi.
We all get them. But I hope you’re currencies, no matter how strange, will keep you from a night of rest. Goodnight.
REM - Strange Currencies
Rallies continue..evacuations continue.. threats from Mommar Gaddhafi continue—along with thugs in SUVs driving around shooting people down who are protesting the government. However, even with the threats of killings, people are continue to protest and speak out in Tripoli and other cities in Libya.. It’s a developing story tonight.. and it’s getting more and more tense with each passing hour..
And this one goes out to my newborn Ayden, who is wide awake and calm as Janis Joplin speaks to him from somewhere in time long before he walked on earth..
..and already my son Ayden seems to be taking to Janis Joplin.. Perhaps later I’ll try out Mitch Miller and his Orchestra.. minus the bouncing ball.
It was an absolutely crazy interview between Charlie Sheen and Alex Jones.. CBS pulled the plug in what seems like seconds after Sheen’s rantings on the Infowars radio show.. What was Charlie thinking? The question really should be does Charlie ever even think to begin with..
The situation in Libya is proceeding down the road of ultra-violent and escalating with ferocity..
News today from the nation is a little more alarming as UN observers claim ‘thousands’ may have been injured—or killed—in violence as Mommar Gaddhafi tries to retain Tripoli against the tidal wave if opposition.
Also today, we are being reminded that the turmoil in the world will impact everyone, morally and spiritually, but also economically.
Red Hot Chili Peppers - SNOW
The strangest song got stuck in my head tonight..
I don’t think my life will ever be the same.. 3:30 am only a few hours back now, my wife woke me up in bed to tell me her water broke. I don’t think anyone can understand what the emotions are, unless they too have been through them. The sudden rush of water for her, the madness of not knowing how far along she was.. and the rush of emotions for me. Did we do enough to prepare? Will his outfits fit? What if he cries..? What if he won’t sleep? What do we do for a baby that won’t eat? All of these things now are gone to the wayside. The only true feeling that sets in is a mixture of panic and chaos. That, coupled with snowy roads at 3:30am on the way to the hospital, made for a bumpy ride.
The hospital, like any other, had great people and some not so great people.. Every nurse that we dealt with, however, was perfect in their own way. Everyone brought some new piece of information for us.. each person comforted nervous parents the best they could. And then Ayden Morris was born..
The amazing sight of a child coming from his mother.. is .. without question.. something that would make any verbose blogger speechless. It may not be pretty to the onlooking observer, but to the parents involved it is the most intense and raw thing ever witnessed. I may have been a more excitable dad than others.. maybe counted louder than others..maybe panicked a bit more than some. But for God’s sake, my child was entering the world.. head first, plunging into the madness that makes up this pale blue dot, spinning in infinity, circling around the sun somewhere in the deep and dark trenches of the Milky Way Galaxy..
These were the thoughts circulating through my head—the cobwebs in my head. Before a child arrives in your life, most things seem, for lack of a better term, just “there.” Yes, there are great emotions in life.. marriage for me was wonderful.. My childhood was exceptional. My high school and college years took place without much fanfare. But it was always ‘me.’ Now it’s us: Me, my wife, and my newborn Ayden. And life becomes more meaningful. I got about 10 hours of sleep in the past 40.. and that’s fine. I will try to get more, but I’m staring at my son as he rests..hoping he will always be safe and secure .. hoping I will be a good father, that Tara will be a good mother, and that one day he too will have the exact rush of emotions that I had during the cold night at 3am when my wife whispered that her water broke, and the unsaid words were: Everything is different.
And that’s my thoughts on our bringing a child into our modern age. With the worries of war and the concerns over global strife, birthing a son or daughter is a more challenging and noble concept. And just maybe Ayden will be a child who can, in the future, help to make the world a better place to bring other Aydens into. I hope.
The magazine reports a shocker on some recent Pentagon actions:
'The U.S. Army illegally ordered a team of soldiers specializing in “psychological operations” to manipulate visiting American senators into providing more troops and funding for the war'
New York Times reporting:
Forces loyal to Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi were reported to be striking back in cites near Libya’s capital, as defections of military officers multiplied.
Good morning world. The sun in shining, Libya is falling apart, gas prices are soaring, and Justin Bieber got a haircut. Thus is life on earth circa 2011.. But we are dealing with it.
I’m pretty much doing iPhone-only updates from hospital rooms and cafeterias in spare time, so there may be blatant spelling and grammar errors. Ok..off to change a diaper!
I’d be remiss, or just still Bryan, if I didn’t thank readers for comments, messages, and emails.. I truly appreciate it very much.. Thank you for following.. And look forward to more daddy nerve-wracked news in the future
And as we know they won’t be able to be teachers in Providence..
No matter the location, regardless if the city, nevermind the ailment, one thing about our sometimes deplorable often miraculous medical system is constant: Hospital food is atrocious. Cheesesteaks for heart patients! Cancer? No bother, have some French fries!
Pregnant and breast-feeding? That’s ok here’s some fried chicken..
How about this for a great business model for a food company: Healthy fresh local good food at a decent price. Just how about that.
Obamacare? We should have Gordon Ramsaycare instead..
A sudden change in facts is occurring.. Goodbye Providence teachers..?
But there’s still might amounts of trouble on earth, and I promise to pay attention to that soon too..
However anyone who follows knows I can’t do this site without getting a little personal from time to time..
Also, expect some thoughts of pregnancy and the DAY OF BIRTH.. one in will never forget..
Libya. Gas prices. War. Religion. UFOs .. Obama.. I’m coming back soon—and maybe with a whole new perspective on them all..
Goodnight for now.
Breaking Benjamin, Into the Nothing
I admit a bias.. But I fell in love with my child.. He’s beyond precious..
More than gentle.. And when he looks at you it makes you think he knows you already.. He seems to be an old soul in a world of no soul.. I pray my wife and I raise him right and I pray Ayden M learns his lessons the easy way.. Because the hard way isn’t always pleasant..
Fiji Earthquake: 6.4-Magnitude Earthquake Strikes South of Fiji
I certainly hope Truman is ok.
All joking aside, I hope all the real people are ok.
Major quake tonight in New Zealand..
It was a 6.3 .. there are injuries.. And sadly, unlike last year’s, there are deaths..
Some interesting facts from the AP
- Enslaved blacks often didn’t have a surname, so they chose their own. The AP says it’s a “myth” that they always picked their owners’ last names. Often they picked something entirely different. Understandably, George Washington’s name was a popular choice.
- Twelve U.S. Presidents owned slaves, though only eight had them while in office. Of those, George Washington was the only President to free his slaves. He ordered them to be freed after his wife’s death.
- Booker T. Washington made up his own last name.
- Half of the non-black Washingtons are white. Thirty percent are mixed-race. The rest are either Hispanic, Asian or Pacific Islander.
- The next “blackest” names were Jefferson and Williams.
- The surname Black is 68% white. White is 19% black
Protesters appear to have taken control of second city Benghazi.. More than 400 appear to have been killed in protests by the government..
I have been watching some accounts of Wisconsin’s news events (events that are sure to play out throughout the nation in the upcoming weeks and months).. Families are becoming divided. Wife vs husband. Mother vs daughter.. And even more, with national debt on the federal level, further cuts are going to position the United States in seemingly the same place we saw Greece, Ireland, Spain, and other countries that recently began to impose austerity.
This, coupled with rising gas prices, rising food prices, rising clothing prices, and few jobs being created despite politicians and pundits telling us we are in a recovery, seems to be pushing people to new places not seen in generations.
What is clear: Government on both state and national level is out of money. What is also clear: Lots of people hate government workers. What is even more clear: The budget issues appear to be getting less and less chance for common ground to end the problems and balance budgets.
We are witnessing an amazing event. It’s just a shame no one took to the streets of the United States and state capitols in 2008 when the government happily handed over billion in money to banksters who gave themselves bonuses with us only a few months later.
Instead of dividing the nation, perhaps we should begin to look at true culprits.
Revolution happens from time to time. We appear to be witnessing a worldwide version this weekend. Goodnight world.
No baby this weekend. Maybe Ayden is going to pick President’s Day. And if he does I’ll be a little unhappy as this weekend was filled with late winter warmth and tonight a snow and ice storm hits. But new life has a mind of its own. As my wife and I will soon learn with great detail.
No one ever expected Mummar Qaddafi would give up power peacefully. And that is why Libya has become so horrifically violent over the weekend.
So you thought fish was ok, the bottom of the sea was bustling with life, and BP was telling us the whole truth.
Now you won’t.
New information suggests that the bottom of the Gulf is still wrought with oil and that it’s not degrading as fast as hoped or as fast as we were told it would.
This report, as expected, is at odds with BP’s assertion that by 2012 most problems would be gone.
What these marine scientists conclude, to contradict BP, a whole lot of life has been decimated on the sea floor..
The world looked at a man setting himself on fire in Tunisia.. They watched protesters storm Egypt and escort Hosni Mubarak out of office.. they are watching intense rage on the streets of Bahrain, as the government tries to crack down on protesters.. Libya, like others, has cut off the internet.. Saudi Arabia is on edge.. Iran is watching and quickly trying to put out small fires of protest throughout the nation.
And even the United States is increasingly on edge, as protesters storm Madison Wisconsin in protest of Governor Walker, who is intent on diminishing the amount of benefits that public employees in his state have.
But now, the intensity of the world on edge is perhaps most exemplified by China, where government forces are dispersing protesters in Shanghai.. According to reports, police began to quickly filter crowds of protesters that popped up in the city..
We have seen a crackdown before in Tiananmen Square. The world watched tanks storm peaceful Chinese protesters.. And after that, not much more freedom ever flourished.
Most recently, China received the scorn of the world (but only scorn and that’s about it) after it began a systematic campaign of the arrest of bloggers and immediate put-down of any free speech that violated what state media wanted the Chinese to hear..
But it appears, in a sense, that this burst of newfound freedom of expression thanks to Facebooking Tweets and Tumblering blogs.
However, China is on guard. An online call for a “Jasmine Revolution” has been watched by Chinese officials, who are not about to let freedom fighters prevail against totalitarian aims of the current regime.
While no major protest occurred (And not that we know since state media controls mostly everything in China), it’s amazing how this new energy is racing around the world. Is it people power? Is it all real?
Are we watching a revolution..? Or is it simply opening shots in a soon-to-occur war?
Perhaps it’s worth nothing: Photos of this weekend’s events in China certainly illustrate that it was more than just a few who showed for the Jasmine callout..
Where it goes from here? We’ll have to stay tuned to official government state media for that, I suppose.
Happy birthday Tara. I love you.
You have been the answer since day one.