Update from post earlier today.. Be aware everyone..
Storm system threatening millions in Midwest could spawn feared derecho
Update from post earlier today.. Be aware everyone..
No ice please!
According to information being reported in the UK, ice in six out of ten restaurants has more bacteria than water from the toilets .. and it would make sense. Anyone who worked in a restaurant knows the perils of the ice machine—the mold, the mildew, and the bacteria..
Those machines must be cleaned.
But interestingly enough, it’s not just McDonalds and Burger King that was found in the UK to have the issue, but also Starbucks too..
One comical suggestion from a reader:
"Perhaps they should be making ice from toilet water"
Rare scare …
It’s beyond rare for this to happen in France, but it did: A tornado waterspout ripped through the South of France, shocking locals and tourists in the area.. There is video..
You can Google your own name.. you can deeply search images on Facebook.. but do you really want to know what is known about you but the ‘powers that be?’ By the man?
A new pop industry has developed helping you request your NSA or FBI file from the government!
It’s called GetmyFBIfile.com and it’s free of charge.. Ahhhh.. yes, the creativity of the net..
Of course you can just do it the ‘old fashioned’ way and ask for the file yourself from the FBI. But … asking for a file perhaps creates a file that didn’t exist to begin with? Oh the irony.. What to do, what to do..
Research at Russia’s North Pole-40, a station located aboard an ice floe in the Arctic, has ceased following an emergency evacuation of personnel. The ice upon which the station was built had begun to melt at an alarming rate and split into six pieces.
And they say the planet isn’t changing…
This is an extremely significant and dangerous weather situation developing for Thursday.. (Warnings like this are not common for the area where the purple shaded color on the map is) .. big thunderstorms with high winds are likely.. In the purple: Tornadoes are not only possible but likely—and there will be massive power outages if storms truly knock these areas..
The threat is Baltimore/DC/Philly.. a lesser threat but still potent exists back to Harrisburg PA and the Lehigh Valley of Pennsylvania..
Places like New York City, New Jersey, and other areas along the coast line could see wind gusts topping 50mph.. 37 million people are in the area where the most dangerous weather could occur Thursday..
Tomorrow is Tornado Thursday for someone, and maybe more than one city.
As I wrote here on Coal Speaker only yesterday *(about this upcoming threat as a matter of fact)*, we see now that tornadoes don’t care if you’re a populated area or a trailer park.
Pay attention to your favorite source of weather today and especially tomorrow. This could be a very bad day for millions of people, let’s hope it’s not.
StartPage.com is a good Google alternative. The front porch with a cold beer is better than Facebook. Except all your neighbors will probably still be on Facebook..
Pootie Poot strikes…
You read the headline correct, Russia is giving the United States lessons on when to surveil its citizens.
This brings me back to when former Pres. George W. Bush looked into Vlad the Impaler’s eyes and saw deep into his soul, or so he said.
Is it possible Putin has done the same to America?
If you’re in any of the colored parts on these maps you need to be aware and read this!
This portends to be a dramatic weather situation setting up in the eastern half of United States both Wednesday and Thursday of this week..
We are hours away from what may be 75 mile-per-hour winds ingrained in the storms and also widespread tornadoes. As we’ve seen with recent developments severe weather does not care if you are from a rural town or a big city..
Pay attention to your favorite source of weather, and be aware of the sky above you.
Is this really lightning hitting the new World Trade Center building in New York City? ACCUWEATHER investigates..
This amazing video from NASA shows dancing tornadoes on the sun.. and when I see something like this it makes me realize that we, as humans, may think we understand everything but really, actually, understand next to nothing.
Being a parent means you have to keep your guard up.. know what the kids’ lingo of the hour is, know what their every movement is even when they don’t know.. be aware of the total situation of their lives but at the same time let them live it and permit them to think they have freedom to do what they want, even though you know the perfect moment to reign them in. To borrow a theme from our latest headlines, basically, a parent is the NSA, constantly spying on its citizens..
And now it’s time, for me and my wife, to learn more about asthma. After a medical appointment yesterday, little Ayden was diagnosed with it officially. We somewhat knew it would going to occur sooner or later.. we were warned by pediatricians for a year. But it’s it’s more real to hear the real diagnosis made.
Millions of kids are diagnosed with something every day.. asthma, while awful in its own right, isn’t nearly as severe a condition as what some other children are living through right now. It is hell on earth for so many as I type and as you read this..
This did, however, bring up in my mind an important question for our time. We know autism is skyrocketing.. and allergies.. and asthma.. and other conditions affecting the behavior and health of children. While all of these specific conditions are completely separete, is there a common lining that ties them together? One that trained researchers have yet to see?
A SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN article from 2011 details the surging asthma rates among kids.. (They have continued surging since 2011 and are doing so to this day) .. And the basic premise of the theory presented in this article: We live in a world too clean and therefore better sanitary conditions deprive the immune system of ‘training’ needed to keep the body healthy. So ragweed, dust, and everything else become bigger threats.
Ok. I get that. We are pretty clean. Well, most of us. With the exception of some names floating through my head that I’d never publish online..
But let’s think outside the box for a moment. This may require a nicely fitted tin foil hat.
Here’s a link that shows asthma rates across the world in 2004:
Here is a map that shows autism rates across the world:
And finally.. here is a map that shows the countries across the world who use genetically modified food and where GMO use is widespread in the food supply.
A few maps and a few links don’t solve mysteries or answer questions. But you see a theme here? You see the same countries shaded darker? Oh sure, maybe some just have ‘more people’ and therefore rates are higher.. and maybe there’s other environmental factors.. and maybe ‘better observations’ and diagnosis.. and maybe ‘better medicine’ that spots these things in our children.. and the beat goes on. There could be a number of things that have nothing in common leading to the maps to look almost roughly exact..
But for as for me? Maybe my tin foil hate is too tight.. but I have no questions. Do you?
One of the journalists who has been working with Edward Snowden, the NSA contractor who leaked NSA documents, says more secrets are set to be revealed soon.
He’s not done yet.. more secrets are set to come out.. and more ‘invasive’ spying programs are about to be revealed by the UK GUARDIAN thanks for the leaking of Edward Snowdown—who by the way has suddenly vanished from the Hong Kong hotel he was staying it..
This has been quite the made-for-TV movie.. or book. If it was 1984.
As if you really needed more evidence of the Obama administration’s culture of corruption, today documents revealed that the State Department has engaged in large-scale coverups of illegal activity. The illegal activity includes everything from sexual assault to prostitution to drug rings at…
This is Edward Snowden. He is 29. And he is the leaker who told everything and anything about the NSA and the FBI to the UK GUARDIAN.
He also explained to the GUARDIAN as to why..
He spoke about his actions in 12 minute interview posted on the GUARIDAN.. He defended Bradley Manning, and on whether what he did was a crime, he said “we have seen enough criminality on the part of the government.”
He said ‘nothing good’ is going to happen to him. . And now he lives in Hong Kong
He voted for Barack Obama in 2008.
Clearly he wouldn’t do the same now.
This is a major story.. perhaps the story of the year..decade.. our age? This is the main issue at hand right now. Terrorism and defeating it, but defending person liberty and cherishing what makes America great.
Some may wish Snowden ”disappears” as was overheard at a security conference about the leaker and the journalist who reported these secrets over the past week… Some may hail him as a hero.
Either way, is it fair to say the investigation into the leaking of this classified information should now be over..? The Boundless Informant has now revealed his face..
The Guardian newspaper has named Edward Snowden, 29, as the source who leaked material from the National Security Agency.
His identity is being revealed at his request, the paper reported Sunday on its website.
He is a former technical assistant for the CIA and has been working at the NSA for the past four years as an employee of various outside contractors, the paper reported.
CNN news alert..
The leaker leaks his own name..
Every now and then I learn something new and completely kick myself for never knowing it.. and being born in a town that had a plane crash right into it, you’d think I would have known about that.. But I did not.
To my credit, it occurred on June 17, 1948—long before I was born..
United Airlines Flight 624 crashed at 1:41 PM daylight time just between Aristes, PA and Centralia, PA. Four crew members and 39 passengers on board all perished in the accident..
Among the dead: A Broadway famous man, a fashion designer, and the co-founder of ESQUIRE magazine. It almost hit the then-active Midvalley Colliery 2..
And now I am drowning myself in every bit of history I can on it.. the story absolutely fascinates me. I was born about three blocks from where the crash took place..
It also amazes me that somehow, somewhat, I never knew about this. It completely slipped away.
I heard it from a friend who, heard it from a friend who, heard it from a friend.. And I confirmed it through Google searches.. and one on one conversations.
My father is a bastion of history and intelligence.. he gave me some back story on it, and also knew that some bodies were buried in St. Ignatius cemetery in Centralia..
The more we think we know the more we don’t have a clue..
Time to open my mind up to some more coal region history that perhaps has been unknown to me for a lifetime..
While plane crashes occur now and then, this certainly is a strange tale.
Centralia already seemed cursed with the tale of a priest damning the town to misery in the late 1800s after the Molly McGuires attacked him in the back of the St. Ignatius Cemetery.. .. perhaps this plane crash only added to the inevitable misery that the town was yet to endure when a mine fire started deep underground and led all but ten people to vacate it decades later…