Sunday, March 11, 2012


A blast from the past: Reagan vs. RFK.

The debate that never ends?
The more things change the more they stay the same.. 

The Sunday morning sidewalk.

Ayden slept swell. I did, too. His fever is gone and two brand new teeth are out. And it is bright for 8am. Wait.. didn’t set the clock ahead yet.

As for news? It’s ugly.


Fifteen Afghan civilians were shot by an American soldier in Kandahar province Sunday, with seven of them feared dead, the provincial government said.
AP photographer sees 15 bodies of Afghans that villagers allege were killed by American service member ..

A year later: Japan’s emperor leads nation’s mourning as Tokyo comes to a halt in memory of the tsunami, earthquake and nuclear… 

Strange explosions continue in Arizona..
Progress in the world of consumer rights! Campbells bans BPA!

At least 90 Iraqi teenagers with “emo” appearances have been stoned to death by religious extremists in Baghdad in the past month after an inflammatory interior ministry statement dubbed it “devil worshiping”, activists said

Pink slime panic growing online.. 

But MSNBC asks if we are overreacting to the goo and gump that is in burger meat  mostly fast foods, and mostly school lunches)..

It’s funny to me that about five years ago pink slime was described in all its gory detail .. full disclosure on this already happened.

The movie and book: FOOD INC. And it was a triumph of good journalism, good documentary, and muckraking.

Sadly it took five years for people to wonder.. what the hell is pink slime and why does my fast food burger have it in!?

God can't escape now? Higgs Boson 'cornered' at CERN!!

God can't escape now? Higgs Boson 'cornered' at CERN!!

Saturday, March 10, 2012


A little easy going Saturday night tune.. hopefully setting the stage for whatever you want to do this night. Drinking… stinking… linking. Whatever your heart desires… just love.. give your life to your love as well. Drown in the laughter—die in the arms of the one who cares for you the most. Good evening everyone. Enjoy life. Solar storms and all.

Unbelievable cool images of the Northern Lights spawned by this week of solar mayhem..

How could chaos be this beautiful?

Going it alone.. sort of

Saturday night.. My wife Tara away in Jersey. Ayden sleeping on the floor next to me with a fever and new teeth coming in. Me not tired.. But thankfully I can look at it this way: Ayden didn’t go to bed at 7:30 pm. he went to bed at 8:30. Right? .. 

Harold Camping admits he was fully loaded with crap

Finally down to earth? Harold Camping says his prediction(s) of rapture was a mistake.. 

Wonder who out there among his followers that lost everything and abandoned cars and jobs also think it was a mistake?

Sadly the cult epic we saw last year happened—with people literally crying in their back yards because they were not raptured from the earth and taken to heaven. But who is to say heaven is up anyway.

Maybe heaven is a place on, or in, earth..

Goodbye winter (that never was). Hello longer days. The sun is good.

It’s amazing to think.. it has been 1 year since this hell on earth of a Japanese quake and tsunami was unleashed. One year. 

I thought time flew only when you were having fun..?

One year.. do we even remember the people of Japan anymore? Do we even think of the radiation levels.. wonder how much we got here…….12 months is a quick long time.

Maybe now we see why some companies keep ingredients "secret".. Coke and Pepsi are going to drop the 'cancer' chemicals that they put into their product. Thanks Coke and Pepsi. I'm 31.. and drank lots of you.. thanks for doing this now..

Maybe now we see why some companies keep ingredients "secret".. Coke and Pepsi are going to drop the 'cancer' chemicals that they put into their product. Thanks Coke and Pepsi. I'm 31.. and drank lots of you.. thanks for doing this now..

Tonight you 'spring forward'

Or do it now and screw your day up..

Nothing is constant.

Who out there is deathly afraid of change?

Who is afraid of airplaines?

New jobs?



Who is just afraid?

And how does one beat fear? 

Damn man, I’m governor, could you shut up for a second?

Funny how things work out..?


Friday, March 9, 2012


Good evening all…And goodnight to those who are giving up on the darkness.

Hope vs Faith: I may be able to unite religious zealots and atheists with my theory of life

I have been having a series of interesting discussions recently with some friends.. One is a Christian who has faith she says is unwavering, no matter what evidence may appear to the contrary. The other is an atheist who had unwavering faith that nothing of a God exists and instead it’s a fairy tale told by countless civilizations.

And then there is me.. the man in the middle who wants to hear both arguments and desperately find meaning to what I can only see as sometimes meaningless, sometimes pointless, sometimes beautiful.. and all the time confusing.

No doubt, you have heard each side’s arguments before. The person of ‘faith’ takes the Bible literally—but forgets the slavery and injustice to women—believes in a 6000 year earth, a flood, Adam and Eve.. and literal translations mean those pesky fossils are just .. well, forget about them. And as for the atheist, that argument is clear as well. The Bible is comical and cannot be regarded as anything but the rantings of frauds, fakes, and men of trickery. Jesus didn’t exist.. Nothing really does.

And again, me. 

Where do I fall on these arguments?

I find myself applauding the atheist in his quest for science and the truth. I find myself frankly envious of the person of faith, that she can see facts and figures and not worry about it.. instead putting 100% of her faith in something that clearly cannot be proven and if it was proven may actually be proven to be wrong.

I put it this way to the Christian: I cannot have faith that NON carbonated soda exists, since I know it does not. I know, it was a bad example, but sometimes I’m not that great on my feet. But I told her I “hoped” it exists.. 

And that is what it may come down to for me.. Not faith, but instead hope. Hope that there is a God who is loving and merciful. Hope that the atheist is wrong.. but clearly I cannot have faith that the atheist is wrong since he had factually based and giving the full story according to what history has revealed.

I know this, too: Horus was the sun god who appeared to have a similar life to Jesus. As did lots of other people in cultures and civilizations of the past. That’s interesting, right …3000 years before Christ and a ‘virgin’ birth takes place along with a death and Resurrection. 

And of course I throw in the added “what if the aliens mutated us” theory. That was laughable to the Christian and atheist all the same.. but I wondered why? Laughable to the atheist I can see.. but the alien theory compared to a guy walking on water and rising from the dead? I think the alien theory sounds better than that!

And after all.. my age old question: Did Noah’s Ark consist of being a space ship that beamed off of Mars before the great flood there? … are we aliens? ..are we stardust?

You know it’s magnificent to see the Northern Lights so far south with the latest flare up of the sun. Sure, solar flares can cause GPS outages, and maybe even Tumblr will go down (no surprise if it did) .. but the beauty of such chaos cannot be mistaken.

There is a lot of beauty in life, despite the chaos. That or our brains just try to find the beauty among the chaos—which could explain a near death experience, in a way too, can it not?

And it led me to the answer… at least the answer to me, and maybe the answer that may, perhaps if you contemplate it, lead to the unification of all people, despite the belief of lack thereof of a God. And it is this: Math is God.

Math is God.

That is simple, isn’t it? And sure, maybe it does not mean much. Perhaps I will not be able to translate my theory through the text of this posting here. But I will try.

Think of it this way: The only thing in the universe that is without chaos, that is perfect, and that always works, is math. Math is universal. One star will be one star here and one star in another galaxy (maybe not dimension, but that is a whole new road best not traveled down.) One chair plus one chair on earth will be two chairs. And that will be true on the moon, Uranus, or one of those fun little planets discovered and not named yet.

So in theory math is perfect—and despite the lack of our early ancestors in discovering it, it always existed. One and one were always two, even though few understand what that may have meant when they were hunting for meat and trying not to due from stones falling on their heads. 

Math is more perfect, as a matter of fact, than much anything else. Gravity changes depending on your altitude or position.. DNA structures evolve.. people and animals evolve.. species die out and the earth goes crazy and gives us quakes and tsunamis.. the Bible is hypocritical .. Pastors lie .. politicians do too.. Cars sometimes don’t start.. the TV sometimes gives us nothing to watch.. and the internet even gets boring, now, too. There is little to have true faith in. There is little one can trust..

Except math. It will always work. You may need to work at it, but figures don’t lie. Liars simply figure.

So since you cannot change math, math is God. And I don’t know what that means.. but I think it means something. And I think somehow, being math is perfect and constant, it is the overall meaning of the universe.

But is math love? …even some people who love math don’t love anyone. So I don’t know.

My theory isn’t perfected yet. But it may be, in the end, the only way I can understand a theory of “god” …math…is God.

Agree.. disagree? Don’t care?..I’d love to know?

Blares and flares.. if the CME don't kill ya the magnetic storm may

Sunspot AR1429 has unleashed another strong solar flare, an M6-class eruption on March 9th at 0358 UT. The blast hurled a coronal mass ejection almost directly toward Earth..
Forecast track..

News outlets and other sources breathed a collective sigh of relief when no major issues occurred from the solar flare unleashed two days ago — but What about the March 11 punch coming?


So finally.. proof of God… dirty filthy sexual pun of proof.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Yep.. we gots ourselves a solar flare currently in progress..

Is the loaded weapon firing?

We just got done with a solar flare and now tonight another one is happening… currently in progress around AR1429. This is event is stronger than M5.0+ and is considered a strong solar flare

NOAA had a 40% chance for an X class coming from AR1429 today..

Thousands of spiders blanket Australian town after escaping flood..

Thousands of spiders blanket Australian town after escaping flood..

Too cool: 

Photo of twister on Mars captured!

Things have changed in Russia. Quickly.

Putin puts female punk band in jail..

Did you get the Kony 2012 video yet sent to you? Maybe you did.. and if so maybe you’re angry like lots of other people are who think it simplifies the problem..

Joseph Kony.. and justice in Uganda.. is complicated..

The truth about the Kony film production: 32% of the money raised last year went to saving the children of Uganda.. the rest went to salaries, film production, and travel costs.. MORE here..

Sunspot 1429 is like staring at the barrel of a gun. It is what unleashed the X class now slamming earth with charged particles.. And it’s creeping to be front and center with planet earth. Stay tame 1429, stay tame

The solar flare is hitting

Potentially why Tumblr went down for a while? Just sayin’s all

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Hope power grids are ready..


The purpose and importance of the Bible-- or lack thereof

Without a doubt the Bible has been one of the most famous books ever created, ever written , and ever circulated on the planet earth. But, the question remains of whether it has as much meaning today as it has throughout the ages previous. For example, you may be able to find it in most American hotels, but does that even matter anymore given the proclivity of human nature to not care about what is written in it anyway? Going a step further, the debate over what is written in it and when it was written aside, what if the Bible as a whole simply doesn’t matter anymore? Could it be that state of spirituality is able to continue without any help from this book. I guess what I’m trying to say, is that while the Bible may be the most read book of all time do people really ever read it? If they did take it ad literally as they say they did, we may still have slaves and women wouldn’t have much of a right to vote or do anything. Maybe the Bible never even matter to begin with, and it’s a dead doesn’t matter one bit as much now as it did that…?

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Current NOAA solar data
Solar Ham
Space weather NOAA scales..
Radio blackouts
Real time monitors..

CNN election center Electoral Votes

CNN election center Electoral Votes

So far..

Paul: nadda so far.

It looks like

The great state of Ohio is going to be a nail biter

Mitt Romney will win the Vermont Republican primary, CNN projects, based on exit polls.

So far it looks like Mitt wins Virginia with Ron Paul in second, Newt wins Georgia, and Ohio is too close to call with a five percentage margin

A massive solar flare is currently corrupting

As the Republican votes get counted in super Tuesday primary states, it’s noteworthy tonight that a major X class solar flare has just arrested and is taking place right now. More on this major flare coming in the next few hours, this was a big one!

Alien, Lucy from Peanuts, or me with a car seat on my head?

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Thanks for posting my question, and yea the reason I asked is because of his argument that evil is a privation which is in book 7 chapter 12.

More the reason to read it



Asteroid 2012 DA14 Close Call

I read your post about going back and forth about belief in God, but that you believe in God. So I was wondering if you've ever read "Confessions" by Augustine?

Read of it, about it, but never ‘it’.. and I should. I’d love to get in depth on it so I will make it a point to actually do that this year. But what I do know about Confessions that it seems to say that everything is good in so far as it exists. And that concept is interesting. I mean, murder and sin exist, in a way? And so does the death of infants and war.. so are they good?

I also know that Confessions points to a Neoplatonic system… 

By the end of the summer I promise to know more and get more in depth. Life is about trying to figure out why we are here and what we are doing—it’s the never ending question and eternal mission of our souls.. why not start to read more in depth now, I guess.

They like me! They really like me!

Vlad the impaler lives to rule again. Putin wins the presidency in Russia.. feeling like the early 2000s all over again. Thought I doubt President Obama will refer to him as Pootie Poot.. and maybe he won’t stare into his soul.. but the new President Putin regime may be an interesting one for the world to deal with. Iran, Syria.. China.. the allies? Vs. who? maybe.. us?

War is always on the horizon, after all..

it looks like you dont believe in god. do you?

Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t. But people believed in “Horus” a lot sooner than Jesus. But I certainly don’t want to tell people who confide in Jesus that they are wrong.. because maybe I am. 

But here is the deal.. I believe in Satan because this world is insane. Seriously. I believe that evil exists. So I have to believe in some type of God… And I fear that since evil is so prominent maybe Satan is .. the creator? This is my fear. What if, right? What if..

So do I believe in a God? Sure. I just hope the creator is a godly one.


Very sad to see the tornado miracle Angel Babcock lost her battle tonight and perished.. hopefully to join her family in an afterlife…

And… I hope there is an afterlife……..

Some Sunday morning sidewalk news

First off the latest and not so greatest on the tornado outbreak and the recovery taking place in the aftermath:


Survival and heartache: Stories of those who lived through tornadoes..
Death toll increases..

Toddler found alive in field—but her entire family is dead..
She was ripped out of her mother’s arms during storm..
The lone survivor..

Husband dies protecting his wife..

Towns sift through rubble..
A predictor for the future? Not really..

There is trouble brewing on the sun, too. 

A sunspot almost four times as wide as Earth itself is rotating onto the solar disk.. Earth-effects could become stronger as the sunspot turns toward our planet in the days ahead.. chances of Mclass flares and even Xclass flares exist..And the rest of the story: Death on wheels: Dutch mobile euthanasia units to make house calls..

Finke: Lindsay Lohan’s lame Saturday Night Live monologue..

THE LORAX becomes this year’s biggest so far..

New privacy policy lets Google watch you — just about everywhere..

Google privacy changes said to be ‘breach of EU law’..

Julie Taymor claims that SPIDER-MAN producers engaged in fraud.. 
I am a victim of Spider-Man
Taymor goes into detail about what happened during the development of the musical, why the U2 bandmates deserve significant blame, the so-called “Plan X” and why she was fired…

Darth Vader designer Ralph McQuarrie dead at 82..

…second chances…

Talk about insult to injury

Light snow is now falling on some towns that were destroyed by the tornadoes on Friday… 

A road to no recovery for so many..

The town of Marysville Indiana, a town of less than 2,000 people, has practically been wiped off the map by the tornado outbreak this week..
Recovery seems to be far away..
Some homes were dropped 100 yards away from where they were.. the noises of chainsaws have now replaced the roar of the tornadoes.
The cleanup process now starting..
A young baby was found alone in a field.. alive. She is in critical condition but word now has come that the baby girl’s family perished in the tornado.
More than 100 tornadoes on Friday—a record for March and as many as we see in an entier month. All in one day.. All in one day……

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Get ready: It may be an above average tornado season in the United States

Get ready: It may be an above average tornado season in the United States

...if you make it through December .. maybe you'll be fine...

Get ready to hear about asteroid 2012 DA14. It hurtling towards the planet earth and speculation is building online concerning how close to earth it will get — or if it will hit earth..

And just when you thought Armageddon was going to occur December 2012. Maybe the Mayans were off by two months.

Here is the storyline: A newly discovered asteroid named  2012 DA14 is about to come close to earth. Lots of sources online, for better or worse, are proclaiming the end to be near..

But lots of confusion also exists on the asteroid, too.

For example, this site says it will be closer than some satellites.
The always fun RT.COM speaks of it in a more apocalyptic tone..
And finally..
NASA.. the experts in all this..Well.. they are watching it too and giving us lots of graphs and numbers to showcase the whole event.

And finally, here is a YouTube video with horrific music showing us the progression.

And after all of this, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little creeped out by the chances that earth could face a perilous future.. But this soon? February next year?

Asteroid 2012 DA14 is too close for comfort. And maybe if we make it through February 2013 we will just say .. it was close. Hopefully. If we’re here. I suppose live every day of this year like it’s the last, eh? 

Brooms are standing on their own again

I think it has something to do with gravity. Or the earth.

Or this: A fad!

And it happened before. Just Google it.

But that doesn’t mean I didn’t post a broom standing on my Facebook tonight. After all, it’s fun to hop on the Viral Bandwagon now and then.

Sometimes there is no recovery.. This image hit me a little more than others from the tornado outbreak.. These two folks who appear in front of a mound of wreckage may have been surmising their own house.. the comfort they know was taken off of the ground and moved forever. Away. 

And now they simply stand and stare.. in wonder as the wander around to try to salvage any memories of the times that were. Maybe lucky enough to find an old photograph .. maybe they’ll be happy if they find a memento that was stuffed in a drawer in the house that is not just laying on top of the debris. 

I don’t know their story. And as a matter of fact it is their personal story and their own business to know their story. So I don’t have to know or want to.. but I can only imagine that their story, and a big number of other people too, are going through a re-write of a story.

Their lives shaken and torn apart .. fabric of security of a home. That is important. It’s a foundation. A place of small luxury in some instances.. and a place of happiness and privacy. Ripped apart.

No, sometimes, there is no recovery.

Don’t you agree…

There is no recovery…
How can you look at a photo like this and not agree?

The total average of tornadoes in the month of march 94


The total number of tornadoes yesterday? 95
Global warming? Nah

I was wrong earlier.. well not wrong but way off. I said 70+ tornadoes but didn’t realize it was up to 95.

The previous record was set in 2006 (not long ago, eh?) .. Broken now if all these are confirmed.

A record that I don’t think anyone really wanted to beat..

Not out of the woods yet with this storm system.. And the death toll sadly isn’t done rising..

Violent storms kill 31, death toll could rise

But even more: the storms continue today. So despite the media reports of the storm being written in past tense, don’t let your guard down if the sky above is stormy.. Follow your local weather—and maybe it’s time to get a NOAA weather radio. Good investment for times like yesterday and today..

The day after tomorrow: Images from horrific damage due to the tornado outbreak

There are also some more images here

The day after tomorrow: Images from horrific damage due to the tornado outbreak

The photos and stories coming from the heartland of America are tough..

Lives and limbs lost due to the tornado outbreak.. And even more, an entire town has been wiped off the landscape due to severe weather—severe weather that just doesn’t seem right happening this late in winter.. or early in spring, depending on what your view of the seasonal change is.

As a matter of fact, the 70+ tornado reports (if all confirmed) will blow away the typical overall number for March in general—70 plus in just one day with an entire month to go.

And speaking of not being out of the woods yet, tornado warnings yet again abound: All the way from Alabama to parts of Northern Florida. 

It goes without saying but I’ll say it anyway: Prepare and be aware. Watch what is above and know what is below. 

This may be a very long and drawn out spring and summer of severe weather. Don’t be surprised if someone today believes that the Mayan calender is right after all..

What's your take on Limbaugh? Think he fell off the wagon?

Typical Limbaugh.. Gets more attention by saying something outrageous .. This time though he looks really bad and it could produce consequences for him… He’s a major figure so I’d assume he cannot be fired… But this could really continue to blow up and then who knows..

Marysville Indiana completely 'gone'

Marysville Indiana completely 'gone'

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Alert to readers and visitors from the Ohio Valley

Tomorrow could be very deadly .. Tornadoes are set to abound.. A wild March ready — this after the Leap Day outbreak.. Prepare now and be ready.. Look above and know what’s below. It could be a very bad day..

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


The world lost Davy Jones today at the age of 66.. Known for being in the Monkees of course..

Therefore: The song of the day—who doesn’t know every word and sing along?

While Daydream Believer may have been the most famous song the Monkees performed.. While Anne Murray tried to redo the magic of the Daydream Believer in 1979, it fell short.. especially on a day when Davy Jones leaves the world.

R I P ..

This is what it looks like after a leap day tornado..

The AP shot the image in Illinois after the stampede of steady and deadly weather tore apart lives and limbs..

A sad day.. thoughts and prayers need to be extended to the fine people who dealt with horrid chaos today.

And while you’re praying, stock up on food and water. This may be a bumpy spring..

Some people would say they'd give their testicle to be in a job.. this professional wrestler started a lawsuit because he lost his due to a match gone wrong

Some people would say they'd give their testicle to be in a job.. this professional wrestler started a lawsuit because he lost his due to a match gone wrong

Summer heat. GOP may be on pace to have a rendezvous with destiny: A delegate fight.

So...If we make it through December we'll be fine?

Just when you thought the only thing to fear in December 2012 was the end of the Mayan calender and subsequent apocalypses, enter into the news fray this item of importance: Ben Bernanke is warning the nation of impending doom. A ‘fiscal cliff’ .. coming in January 2013…right as the new years eve ball (hopefully) drops on a nation that is relieved they weren’t destroyed by fire and brimstone.

So is it a relief when Ron Paul predicts that the FED will self destruct…?

Not at all, I suppose. The cliff just gets more steep..

A leap day to remember--and forget.. and recover from all the same..

I am beginning to get a very eerie feeling about this spring and summer coming up. If tornadoes are already occurring this bad (12 killed as violent storms ravage Midwest, South…) I think they will get even worse over the next few weeks and month or two.

We have had an abnormally warm winter. While few complained about unseasonably high temperatures all year with no measurable snow, I did worry. I wanted the snow to create springtime melting and growth.. I wanted the cold to kill the flu, bugs, and ticks. Nothing of that nature occurred. Bugs are already creepy and crawling.. ticks never went away..and the flu? Everyone is sick. Warmth like this isn’t good.

And now the deadly tornado outbreak today and tonight. I didn’t go to Penn State for meteorology, but as sure as I can say that Joe Bastardi is on my twitterfeed I know this: Storms this big and strong this early is foreboding. Supercells that decimate entire towns in winter..? Well just imagine what the spring will bring.

The leap day tornado outbreak started today.. and as of tonight it continues…

Hope I’m wrong. 
Really. I hope I’m wrong. 

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Sorry to my followers for going political tonight. But I did...


Arizona won.. and Romney wins Michigan too..

November here he comes

Markets Start to Anticipate Obama Victory in November

Markets Start to Anticipate Obama Victory in November

Mitt Romney loves kids and mom jeans, but Rick Santorum loves nuns.

Mitt Romney loves being casual. Look at him campaign in a casual outfit!

People who dress like Mitt Romney really love Mitt Romney! Look at them love him!

Not only does Mitt love kids, but he loves Kid Rock too.

Romney really loves kids. But likes really large Governors even more..

One state down: Romney wins Arizona.

Romney plays to a packed crowd. Hundreds enjoy his message.

Jesus brought Lazarus back from the dead. In this image Mitt Romney gives a child the key to success. 

Kids love Mitt Romney. Arizona edition. Maybe Michigan. 

Interesting results in Michigan tonight.. Democrats voting for Santorum and Paul.. not because they like them but because of how much they dislike Mitt Romney

Interesting results in Michigan tonight.. Democrats voting for Santorum and Paul.. not because they like them but because of how much they dislike Mitt Romney

I think I am going to write a book about parenting..

Would anyone out there who follows me read it?

Would people out there want to buy it?

Give me guidance.. give me something. Anything. Give me an answer…

And really.. are there too many “parenting” books to begin with anyway?

What kind of a world do we live in!? Where even Yoga isn't free from sexual scandal....

What kind of a world do we live in!? Where even Yoga isn't free from sexual scandal....

Monday, February 27, 2012

….Art Bell, can you please come back to radio….?


A parody for parents: Thomas the unstoppable train engine.

My son loves Thomas the train. I like him, too.. And this video completely made my belly laugh. Do only parents laugh at this…?

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Oscar ‘12 highlight

Sacha Baron Cohen dumps fellow dictator Kim Jong-Il’s ‘ashes’ over Ryan Seacrest

This is Billy Crystal, 2012. Not Billy Crystal 1990. Though his hair color is the same.

This guy is a brilliant.. make you feel like the 20th century by appearing like he is still living in it.. Time warp. Time traveler. Party like it’s 1929 at Oscar 2012.

If it's the end of the world as we know you'll feel fine in Wyoming

If it's the end of the world as we know you'll feel fine in Wyoming

How to make Rick Santorum puke: Have him read JFK speeches on the separation of church and state

How to make Rick Santorum puke: Have him read JFK speeches on the separation of church and state

Cumulus dropping Coast to Coast AM in multiple markets

This is a pretty big deal for those who like the radio that talks about strange bumps in the night—but maybe also not surprising just as well.

"Red Eye Radio" is replacing Coast to Coast AM with George Noory is multiple markets.

There is a lot to this new change in a lineup. However, regardless of ‘why’ the show is being dropped, the fact it is being dropped it a major development in radio. 

Art Bell officially ended his relationship with Coast to Coast AM in 2010. And since then listeners in massive numbers yearned for his return. He has not yet, and instead George Noory has boasted that he may get a contract renewal until 2018 (long after that whole Mayan Apocalypse) ..

With the new news of Coast being dropped of of pretty big markets, being replaced with a late night conservative political show, what will become of the little UFO program that could created by Art Bell? …maybe the return  of Art Bell?

Don’t forget: Art Bell retired before (ok lots of times) .. but one time he retired someone by the name of Mark Siegel took over. Affiliates dropped. Ratings dipped. 
Could we be re-writing the same chapter all over again? 

Cumulus dropping Coast to Coast AM in multiple markets

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Today was a good day.

But for lots of people on earth, it was not a good day.

And the news does go on.

A sampling of the mess-test from the most-test: Earth

Dramatic new details revealed: 20,000 children may have been sexually abused by 800 Roman Catholic priests in Holland!

The future is radiated: Will Japan’s Fukushima nightmare create a birth defect filled future?

This.. is .. important? Nike Foamposite Galaxy shoe release causes rioting at a Florida mall..

More threats: North Korea vows ‘sacred war’ against South..

And if the North Korean threats aren’t bad enough, here’s one from Iran: Ready to ‘wipe Israel off the map’

Heartache and horror in the Syrian city of Homs: Residents speak of utter violence and murder taking place..

NATO troops killed in Afghanistan..

New York man goes into surgery.. leaves six inches taller!?

Out of touch? Romney says his wife drives ‘a couple of cadillacs’

Is Sears ready to ‘unload’ 1,200 stores?

Cohen will attend the Oscars as the Dictator..

What caused the collapse of the Mayan culture? New information suggests a series of droughts..

Thousands of planets may exist in utter darkness in the Milky Way Galaxy..

Newly released rare footage of Challenger disaster from the 1980s now revealed..

Monsanto settles Agent Orange case..

Bush III? Could Jeb be the knight in shining armor in 2012?

Bush III? Could Jeb be the knight in shining armor in 2012?


This was it. The big birthday bash a year in the making.. Ayden Morris and family, and friends, celebrating until naptime. It was fun. Elmo showed up and brought himself on a balloon. Adults ate sandwiches and meatballs. Kids ran and played. It was a good time had by all. Thanks friends and family for coming and thank you even more good God or whatever is in charge of this mess of an earth for giving us the true blessing of having a child.

Now with that out of the way…I’ll say this: I am quite proud of the little Boris Morris today: He didn’t once use his hands to eat his cake. Instead he was polite and nice eating with his spoon.. Sloppily. But eating with his spoon nonetheless.

Mr. Manners. 
Proud parents.
With less to clean. 

I'm trying to determine which is worse

The Wiggles, Barney.. or Calliou? 

I am thinking the little pale whiny kid Calliou. Just sometimes can’t take him.. reaching the breaking point with the Wiggles, of course, until their damn songs get stuck in my head.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

I just can’t place my finger on it.. Why do I feel something is missing from
USA TODAY’s little presidential graphic ….. Gotta love media bias!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tomorrow, be sure to tell a Catholic that he or she has a nice ash

One year ago tonight ..

…was the last night that I was NOT a dad or Tara a mom.

It was the final night alive for Cloud, my sister’s family dog..

It was the best of times, and it was the worst of times.

And those times have passed.. One year later, the night a year ago is the past. 

The future is so bright.. gotta wear shades.

Monday, February 20, 2012

A whole ton of ethical and moral questions come with this one: Sex changing operations on the rise--sex changes for children

A whole ton of ethical and moral questions come with this one: Sex changing operations on the rise--sex changes for children

Soylent green is people

And if the triple bypass burger doesn’t kill ya, the test tube version may.. For real,there is a good possibility that the first test tube hamburger will be produced this year.. Charleton Heston has left us on earth, but I’m inclined to remind you all that he screamed that Soylent Green was people. No one believed him. What will your test tube burger be? And can you order it well?

Chalk this one up to truth in advertising?

Heart Attack Grill owner defends his restaurant after a patron eats a Triple Bypass Burger—and has heart attack! I’d consider this one just truth in advertising.. don’t the diners sign a waiver? If not it may be time to write one up..
It’s not often we find truth in advertising.
McDonalds doesn’t tell us how bad their product is…
Pizza Hut doesn’t let us know the calories per slice..
So the Heart Attack Grill is, by definition, just being honest..? 

This story is sad and alarming: More than 3,000 children from Northern Uganda suffering from debilitating mystery ailment known as nodding disease

The strange disease known only as ‘nodding disease’ is confounding experts.. it is also killing children at an alarming rate.. unknown are the causes.. what is known is this: The disease affects only children and gradually devastates its victims through debilitating seizures, stunted growth, wasted limbs, mental disabilities and sometimes starvation..

This story is sad and alarming: More than 3,000 children from Northern Uganda suffering from debilitating mystery ailment known as nodding disease