California only has one year’s worth of its water supply left, NASA scientist warns
But a fact complicates that flawed thinking.. a fact like this: FEMA saw the FEWEST disasters in more than a decade..
Of course even the BIBLE says that God rested on the 7th day.. so I suppose Armageddon also takes breaks now and that for relaxation..?
Darkness during wartime..
83% of electricity in Syria has been wiped out due to war..
The before and after is like day and night..
That’s why you will not be president.
Barack Obama, in a joking response to Jimmy Kimmel last night after Kimmel said the first thing he’d do as president is open the files on AREA 51, Roswell, and UFOs..
And another UFO related quip from the show:
On President Clinton’s claim that he went through the secret files on extraterrestrials and found nothing:
"That’s what we’re instructed to say."
Obama went on to read ‘mean tweets’ . . his comments about UFOs are considered, of course, jokes.
But let’s not forget.. for a joke to truly work, there’s always a shed of truth behind it.. Perhaps it is why people like KIMMEL, who always seem to ask Presidents about UFOs, will not be President..
Kimmel had previously made some waves after asking former President Clinton about aliens.. at that time, Clinton was analyzed to have had ‘stressed’ behavior during his response.. I can’t find any analysis yet of Obama’s reaction..
Jokes.. Jokes.. laughable moments. Teachable moments?
Am I overreaching here?
So this pope could borrow a card from the Naztinger deck.. perhaps an early out..
Or the fulfillment of the prophecy of the POPES?
This very thing happened one year ago. In the very same spot..
….the year of the goat.
We are a social media obsessed nation. World. ETC.
And now there is scientific evidence that maybe all of this is ruining our life..
The money quote:
About 58% of people surveyed said “posting the perfect picture has prevented them from enjoying life experiences.” Sound familiar? Trying to get that perfect concert photo, or just the right sunset pic sometimes interferes with enjoying the experience itself.
I know a few folks who do this.. I will keep them nameless.. But there’s one intriguing facet of 20/20 vision on this. Even though I roll my eyes at a few people I know and love when they insist on getting the perfect picture, I do, years later, love going back and seeing that perfect picture existing.
Ahh.. the yin and yang of life..
Pretty sure this is the grossest thing I’ve seen this year: A condom that looks and SMELLS like pizza. No need to insert your own joke. No pun intended.
The plot thickens indeed.
This would also mean that during that last ‘good night’ message that came from Flight 370, the person listening could have been tucked away for a long night’s nap..
Astronomers have found the most conclusive evidence yet that a large watery ocean lies beneath the surface of Jupiter’s moon Ganymede.
SET SAIL FOR Ganymede!
Take a deep breath.. read the headline a few times until the true power of it sinks in. Jupiter’s moon.. a salty ocean..
Though it may seem like eons for my, it wasn’t too long ago that I learned in school how Earth was the only planet with life and water. And there were only 9. Boom. Done.
Now there’s trillions with untoldillions to be discovered. And maybe multiverses.. and Pluto is NOT a planet. But CERES has glowing balls of light emitting from it. And we are landing on asteroids.. and there’s a ROVER on MARS watching the sunset from the distant planet.. and TITAN may have water.. And MARS may have HAD water..
And we are stardust.
And there may be aliens..
And we are not alone.
This is an amazing time to be alive. It also makes me ponder if ‘disclosure’ is going to drip out slowly .. with each new story about water on some distant body in space, are we being primed for the ultimate: Not only water is abundant, but life is too?
From the LA TIMES STORY, a money quote:
"The solar system is now looking like a pretty soggy place," said Jim Green, director of planetary science at NASA. "The more we look at individual moons, the more we see that water is really in enormous abundance."
A soggy place.
Much different than those 1980s and 90s grade school textbooks in science. And even much more different than those 2013 textbooks.
Throw them all away.
Next up?
Jason Lazarus asked for photos that people couldn’t bear to hold on to, and this is what he received from anonymous donors.
There are some emotional photos included.. Even if we don’t know the story behind them, the untold words are monumental. Everyone has a story..Everyone has deep emotional scars, secrets of their existence.
I will not send mine to VICE but instead just publish it here.
This photo, for me, is too hard to keep. Goodbye to it.
A pilot either knowingly, or unknowingly, made a very phallic flight path in the sky over FLORIDA..
I suppose men never grow up..
Interesting article.. Worth the read.
The money quote:
Up to this announcement, any of the characters could have been gay. Admiral Akbar. Boba Fett. Hell, even, Lando Calrissian. Would it matter if Lando Calrissian was gay? Not at all. His role in the story wasn’t impacted by his sexual orientation. If I had read the headline ‘Lando Calrissian revealed as gay’, all I would have thought was ‘that makes sense: those overtures to Leia were overcompensation.’ Lando ran Cloud City, betrayed Han and friends, and redeemed himself by blowing up Death Star 2.0. Gay… straight… it didn’t matter.
We live in a time where everyone is desperate to label everything. To define what something is or isn’t because saying nothing somehow implies intolerance. To me, the Star WarsUniverse feels far more intolerant because they’ve flat out told me there’s been no gay characters in canon until now. I liked it better when there was ambiguity to it, because it had no impact on the story I was watching or comics I was reading.