Taking one for the team: The Philly Phanatic has been hit—and hurt—by a foul ball at a Phillies game— and treated in an emergency room, too
*Awkward moment when the announcers chuckle about and joke ‘better call a medic’..
Taking one for the team: The Philly Phanatic has been hit—and hurt—by a foul ball at a Phillies game— and treated in an emergency room, too
*Awkward moment when the announcers chuckle about and joke ‘better call a medic’..
A woman who was considered dead woke up at her own funeral and then died—for real—of a heart attack.
Cities bring more stress than rural areas..
Sure there are more centers of recreation, shopping, cars, buses, horns… fighting… panhandlers.. Everything. Rural areas don’t have the modern day ‘progress’ that brings about stress and higher conditions of uncivilized behavior..
I work in a semi-metro area.. live in a semi-rural area.. and enjoy visiting big cities and extreme rural areas.
I think being well-rounded is the best game plan for sane living.
Republicans walk out on budget talks.. Raise the roof? … raise the debt ceiling? How about just good old fashioned talking!
Truly a bombshell as Cindy Anthony says she searched the computer for chloroform instead of Casey.. Amazing.. Shocking.. And perjury? Lies? Covering for Casey? Amazing….
Waterloo — Abba
…but finally, at this early morning hour, he sleeps. And I hope all night. But…. Probably not
Al Gore going to the extreme? Try population control..
It always makes me nervous when men of power want to ‘curb’ the population or ‘stabilize’ the population.
A few facts: Russia has warned of a population crisis.. even Vlad the Putin wanted to have a national day of love making to help spur some more babies. And how would less kids help take care of the ever aging American population?
But even more, deeper, and more profound: The thought of population control could start as a great suggestion but end up being forced.. No? .. nah, eugenics never occurred, right? No big corporations and government agencies ever teamed up to try to stunt population growth—albeit then it was to help get rid of the pesky “unfit” folks. Maybe a new environmental eugenics is upon us?
I just wish, in the end, science would take over this debate and politics would get out of it. Climate change is real.. global warming—and cooling—is real. El Nino and La Nino is real. And pattern change is real. What is absurd is that we are not prepared for either intense hurricanes from intense global heat, extreme sea level rises—or even flash ice ages that occur when sunspots die away.
Politics… environment. Oh they just should not mix……
I think a joke — but a good one. The latest call was the most ridiculous and showcased that the joke has worn out
These are those news events that make me wonder if Satan created the world instead of God.
Walking around in women’s underwear: The TSA must have had fun with this guy.
US Airways allows man to fly wearing women’s underwear..
Bad news for women who have more than they had before: Women who get silicone breast implants are likely to need additional surgery within 10 years to address complications such as rupturing of the device..
*just in time for election 2012*.. Mitt and Huntsman can’t do that now, can they..
Flood sirens are sounding now. To my readers there: Get out of the flood zone now, be safe, and be fast. Good luck
Flood sirens are sounding now. To my readers there: Get out of the flood zone now, be safe, and be fast. Good luck
As a matter of fact, Michio Kaku says it’s still a ticking time bomb not being helped by government lies in Japan..
Want an example as to why? Apparently new research is concluding that the fear over terrorism is making people stupid..…
All across the nation, such a strange vibration. People in motion…
But apparently can’t return the favor now that someone in the entertainment world is DEAD.. Ebert’s Tweet mocking the death of Ryan Dunn has set off a firestorm of controversy.. Dunn drove drunk, yes, but with him dead now how will sarcastic jokes on the stupidity of drunk driving help anything?
The story has been alive and well on blogs and independent websites for several days, but now real media attention (tongue in cheek there) is beginning to issue some press on the story of Fort Calhoun and Nebraksa.. The NEW YORK TIMES running a piece about Fort Calhoun and the Cooper Station.. Also revealed: Cooper was near a shutdown..
Officials still say there are no worries. And I hope they are right. I think most people hope they are right. But I also hope the media begins to pay attention to some stuff that has importance for humanity, including ‘unusual’ events at nuke plants during flooding.. It took days before anyone mainstream even reported it.
New expert report says earth’s waters are “at high risk of entering a phase of extinction of marine species unprecedented in human history”
Well so much for that, I guess.. Walmart wins one with the judges..
This is how the AP reports it:
"The Supreme Court blocked the largest sex-discrimination lawsuit in U.S. history on Monday, siding with Wal-Mart and against up to 1.6 million female workers in a decision that makes it harder to mount large-scale bias claims against the nation’s other huge companies, too"Harder to mount bias claims is an understatement.. what an amazing decision from the Supreme Court.
Once again time to avoid calamities on earth and on highways, too.. May no shredded truck tires impede your progression full sale into a wonderful week.
Readers, viewers, listeners, fans, friends… Give me your thoughts… I had a late night Father’s Day talk with my own father last night. We dicussed some interesting issues, including this: What would happen if robots took over earth? Would they suck away oxygen? ..destroy humans? … kill us all? It could happen. We have given our technology almost more power than us..Send me your thoughts on my open lines page.. And I’ll answer..
Late at night.. hunger for the touch of humanity. Goodnight
"Barrise eventually gave birth to a baby girl in Fitzpatrick’s vehicle.
The baby landed on the floor. No one touched the crying baby. All of this took place in front of the eleven year old.
Fitzpatrick told Barrise they were not keeping the baby because they could not afford it.
Court papers go on to say Fitzpatrick drove Barrise and his sister to their home at the Hideout with the baby on the floor of his vehicle.
Before he pulled out, he told Barrise he was going to get rid of the baby.
Barrise asked for a third time if he was going to kill it and again, he did not respond.
Fitzpatrick said he went to his workplace in the woods behind M n’ D Lawn and Tree Care.
There, according to the court papers, he killed the baby, hitting her twice with a cinderblock, and left the cinderblock on top of the baby”
…last night’s Coast to Coast AM project, hosted by Ian Punett, had a pretty interesting topic: A professor discussed how the primitive, animalistic underside of human nature, with its sexual fantasies and homicidal tendencies, has actually given rise to the most positive features of our race.
It’s worth listening to if you should do be inclined..
A bad kickout? ..maybe time to go back to rehab.. Amy Winehouse booed in Belgrade .. *Note, this is a comeback tour.
The Republicans may as well have just had someone come out and performed in blackface!
A little tension after an Obama impersonator, Reggie Brown, crossed the line during a comedic bit at the Republican Leadership Contest.
POLITICO reports:
"The Obama impersonator, Reggie Brown, said that while the First Lady celebrated all of Black History Month, the bi-racial president only celebrated half the month.
Brown also said: “My mother loved a black man, and she was not a Kardashian.”
Flashing a picture on the screen of Fred Sanford of “Sanford and Son” fame, the comedian said that’s what Obama would look like when he got older.”
Japanese video game developer Sega Corp said on Sunday that information belonging to 1.3 million customers has been stolen from its database..
..especially Asbury Park.. The STONE PONY released a statement today,
The Stone Pony family is deeply saddened by the passing of Clarence Clemons. Clarence will always be our friend, brother and a beloved founding father of Asbury Park’s historic musical heritage. The Pony will open at noon on Sun., June 19 for fans to share their thoughts and reflect on memories as the “Sounds of Asbury Park” are played through our concert sound system”
Still no media attention.
*And still great coverage on the website Under the Mountain Bunker*
Fellow blogger and photographer (and new friend) Alyssa Marzolf and I have had some communication concerning the little town where I grew up in, until a mine fire made us move.. Here is our conversing through text. Thank you Alyssa, and yes, we will stay in touch.
*You can also follow alyssamarzolfphoto.tumblr.com on her site and you will be undoubtedly impressed with her work.
First off, it’s my hope that I will have plenty more Fathers Days ahead of my in life.. But it’s still surreal to think that here I am, in the year 2011, ten years after turning the immature and tender age of 21, and I have a child. A wife. A job.. Bills. Insurance payments. And all of the other things which match up to adulthood in some way..
I have a few things in life to look forward to, a few things to dread. When the moment arrives of parent teacher conferences, or nightly sporting events, or piano recitals, or speeches (whichever my son so chooses to be interested in), I may find those nights overly busy and stomach-ached due to late night fast food dinners. But it will go by so fast that I won’t have any way to even absorb the importance at times of what is truly happening around me..
It is my first Father’s Day. And my son is four months young, as I age tremendously fast.
The amazing thing in life I never would have thought of as important is this: Parents make the life of their children number one and abandon selfishness. At least my wife and I did..
Father’s Day indeed..
My time is flying by.
Stand by Me throughout the heat of the night.. goodnight all
Girl power in Saudi Arabia as they have the NERVE to .. demand the right to drive!? You’ve got to be crazy! They want to drive!? What gives them the belief that they have basic human rights!? Oh this feminist stuff has gone way too far, next they will want to leave the house with their heads exposed. We need to stop this now!!
(*And I certainly hope those reading this will realize my sarcastic humor within the text.*)
Drive away ladies, drive away.s
When the mood hits, just make sure riot police aren’t ready to break up your moment ..
Young lovers Canadian Alexandra Thomas and her Australian boyfriend Scott Jones getting what appeared to be hot and heavy during a riot in Canada has become an iconic image now seen around the world..
Actually, in reality, she was injured and he was comforting her. But lovers can dream..
The realization of the famed ‘shit sandwich’ upon us..
We are being told it’s dry, but it is surrounded by water.. A second plant is being threatened by flooding.. And perhaps the most interesting story comes from a web source stating that a news blackout has been ordered.
Rumors aside, what is clear: The Fort Calhoun nuclear power station in Nebraska remains shut down due to Missouri River flooding.. A developing story that so few are paying attention to—even in the wake of the Fukushima disaster.. You’d think more would be concerned.
The Great Recession.. Depression.. whichever you call it, here to stay. People aren’t happy.. they are jobless.. and they are getting restless. Misery loves company. In this case misery has a lot of company.