U.S. Experimented With Nuclear Fracking
The planet Nibiru is inbound again.
And again.
And again.
This time it’s going to be here by August, 2014.
At least that is what an email to me said today.. It amazed me that such news was abundant online, but no one alerted me to any news source actually reporting it. At this point, I am calling BS on this email and story..
The subject is none other than “Dr. Kaplan” and …well, he does not exist. As a matter of fact, the subject who made the video warning the planet of summertime doom said that the video was intended as a joke..
Too bad Kane Lynch does not realize how brutally angry Nibiru believers become when someone messes with their end of the world scenario. From Believer to Belieber. Maybe Nibiru believers will become that next…?
First the Pope’s peace doves were attacked by crows, and now this: Pope Francis blessed a male stripper and erotic actor’s parrot..
The parrot’s name is Amore.
And Francesco Lombardi, the stripper, said,
"A sort of mixing of the holy and the profane."
School SEIZES lunches from children and throws them away..
And it all happened with the ‘district’s nutrition manager’ went to investigate the crimes against health that were occurring at the Utah school..
Some children had criminal low balances in their accounts..
If a disaster can strike with only 3 inches of snow in the South, it’s worth asking what would a REAL crisis look like?
Drivers are finally returning to the highway to reclaim their abandoned cars..
Why the South fell apart when it snowed..
COME ON BABY LIGHT MY FIRE: Unless you lived under a rock, or in a snow bank, you have been seeing oodles upon oodles of videos posted within the last 48 hours of residents of the South trying to light their snow on fire.. There are rumors of “fake snow,” and military geo-engineered precipitation.. The snow does not melt, and it turns black.. And ever sinceJanuary 30, these videos have been going viral .. It appears very few people understand sublimation, which is most likely the culprit in most of the videos being posted.. Also people who are seeing this storm may never have seen snow in person before.. And finally, we have become a nation that sees long chemical trails being left in the sky and we have become paranoid.. But as Clyde Lewis asked on his radio show GROUND ZERO last night, why in the world did someone figure they’d try to light their snow on fire to begin with and how did this go viral!?
The snow can be as cold as hell, or as hot as fire.. BURN BABY BURN..
A massive storm of snow and rain is moving towards Britain.. it’s also bringing 150 MPH winds.. you read that right, 150 MPH winds… it’s being called “APOCALYPTIC” .. Storm Brigid is raging..
150 frozen SHARKS have been found along the Gulf Coast!
It was still 33.3 million strong.
Or 33.3 million unemployed, wondering what Obama was going to do to help them…
I guess
FOX NEWS won in the cable news coverage. Which means millions of people watched Obama just to get really, really mad at everything he said.
No one said ‘you lied!’ in the Chamber. But it probably happened in homes across the fruity plain..
According to Nielsen SocialGuide, Americans sent out 2.1 million tweets about the address.
And 2 million of them went unread.
On to the next story!!
Money quote from the article:
"On Sunday, Aug. 22, 2010, another caregiver at the assisted living center, whom we will address as Amanda, was working second shift when she went to attend a resident in need. When she returned to her medical cart in the hall, she found a message scribbled out in black ink. It read: “We are from the plane — lost — we will not hurt you! Honest!””
Americans prepared to eat 1.25 billion chicken wings on Sunday during the Super Bowl..
And how many toilet flushes will that equal across the fruited plain?
Ooops, he Biebered his diaper again..
Little boy Justin arrested for the second time this week..
This time he turned himself into Toronto police for assaulting his limo driver..
So Canada, maybe there’s never a good time to bring this up, but since you got Beebs, want to keep him?
Seriously. You can even give us Rob Ford.. He’d be a great Mayor somewhere down here..
This is NOT John B. Wells final broadcast on Coast to Coast AM, but if you go the BELLGAB message board you’ll see why it’s hilariously funny.
My name on there is HorrorReporter. Bateman’s not me, but he’s cool..
Now appearing in Vatican City! SUPER POPE GRAFFITI!
Now appearing on the ROLLING STORY: SUPER POPE!
Matt Drudge tweeted “have an exit plan” .. And Clyde Lewis became quite freaked out about it, enough so that if was the topic of his show last night..
The Drudge ‘have an exit plan’ tweet has raised lots of people’s eyebrows and concerns..
Mac Slavo wrote that he thinks Drudge’s tweet is evidence of insider information about something dramatically awful occurring soon..
Fear and loathing in the Ukraine: The nation may be on the brink of civil war, despite overtures from the government to get rid of some stringent anti-protesting laws that started the insurrection..
The ex-president of the Ukraine, Leonid Kravchuk, says the nation is in a very dangerous place right now..
Judging from images and reports from the nation, we couldn’t agree more..
And while the world media reports the protests as though they are new (American media isn’t really reporting a thing about them!) it’s worth noting that they go back further than what some may think..
Tensions have been boiling for some time, and in December, if you recall, protesters in Ukraine topped a statue of Lenin..
Some Sasquatch hunters think they found the Yetti in Potter County, PA.
And judging from the women in Potter County, many men see them every morning in their beds..
I kid the women of Potter county, I kid..
Those who went to Catholic school or had any religion in their childhood upbringing remembers that mean nun, or nuns, who created a living hell ..
But that is nothing compared to the atrocity that took place in Ireland..
Sisters of no mercy: This is a terrible story coming from Ireland.. Irish nuns forced children to eat their own vomit and put soiled bed sheets on their heads and punishment.. Even more, the children were sexually abused, humiliated, and physically assaulted. According to the report on the Sisters of Nazareth children’s homes in Londonberry, Northern Ireland, the abused children were forced to bathe in disinfectant, beaten for wetting the bed and locked in cupboards’..
It’s really not a big shock.. Wells took COAST TO COAST AM into a politically charged world of controversy and conspiracy.. He rattled some nerves and often was a very divisive radio host. Now he’s done..
Some say people aren’t ready for prime time. In this matter, Wells wasn’t ready for AM.
Good luck John.
May your Caravan to Midnight be everything you wanted it to be.
I completely and utterly wept reading this story.. I have nothing more to than that.. I utterly wept…
Though I have doubts, I hope there’s a heaven.. I hope this amazing child is there.. I just cannot fathom the grief people who knew and loved Tyler Doohan are feeling..