Thursday, June 13, 2013

If you go to, this is what currently appears..

He is up to something.. Hopefully a return to broadcasting.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Cool headline of the day that I really don't comprehend

New kind of matter could form dark atoms.

I just want to know What’s the matta with Matter?

Conan O’Brien crossed John McCain with  Michelle Bachman.. my God this is terrifying.. 

It’s Snowden-slime time. 

Get ready.

He leaked big information about what the government does to surveil people. And now embarrassing photos are being sent online of him in 2002 (when he was much,  much younger) .. if this is the worst they got?? well.. that’s not bad. But I am sure his calls were traced and recorded too. So get ready for that.

Superman-Jesus freaks part 2

I have been reminded in my previous post that there have often been Superman-Jesus comparisons. I agree.. I dug up this article from the year 2002 talking about the very subject..

The only point I tried to make in my last post was that it appears they are actually trying to market the new Superman movie as Jesus.. perhaps because they know that people who are religious often go to movies if there is some type of religious connotation *(think PASSION OF THE CHRIST)* It’s smart marketing. Just as smart as the marketing was for THE PURGE (who didn’t go on Tumblr or Twitter and see those creepy masks since December?) …

So it’s all about marketing. And marketing Superman as Jesus is what they are doing. Even if they are trying to claim they are not.



Get ready for people to make constant comparisons between Superman and Jesus.. 

It seems that the new filmmakers of SUPERMAN actually are utilizing it to their benefit to market the film..

Will people worship SUPERMAN? Did the Bible actually mean the ‘second coming’ was going to be the sequel in a new SUPERMAN franchise??

And why isn’t SUPERMAN American!

Oh.. that’s the Mormons..

I am confused..

And haven’t we heard this story before anyway?

Obama Appointee Who Heads U.S. Nuclear Security Agency Is Hacked By "Guccifer"

Obama Appointee Who Heads U.S. Nuclear Security Agency Is Hacked By "Guccifer"

More Americans quit jobs, a sign of confidence

Really? Maybe people are just quitting before they get fired.. or just tired of dead end jobs.

I love economists.. they see so much in something that’s not there.. Any little thing—and the amazing thing is those small little events, like people quitting their jobs, are enough to move money markets around the globe..

More Americans quit jobs, a sign of confidence

Storm system threatening millions in Midwest could spawn feared derecho

Update from post earlier today.. Be aware everyone..

Storm system threatening millions in Midwest could spawn feared derecho

ICE ICE BABY..Ice ice maybe

No ice please!

According to information being reported in the UK, ice in six out of ten restaurants has more bacteria than water from the toilets .. and it would make sense. Anyone who worked in a restaurant knows the perils of the ice machine—the mold, the mildew, and the bacteria..

Those machines must be cleaned.

But interestingly enough, it’s not just McDonalds and Burger King that was found in the UK to have the issue, but also Starbucks too.. 

One comical suggestion from a reader:

"Perhaps they should be making ice from toilet water"

Rare scare … 

It’s beyond rare for this to happen in France, but it did: A tornado waterspout ripped through the South of France, shocking locals and tourists in the area.. There is video..

Be a star! Ask for your FBI file.. But would you post it on Facebook?

You can Google your own name.. you can deeply search images on Facebook.. but do you really want to know what is known about you but the ‘powers that be?’ By the man?

A new pop industry has developed helping you request your NSA or FBI file from the government! 

It’s called and it’s free of charge.. Ahhhh.. yes, the creativity of the net..

Of course you can just do it the ‘old fashioned’ way and ask for the file yourself from the FBI. But … asking for a file perhaps creates a file that didn’t exist to begin with? Oh the irony.. What to do, what to do..

Arctic Station Evacuated After Ice Melts Underneath It

And they say the planet isn’t changing…

Arctic Station Evacuated After Ice Melts Underneath It

This is an extremely significant and dangerous weather situation developing for Thursday.. (Warnings like this are not common for the area where the purple shaded color on the map is) .. big thunderstorms with high winds are likely.. In the purple: Tornadoes are not only possible but likely—and there will be massive power outages if storms truly knock these areas.. 

The threat is Baltimore/DC/Philly.. a lesser threat but still potent exists back to Harrisburg PA and the Lehigh Valley of Pennsylvania..

Places like New York City, New Jersey, and other areas along the coast line could see wind gusts topping 50mph.. 37 million people are in the area where the most dangerous weather could occur Thursday..

Tomorrow is Tornado Thursday for someone, and maybe more than one city.

As I wrote here on Coal Speaker only yesterday *(about this upcoming threat as a matter of fact)*, we see now that tornadoes don’t care if you’re a populated area or a trailer park.

Pay attention to your favorite source of weather today and especially tomorrow. This could be a very bad day for millions of people, let’s hope it’s not.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

'Quit Google, Facebook' suggests tech expert as surveillance scandal deepens is a good Google alternative. The front porch with a cold beer is better than Facebook. Except all your neighbors will probably still be on Facebook..

'Quit Google, Facebook' suggests tech expert as surveillance scandal deepens

Wow.. This is an image of a massive—and deadly—sandstorm that his Nevada today..

Gmo foods don't do much good for pigs

Or us..

Gmo foods don't do much good for pigs

Putin on NSA leak: Government surveillance shouldn’t break law

Pootie Poot strikes…

You read the headline correct, Russia is giving the United States lessons on when to surveil its citizens.

This brings me back to when former Pres. George W. Bush looked into Vlad the Impaler’s eyes and saw deep into his soul, or so he said.

Is it possible Putin has done the same to America?

Putin on NSA leak: Government surveillance shouldn’t break law

If you’re in any of the colored parts on these maps you need to be aware and read this!

This portends to be a dramatic weather situation setting up in the eastern half of United States both Wednesday and Thursday of this week..

We are hours away from what may be 75 mile-per-hour winds ingrained in the storms and also widespread tornadoes. As we’ve seen with recent developments severe weather does not care if you are from a rural town or a big city..

Pay attention to your favorite source of weather, and be aware of the sky above you.

Is this really lightning hitting the new World Trade Center building in New York City? ACCUWEATHER investigates..