Monday, February 3, 2014

Mila Kunis is the new face of Jim Beam. And no matter what you think, if you drink a lot of it, you will not get women who look like Mila Kunis. But you certainly may get those who look like Meg..

Second thought.. maybe you will get Mila, too?

Some banker news that may raise eyebrows

Correlations/ causation/ instigations/ I know nothing more than the facts reported in the following set of news links. Your job is to figure out what is related or not related when it comes to a global view of news: 

Bank gives warning: A disaster preparedness drill may disrupt real banking..


London rocked by events..

Russell Investments Chief Economist Dueker Found Dead

TV Ratings: Super Bowl XLVIII Is Most-Watched in History With 111.5 Million Viewers

And think about it.. the most boring Super Bowl of all time with the most mediocre ads and lamest half time show getting more ratings than any other event in UNITED STATES history. That’s a lot of history.. and a lot of events that mattered much more than a game between two teams that make millions of dollars a second more than you do in a lifetime.

See here in America, we tend to ignore the important things and focus on what does not matter at all..

The sleepless in Seattle ragers most likely watched the game to see their city’s team win.. And they rioted.

Meanwhile, in the Ukraine, people took to the streets to protest what actually mattered. The scenes of fire and flame may be similar, but the issue at hand is much different. Here we get inflamed over the trivial and meaningless.. in other parts of the world, some things are still worth fighting for.

Seattle Seahawks fans celebrate by starting a small fire in the street after their team won the NFL Super Bowl XLVIII in Seattle, Washington February 2, 2014. The Seahawks beat the Denver Broncos 43-8 to win their first NFL championship Sunday in East Rutherford, New Jersey. 

TV Ratings: Super Bowl XLVIII Is Most-Watched in History With 111.5 Million Viewers

Here are some images of rage in the streets. People, drunk on their own selfishness and alcohol, pretending that a football victory means something and celebrating it shows manliness.

Glad the season is over..

CNBC: Stocks derailed by disappointing factory report; Dow down 300 points

Perhaps now we see why so many bankers are mysteriously committing suicide? 

CNBC: Stocks derailed by disappointing factory report; Dow down 300 points

Your stash of Bieber news for a Monday morning.. including the nipple biting pic..

Awwww, poor Bieber: Justin refused entry to clubs and parties in New York City.. No one wants the lawsuits or attention, Justin.. realize what your spoiled brat attitude did?
Beebs was permitted into the MAXIM Super Bowl party. And I bet he had a super bowl.

I have another Justin Bieber tidbit for you. A new controversy has arisen for the young DIVA after photos were released of him biting a stripper’s nipple. You can read about it here from the UK MIRROR.. If you want to. 
TMZ is also on the case: Bieber & Pal Double-Team Topless Stripper ‘Ain’t No Fun, If the Homies Can’t Have None’

BUT this is refreshing: The White House says it will be responding to a petition calling for the deportation Justin Bieber—the petition has more than 234,000 signatures and counting..

'People are eating cats': Starvation, deaths plague Syria camp

'People are eating cats': Starvation, deaths plague Syria camp

This is a completely horrific story.. And of course nothing of it is being reported on in the United States media. 

AFP: All that remains of Bor, a small market town that has changed hands four times in the latest South Sudan conflict, is an overwhelming smell of putrefying bodies and scattered trash that successive waves of looters ignored.

Police in Italy remove the “Super Pope” graffiti..

Way to ruin some good clean Catholic fun, Italian police.

Riddle me this, someone: Why do the strawberries in SPECIAL K Chocolatey Strawberry cereal taste like vomit?

I really want to enjoy my breakfast.. but each time I bite into a freeze dried piece I feel like I’m sucking on a towel that wipes up refuse from the mouth after a flu.

Please … why?

It’s not a Super Bowl Monday unless there are some videos and photos of fans in the victory city rioting..

And in somewhat related news .. somehow:

9-11 truther interrupts post game press conference..

Mass sea star deaths off US west coast puzzle scientists

Boy scientists are ‘puzzled’ a lot these days.

And while my first inclination was to think it has something to do with Fukushima radiation, research has proven to me that it’s been going prior to the Japan nuclear disaster.

If scientists are puzzled, I’m befuddled..

Mass sea star deaths off US west coast puzzle scientists

Sunday, February 2, 2014


While an exact cause of death has not been yet named, the star was found, reports say, with a needle in his arm. He reportedly suffered from an overdose as he succumbed to his troubled fate…

A promising actor who accomplished so much but yet had so much more to offer..

A sad day.. Heartbreaking as well to think of what drugs can do to a tortured soul.

Rest in peace, rest in peace..

Alex Jones rains on the parade of the Super Bowl madness and hysteria taking place. I wonder if he is also adamantly against the puppy bowl?

How Does Akinator 'Read Your Mind'?

I tried it. For the most part it got everyone I picked..

Except it has a particularly rough time with Robert Englund and  


How Does Akinator 'Read Your Mind'?

Woody Allen's daughter Dylan Farrow details how he sexually abused her in open letter

He’s been called a genuis. He’s been called cutting edge.. he’s been called one of the funniest men of all time.

And now he’s being called a sexually abusive and revolting human being from his adopted daughter..

Even sicker:

“He told me to lay on my stomach and play with my brother’s electric train set. Then he sexually assaulted me.”

“He talked to me while he did it, whispering that I was a good girl, that this was our secret, promising that we’d go to Paris and I’d be a star in his movies,” Farrow wrote.

Sure sorry in advance it this offends anyone.. but in my eyes Woody Allen is a horrifying creature, as bad as Roman Polanski .. And if Dylan Farrow’s allegations are even partially true, any respect he gained over the years should be disregarded and instead he should be viewed as the monster he is.

The news being reported on Allen today gives a whole new ‘creep factor’ to the bizarre moment when Diane Keaton sang to him in a child’s voice at the Golden Globes.

Woody Allen's daughter Dylan Farrow details how he sexually abused her in open letter

Saturday, February 1, 2014

“We have this smoking gun”: Monsanto is killing the monarch butterflies

I actually heard some people joking about the collapse of the butterfly.. I don’t quite know if everyone realizes how big of a deal this is.. and how much of a travesty it would be if man-made chemicals are killing things that have been around and evolving long before humans learned to walk on two feet (Minus Justin Bieber on that one) ..

Now it looks like there’s enough evidence to put faith in a common belief: Monsanto is doing something to kill butterflies and bees.

And now what about us…?

Anyone remember Agent Orange?

“We have this smoking gun”: Monsanto is killing the monarch butterflies

A good way to start a weekend: Pope John Paul’s blood has been found by police.

Reuters reports:

Officers told a news conference in L’Aquila, east of Rome, that they found the fragment in the garage of two men who were detained for having stolen the reliquary last week.

Bishop Giovanni D’Ercole told the same news conference he had pieced together the reliquary and the cloth after police found them in bits on successive days.

And this

"I think John Paul has forgiven them. I think we have to do the same," D’Ercole said of the men, believed by police to be drug addicts.

Well at least they weren’t male strippers with parrots, I guess…

Friday, January 31, 2014

At this point they have come and collected their studio gear and have left.

Woman from 'portal to hell' house details her family's ordeal

The UK DAILY MAIL punished an extremely lengthy article concerning the Ammons exorcisms, one of the most in depth as a matter of fact since I saw the original INDY STAR report days ago..

I myself have not decided what to think about Latoya Ammons or her ordeal—or even that of Gary Indiana police and priests..

Lots of comments across the internet have slammed Ammons for her appearance and her actions.. I have seen some very cruel attacks, mean spirited and hate-filled fun making.. It’s clear that some have promoted this story only to attempt to make a fool of everyone involved with this drama..

As time goes on, we will learn more about this story and perhaps the idea of what happened in 2012 will be shaped by future comments we have not yet heard..

I find myself needing one more piece of information before I decide on the truth or untruth of this exorcism story: I want to hear from the hospital staff and CPS workers who supposedly saw a child walk backwards up a wall. 

If that won’t convince someone of demonic entities in our world, nothing will..

Woman from 'portal to hell' house details her family's ordeal

Third Banker, Former Fed Member, "Found Dead" Inside A Week

Ledges and falling markets don’t mix very well

Third Banker, Former Fed Member, "Found Dead" Inside A Week

Saturday night auditions on Coast to Coast AM

The sudden departure of John B. Wells from Coast to Coast AM’s Saturday night slot has created a void. Last night, in hopes on plugging the leaking dike, George Noory announced that there will not be a permanent host at this time, but that instead guests will be asked to fill in ..

Noory commented that Wells left to ‘fulfill his dream’ of having his own radio show—though some messages by Wells on his own Facebook pages left an impression that it was Coast’s decision to terminate him from broadcasting. 

Noory went on to speculate that fill ins like George Knapp, Dave Schrader, and Rob Simone will assume the helm on Saturdays. While a permanent replacement may eventually be chosen, it will not happen at this time.

Looks like auditions are in full bloom on Saturday nights.

Some on BELLGAB and other message boards have speculated that a drop in ratings led Premiere Radio to can Wells from the gig.  Recent numbers indicated that Coast ranked 14th place with a little over 3 million listeners, compared to Art Bell’s time of 14 million and 4th place. Even more, a number of people become perplexed as to why the show, typically apolitical since Bell’s hosting days, took a toxic political turn on Saturday nights with John Wells.

Last night, Noory addressed that very issue, though in a roundabout way. Noory said that the program, while thanking Wells for hosting, was going ‘back to its roots’ on Saturdays and focusing on the unusual and paranormal. 

John B. Wells will begin his own online radio program next week, called the Caravan to Midnight. Ironically, the ‘Midnight’ show will air during afternoons on weekdays. It appears the program will feature heavy hitting topics like Fukushima radiation and gun rights, topics that Wells always tried his best to get on his Saturday Coast shows.

The reaction to Wells’ departure has been interesting, to say the least. While some who were with the program since Art Bell did not like the Wells style, it appears they have more in common with Wells’ fans than they’d like to admit. Both Wells and Bell left Coast under mysterious circumstances. Both have fan bases that said, or are saying, they will leave the program altogether because their favorite host has vanished. And both sets of fans, though different in nature, have taken to BELLGAB to criticize Premiere Radio and George Noory about the handling of the situations.

Wells would typically tell listeners to grab a proper cup of their own tea when listening to his Saturday program.
Perhaps one of the most poignant responses was from a Twitter user who, when responded to Coast’s new updated weekly schedule lacking Wells,posted a photograph of a cup of tea. 

We do know this: Regardless of what happened with Coast or what happens on Wells’ caravan, he will always have a home in Alex Jones’ prison planet..

Saturday night auditions on Coast to Coast AM

'Seinfeld' reunion is in the works

Now Jerry has no hair, George has hair, Kramer’s a bigot.. Newman looks like Kim Jong Un… as for Elaine? She still looks great..

'Seinfeld' reunion is in the works

U.S. Experimented With Nuclear Fracking


U.S. Experimented With Nuclear Fracking

Heads up on a hoax: Nibiru is not going to strike earth by August, regardless of what any website told you


The planet Nibiru is inbound again.

And again.

And again.

This time it’s going to be here by August, 2014.

At least that is what an email to me said today.. It amazed me that such news was abundant online, but no one alerted me to any news source actually reporting it. At this point, I am calling BS on this email and story..

The subject is none other than “Dr. Kaplan” and …well, he does not exist. As a matter of fact, the subject who made the video warning the planet of summertime doom said that the video was intended as a joke..

Too bad Kane Lynch does not realize how brutally angry Nibiru believers become when someone messes with their end of the world scenario. From Believer to Belieber. Maybe Nibiru believers will become that next…?

Heads up on a hoax: Nibiru is not going to strike earth by August, regardless of what any website told you

First the Pope’s peace doves were attacked by crows, and now this: Pope Francis blessed a male stripper and erotic actor’s parrot.. 

The parrot’s name is Amore.

And Francesco Lombardi, the stripper, said,

"A sort of mixing of the holy and the profane."



START EARLY: CRYPTOKIDS NSA site seeks to create a new generation of spies..