Saturday, August 20, 2011

It's always sunny on earth

Scientists aim: Predict sunspots by monitoring sound waves…
Hope: Forecast solar storms..
Prayer: It will help..
Fear: Sunspot will develop, cause a massive solar storm and it will disrupt just about every thing on earth. 

61-year-old lifeguard refuses his speedos as sues over mandate to wear them..
I don’t think many people will have a problem with that…….

Prayers for the city of Pittsburgh, PA

Update: Tragic Pittsburgh: 3 dead from flooding..
…one missing..
Rescue workers floated over the car of woman and two dead children in the city—not even knowing it was there due to high water that fell from nasty storm system..

The storms were quite severe. After rolling through Western Pennsylvania, they landed in coal country causing heavy rains and intense winds.. 
Storms scare me this time of year. Spring and late summer.. some of the worst weather can happen during change of seasons.

Somehow this makes perfect sense.. the irony..

Bank of America tower in New York City struck by lightningMaybe they should rethink the thousands of layoffs they are planning?

Get ready America

Thursday, August 18, 2011

These summer nights are so fleeting. My hope that all of you, out there, are enjoying the remaining dog days of August before the whirlwind of fall arrives.

Just another day in economyland

Downer: The DOW falls yet another 400!
Jobless claims rise..
What happened to that global recovery?
Global risks..
Obama on vacation on a sunny island..
Thousands gather in Atlanta for a job fair..
Twas always thus. And always thus shall be.

Now revealed: Why Art Bell got of Carville the alien: His family thinks it’s haunted..

(I miss this guy!)

Am I the only person outright frightened of solar flares?


This is not a bit

First the Ed Sullivan theater ransacked and now this

An extreme Jihadist online is calling for the killing of David Letterman ..

Betty White does it again...

The most popular woman in America.

The chip to end all chips

IBM is at it again.

The future is now

If you’re not queasy at technology’s implications this may get you there: IBM is revealing that it made a chip that can mimic the human brain.. 

As the sun turns

Sunspots heating..

And now unfortunately are pointing at earth.. Today NASA released a stunning movie that is galvanizing experts. This as the sun turns to the pale blue dot…as the solar flares churn and the sun burns. 

Monday, August 15, 2011

A frightening August image.. Late summer at a purposely unnamed hospital somewhere in Pennsylvania..

Sunday, August 14, 2011

I'm guessing this could be a pretty big deal?

Pakistan allowed Chinese military engineers to photograph and take samples from the top-secret stealth helicopter that US special forces left behind when they killed Osama bin Laden, the Financial Times is reporting..

You probably already knew it, but now science is coming along to the potentially correct belief: We may all be aliens

You probably already knew it, but now science is coming along to the potentially correct belief: We may all be aliens

David Cameron says the UK won't let fear take over. That said, he's still going to crack down hard on freedoms and liberties..

David Cameron says the UK won't let fear take over. That said, he's still going to crack down hard on freedoms and liberties..

Mark Zuckerberg is on Google plus.. before he upped his privacy settings that’s how he looked. After he looked even happier. FORBES has more. 

SF cell shutdown: Safety issue, or hint of Orwell?

SF cell shutdown: Safety issue, or hint of Orwell?

Now this is really cool stuff..

Imagine a planet.. absorbing all light? It’s the darkest ever planet found, it’s coal black with a slight red glow, and it was found by Kepler.

Discovered: Huge black planet that absorbs all of its light from its star
It’s coal black..
Reflects no light..
Darknest known planet..

Chimp attack victim reveals new face..

Life in the fast lane.

Whenever we get to the month of September, I begin thinking about the year in review prospects for my other site, the after all there would only be four months left to the year.. And now, here we are, mid August — already! The time is moving faster than I ever remembered.. is it because I have a child? A new life this year making my own zoom ahead in fast forward? Or perhaps it’s because I hit the 30-year-old mark.. halfway home depending on my social security age health..? I don’t know. But what I do think, though no science will ever prove it, the idea of time does change and it does, for some reason, go faster as you get older.. My mom and dad almost 70… my brother and sister in the 40s… and my life changing rapidly daily. All as the earth rotates into infinity..

A scene of horror before Sugarland as a surprise storm rampages state fair in Indiana

Perry in... Pawlenty out

Perry in... Pawlenty out

The end .. is the beginning.. is the end.. is the end.

The end of today.


Saturday, August 13, 2011


Three people were killed and 24 injured Saturday night when a stage collapsed at the Indiana State Fair, the Indianapolis Department of Public Safety said.



Blurry video captures the moment the stage collapsed at a Sugerland concert at the Indiana State Fair, leaving at least four dead and two dozen injured.

What do you see?

I see sleepiness…….?

Just breaking

A stage at the Indiana State Fair has collapsed, injuring an unknown number of people.

Well at least he didn’t like Michelle Bachmann… This is my son Ayden fervently paying attention to a one Herman Cain…. Maybe Ayden will just grow up to be a fan of Godfather’s Pizza….

C-Span for kids

My son seems to be mesmerized by Herman Cain. WHO AM I RAISING?!?

All night Iowa straw poll coverage on C-Span

Not sure if I should laugh or sleep.

Ron Paul ALMOST won

Ron Paul ALMOST won

No way....


More on those interesting Perry and Bush similarities

More on those interesting Perry and Bush similarities

Bat attack on airline.. The CDC is now looking for 15 passengers..

Bat attack on airline.. The CDC is now looking for 15 passengers..

Good Saturday evening everyone. Hope my Iowa readers are rocking the straw polls.

Call me crazy but I’m pretty sure George W. Bush announced he’s running for a third term. I think.

I think I'm going to buy a chalkboard..

and every time Michelle Bachmann speaks, I’ll screech my fingernails across it… since I’d rather listen to that than her.

A little worries over how far a Prime Minister can go…

London’s response to riots: Lose your hat, your home, and cell phone signal..
Going to tackle ‘social problems’..
David Cameron: The iron fist?
Rights groups are uneasy about the Cameron crackdown..
Was it a ‘welfare road’ to riots?

Look to the sky this weekend

Annual Perseid meteor showers light up night sky..
Beautiful August meteor shower..

Cholera outbreak spreads in Somalia..
Famine as well..
Somalia cholera outbreak related to water and sanitation .. spreading quickly .. 
Frustration over famine relief..
Somalis flee ‘child conscription’..
Children flood hospitals..
And speaking of Somalia..the United States has been busy—hiring contractors! The US is hiring security firms to train troops.. Bancroft gets the mission .. the US is relying on contractors in the conflict..

There seems to be something fundamentally wrong with this planet, so many times over, and over again.. Prayers for Somalia (and everywhere else strife and famine rule the way)..

Police arrest dozens in Philadelphia for violating curfew

Police arrest dozens in Philadelphia for violating curfew

Prediction: Rick Perry will be the Republican nominee for President.

Other predictions:

  1. Ron Paul will run as an independent.

  2. Big bankers will give big money to both Perry and Obama.

  3. Obama will still win. 

  4. The Great Depression will continue.


Awake now..

Goodnight now.

Sleep but avoid dreams.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Something to be a little proud of

The digital theater opens at the Schuylkill Mall

Something to be a little proud of

After midnight...

…a meteor shower is set to dazzle watchers… Good luck watching. If you have kids, as I do, you’ll most likely not be able to make it.

Another reason the future scares me

Another reason the future scares me

Friday night in August

I cannot believe how fast summer ‘11 has been..

Why do we so often forget to use a camera on a picture perfect day?



It’s 12am on a Friday. But we’re close. 

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Ron Paul don't take no crap


Anticipation. For…?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Where exactly have all the flowers gone….?

Monday, August 8, 2011


The only song I can think of for a night like tonight. London on fire.. solar flares dire… Wall Street for hire. What a bad day… hopefully it will just get better tomorrow… …*Why do I doubt it will?*

Wall Street….. take a load off. Relax. Have one, or two.. Or three. Wake up Tuesday and do it all again. It’s going to be a rocky week.

Experts warn: A second and more severe United States recession is imminent

Experts warn: A second and more severe United States recession is imminent

This man … did this!? Did Soros Make $1B Betting on US Downgrade??


Google map of reported riots and civil disturbance in London.

More from London... And not good news, either

Joblessness, service cuts could fuel more UK rioting

Momma said there’s be days like this. And I’m sure ‘mum’ did too.. Too much in bad news today.. my head is spinning.

This will undoubtedly become of the more famous photos from the London mayhem: A terrified women jumps from a burning building as the riots continue in one of the most wonderful cities on earth..

Bank of America was hammered today: It plunged 20%

Bank of America was hammered today: It plunged 20%

This is not the latest DARK KNIGHT RISES  poster. Instead of being fiction, it’s quite real. It’s London, now.. in flames as we speak. 

Doesn’t it just seem like violence is flaring everywhere…..?

Image credit: Photo by Dan Istitene/Getty Images

And now, here’s we why the Drudge Report still matters. He can still come up with amazingly tacky, yet comically witty, headlines about bad news. This one made me crack up..

Speaking of solar flares.. another one just erupted reporting: 

 Sunspot 1263 produced an impulsive M3-class solar flare on August 8th at 1810 UT. 

The latest in good news...



……………it’s still summer!

The latest on today's horrid day in economics

Big Wall Street plunge: 633 points..
Worst since 2008..
World reacts to USA credit downgrade..
Buying while the market buckles..
The market tanked as Obama talked..
Michael Moore: “Show some guts” to Obama.. arrest the S&P head..
…instead of Michael Moore’s suggestion, Obama blames Tea Party..
Republicans, in turn, blame Obama..
Obama says USA is still AAA..
Financial Armageddon? So say some after the Great American Downgrade..

The latest on the solar flares

Amazing NASA images of solar flares..

Multiple flares smash into earth..
Power companies set..
Disruption of earthly gadgets..

Japan tsunami broke off a huge piece of Antarctica shelf!

Japan tsunami broke off a huge piece of Antarctica shelf!

The latest from the violent streets of London

Unrest spreads in London..
London on fire..
Over 160 arrested in London riots over the weekend..

Nightmare on Wall Street: This was the typical face of someone in finance as the Dow thrashed and crashed 633 points..

The news today .. for the first time in a long time.. alarmed me

Call me paranoid but the news of financial Armageddon doubled with prospects of solar flares… yea…  call me paranoid. but THAT!

Great story from mothernaturenetwork:

U.S. pipelines at a crossroads
As the Yellowstone oil spill and other recent disasters reveal the risks of aging pipelines, MNN takes a closer look at the 2.5 million miles of oil and gas lines zigzagging across the U.S.

Even more alarming in my mind: So many of the pipelines and gas lines traveling the underground of the United States are made of wood. Really.. they do. More here 

Question for science folks?

What scares you the most:

  1. Solar flares?

  2. Asteroids?

  3. Comets?

  4. The unknown

Just wondering.

For me, it’s probably solar fares… At least there’s the possibility we’d be hit with an asteroid by surprise, but a solar flare? …we got hours of knowledge before it strikes. The ‘knowing’ scares me more than the unknowns…


The summer is almost over.

Everyone is almost all used up.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

And here is my son Ayden helping me blog… could it be, the first 5-month-old Tumblr? …the subject matter at hand: Teething in the 21st century. Digital diapers. Microchips in the milk! The paranoia could start early…

Just another day of news, sports, and weather.. With crime, murders, child killings, war, famine, hate, and slavery.. Sometimes it disgusts me how wretched and horrible some people in the human race are..

Can you hear them now!? 

45,000 Verizon employees on strike..

The hottest trending jobs in a jobless market

It’s all tech. Social media. Marketing… Want to know why we are screwed? WE DON’T MAKE ANYTHING ANYMORE!

The hottest trending jobs in a jobless market



Bus on fire in Tottenham, London riots. More at BBC. 

Photo via Sky News TV capped by JonathanHaynes

The box office wrap:



Got lots of responses to my question yesterday on how the newest APES film was.. Most agree: it was great. Now, anyone out there want to babysit so my wife and I can go?

The beat goes on: 

Lollapalooza day two: Eminem rules..
Coldplay performs new song..

Are the London Riots a glimpse of the future?

Are the London Riots a glimpse of the future?

Latest from London: Riot scene being described by news accounts and Twitter feeds across the net.. Being called a war zone, 26 police officers have been hurt..

Dozens have been arrested in the violence..

The riots are taking place in the economically deprived Tottenham area. Police cars are being set of fire, buildings and buses are being torched..

It all began when Mark Duggan, 29, father of four, was killed in what is being described as an ‘apparent’ exchange of gunfire..

Developing story that the world is watching..

Solar flared out? …not the sun. A sunspot, 1263, is only getting bigger.. As a matter of fact, here is how reports it:

Behemoth sunspot 1263 has almost doubled in size this weekend. A 28-hour movie from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory shows the spot developing a tail that has added some 50,000 km of length to the active region. This development may increase the likelihood of a strong flare.

Watching and waiting… staring at the sun….

What a year!
And if they had to do it again, would they have stayed in the mine…?

Living in poverty: A year after the world was chilled watching Chilean miners get rescused on live TV, they still live in poverty and strife..
And not only dealing with poverty, but now they have to deal with fruit being hurled at their heads! Protesters threw fruit at the rescued miners, accusing them of being greedy..

Very interesting NEW YORK TIMES story on voices in the head.. mental health.. and learning to cope with taunting voices

Very interesting NEW YORK TIMES story on voices in the head.. mental health.. and learning to cope with taunting voices

Cool stuff: The DARK KNIGHT RISES films in Steelers country.. 

Post flash mob in Philadelphia: Weekend curfew 

Everyone on earth should watch this program: WONDERS OF THE UNIVERSE with Brian Cox

Amazing show that I have recently become addicted to

Everyone on earth should watch this program: WONDERS OF THE UNIVERSE with Brian Cox

Our political thoughts, as explained in a classic Johnny Cash song. Goodnight all.

Saturday, August 6, 2011


And finally, in my hope to cheer up the world: Scarlet Takes a Tumble

For those up in the wee hours of the night..

Tonight/this morning’s Coast to Coast AM will be hosted by Ian Punnett and feature an interesting topic: The prospect of technology turning on us. 

I think of that every morning when I use my electric shaver…what if it gets mad at me.


Another oldie but goodie: The news team that couldn’t stop laughing at the news


Cheer up all: HE-MAN sings!

Cheer up world


The S&P downgrade.. solar storms.. comets approaching. With all this bad news, here is the video we need: Good times with Pastor Gas