Wednesday, October 2, 2013

And with the government shutdown.. lots of satellites are offline, NASA isn’t working..wage and hour cannot be reached..

But it’s business as usual at the IRS, NSA, and other alphabet agencies..

I just checked. And yes, the government is still shut down.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Strieber's aliens and Clyde's 9: It's one of those creepy nights..

Whitley Strieber talking about aliens going up his rear end on Art Bell.

Or a guest on Clyde Lewis talking about the 9. 

A night of weird on my ear buds. I am debating if I should play each on a separate phone and beam both shows into a respective ear. What would my dreams me like then!?


The Pope is stirring debate again after an interview with an Italian journalist—who is also an atheist..

The cool rockin Francis said, in part, that church leaders ‘have often been narcissists’..And the WASHINGTON POST reports this, 

A top official with the Southern Baptist Convention, the largest Protestant denomination in the United States, took the unprecedented step of rebuking Francis, writing that the pope’s interview was “a theological wreck” and that Francis was dabbling dangerously in relativism.


I know about budgets. I was a drug dealer. To be in a drug deal, you need to know what you can spend, what you need to re-up. Or if you want to start some sort of barbershop or car wash—those were the businesses back then. Things you can get in easily to get out of [that] life. At some point, you have to have an exit strategy, because your window is very small; you’re going to get locked up or you’re going to die

Who killed October horror movies? Who cares?

A very interesting story is appearing in USA TODAY, today.. Who killed the Halloween horror movies is the title, and the article goes in depth on how October has become an unusually quiet month for horror flicks—only the remake of CARRIE is really set to scare this month. … and USA TODAY concludes this, which I agree with: Horror has become such a successful genre that you would not be able to fit all the hits into one month. The summer has been another time where horror has seen a build influx of cash.. 

As someone who is dating myself in my less than youthful invigoration, I think things began to change around the the turn of the century from 1999 to 2001.. We saw hits happen in the summer, like THE SIXTH SENSE, the BLAIR WITCH PROJECT, and JEEPERS CREEPERS. It was clear to studios then, as it is now, that you don’t need leaves changing and cooler nights to entice movie goers to be scared. And in the summer, you have another good thing: Kids aren’t in school and are more inclined to do late movies. 

Either way, I don’t get angry or sad that October features few horror movies—most of them are less than watchable anyway to me..

My horror movie marathon for the season typically happens the night before or the night of Halloween, and is filled with only the first John Carpenter HALLOWEEN version..

And sometimes for fun, I’ll throw in Halloween III for some laughs.. I don’t know why no one has remake H3, a modern version of the SILVER SHAMROCK themed film could actually make it better..

FLOTUS the tweetless

Even the first lady’s Twitter account has been hit by the government shutdown. Not really sure why, but she Michelle Obama tweeted this to her hundreds of thousands of followers today:

I am sure there’s a reason for the treason.. but until someone tells me, I’ll just chalk this tidbit up as ‘noise’..

what's with the obama picture in the background?

Expect to see lots of photos in the background.. Obama in college smoking was my first choice..

The NEW YORK POST asks: Miley Cyrus is fooling everyone? 

…maybe. But not Clyde Lewis..

The government is… still… shut… down.

…hmm…did the United States find a new place to dump its used water bottles? Cassini probe now sees a plastic ingredient on Titan .. It reminds me of how much we don’t know about anything.. such as the planet made of glass.. and now a moon consisting of plastic..

Plastic Man will be renamed to Titan Man..

The Greatest Generation's last stand! A new D-DAY in D.C. as World War II vets defy government shutdown to breach barricades at WWII memorial!

And if Hitler couldn’t stop them, you think American security guards could? Think again, fool!

US military war veterans visit the World War II Memorial on the National Mall in Washington, DC, on October 1, 2013

The Greatest Generation's last stand! A new D-DAY in D.C. as World War II vets defy government shutdown to breach barricades at WWII memorial!

Pressing questions being asked in the midst of a government shutdown: Are White House chefs essential?

Pressing questions being asked in the midst of a government shutdown: Are White House chefs essential?

South Korea shows off new missiles designed to hit North

….to be fair,  if Lil Kim did this we’d be sending Dennis Rodman over there. But the South can get away with flaring up tensions? 

Speaking of Dennis.. has he returned from North Korea yet!? Perhaps Lil Kim got a new bride..?

South Korea shows off new missiles designed to hit North

This is a composite of weather models of a still not formed storm in the Caribbean.. All paths seems to being it to areas that Sandy hit one year ago.

The disturbance is strengthening…

It obviously should be monitored by anyone in the path of those squiggly white lines..

Amazing maps reveal what North America looked like only a few short 550 million years ago.. And truly, 550 million years is a blink in time in the eyes of nature.. What will the continent, and for that matter the earth, look like in another 500 million years? 


…my God, did they hire Tumblr to do the coding and network structure for the new health care law!?



Scenes of chaos and violence .. First images emerge from mall massacre in Kenya..

The photos are chilling..

Beware the ides of October.. and you thought today was bad for the government and economy.. We may have seen nothing yet

New federal fiscal year.. and the government has shut down.. a battle in Washington DC between Republicans and Democrats continued into the early morning hours.. by the time the sun rose over the Capitol, the government was still closed for business..

Other news:

October 1: Obamacare begins..

Beware the ides of October!? The next default deadline that everyone is worried about is October 17.. That is an economic date with destiny—the date when markets could be rattled and the United States could default..

Monday, September 30, 2013

Two friends just insulted my new design for this site.. I like it. For now.. A bit. 

Do you?