A girl who vanished 14 years ago may have been seen.. or her doppelganger.. either way the FBI wants hell..
More here: http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/girl-who-vanished-14-may-have-been-spotted-eight-years-n321881
A girl who vanished 14 years ago may have been seen.. or her doppelganger.. either way the FBI wants hell..
More here: http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/girl-who-vanished-14-may-have-been-spotted-eight-years-n321881
I still call this a Clinton duo plan: the image of the embattled candidate who fights back and wins.. genuis
Clinton’s own acknowledgement of the email controversy had previously been limited to a a single tweet, in which she called on the State Department to make public her emails.
While I don’t propose that as a definite, I only bring it up as a possibility..
What if.. what if.. Hillary and Bill thought this whole thing up? Triangulate, slowly drip out the news that Hillary may —cue the music— had a private email system on her personal server.. What if Bill and Hill figured to own this, they release it.. get bombarded, embattled.. and create Hillary as the Teflon woman, the iron lady of the United States.. the comeback kid of the 21st century..
I got this thought today during the theater of Hillary Clinton’s press conference.. she downplayed her scandal. And her first questioner—one that noticeably was chosen by a media handler—asked Hill basically, if a man did what she did, would people care? And Hillary handled it with ease, a smile, and a knowing ‘thank you’ without stating it.
She won today—I know lots of people say she didn’t.. But she won.
In one sense, people like the notion of Hillary because, face it, it’s going to get fun again. Politics will be theater again, good theater.. MEET THE PRESS may actually become a must watch again..
I could be completely wrong about this theory, maybe absolutely wrong.
But as the email slow drip starts, if we see very positive emails of a commander possible Commander In Chief directing situations with ease, then my theory will become more than just a theory..
Yes indeed.
90s style.
RIP Sam Simon, the co-creator of the Simpsons..
He was only 59 years young.. his agent said he was battling colon cancer and today lost that battle..
He also worked on TAXI and CHEERS..
Published reports tonight say that Simon had previously decided to give his entire fortune to charity..
We knew this was coming 15 years ago.
Now it has..
It’s hard to believe that it’s been one year since the MH370 nightmare started on the planet. And even more unsettling, it took one year until we were told that the locator beacon battery was expired.
A new twist..
A new angle..
A new conspiracy.
Nothing ever made sense to me about this news story—nothing. The phone calls that supposedly were being made AFTER the flight went down.. the endless searches in various portions of ocean.. the strange passengers.
And now this newest bit of lunacy: The expired pinger.
Nothing made sense and nothing will.
We are one year into a mystery that rocked aviation and has become one of the biggest mysteries that will live on well after this generation expires..
He wrote, in part:
Substitute teacher Sheila Kearns did a very stupid thing when she showed a horror movie to a Columbus, Ohio high school class. But she doesn’t deserve to go to jail.
And this:
Kearns showed abysmal judgment—although she maintained throughout her trial she was unaware of the film’s content. She should never be allowed near a classroom again. But jail? These were high schoolers. Not kindergarteners.
I am in full agreement and have written countless stories on my website concerning this case, and the bizarre chastisement of this woman as some sort of modern day witch. I wonder if her race had something to do with it..
There is a point of ridiculousness too. Chances are most of the students in the class already saw the ABCS OF DEATH–and if they did they would realize it wasn’t even that great of a movie, even the lower forms of people who live and breathe snuff films were not overly excited about this or even the sequel..
Rockoff writes more,
More disturbing than the draconian sentence is the law under which Kearns was prosecuted. Her crime falls under an umbrella of moral codes known colloquially as “obscenity laws.” And while they might seem like a relic from a time when rock and roll was the devil’s music, they’re still on the books in almost every state in the Union.
I am glad, truly glad, that someone besides me is 1) paying attention to this story and 2) upset by the insanity of putting a woman in prison for something that, under all scenarios, isn’t a crime..
A big greetings to all of the new followers who landed on the COAL SPEAKER page this week. Humans.. Humanoids.. alien hybrids.. Art Bell fans. We’re all the same.
For those just joining us, the Coal Speaker is constantly on a quest for world peace and information, truth, and justice.
You can also find the more paranormal and bizarre side of me on www.horrorreport.com, my other site.
Or just peruse the annals of history here on COAL SPEAKER.
Either way, stick around. Even you, PORN BOT who may be fake.
HARRISON FORD is alive and well after a plane crash.. so you had to figure jokes like this were coming.
The DRESS went viral last week. Is it black? Blue? Yellow? Or white..
So many debates took place in living rooms across America. While President Obama was mum on NET NEUTRALITY, and the real for the new Internet still had yet to be revealed (AND STILL HAS YET TO BE REVEALED), the debate over a dress color went viral and cruel. It even divided my family..
No better time like now to capitalize on the event..
Which is exactly what The SALVATION ARMY is doing with a new advertising featuring a battered woman wearing the very dress that caused so much pointless division among the millions debating it..
The ad says this: “Is it so hard 2 see black & blue? 1 in 6 women are victims’ … Along with those words: An image of a woman, clearly with the makeup of abuse on her body, in the dress–clearly this time a dress that is gold and white.
The campaign showcases how marketing is now done: Cheap and efficient. And effective all around.
At one time, the question was: Does art imitate life or does life imitate art?
Now the real mystery may be: Is life a meme or are memes just life? And amazing fodder for viral marketing techniques..
The overall response from Facebook and Twitter users seeing the marketing campaign has been positive–the dress is ad is powerful and now puts important colors into perspective–things that really matter..
Not in the ARTBELL.COM description is the other side of the coin: The power of Bellgab. The world has yet to find out how much influence they have with the night time voice of the night owls..
Amazing set of headlines.. “Sex-horror’ film? Yeesh..
Now, the chapter is closed with the sentencing today of Sheila Kearns.. One I still don’t get completely.
But no one else seems to be a little queasy with an African American teacher being thrown into jail for showing a horror movie–a legal horror movie–to a class.
AS a matter of fact, media sources are busy playing up the ‘horror’ of her crime, as evidenced by insane headlines running across the NET:
Anne Barnard in the NEW YORK TIMES has the best report online tonight regarding what ISIS has just to the ancient site of NIMRUD in Northern Iraq..
Barnard writes,
It was the latest in a series of attacks on ancient structures and artifacts in Syria and Iraq that the group has destroyed in the name of its harsh interpretation of Islamic law. Last week, Islamic State militants videotaped themselves destroying statues and artifacts in the Mosul Museum and at the Nergal Gate entryway to ancient Nineveh. The militants captured the city during its offensive blitz through much of Iraq last June. “The terrorist gangs of ISIS are continuing to defy the will of the world and the feelings of humanity after they committed a new crime that belongs to its idiotic series,” the ministry said in a statement on its Facebook page, referring to the Islamic State, also known as ISIS, ISIL or Daesh.
And more:
Nimrud is the sprawling site of a city founded by the Assyrian King Shalamansar I, who died in 1245 B.C. Among the most impressive objects at Nimrud are the colossal statues known as “lamassu,” mythological creatures that depict either lions or winged bulls with bearded human heads. Pairs of the 17-ton statues are at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the British Museum.
More on the breaking news today from NBC NEWS dispatches:
A statement from Iraq’s Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities didn’t elaborate on the extent of the damage, saying only that the group continues to “defy the will of the world and the feelings of humanity” with this latest act.
Nimrud was the site of what has been called one of the greatest archaeological sites ever discovered in history..
It’s a high tangled web.. I’d rather not get involved or I’ll quit too.
More here.. http://www.refinery29.com/2015/03/83204/taylor-swift-tumblr-bully
Incidentally back in the summer of 2010, I also quit Tumblr after a band of neo Nazis started to hate me after posting a historic quote about Adolf hitler.. I soon reentered the fray.. haven’t quit since. but u always could. .
CNN is reporting this as though it’s new.. anyone paying attention to alternative news, such as Shoebot.com, will find this news as no shock. ISIS is murdering gays by throwing them off of buildings.. I think it’s about time a number of groups who have been outraged as the slow progress of LGBT rights in places like Russia—and even sometimes America—begin to educate them on the crimes against humanity taking place daily in places controlled by ISIS…
Just When You Thought driverless Cars Were A Far Way Away.. You’re Wrong. . They are coming next year..
So get ready the grave new road of technology..
The future is bright..and fresh and cold. But if you’re like me you’re both anticipating the amazing ability of a just in time future of groceries but also completely creeped out by the logical and negative conclusions of the brave new world. Get ready for your future. GMO automatically delivered when your smart fridge decides….
THE ABCs OF DEATH case settled..
COLUMBUS, Ohio — A former substitute teacher convicted of showing a movie including graphic sex and violence to a high school class was sentenced on Wednesday to 90 days in jail.
Sheila Kearns, who was convicted in January of four felony counts, apologized in court, saying she hadn’t watched the movie before showing it to her Spanish classes at Columbus’ East High School in April 2013. The movie, “The ABCs of Death,” consists of 26 chapters, each depicting some form of grisly death and representing a letter of the alphabet, such as “E is for Exterminate,” ”O is for Orgasm” and “T is for Toilet.”
She faced a greater amount of prison time than this..
I still don’t even understand how she is getting prison time for showing a movie that released in various venues and one that most people in the class probably already saw in some form or another at home.. A firing justified? Yes. Prison time? I still don’t get that..
A fun little debate is soaring on the BELLGAB website and also on my other site// the HORROR REPORT is covering the situation of Ellen from iHeartRadio asserting a copyright claim over not only Coast to Coast AM programs that U7RADIO.ORG is playing, but also SIRIUS XM Dark Matter shows..
If you’re interested read in full here..
The HOLLYWOOD REPORTER posted the exclusive ..
MISERY was one of Stephen King’s greatest books.. A musical version of the story fascinates me. As does the choice of Willis.
Hope it all works out fine..
MASSIVE eruptions in Japan - Sakurajima Volcano blows its top
This is your anscestor. And mine.
As a matter of fact, according to a report today, it’s the jawbone of one of the fist humans. Phallab Ghosh from BBC reports,
The 2.8 million-year-old specimen is 400,000 years older than researchers thought that our kind first emerged.
The discovery in Ethiopia suggests climate change spurred the transition from tree dweller to upright walker.
The head of the research team told BBC News that the find gives the first insight into “the most important transitions in human evolution”.
And it’s a link with the famed LUCY.
The early human. Defined by a jaw. Not a brain. That stuff came later.
Another snowy night.. potentially a housebound day tomorrow for lots of folks in the eye of THOR.. So why not turn off the lights, close the blinds, and entice your mind with a movie about the surreal, unreal, and paranormal. DARK SKIES is one of those films. Try it on for size—an abduction movie with dark shadow aliens, the Greys, evolves quickly into what I think was one of the most legitimately scary and good movies I’ve seen in quite some time.
There are some memorable scenes.. memorable characters. Specifically the idea that the other worldly suddenly presents itself into the lives of mundane people is freaky.
Besides one annoying scene I thought was plagiarism—a family sitting down to a dinner prior to an alien invasion like in SIGNS—the movie was strong and had a good alien premise. If you like alien movies. Or scary ones..
Add to the agenda a dark room and healthy snacks..I think it’s worth it.
Find it on NETFLIX if you can’t find it anywhere else..
After the movie, lighten the mood with the Ballad of the Greys.
Proof is in the prison pudding?
According to potential Republican presidential candidate BEN CARSON, being gay is a choice.. He points to the prison population.. And said you go in straight but come out gay..
No he really said this.
Because a lot of people who go into prison go into prison straight — and when they come out, they’re gay. So, did something happen while they were in there? Ask yourself that question
So I did ask myself that question. And in the search yield of results, I found a study from Just Detention International that says while prison rape is a problem, many times the idea of relations are anecdotal.. But even that study did not prove any ‘gay’ or straight facts..
Maybe Candidate Carson should also read this 2012 story from the UK GUARDIAN portraying the truth about being gay in prison. Sadhbh Walsh wrote,
The reality of life in prison for homosexuals and transgender individuals does not appear to reflect this myth. One young man named Rodney, imprisoned for fraud and check-forging, sent me a detailed account of his life so far in prison. He described a litany of brutal rapes, assaults, beatings and, eventually, the total abandonment of his male identity as his only means of survival in the hyper-masculine and often homophobic prison environment. His account suggests that far from being a paradise, prison for gay men can be a living hell.
I think if Ben Carson wants to continue in his quest for office, he best get an advisor. Also if this is an indication of other beliefs, he may also want to avoid questions on evolution and try not to get stumped on the names of world leaders.
U.S. Ambassador to South Korea Mark Lippert was injured in an attack in Seoul, possibly by more than one person, according to U.S. government sources.
Police in Seoul say Lippert was cut with a razor blade. Lippert is being treated. A suspect has been detained.
Homer Simpson predicted the mass of the Higgs boson in a 1998 episode of The Simpsons, according to a science writer.
In The Wizard of Evergreen Terrace episode, Homer is shown in front of a blackboard working on an equation.
Twelve years later, scientists at the Large Hadron Collider discovered the Higgs boson.
A case of the fluffy whites..
Candidate for Pennsylvania Senate, Joe Sestak, makes news for wearing sneakers from 1987..
Something strange is happening in the skies of PARIS.
And here.. (Some of the most damning findings released)
But there will be no prosecution of Darren Wilson..
I am not in favor of censorship.. but I don’t think the banning of this type of film has me particularly upset.. There is a certain style of torture movie I typically avoid.
However.. In no way am I in favor of this being banned.. Or anything else.
A note of caution: Don’t Google “what to do with an enormous carrot” at work..
I believe this message was sent based on a post from 6 months ago in which I referred to a dead autumn copperhead in front of my house.
I grew up when winter set in.. now with spring on the way and the birth of new little evil baby snakes, my fear will come back.
But I will attempt to grow up. I am in my 30s, and a male. So right about now is the prime time to grow up, right?
Monsanto just got a new bow-tie wearing fan..
What gives?
Growing scientific evidence suggests a future where our brains may prematurely fail in later life through under-use, thanks to Mother Nature’s rule that we ‘use it or lose it’.
This makes some sense to me.. we are not ‘wired’ to be as wired as we are.. It may take a couple of generations to get in the groove.. until we merge with machine, it will be a bumpy and depressing ride..
This is shocking.
It’s the first time McDonalds has admitted to actually using CHICKEN.
I kid, I kid..
This is a good first step though.. now if they take the REST of the plastic and garbage out of their product, we will get somewhere.
Food CAN BE fast. And healthy.. It is just up to consumers to demand it. Thanks to the FOOD BABE and others like her, it’s happening..
Let’s label this the DE-CRAPPENING.
Devil in a blue dress.
Or was the stress white?
Either way a brand new story about an old affair—the man who painted Bill Clinton reveals the secret Monica Lewinsky Easter egg hidden within..
I did not get the chance until just this weekend to see GONE GIRL.. But finally, my son’s sleeping hour, my wife and I sat down to watch this.. I am a little bit disappointed with the end. I will not spoil it—though I will tell you that you see the full package of Affleck during a scene—but the movie was too great to have such a let down finale..
I have no full review, and perhaps no point. But it’s the internet, I don’t have to.
Am I alone in my dislike of the ending of this movie? It’s so bad it makes me actually dislike the entire film, though until the final five minutes it was perhaps one of the greatest movies I’ve seen in years…
It also reminded me of how much I don’t want Ben Affleck to be BATMAN..
Liz Kearney in the SALT LAKE CITY TRIBUNE has a good report on this somewhat unsettling event.. and this part caught my eye the most:
Longtime locals swimming at Boiling River on Feb. 22 told Livingston Enterprise Managing Editor Justin Post the water seemed hotter than they’ve ever remembered it. A small cascade of hot water which in the past has been pleasant to sit under was unapproachably hot one recent Sunday, Post said.
Heasler, who has been with the park for about 12 years, said he and his staff aren’t absolutely certain what’s going on, but they are examining a couple of theories.
There have been tons of websites scaring me for years about Yellowstone.. And then tons of public statements from officials tell me and everyone else not to worry..
I follow DUTCHSINCE to get the truth..(you should too) ..
And now mainstream news is talking about how the Boiling River is hotter than every—in the wintertime.. Fear mongering from the SALT LAKE CITY TRIBUNE it is not..just them reporting facts and theories..
But the ever so scary potential for a Yellowstone event lingers in the back of America’s collective consciousness..
A very brutal murder of a 13-year-old boy is rocking Japan—and people are wondering it was inspired by ISIS..
Art Bell asked a darn interesting question in a post on BELGAB.COM the other day about travel and who people would send back to the time of Jesus to document events.. My answer is below his, I picked Ben Franklin.
There were lots of other cool answers too, some even suggested Bruce Campbell.
And at this point if you’re an Art Bell excited for his return this coming July and NOT a member of BELLGAB, what are you waiting for?
The new age war of words underway.. In one corner, Mr. Universe Deepak Chopra.. in the other corner, the Atheist Krauss with facts and figures.
There’s no meeting in the middle in this battle of wits.
The thrilla in Bodhisattva
Some awful news for people in the coal region of PA (and some other states that import the product from Shenandoah PA) who enjoy this amazing combination of flavors.. A recall because along with the cheese and tomato and basil, little chunks of plastic may also be within the product.. A new flavor indeed.
It’s all in the timing, isn’t it? Life so often works like that..
The UK DAILY MAIL has the full wrap:
A man was arrested at 11.30pm Sunday after jumping over bike rack near southwest corner of White House. Another person was confronted and apprehended by Secret Service agent at around 7am for trying to enter gate as construction workers were leaving
Being trustworthy and accurate could help a web page rise up Google rankings if the search engine giant starts to measure quality by facts, not just links
Lots of people are quite worked up over this.. As a matter of fact, the grand implication here is that GOOGLE is simply the Orweillian ‘Ministry of Truth” ..
Right now, Google uses a complex algorithm of determining the number of links going TO a site as the way to measure how far up in the search a certain website will be. Of course, people would argue that sites containing lots of misinformation will be too high in results and bad information will be spread.. you know, like the bad information that typically disseminates from MAINSTREAM news outlets during breaking news events..
But now the ‘ministry of truth’ idea comes into play, where Google will tap into a fact vault to compare with search terms. Of course, one man’s facts is another man’s figuring.. facts change. Historical accounts converge to paint very different pictures from those presented in the G-rated history books we have become grown to reading in our formative years..
The ‘fact optimization’ idea will most likely create a brand new multi-billion dollar industry.. I can see it now, people who specialize in advertising ‘facts’ ..
But a long time ago, if Google would have been around, a ‘fact’ would have been a flat earth theory..
And if someone googles “Best sex of 2015” … will there be a fact algorithm to present it? Because let’s not kid ourselves on what people Google—anyone with a website can tell you some of the bizarre terms that land them on their pages..
So for all of those upset by this, I get it. I am uncomfortable, too.
But there’s always STARTPAGE. And for those more old fashioned folk, you can always still ask Jeeves, even though he has been vanquished from the askeeves search page.
Have it it. Go out, Interneters.. and find ‘facts.’
My son did not really want to wake up for daycare today, and on the way there he expressed his disinterest in a Monday morning. I told him things were even worse for adults, and attempted to explain to him what happens during work meetings, the fake talking and the pretentious attitudes. I tried to explain how everyone gathers around the table and sits down, pretends to like each other for the first 35 seconds, and then attempts to outdo each other in ideas or long winded platitudes . This may have been a bit heavy for a 4 year old, but he seemed to grasp the concept.
He said to me, “daddy why don’t you get under the table in bang your head on it.”
When I said that sounds like a good idea, I saw him thinking. Then he said, “actually don’t, that will hurt”
Maybe. . Or maybe less.
That’s (potentially) 800 testicles for those keeping track..
I got some questions this weekend with my 'open lines' but nothing worthy of a mention..Feel free to try to impress me with just another factoid or question that may rock my world.
In the mean time, I have a somewhat selfish question for a reason.. I have this website, COAL SPEAKER, but I also have another one named the HORROR REPORT—something for the more surreal and unreal headlines, it’s coded with Wordpress, and it’s been around for a long time. I made a mirror site and, quite suddenly, the traffic on the secondary location surged higher than the original..
Mind you, either site you choose is probably one you’ve never heard of, of course that is unless you caught the brief millisecond of time the HORROR REPORT appeared on BROAD CITY..
Anyway, to make a not-needed-to-be-wordy post less wordy, I would ask a favor of anyone who has time.. send me a message or email and tell me which is your choice: www.horrorreport.com or www.nightterrornews.com .. at this time, they will be identical in all ways except design..
Thanks for the time, if you have it.
New research says sleeping MORE than 8 hours a day increases a stroke risk.. I should be fine. I’m lucky if I get four hours a night..
ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — Almost from the moment a converted crabbing boat became a floating strip club off the shore of an Alaska island, it’s been beset by legal tangles over safety rules and liquor laws. Now there are allegations that it’s been dumping human waste into a harbor.
Yes indeed.. that does sound like a problem..
Just when your body thought it was safe, this comes along: Cap’n Crunch and Taco Bell are teaming up for a gooey new dessert. My stomach nearly turned to rot when I read the headline alone..
Vertical farming: The quicker we build these types of locations the better off we will be.. Such as this location in Jackson Wyoming: A vacant lot the size of one tenth an acre is going to be turned into a vertical farm that will produce the food five acres could! Back in December, FAST COMPANY profiled the trend in agriculture with an article about how vertical farming could feed millions. And make millions..
Quite frankly, I don’t care if millions are made, that is what America is all about. What I think is revolutionary is a farm in a controlled environment where pesticides and other big agri killers aren’t needed..
In April 2014, Motley Fool asked if vertical farming could kill Monsanto’s tight grip hold on the industry.. The farms of the future are being built today. Rightfully so.. We need more. I would love to see a vertical farm on every empty lot in the world. Let’s feed this planet healthy food. Real food. Vertically farmed food..
I will get off the soap box now, or else I’ll go off in another wild tangent about the need for a high speed railway across America..
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Hyundai Corp is recalling 204,768 Elantras because of a power steering defect that might cause the cars to suddenly revert to manual steering, the company said Saturday in a report
The vaccination debate just got even more wild..
The UK Telegraph reports that this man got a vaccination for yellow fever and immediately began to believe he was the devil
Happy birthday beebs.
And now you can finally, after a long life of sobriety and purity, have a drink.
The Pope is take a voyage into the deep . he’s being critical of the very thing that keeps society going–the reason some, perhaps, even live! MONEY. And he calls it the ‘devil’s dung’.. Francis condemned the “throwaway culture created by the powers that control the economic and financial policies of the globalized world”.. MORE: “When money becomes an idol, it controls man’s choices,” he added. “It makes him a slave.”..
Should the day ever come when the dead do rise from their graves a new disaster preparedness kit could give you an edge in that chaotic first day for the reasonable cost of $1,499.
So get ready for that..
I would say is this a little bit beyond overdue
For any Art Bell fans in the world, there’s a wild ride taking place in BELLGAB..
There may be some puffy clouds forming in the distance…
IT FOLLOWS trailer lays out rules for upcoming horror film.
The movie is highly anticipated.. it’s a modern movie about the dangers of teenage sexual promiscuity. Instead of exchanging bodily fluids that lead to an STD, the couple involved will become victims of a sexually transmitted CURSE.. that follows.
I have read a number of accounts and early spoiler information about this movie–it looks to be one of the freshest and most creative horror movies that we will be getting in 2015.Some have even called it a ‘masterpiece‘!
Reviews like that often don’t happen in the mainstream world for this genre.. The UK INDEPENDENT’s Geoffrey Macnab reviewed the movie with a positive four out of five star conclusion.. Macnab wrote,
“The ingenious new teen horror film It Follows will intrigue, puzzle and trouble audiences by turns.”
And this:
“This may be a horror movie but it has some of the same feel as Larry Clark’s cautionary tales about mixed-up, laidback American kids. It is shot as artfully as Clark’s films and, like them, portrays a self-enclosed teen society in which parents and teachers don’t intrude.”
For many years, any watcher of horror either random or astute would know that films often play on the fears of the youth.. Jason Vorhees killed the immoral, in a sense he was the ultimate champion of religious fervor–slaughtering the promiscuous party animal teens that skipped foreplay and went right to the deed at Camp Crystal Lake.
Perhaps no one saw the irony in his kills, the idea that he was the biblical old testament God reigning judgement down on those who sinned.. This new film seems to keep with that same idea: Sin and sex.
In IT FOLLOWS, the predator and villain can only be seen by those who have been cursed with the sexual relations that spread it.. An keeping with my long held notion that horror movies, in any given time (and professional wrestling), perfectly symbolize the current state of modern pop culture for that generation, Macnab paints a similar picture in his INDEPENDENT review, writing:
“It Follows plays not just on the kids’ ambivalence about their own sexual desires, but also on their disgust at the idea of their parents’ sexual lives. The Freudian elements sit alongside action sequences (a car crashing in a cornfield, an explosive final-reel stand-off at the local swimming pool). This is also a love story of sorts. Paul (Keir Gilchrist) is besotted with Jay. He is just a little too geeky for her to consider as a suitor but he is persistent and loyal. His innocent devotion is in very stark contrast to the depravity that surrounds the teenagers..”
The LAZARUS EFFECT showcases the newfound popularity of reanimation horror.. WIRED’s Jordan Cruccihola examines this premise in an article posted today, saying
“Reanimation horror is not the most populated of sub-genres. We’ve surely had more cabins in the woods, unbeatable super killers, and haunted houses. But reanimation has a special place in our hearts thanks to its scientific roots. Sure, it’s all ridiculous science with little to no connection to reality, but there are still a lot more lab coats than in your standard-issue slasher. And if there’s one thing we wish there were more of in horror flicks, it’s lab coats..”
An the author is dead on right! The LAZARUS EFFECT, being released this weekend for public consumption, has an interesting premise: A group of medical students find a way to bring the dead back to life. It’s a horror classification, but easily travails into the science fiction category as you read more about the idea.. And really, we are living in this world.
This horror encapsulates perfectly our fears about future shock, the advancement of medical technology, and how we are on the verge of some amazing but possibly scary things.. The movie is getting intensely bad reviews, not only from the paid informants in entertainment rags, but also the masses who have already been privileged to see and write about it.
The common thread is that this is a rip-off of FLATLINERS. Maybe that’s true, but it’s also bringing to theaters the concept of the future and how it can be dangerous if in the wrong hands.. there’s a cultural allegory here if you pay attention. A commentary on society..
LAZARUS is not expected to rise to the top of the heap in the movie theaters over the next few days, but it is predicted to do fine for its genre for a winter weekend..
I tend to avoid pop culture.. When the story of ‘the dress’ came up, I figured it was some illumanti ploy to divert our attention from something. But I figured to myself, the pictures of the now famed ‘dress’ are just being manipulated to further cause debate online. I propose this very theory to my wife tonight.. I said, “Tara, the dresses being posted are all different colors.” I figured I was right.. then she asked me, “well what color is the dress,” as she showed me a photo. I said, “Black and blue!” … A fierce debate ensued. Even my four-year-old Ayden got involved—though he said it was purple, I chalked that up to him being much closer than what Tara thought, white and gold..
So 48 hours of trying to avoid this, and now like millions of others in the masses, I am fascinated by the dress debate.
Also even more fascinated that one dress, one little post on a rarely known TUMBLR site, can cause a debate the ENTIRE WORLD gets busy with.. (While the world burns) ..
Coming soon to a future near you: Human head transplants. I don’t think people quite realize the future shock that is about to hit them, the amount of changes that are going to quickly occur, and the medical technology that is going to change the world. Now whether human head transplants go mainstream is anyone’s guess.. I still can’t get the image from the 1990s classic movie (in my mind anyway) MARS ATTACKS out of my head.. It’s coming..
Gary Glitter has received a 16-year prison sentence after being convicted of sexually abusing three young girls in the 1970s
The singer was arrested in October 2012 under Operation Yewtree, the national investigation British police launched in the wake of a child abuse scandal surrounding the late BBC entertainer Jimmy Savile… the Saville hell on earth continues, even after the scumbag’s death..
PORN LOVERS WIN!! the big decision from Google Blogger that was going to block all of the blogspots including porn has been reversed.. An outcry ensued after the initial decision. PORN will now live on, on blogspot. With the ‘nudity’ tag as requested by Google.
But I still ask: Does anyone still use BLOGGER?