What the hell’s an ashtag?!
Friday, August 9, 2013
Travelers on horseback in a wilderness area near Cascade, Idaho, this week spotted a man and woman who matched the description of James DiMaggio and Hannah Anderson, the San Diego Sheriff said.
The sheriff said that a blue Nissan Versa found covered in brush in that area was confirmed to belong to DiMaggio, a kidnapping and murder suspect.
A CNN news alert just received
Find this bastard!
Ok…skinny dipping UFO?
I certainly don’t see an alien in his birthday suit.. and really don’t see much at all to be excited about.
NSA head says agency working to reduce leaks by replacing people with machines
There’s no Edward Snowden if Edward Snowden is a programmable robot..And robots don’t have a labor union to require paychecks. Win win for Uncle Samuel..
NSA head says agency working to reduce leaks by replacing people with machines
Mystery dolphin deaths now all along the East Coast.. Carcasses are showing up at a rate that is seven times higher than usual.. Federal scientists have declared it an “unusual mortality event” and are investigating the cause…
Thursday, August 8, 2013
What say all of you, Internet friends
Have you found your ‘passion’ in life and are you doing something about it?
Alright Earth, we've had enough.. don't take away the only KFC in Schuylkill County
Wait.. I’m scratching my head.. I thought Sylvia Browne said Walmart would cave in, not the fake meat chicken place..
Alright Earth, we've had enough.. don't take away the only KFC in Schuylkill County
The Birthday Suit
Lady Gaga poses fully nude in Kickstarter video for Marina Abramovic Institute.
She just can’t help herself..
Ok.. I know it’s shark week.. but this is just plain weird promotion: Dead shark found on New York City subway..
Amber alerts expand: Now Oregon and Washington state, searching for two children 16-year-old Hannah Anderson and possibly 8-year-old Ethan Anderson.. Look for 2013 Nissan Versa allegedly being driven by 40-year-old James Lee DiMaggio..
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
A miracle priest.. or just a mystery
Making plans for your party 44 days from now? Good! It's within the 45-day Accuweather extended forecast.
Get this! ACCUWEATHER is now offering a 45-day forecast.. Make your party plans now. We will see how spot on their computer guidance is.. This will take us right into back to school time and the early autumn.. 45 day forecast?? Seriously? I cannot even imagine this will be accurate on a daily run down.. But it will be able to shed light on the trends.. We can get trend forecasts now from the government, so I assume Accuweather will boast the trend over the 100% accuracy. But either way, Farmers Almanac, get ready, Hurricane Henry is closing in. Jumpin Joe Bastardi left long ago..
Why no one should be surprised that Jay Leno asked President Obama “real” questions
A follow up to what I just posted before about Jay Leno.. he asked some pretty tough questions last night, as pointed out by the WASHINGTON POST (not owned by the AmazonMan)..
Isn’t it sad… comedians are forced to do the work that journalists once did? Jay Leno is doing what the POST and the TIMES and the DAILY NEWS used to do, back there in the 20th century? Back before we took everything at face value.. back when we doubted..
Yes, indeed.. the Leno interview surprised lots. And probably forced NBC to scratch its head wondering how the hell Jimmy Fallon would handle such a task..
Fallon? he was forced to have a joke call from a fake “Obama.” Sorry Jimmy.. not too funny.
Props Leno. You showed us why you’re number 1.
Why no one should be surprised that Jay Leno asked President Obama “real” questions
LenoBama wrap
Pork: It’s not for MY dinner: Hog farms battling to contain deadly virus.. Piglets are being killed by the thousands this summer.. It’s the porcine epidemic diarrhea virus..And it is ravaging some farms.