Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm………a KFC deep fried towel.
Better fried than baked, I guess..
Wait.. I’m scratching my head.. I thought Sylvia Browne said Walmart would cave in, not the fake meat chicken place..
I just love everything about this story—especially the photo..
A gift or a curse? A woman finds a 7-foot-tall bucket of KFC in her yard..
It’s a mystery as to how it happened and where it was from.. it’s became an instant hit, though, and somewhat of a tourist attraction.
Some people have cattle mutilations, or crop circles.. this mystery in Georgia is a massive bucket of chicken..
But sadly no chicken was included.
It’s desperate times for desperate situations I suppose.. But even smuggled KFC doesn’t seem worth it.
Inquiring minds want to know: crispy or original?
I call it C because I’m not convinced it’s chicken.
Funny enough, about four years ago while eating product from KFC, I actually choked on a C bone. Maybe if I ever succumb to their product again I will go boneless..