Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The protests continue in Egypt, but are now attracting not just young, but also old, not just poor but also middle class

The unrelenting cry for Hosni Mubarak to leave is not stopping.

The protests continue in Egypt, but are now attracting not just young, but also old, not just poor but also middle class

Walk like an Egyptian

Interesting developments occurring in Jordan: Jordan’s King Abdullah II, bowing to public pressure, fired his government on Tuesday and tasked a new prime minister and says he will give Jordanians more say in the government..

This storm is beyond impressive..

Good luck to the 2,100 miles of 100 million Americans getting a brutal introduction to February 2011. We’re in this together.

And while we may not appreciate the weather that IS falling, we perhaps should respect it

The storm is hitting about 2,100 miles in length of the United States with over a foot of snow, and there is a large radius around that 2,100 miles that will be burying people under heavy snow and a dangerous amount of ice.

Living through history typically means you’re living through something bad. And this storm is historic in its affects.. Which means it won’t be fun in the least..

Greetings from a snowy East.

Ice and snow abounds..
Slush covers the grounds..
Misery in your town.

A rhyme is the best I can come up with to deal with the misery of yet another storm.. this time affecting over 100 million Americans. The future radar of my area is appalling, frightening, and yet mesmerizing. If what they say will happen indeed happens, it appears there will be a massive ice storm that by tomorrow will have over 1 inch of ice in parts of the dark coal region of Pennsylvania and many other places too. That is a prospect sure to cause fear.. power outages.. no heat during a cold storm that has snow, ice, and rain all mixed together.. It may be nasty.

Hopefully not. After all, the staple of the great winter storm, the frozen pizza, won’t be able to be made without power..

We are slaves to modern life, aren’t we?

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EsZYqaSc4cU?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=374]

Tonight, Tonight — The Smashing Pumpkins.

May you’re night be filled with mid-1990s memories.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Colossal winter storm poised to strike: Warnings from New Mexico to Maine!

Colossal winter storm poised to strike: Warnings from New Mexico to Maine!

I have had it..

Enough with snow.
Enough with ice.
Enough with cold.

And hopefully it’s all gone by the time my child decides to tell my wife he’s ready to come out..

Get ready to see back in time..

Thanks to a telescope spotting the oldest galaxy yet..

Feeding frenzy? Thousands of sharks have been spotted off Palm Beach

Feeding frenzy? Thousands of sharks have been spotted off Palm Beach

Net freedom? Canadian version

Net freedom? Canadian version

We're only alone if we stop looking for others

More and more planets are being discovered.. NASA images are going back in time. If you’re amazed with space and time, it’s an amazing moment to be alive on the planet earth.. even if you’re not, you’re being hurled into a vast unknown.. A time when doubt is abundant and answers are not. This is the future. And the future is now.

DISCOVER MAGAZINE is reporting that scientists are taking a very active role in trying to answer one of the many age old questions: Is there anybody out there..?

Discover reports,

"We still have no idea whether any planet beyond Earth harbors life, but that could soon change too: Scientists are increasingly optimistic that they will find evidence of biological activity on an alien planet within the next few years. In collaboration with the Thirty Meter Telescope and the National Science Foundation, DISCOVER invited four top researchers in the field to discuss how that extraordinary discovery might unfold"

…In a vast land of galaxies and who knows what else, the thought that we are alone seems foolish. Now what the other versions of the “us” would be is cause for …concern.

The solar flare maker in the sky shows up again.

Seriously? Now fears thar fans of the losing team at the Super Bowl ate going to suffer from heart attacks..

Seriously? Now fears thar fans of the losing team at the Super Bowl ate going to suffer from heart attacks..

Double rainbow! ... strike that. Double solar flare.

NASA cameras had a front row view to an amazing scene in space, as solar flares erupted two sides of the sun at the same time..

NASA placed images of the solar eruption on its website with some context behind in. NASA wrote,

"This still (below) from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) caught the action in freeze-frame splendor when the Sun popped off two events at once on Jan. 28, 2011. A filament on the left side became unstable and erupted, while an M-1 flare (mid-sized) and a Coronal Mass Ejection on the right blasted into space. The movie (above), taken Jan. 26-28, 2011, shows several other flashes and bursts from the active region on the right as well. Neither event is headed towards Earth"

Perhaps the last sentence in their press release is the most reassuring. Neither eruption is poised to strike the little blue planet..

At least not these eruptions.

Speculation has abounded for years that we are going to go into a period of dramatic solar activity—activity that could potentially hit a high point in 2012, according to experts that have been quoted in stories over the past several months.

These two flares, perhaps more than anything, are warning shots and messages of the sun’s power.

NASA also placed a six-second video on their website of the solar activity.

While the solar flares that were visible to the world didn’t sear the world, the images are seared into the memory of all who watch the sky and wonder, one day, if that massive ball of light will turn on the planet it warms..

Sunday, January 30, 2011

I think tonight is one night I would not mind taking in air and enjoying a drink at the sky bar..

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJ6h84ZsuW4?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=374]

Who, or what, is out there?

No matter the threat or vision of space and time gone mad, enjoy your rest. And hopefully you get some.. Goodnight world.

Haaretz Newspaper in Israel: Obama will go down in history as the president who lost Egypt

Haaretz Newspaper in Israel: Obama will go down in history as the president who lost Egypt

It's going to be a long week

While I am not a typical ‘run to the store to get bread and milk!’ excitable kind of guy, the latest weather forecasts coming out from various model runs are giving me cause for concern.. A major winter storm, with blizzard conditions possible in many areas, and an nasty ice storm in others, is forcing me to evaluate and .. perhaps get to the store for a 2 to 3 day haul of food. Just in case.

It may be good to do if you’re in any of the areas tonight on this National Weather Service warning map in the blue or pink colors…Which is a vast and expansive part of the United States of America.

ugh.. just ugh..

An interesting perspective from Ambrose Evans-Pritchard: He writes that Tunisia and Egypt are the first countries experiencing a 'food revolution'..

He writes,

The surge in global food prices since the summer – since Ben Bernanke signalled a fresh dollar blitz, as it happens – is not the underlying cause of Arab revolt, any more than bad harvests in 1788 were the cause of the French Revolution.

Yet they are the trigger, and have set off a vicious circle. Vulnerable governments are scrambling to lock up world supplies of grain while they can. Algeria bought 800,000 tonnes of wheat last week, and Indonesia has ordered 800,000 tonnes of rice, both greatly exceeding their normal pace of purchases. Saudi Arabia, Libya, and Bangladesh, are trying to secure extra grain supplies

An interesting perspective from Ambrose Evans-Pritchard: He writes that Tunisia and Egypt are the first countries experiencing a 'food revolution'..

Governments scramble to fly citizens out of Egypt

Governments scramble to fly citizens out of Egypt

You know the big storm that is set to impact 100 million Americans in time for Groundhog Day?

Well, news just got worse.. it could end up being a significant ice storms in a lot of places by Wednesday.. With a half inch to an inch of set set to fall after several inches of snow, it may potentially be chaos by Wednesday morning .. I was hoping for a pure snowstorm if anything.. an ice storm is surely not something anyone wants to experience.

Yea! We didn’t need Shaq to beat the Lakers

While Shaq doesn't play for the Lakers anymore...

After today it appears he also doesn’t play for the Celtics..



More news on a Sunday afternoon

New information reveals that dinosaurs Kay have lived 700,000 years after meteor hit earth—the meteor long thought to be the massive dinosaur killer on the planet..

Architect believes Great Pyramid may hold secret rooms..

Get ready: Food prices have no where to go but up..

Soylent Green: Scientists growing meat in labs..

Amazing image of double eruption of the sun revealed..

Good morning all. Hope you’re over last night.

Other matters of significance and somewhat-importance from the world at large.

Massive storm will affect 100 million Americans by Groundhog Day..

A cyclone is poised to strike parts of Australia that have already been ravaged by floods!

Closely watching Yellowstone: If an eruption occurs, it could make two-thirds of U.S. land uninhabitable. It could also disrupt thousands of flights and force millions of people to leave their homes.. And recently, as reported here and many other places, the ground has swollen 10 inches in places..

Mystery “solved” .. 200 dead cows killed by… sweet potatoes!?

Where are all those Atkins Diet books now? New information suggests that carbs actually help someone lose weight

Competition: Wikileaks rival launches new site “OpenLeaks”

Will the real billionaire please stand up? The real Mark Zuckerberg made cameo appearance on Saturday Night LIVE last night with Jesse Eisenberg as host..
*And for a change, SNL was funny..*

Charlie Sheen’s porn party friend speaks..
'I looked after Britney's kids'
Sheen clean: Speaks out: I’m fine..

Bruno Marks pleads guilty to cocaine possession..

4-year-old girl dead of ‘extreme’ alcohol poisoning..

Angry Birds is becoming the new Super Mario Brothers..

Cars of the future: Big brother will decide.. The vehicle will decide if you’re too drunk to drive..

Claims: Images of “Mary and the Baby Jesus” on the moon frighten people in India..

THOR script leaked online..

Slash starts his own horror movie production company..

After mixed reviews at Sundance, Kevin Smith says he may edit RED STATE before American release..
*RED STATE did premiere at Sundance and was greeted by protests and a media circus*..

KING’S SPEECH appears to be headed for Oscar victory..

Just a quick note..

Either my intelligence was completely insulted and my brain turned to mush watching Debbie Gibson and Tiffany be eaten by steroid-injected animals, but I thought Saturday Night Live with Jessie Eisenberg was one of the more creative and funnier shows in recent memory. That, or the past few shows have been so dismal. But I was pleasantly surprised.. Even the awkward and strange cameo of Mark Zuckerberg had humor, although I’d still rather watch Andy Samberg play Zuckerberg than Zuckerberg himself.

Egypt update

Gangs in Egypt free militants as foreigners flee..
Iraqis watch with sense of irony..
Cairo standoff..
Obama and Clinton watch..
Political tsunami..
Protesters say they won’t stop until Hosni Mubarak is gone..
State Department reduces staff..
Israel watching..
Dubai shares fall the most in a year..
Will there be market chaos?
United States advising Americans to leave the nation..
Business as usual on Suez Canal..
But there are worries over the Suez, along with stock fears..

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBT3oDMCWpI?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=374]

Best still. And goodnight.

Five Satins - In the Still of the Night

Saturday, January 29, 2011

And with that it ends

A snake cut Debbie Gibson in half.

And so ends my Saturday night live blogging of mega python vs. gatoroid.. Signing off now, as my wife rolls her eyes at my actions. Until next time, watch out for pythons..and never give steroids to an alligator.

No shit! They couldn’t have!! They killed Tiffany! I may have just turned against Mega Python vs. Gatoroid..

Too late. The gatoroids are in Miami with the mega pythons.. Why am I watching this? But even more, why am I enjoying it..?

Debbie Gibson is smearing Tiffany’s breasts with cake.. But who is tending to the gatoroids?!

The gators are roiding up.. I so want to download the song..

Another sure-to-be classic line from mega python vs. gatoroid: ‘How dare you you crazy cold blooded snake loving bitch!’

Tiffany wrestling Debbie Gibson on a Saturday night. It’s what life is all about.

At the first commercial break of ‘mega python vs. gatoroid’ and I’m thoroughly exhausted at trying to contain my 1980s-passionate excitement..

Mega-Python epic so far..

Otoh, somebody had bitch for breakfast’ .. Go Tiffany! It’s a tough world fighting Gatoroid.

If the snow put a damper on your Saturday night, I have an idea

Right now, the SyFy network is airing the premiere of ‘Mega-Python bs Gatoroid’.. Starring none other than Debbie Gibson and Tiffany. It’s a blockbuster of epic proportions.., perhaps my favorite line so far: ‘Well at least we know now what’s decimating the gator population.’

Runner up: ‘Spread the word, it is now snake hunting season.’

100 million Americans to be affected by Groundhog Day storm

100 million Americans to be affected by Groundhog Day storm
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fckR5u2ukeQ?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=374]

Saturday night arrives again.

Have as much as Lita Ford did in 1985.

Lita Ford — Kiss me Deadly

Various sources reporting: The people of Cairo have created mini-militias to police neighborhoods and other areas of the city

Instruction freely flowing: How to get around the kill switch


If you know anyone in Egypt, please pass this on to them. To bypass government blocking of websites, use numerical IP addresses: Twitter ”” Fb ”” Google ””. A French ISP offers free dial up internet access ~ +33 1 72 89 01 50 Login password: toto. Please pass this on and share.

The man against the machine. One person stands up to the army, holding the Egyptian flag.

But it’s moments like this, watching chaos in the world and civil unrest in a nation that is “allied” to the United States and other democracies, that one must step back and wonder what Egypt will emerge? Will it be radical? Will it be filled with freedom? Will it know civil rights and allow people to vote freely, along with the bare necessities to stabilize the nation after these protests end?

And finally, will Hosni Mubarak listen to the people.. He’s in his 80s but it’s leading in a brand new world—one connected to the internet, one that speaks on cell phones, and one that has marched beyond the 20th century-style leadership that Mubarak has held on to for three decades..

It’s amazing to watch the developments unfold as they do, with TV networks covering live—but the internet streaming live.. It’s amazing and chilling reading tweets from people on the streets as they come out—somehow some are making it out of the ‘kill switch’ net turnoff that occurred within the nation.

And finally, it’s breathtaking to see a people rise up in solidarity against a government they have grown weary of.. But it begs the question, will real reform be fostered by the violence, and will the pro-democracy protesters be taken over by more radical elements of society within the nation?

There are no answers. While we watch the chaos in real time, we are simply left stunned, speechless, and amazed. This is happening. Right now, live. As we speak, and read, and type. And it’s even more startling to think that one man in Tunisia set himself on fire in protest, and lit a spark that may end up transforming nations before our eyes.

Call me crazy, but it appears Egyptians aren’t big fans of Mubarak’s new choice for vice president.. 

Day five of protests continue.


Nervous about a domino effect…


Some cell service returns in Egypt -- but most modern forms of communications are still under a blackout due to the forceful hand of Egyptian government

So back, in turn, are dial up modems, fax machines, and other forms of antiquated technology that took us from the 1990s into the 21st century..

The smiling soldier.. One image shows the true heart of some —and maybe many more—of the soldiers who have been ordered to stop the demonstrators

An Egyptian army soldier smiles at protesters in Cairo January 28, 2011. President Hosni Mubarak sent troops and armoured cars into Egyptian cities on Friday in an attempt to quell street fighting and mass protests demanding an end to his 30-year rule. Mubarak, facing a challenge that could send shock waves through the Middle East, declared a night-time curfew. But thousands stayed out on the streets of Cairo, Alexandria and Suez, epicentre of protests in the last four days; some thronged around mounted armoured cars, cheering and waving flags.… REUTERS/Amr Abdallah Dalsh (EGYPT - Tags: CIVIL UNREST MILITARY POLITICS)

Tanks in Cairo appear to be stopping no one..

Get ready for a rocky road ahead for oil prices and prices on lots of other commodities as well.. fears of supply eruptions are just as bad as shutting off access to the Suez Canal.. If Egyptian forces continue to battle protesters demanding the exit of Hosni Mubarak, prices are expected to fluctuate for the near future




Mohamed Atef lies on the ground after being shot in the head while demonstrating in the town of Sheikh Zoweid..

Ally? Thousands defy curfew..

Egypt’s crackdown reminding a lot of people of Iran in 2009..

Tourism rattled in Egypt as anarchy on the streets continues..

Official in Egypt claims looters destroying Egyptian mummies..

Half-hearing: Mubarak names a vice president but stays..

Dozens fly out of Egypt on emergency flight..

Republican Sen. Rand Paul favors cutting U.S. aid to Israel as part of a deficit-driven effort to slash government spending by $500 billion this year..

Spotlight on change—and the internet..

Al Jazeera: Mubarak's wife leaves for London


Al Jazeera: Mubarak's wife leaves for London

Various reports that army vehicles are being deployed in wealthy areas of Cairo to protect the rich.. Also reports that Saudi Arabia and Kuwait are stepping up security around the royals..

Additionally, a Saturday flight took around 200 Israelis out of Egypt..

All developing.
Live on 20th century TV and 21st century internet, in real time.





Protesters continue to take to the streets .. disobeying government orders not to


Curfew: ignored.

The royalty is nervous

King if Saudi Arabia slams the protests in Egypt..

Reuters reporting

Looters broke into museum, destroyed two Pharaonic mummies late Friday, says nation’s top archaeologist

Carrying a dead body, protestors march on the Ministry of Information, chanting, “This is what you’ve done to us”

CNBC news alert

Security forces open fire on demonstrators in Cairo

Security forces open fire on demonstrators in Cairo

The king of de-Nile: Mubarak refuses to step down

The king of de-Nile: Mubarak refuses to step down
Members of Egypt president Hosni Mubarak’s Cabinet have resigned amid protests, according to state-run Nile TV.

CNN alert
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79jtITT1OaQ?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=374]

Goodnight all

Friday, January 28, 2011





We are being shot at by live ammunition please tell the world !

A chilling tweet about 10 hours ago from Egyptian blogger Rowand Helmii.. And there are more amazing tweets that followed from her and other users, fromt the chaotic streets of change in Egypt tonight..

A new world…

A protester burns a picture of Egypt’s President Hosni Mubarak during clashes in Cairo January 28, 2011. Police and demonstrators fought running battles on the streets of Cairo on Friday in a fourth day of unprecedented protests by tens of thousands of Egyptians demanding an end to Mubarak’s three-decade rule. REUTERS/Amr Abdallah Dalsh (EGYPT - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST)

MSNBC reporter in Egypt: Cell phone and Blackberry services are back on in Egypt.

The rise of the fax machine continues. And I’d bet ham radios, too..


Specifics from someone who was listening more closely… : “MSNBC’s Richard Engel says his Blackberry is back on in #Egypt.” - Brooklynmutt

And now with the Egyptian mess, what prospers? The once mighty fax machine-- this time being used in relation to Wikileaks

Forbes’ Andy Greenberg reporting,

On Friday afternoon, the loose hacker group Anonymous began a campaign to fax thousands of copies of WikiLeaks’ latest missives–a series of State Department cables revealing human rights abuses under Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and tacit U.S. backing for his administration–to Egyptian numbers

And now with the Egyptian mess, what prospers? The once mighty fax machine-- this time being used in relation to Wikileaks



This is what unrest in Egypt looks like..


Oil continues to climb.

A V for victory in Egypt

What's going on in Egypt?

What's going on in Egypt?

The images from Egypt are unbelievable

While Egypt burns eyes turn toward an anxious White House…

Oil spikes on Egypt protests

Oil spikes on Egypt protests

Amazing video of protests in Egypt

Amazing video of protests in Egypt

Egypt deploys military forces to battle protesters

The world is watching..


Wes Craven’s newest nightmare: Reports of SCREAM 4 reshoots persist..
First official trailer for SCREAM 4..
..and the second..
Did Wes Craven accidentially reveal a spoiler?

Anthony Hopkins reveals a secret atheist message placed into new horror film THE RITE..
The real priest behind THE RITE film..
Anthony Hopkins exoricsm horror flick expected to be number 1 film of the weekend..
..but bad reviews abound..

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUbntU2N7xY?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=374]

It don’t come easy…

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Who are we? Why are we here?

New information suggests that humans left Africa thousands of years before previously thought.. turning right and heading across the Red Sea into Arabia rather than following the Nile to a northern exit, an international team of researchers says…


This is Egypt, 2011
Protesters take to the streets in Yemen to demand change..
Egypt protests continue..

Facebook says it saw a drop in traffic Thursday night from Egypt..
Net disruptions..
Technology becomes tool of change for Arab world..
How social media is changing the region..

SHUTDOWN: Every Egyptian provider, every business, bank, Internet cafe, website, school, embassy, and government office that relied on the big four Egyptian ISPs for their Internet connectivity is now cut off from the rest of the world..

Egyptian youth is behind ‘people power’ movement in nation..
Mass protests expected after Friday prayers..

Cables reveal how the United States pressured Egypt..

Interesting TIME cover this week..

Not sure what Reagan would think of it.

Heck, not sure what Obama thinks of it.


We are seeing internet history before our eyes

Egypt, in the face of a growing backlash of the youth against the old guard, has ordered the social networking, Twittering and Facebooking of modern life to be shut down.. the net’s gears have halted within the nation.. The rest of the world is watching Egypt, even if its citizens cannot see out.. Time will tell how the protests’ spread will be stopped by the sudden collapse of fiber optics and WiFi connections.. but all are watching..

Goodbye Egypt. You can’t see the world but the rest of the world is watching you.


via James Cowie at Renesys

Egypt Leaves The Internet

Confirming what a few have reported this evening: in an action unprecedented in Internet history, the Egyptian government appears to have ordered service providers to shut down all international connections to the Internet. Critical European-Asian fiber-optic routes through Egypt appear to be unaffected for now. But every Egyptian provider, every business, bank, Internet cafe, website, school, embassy, and government office that relied on the big four Egyptian ISPs for their Internet connectivity is now cut off from the rest of the world. Link Egypt, Vodafone/Raya, Telecom Egypt, Etisalat Misr, and all their customers and partners are, for the moment, off the air.

The 'kill switch' already exists in Egypt

Internet shut down; no TWITTER, FACEBOOK…

Chaos is expected within hours as citizens take to the streets to protest Hosni Mubarak.. A developing story that we will all be watching.

Egypt shuts down the Internet!

Egypt shuts down the Internet!

New TIME: Jay Carney to the White House

New TIME: Jay Carney to the White House

Amazing image of a volcano in Japan having its biggest eruption in five decades..

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fLR3FRaFsQ?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=374]

Some might say…. what?

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Tumblr is down alot. But with the new Tumbeasts, as CNN reports, faith in the brand may actually be strengtehened..

CNN reports:

Amusing error mascots are popular with users, but they can also deliver a bottom-line payoff: Being direct about screw-ups often strengthens users’ faith in a brand.

"The spirit of transparency is the new order," says Michael Gaiss, senior vice president at branding consultancy Highland Capital Partners. “Plus, being funny probably lightens the bad press around problems.”

The most iconic of these efforts is Twitter’s “Fail Whale” — the microblogging site even refers to errors as “whales” in its system status updates. Twitter’s history of crash whimsy runs deep: Before it introduced the whale, it had the error kitten.

Giant Google (GOOG, Fortune 500) has jumped on the trend. Google Books piggybacked on Twitter’s theme, creating its own Moby Dick-esque Fail Whale for when the service “is having trouble finding that page.”

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=en5CZcTYNZw?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=374]

I don’t quite know what to say about this. But it scares mew

Egypt on edge as protests grip Cairo

A snowy evening settles in..

Get your shovels ready. Plows prepared. And bodies eager to shovel whatever bit of inches or feet of snow you’ll have by the end of the latest Northeast storm..

A school in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, decided to experiment with a new way of educating kids; now they find themselves defending a decision to segregate its students by race and gender

A school in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, decided to experiment with a new way of educating kids; now they find themselves defending a decision to segregate its students by race and gender

The White House is snowed under

And image tonight during the Nor’Easter causing havof on the East Coast, and 'ABSOLUTE GRIDLOCK IN DC'

It’s not stopping.. The lawn becomes a distant memory..