My sons sidewalk chalk request: A three armed zombie, or as he calls it a ‘Jombie,’ being chased by a happy sun. I did my best.
The Latino Post has reported before that Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox are rumored to make a comeback in the Transformers movie franchise..
It’s all good, and all. I actually really liked the first TRANSFORMERS .. and of course Megan Fox’s cheered on scene of bending over a car hood still is iconic in the history of movies..
But so much as changed since then..
Megan Fox now believes in Bigfoot and Shia often looks like one..
Federal authorities sent a bulletin to U.S. law enforcement Friday in light of the threat concerning militants from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), according to CBS News.
This on the heels of these other newsworthy events:
Think Wilson from 1984.. Think the future.
Actually think now since it is all happening before our eyes..
Here are some corporate headlines to scare you today. Read and weep—and know your boss will know that you know they are watching you when you don’t know it ..
How your boss will rule your life in the coming years.. Imagine a world where your boss keeps tabs on you.. see when you’re drinking or what you’re eating, who you hang out with or what you say about work. Oh, and you post all of that on Facebook for your boss to see..
The future: Corporate indoctrination will continue to increase..
Mexican campaign: Stop using Facebook as mental health therapy..
Comcast labeled the worst company in America for second time in four years..
The empty vessel of yesteryear: SEARS shows no sign of improving.. and instead is becoming more irrelevant by the day..
I still utilize the store for my oil changes and tires… but the last time I went there for a suit, I had a choice of one or none.
The store is dying a slow death…
This graphic photo shows what a comet the size of Rosetta’s Comet would look like if it struck downtown LA.. Life would change forever..If we live..
Wow.. I know the photo is fake—but just imagine the prospects of this actually happening
The former deputy director of the CIA fears that the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria could carry out attacks in the United States.
Fear in ‘14.
It’s stating to feel like the run up to a war, all over again..?
This is a downright scary image taken by Getty of the situation in Liberia.. the victim, obviously is suffering from Ebola..
Some news to know today:
From NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC: Liberia is in free fall as Ebola spreads out of control..
75% of Ebola victims are women..
This is the cover of THE SPIDER-WOMAN #1 COMIC BOOK.. Regardless of your gender, there’s probably one thing you are initially fixated on, and it’s not her face mask.. It’s that large rear end protruding high into the city sky..
And it’s for that butt shot that it’s also causing a rise of controversy..
In fairness, a not safe for work Spider MAN appeared this year, too, but that was removed after complaints. In this instance the comic may be bought up in some big numbers by the teenage boys that it may be aiming for. Just a thought.. Sometimes controversy equals sales.. In this matter, a rump roast of comics await..
it is a massive crack..
But why is it there.. and does it have anything to do with further earth changes on the horizon?
This has been very controversial—especially since this company has assisted in operations in war torn nations in the Middle East. Some felt uncomfortable with their newfound role in Ferguson. Addrressing those concerns, someone authored a lengthy response on the company’s Facebook page, which in part says this:
We were not hired to work for the state, for the police, to work as peacekeepers, mercenaries, cops for hire, etc. We have done similar personal bodyguard and high risk logistics work with journalists who are interested in reporting from hostile areas all over the world.
We normally do not comment on this side of our work. At suggestion of our client who felt our position was unique, our public message was one of frustration that someone who would typically call upon us to escort them to Baghdad, Kabul, etc. would feel the need to ask us to take them into a suburb of St. Louis, our own wonderful city. It is tragic that things have degenerated to this point. The metro area is our home and we believe the coverage of St. Louis and this incident by major media is fueling the issue unnecessarily for their own benefit.
And this:
We strongly support The US Constitution and have sworn an oath to it. The First Amendment Rights to assemble and speak and print are not limited to only pretty, popular, or mainstream opinions. They are among the most sacred things that are to be protected by Government. A free society is not always a convenient or easy society.
It’s not likely they strange public statement will end worries about them..
Horror movies have changed over time because of real news.. But in our current climate of horrid death across the planet, what is scary?
While some may agree with Dawkinsgod, I offer this question: Would it not be just as immoral to force women to abort children with Down Syndrome?
The 2002 Saturday Night LIVE book has been updated.. and information is now becoming public about the new contents..
This is appearing in the Hollywood REPORTER, and it’s a fascinating tale of the inner workings of the program..
Saturday Night LIVE is an institution.. I personally think the show has lost its zeal and luster over the last few seasons, and the comedy appears to be toned down to appeal to a safer audience as opposed to the risky humor that made the show a hit to begin with.
But according to this story in the HR, there’s much much more than meets the eye behind the scenes..
Interesting read..
Twitter and some other social media outlets are trying to block the spread of gruesome images of the beheading of journalist James Foley by Islamic State militants, while a movement to deny his killers publicity is also gaining momentum.
This could be a symptom of a culture widely believing in paranormal phenomenon.. Muslims, it’s reported in this study, believe that the supernatural Jinn are attributing to their mental illnesses when they have them. Scientists and astute psychologists obviously say that the Jinn, since they aren’t real, cannot be doing this and culturally Muslims have simply been conditioned by their religious backgrounds to perceive the Jinn as being the reason for their problems.
Of course, if the Jinn were real, that would throw off the findings..
Nonetheless, here’s a money quote and conclusion of why certain cultures are haunted by certain entities:
Across societies, beliefs in the supernatural as well as other aspects of culture may influence how mental disorders manifest, the study said. Previous research has found that people with schizophrenia may experience different delusions depending on their cultures. For example, fears about technology and surveillance play a large part in the delusions of people with schizophrenia in the United States. Meanwhile, in Japan, which has an honor-oriented culture, patients’ delusions more commonly involve fears about public humiliation.
In a recent study published in the British Journal of Psychiatry, U.S. patients with schizophrenia reported hallucinations that involved hearing voices with a negative tone, whereas in Ghana and India, patients reported voices with a generally positive tone.
However, culture is not the only factor that influences psychiatric patients. Blom and his colleagues previously treated a young Muslim patient who had schizophrenia, and who, contrary to the doctors’ expectations, didn’t attribute his hallucinations to jinn. Instead, the patient had searched the Internet for cases similar to his experience, and had concluded that he was a werewolf.
"He could not be persuaded to accept any other explanation," Blom wrote in an article describing the case that was published in March in the journal History of Psychiatry.
All in the mind..
The Jinn aren’t real. Just keep telling yourself that..