Monday, September 19, 2011
A La Nina year? Upcoming winter clues offered at Accuweather
Those places that got buried in feet of snow last year may not have to worry this year.. La Nina’s pattern changes may be a coming…
A La Nina year? Upcoming winter clues offered at Accuweather
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Ouch! An article slams Katy Perry, and a lot more: Katy Perry - The Boredom Of Whoredom
While it’s a nasty article, it’s extremely well written and after I was done, I couldn’t help but nodding in some sort of ‘old man’ sense of agreement.
The quote from TakiMag’s article that stuck with me the most:
Today, Katy Perry is married to former sex addict Russell Brand and dances around a Candyland gameboard dressed like Bettie Page shooting whipped cream out of her tits. Millions of little girls love her, filling arenas to max capacity. Some of them even got up onstage the other night to sing along:
Last Friday night
We went streaking in the park
Skinny dipping in the dark
Then had a ménage à trois
I have a son now… I have a child. A true child. Someone who will hear these words and maybe ask me what they mean. So forgive me for my sudden prudishness, but now I question some of pop culture.
When I walk around a store and see lingerie-type underwear for young girls I wonder if pedophiles are behind it.. I wonder if the guy looking at my son at a supermarket is … someone that should stay away. I am protective. Which is natural. So when I hear Katy Perry’s words, I think different as a dad than I would has a non-dad.
But sorry… I still like Ke$ha. Don’t know why.
In the end, I just hope my son likes my taste in music: Billy Joel, Native American, Rag Time, Simple Plan, Lady Gaga, 70s and .. yes, Kesha.
Interesting new Ron Suskind book on Obama White House unleashes this: Women feeling ignored and excluded
The book is called “Confidence Men: Wall Street, Washington, and the Education of a President” .. and it’s set to make waves..
Could this be.. the propelling factor to launch Hillary’s anti-Obama 2012 campaign?! Women excluded.. Hillary to the rescue.. Amazing thing, this politics sure is.
Interesting new Ron Suskind book on Obama White House unleashes this: Women feeling ignored and excluded
Oh the Gas we pass.. I have some fond memories of this one
by awynhaus
I probably need this for my classroom.
Every classroom needs a copy.. Even colleges sometimes
Officials say a strong earthquake has hit northeastern India near the border with Nepal. There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries
The fight:
The AP reports:
In just one round, Floyd Mayweather Jr. got a head butt, a kiss and a hug from Victor Ortiz. He responded with a right hand that ended a bizarre fight early.
I suppose what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, unless the AP and the world are watching..
A quick thank you..
A record number of visits have occurred to the Coal Speaker site in its history. Since August 1 2011 there have literally been thousands of people here, which for a small site of independence and sometimes dependence, that’s not bad at all. Since September 1, 2011 alone, there have been been thousands of people visiting this site from over 340 cities, according to my Google Analytics information. Places around the coal region of PA, all the way to Frensco CA, and back again— along with at least 55 international cities from at least 10 other countries. It’s amazing to be alive during a time when my little ridiculous postings can reach so far out there… and as my alien image wonders, are people from beyond this planet seeing this too. Maybe it will make them turn away……
Thank you all again.
…I had a dream about my hometown of Centralia last night. In it, there was no mine fire and my son was on a swing set in the playground—a playground that in reality is covered with grass and nothingness. I wish the dream was real.. how life would have been different. I always wonder how my life’s path would have been altered were it not for the mine fire that destroyed my home town..
A new generation: Moving home
The economy is forcing parents to take back in their adult children along with their children’s children.. a new and evolving economy *(depression) recession is causing such upheaval that kids are being left with no choice but to move back to the original nest. Empty nest no more.. wonder if the parents will re-ignite their parental roles and mandate curfews?
Nonetheless, we can laugh if we all so choose, but instead we should cry. A new generation, one that was promised an American dream, is being forced to live out a long nightmare. Barely able to afford car payments.. trying to scrounge together cash for basic groceries. Yes, indeed, this is a new world that looks a lot like an old one.. The 1950s through 90s perhaps were the waning days of prosperity in this country.
A new generation: Moving home
Georgians don’t like the ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW?
Proof offered:
Georgia town shuts down production of ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW..
The mayor of Carrollton, Wayne Garner, had ruled last week that the production was risque and therefore not suitable for the city-owned theater
No tax dollars used for the horror in this town, so sayseth the Mayor.
But it does bring up a pretty interesting question. If public tax dollars are being used to fund a play, what should be the limit? Should it be rated G so all taxpayers and their children can go? …does an R rated play work with tax money? Ethical questions aside, the ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW dates back decades..but not in this Georgia town, that is for sure.