Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Piers Morgan
There’s something a little creepy about the show. And tonight, just as I was getting comfortable with the idea of him hosting, it became creepy again as he grilled and drilled Howard Stern about his penis size..
Oh, to be a fly on the wall tonight in the White House
President Barack Obama and Chinese President Hu Jintao shared a private dinner tonight, according to news organizations reporting on the state visit of the Chinese leader..
Wednesday will feature pomp, circumstance, and lots of PR and photo ops.. But tonight was without the glare of the spotlight, without the prying ears of microphones.. absent grand statements and spectacle.
Instead, the two shared time together in the Old Family Dining Room in the White House..
The White House said there were no official note takers on hand and to this point no official record on what the conversation topics were during the private affair..
Jurassic Park!
Japanese researchers want to bring long-extinct mammoth back to life!
They will try to revive the long extinct animal with tissue recently found..Their hope is that within 5 years, the mammoth will once again walk on earth..
If it happens, perhaps irony will hit earth again and an ice age will once more rid the earth of the long gone mammoth..
Apparently lots of Christian theologians are beginning to believe dead animals mean the end times are upon us
I’ll admit it.. the birds, the fish, and now the cows, all dying is a little unnerving..
But I’m not nearly ready to conform to the notion that the earth is about to go through the armageddon so many seem to be constantly watching for.
And just in case it is the end, for those who are a bit apprehensive about a sudden finish, don’t be too worried. As one theologian pointed out, as quoted in the TIME story, we still need seven years of t”ribulation” and “the rise of the anti-Christ” before we call it quits.
Apparently lots of Christian theologians are beginning to believe dead animals mean the end times are upon us
Following the quake story
CNN reporting:
The earthquake occurred at 1:23 a.m. (3:23 p.m. Tuesday ET) at a depth of 10 kilometers (6.2 miles). It was centered 55 kilometers (34 miles) west of Dalbandin; 263 kilometers (164 miles) west of Kalat; 301 kilometers (187 miles) east southeast of Zahedan, Iran; and 793 kilometers (492 miles) northeast of Muscat, Oman, the USGS said on its website.
Muse — Undisclosed Desires
Early birds catch the snow
Early arrivals for the Tom Corbett inauguration to become the 46th governor of Pennsylvania at the state capitol take shelter under umbrellas in Harrisburg, Pa., Tuesday, Jan. 18, 2011.… Read more »(AP Photo/Matt Rourke)
The kids aren't alright
Roswell 3rd Graders Smoking Pot At School
But I suppose on the bright side, the 3rd graders at least waited until after school to do it…
Get ready for an eye in the sky: Big Brother can see the entire city as Ogden, Utah, will use a blimp as a surveillance system
City officials said the blimp will help them stop crime.
Get ready for an eye in the sky: Big Brother can see the entire city as Ogden, Utah, will use a blimp as a surveillance system
Website claims that it has a leaked Wikileak cable on UFOs
AllNewsWeb.com claims that it has a reliable source from within Wikileaks, a source that gave them a cable sent in 2005 from the United States State Department to the US embassy in Kiev, Ukraine..
The cable, according to the website, states,
"It is critical all embassy staff understand that they are not to discuss under any circumstance concerns DOD has with UFOs entering orbit, once again the seriousness of this matter cannot be overstated"
It’s also important to know that AllNewsWeb is a paranormal and UFO site. While that doesn’t disqualify the news they are reporting, it does bring into question the validity of the supposed cable. I’ll refrain from official judgement on the cable until I see further comment on a more widespread level from more than just one source.
Website claims that it has a leaked Wikileak cable on UFOs
Sal Esposito was summoned to jury duty.. the trouble is, Sal is a cat!
Sal’s owners reported during the last census that the cat was a member of the family, so they included him on their information.
…but to make matters even more strange, a move to disqualify Sal was rejected by a court and now the cat will have to report for duty to Suffolk Superior Crown Court in Boston on March 23!!
Sal Esposito was summoned to jury duty.. the trouble is, Sal is a cat!
Power is a drug
And so says former California Governor Schwarzenegger: I Was ‘Addicted’ To Being Governor…