Sunday, July 3, 2011

And as promised.

…coming today: Two important videos that make Fourth of July what it is for me.

A freaky holiday dream

I’m only relaying this because of how much it disturbed me last dream involved a Fourth of July cookout with family and while we were looking at the sky, the sun went dim enough to stare at it—and it began to visibly emit large red flares … visible from the backyard cookout here on earth.
br>Looking back now the humorous part of my dream was that I immediately checked Twitter to see who else saw it..

Of course, it was the Armageddon flare. We were doomed. Then I woke up. Thankfully.


You can’t beat this song.. At least not when performed by Roberta Flack..  Goodnight all. 

Saturday, July 2, 2011

I have two great videos planned for here tommorow..

I’ll give hints: WONDER YEARS and Johnny Cash.

Bombs bursting in air

Homemade fireworks blowing up tonight from sea to shining sea.. My neighbors are not excluded from the festivities.. It’s just my hope that they have a slight inkling as to what July 4th actually is..


Keep sending good thoughts my way.. My mother-in-law is trending better but she’s still in heap of problems. This is her favorite song, my wife tells me.. and I’m posting it since hope it all we have in life..

Oh the irony..

Chris Hansen is famous to sneaking up on naked men who prey on kids on TO CATCH A PREDATOR, but now he is the victim of a hidden camera.. He was caught potentially cheating.. Allegations now. No word on whether he brought the wine and condoms. I’m sure we’ll find out.

Oilstone: Exxon oil spills in Yellowstone River and forces evacuations.. No word yet on what caused the leak .. the oil stretches for miles. Ain’t that America..

Burn on the Fourth of July: Counties across the South impose a ban on fireworks as temps sizzle

Burn on the Fourth of July: Counties across the South impose a ban on fireworks as temps sizzle

Cash strapped but creative, a Russian sports team will play in bikinis for more attention..

Go Daddy was sold this week for $2.25 billion bucks.. and it’s giving a lot of people the excuse of running an image of giant breasts with the Go Daddy image planted on them. Including me. Because it’s the Fourth of July, and damnit, that’s the right of every American: To blog an image of large breasts with Go Daddy on them. Let the fireworks begin.

Cautionary Fourth of July tale: Check your sinks under carriage..

…or you may find a hungry boa..

Come on down!!

Eugenics with a reward: India health officials offer cars and other prizes as a reward for sterlization..

Happy Saturday.. And start of a great holiday


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Boom Boom Ba

This is disgusting.. on many levels

Man’s defense for broad daylight sexual assault on woman: He thought she was DEAD!

Ashton Kutcher vs the VILLAGE VOICE

Ashton Kutcher vs the VILLAGE VOICE

A fake world making millions

Welcome to the articifial world: FARMVILLE files for IPO!
Zynga aims high..
Months ago, a story was relayed to me about Farmville. My sister was in a sandwich shop waiting for food when a woman in front of her, obviously rushing, told the person at the register that she needed to get home quickly to tend to her coconuts. When the cashier, a little stunned, wondered aloud how this woman was growing coconuts in the middle of winter, the woman responded that they are growing at home, on her computer, in the land called Farmville. Welcome to the new land of make believe—escaping from the reality of food shortages and crop failures, GMO foods and E Coli. Virutal food bourne illnesses don’t kill, and Zynga is aiming high..


Deep into patriotism..stand up for yourself always. Goodnight world.

Friday, July 1, 2011

You’ll never know where you’ll find a meth lad these days!

It could be.. your backyard.. It could be a restaurant that has a hotel over top—a restaurant with a cute little grandmother figure standing outside watching for danger. This one, unfortunately, passed granny by.

The site: Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania; Frackville. Granny’s Motel: Cops swooped in and busted a meth lab in room 18.

The business has been around for ages.. it is a motel/bed and breakfast.. And now, after strong odors were reported, it is the latest scene of the depressed world of meth labs—something that seemingly is becoming as common in the coal region as coal mines themselves. The most repugnant of drugs .. cooking in a bed and breakfast.

..and if a place called Granny’s isn’t safe from the smell of cooking meth labs, I’d suppose no where will be.

The Kahn man can: He's out--on his own recognizance

Dominique Strauss-Kahn… how do you do the things you do…?

The Kahn man can: He's out--on his own recognizance

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Scott Joplin — Bethena


Happy July.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Today was another tough day..

Always hug your mom, dad, spouse, and kids. Life is quick..precious.. And alarmingly fragile..

AP source: Ex-IMF leader’s bail to be reduced because of issues with accuser’s credibility

Hmmmm… Convenient..

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Moonlight Sonata — Beethoven

Good evening..good morning. Whever you may be

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

That's the Coal Speaker version of news for now..

I will be updating when I can.. In the immediate, family comes first and as those following me know, it hasn’t been easy lately. Please keep the compassion of collective consciousness coming this way, I believe there is a certain power to it. At least I hope.

New autism study: More Autism Diagnoses in High-Tech Areas

New autism study: More Autism Diagnoses in High-Tech Areas


Bachmann admits John Wayne flub, but still insists John Quincy Adams was a Founding Father

Beam us up: The MOTHERSHIP over London... Supposedly.

Victory for common sense: Update on the Emily Good case


Remember, she was arrested for video taping a cop doing his job—while she was in her front yard..Her own front yard.

A headline worthy of reading again.. and again.

EPA On Radiation Alert As Fires Reach 50 Feet From Los Alamos

Another strange day in the Casey Anthony trial: Dad breaks down on the stand while stoic daughter looks on

Another strange day in the Casey Anthony trial: Dad breaks down on the stand while stoic daughter looks on

I’ll be following: LADY GAGA NOW HAS A TUMBLR..


...and no better way to start with news than this: Los Alamos loco!

Anyone else worried?
The fire near Los Alamos: The EPA monitoring air….

Perhaps I'll look some news up to get my mind off of personal problems

Thanks for the emails and messages

Just an update from the Coal Speaking headquarters: The situation is still troublesome.. vital signs are a little better. For those who wanted to know it’s my wife’s mom.. Still very tough road in the next 24 hours — watching and waiting.. and praying. Praying to whatever watches over this whole mess called earth.

Thank you all for the concern.

Sorry for the odd post earlier.. Not to go into much detail, but a close family member is finding herself in a life threatening medical situation.. What is meant to be will.. But today’s tough..

Today is agony… Please send your thoughts and well wishes this way.. Any collective consciousness will be enormously helpful..


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Comfortably Numb — Pink Floyd (cover)


The static age is here

Monday, June 27, 2011

A comet flying by earth in 2013 may be visible WITH THE NAKED EYE!

A comet flying by earth in 2013 may be visible WITH THE NAKED EYE!

The best part of summer..

.. as fireflies fill the night sky. Beautiful.

Cool reading from 1991

Found this little gem that I remember reading years ago: THEY’RE MADE OUT OF MEAT by Terry Bisson

U.S. Supreme Court strikes down California law that would have banned selling violent video games to children.

The 7-2 ruling today was a victory for video game makers and sellers

CNN news alert

As 2011 MD flies by..

Feel the breeze as the earth gets a close shave from Asteroid 2011 MD.. that’s just how just we all are to destruction.. An event like that which killed off dinosaurs millions of years ago can happen in an instant. Will we, like the previous species which went through extinction, succumb to similar fate? Or will we march into the future bruised and battered, but survive? Hopefully we will never have to answer questions like that and instead, just have the asteroids and comets keep just buzzing by.

Give up the Ghost. Goodnight.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

I got an email that my headline tonight on the was a little scary. But the world is, after all, a scary place. So is news..
So , too much?

A poll on Casey Anthony


Floodwaters surround Nebraska nuke plant!


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Just in time for the Fourth of July, TIME magazine shreds the Constitution on its cover… Oy.

Happy midnight. Goodnight.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

This is just how the earth is on Monday to getting slammed with an asteroid. We luck out again. But each time seemingly gets closer, this being only 7,500 miles away—and closer than the moon as well.

A great link: Live disaster alerts from around the earth all on one map

A great link: Live disaster alerts from around the earth all on one map

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Goodnight all


Young Forever — Jay Z

Friday, June 24, 2011

Legislation to legalize same-sex marriage in New York cleared the last major hurdle with a 33-to-29 vote in the state Senate, sending the bill to the governor’s desk for his expected approval.

CNN news alert

I just realized, I got lots of new followers.. Welcome aboard the Coal Speaking express

Dunn and gone

JACKASS star Ryan Dunn dead in a horrible traffic accident.. but his online life lives.. *Including his Tumblr..

Nuclear nerves: The great Midwest flood of 2011

2,500 (at least) are filled with water as flood levels rise in Minot, North Dakota..
Low-lying areas swamped..
River gets to record levels..
Nuclear agency head to visit flooded Nebraska reactors..
Flood waters rise around Fort Calhoun nuke plant..

Just another beautiful Friday evening in summer.. Be safe all


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Mainstream media finally notices! The government is tracking cell phones

Mainstream media finally notices! The government is tracking cell phones

Radar Love summer 2011. Goodnight.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Nothing to see here (still): Cooper nuke plant runs at full capacity despite threat of rising waters

Nothing to see here (still): Cooper nuke plant runs at full capacity despite threat of rising waters

Welcome to the new world of 'popcorn brain'

Blame computers, text messaging..

Multitasking used to be fun, now it’s turning your mind to mush.

Taking one for the team: The Philly Phanatic has been hit—and hurt—by a foul ball at a Phillies game— and treated in an emergency room, too

*Awkward moment when the announcers chuckle about and joke ‘better call a medic’..

Just no luck..

A woman who was considered dead woke up at her own funeral and then died—for real—of a heart attack.

All eyes on Casey.. today’s Cindy Anthony reversal today was undoubtedly a shock to the prosecution and to everyone else following the events.

The moment: Cindy Anthony on the stand today as she testified that she—not Casey—searched for some strange things on the home computer..
It was stunning. Shocking..But a game changer? … just maybe

Saab, the Swedish car company renowned for its sometimes quirky designs, moved closer to bankruptcy Thursday after it conceded that it didn't have any money to pay employees' wages

Saab, the Swedish car company renowned for its sometimes quirky designs, moved closer to bankruptcy Thursday after it conceded that it didn't have any money to pay employees' wages

...this one just didn't surprise me

Cities bring more stress than rural areas..

Sure there are more centers of recreation, shopping, cars, buses, horns… fighting… panhandlers.. Everything. Rural areas don’t have the modern day ‘progress’ that brings about stress and higher conditions of uncivilized behavior..

I work in a semi-metro area.. live in a semi-rural area.. and enjoy visiting big cities and extreme rural areas.

I think being well-rounded is the best game plan for sane living.

A showdown developing ..

Republicans walk out on budget talks.. Raise the roof? … raise the debt ceiling? How about just good old fashioned talking!

Alert in Minot, North Dakota: Flood waters rising

Alert in Minot, North Dakota: Flood waters rising

For those following the Casey Anthony trial..

Truly a bombshell as Cindy Anthony says she searched the computer for chloroform instead of Casey.. Amazing.. Shocking.. And perjury? Lies? Covering for Casey? Amazing….

Justin Beiber attacked in NYC!!

Justin Beiber attacked in NYC!!
We may experience increased latency for the next few minutes while our primary datacenter conducts emergency network maintenance.

So Tumblr says. And that just doesn’t sound good at all..

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Waterloo — Abba

A long night with Ayden

…but finally, at this early morning hour, he sleeps. And I hope all night. But…. Probably not

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Al Gore going to the extreme? Try population control..

It always makes me nervous when men of power want to ‘curb’ the population or ‘stabilize’ the population.

A few facts: Russia has warned of a population crisis.. even Vlad the Putin wanted to have a national day of love making to help spur some more babies. And how would less kids help take care of the ever aging American population?

But even more, deeper, and more profound: The thought of population control could start as a great suggestion but end up being forced.. No? .. nah, eugenics never occurred, right? No big corporations and government agencies ever teamed up to try to stunt population growth—albeit then it was to help get rid of the pesky “unfit” folks. Maybe a new environmental eugenics is upon us?

I just wish, in the end, science would take over this debate and politics would get out of it. Climate change is real.. global warming—and cooling—is real. El Nino and La Nino is real. And pattern change is real. What is absurd is that we are not prepared for either intense hurricanes from intense global heat, extreme sea level rises—or even flash ice ages that occur when sunspots die away.

Politics… environment. Oh they just should not mix……

Now I can see what the markets stunk while Bernanke spoke.. The newest information from the FED-head chairman: No clue why the economy stinks.

This was TIME’s person of the year for ‘saving’ the economy—a year when the economy wasn’t saved but driven even further into the toilet.

*Photo: REUTERS/Jim Young

Ron Paul, Barney Frank to introduce bill legalizing marijuana

Ron Paul, Barney Frank to introduce bill legalizing marijuana

I've been meaning to ask you, do you think JC from c2c was/is a legitimate person or a joke?

I think a joke — but a good one. The latest call was the most ridiculous and showcased that the joke has worn out

Rattling and shaking: A magnitude-6.7 earthquake rattled northeast Japan on Thursday morning, the US Geological Survey reporte

Rattling and shaking: A magnitude-6.7 earthquake rattled northeast Japan on Thursday morning, the US Geological Survey reporte

Going postal: This would seem to be pretty big news.. especially for Post Office workers

The Post Office is going to suspend contributions to its employees’ pension fund..

The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission is tracking floodwaters at those two nuclear facilities in Nebraska

Hundreds of thousands could be without power in Chicago for days

Hundreds of thousands could be without power in Chicago for days

Horrible and disgusting: Mom accused of microwaving her baby

These are those news events that make me wonder if Satan created the world instead of God.

Horrible and disgusting: Mom accused of microwaving her baby

Walking around in women’s underwear: The TSA must have had fun with this guy.

US Airways allows man to fly wearing women’s underwear..

Nothing is forever.. even big breasts

Bad news for women who have more than they had before: Women who get silicone breast implants are likely to need additional surgery within 10 years to address complications such as rupturing of the device..