Mitt Romney got so excited, that he introduced Paul Ryan as the next president of United States
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Here is six minutes of a video becoming famous now that Drudge linked it.. Paul Ryan on health care. I expect this will be a preview of what we are going to expect from now through November.
The great debate begins.
Strap in.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Yes, Drudge, we get it. Sexual innuendo. Clever.
But the story is strange to say the least.. Janet Napolitano is being sued by males for filling top positions with females who were hell-bent, the lawsuit says, on treating male staffers like dogs…
According to the suit, male staffers were ‘banished to bathrooms’ and humiliated.
I’m guessing we will be hearing about this for a while—which gives many more opportunities for Matt Drudge to place photos with hidden meanings on the top of his site.
I'm only in my early 30s but this is an example of how the mind is the first thing to do
I had to Google the term “oops I crapped my pants” this morning. Why? Because I actually could not remember if it was a joke on SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE or a real company advertising slogan for adult diapers. I got my answer.
I bet I forget again when I’m in my early 40s.
This is the world we live in: All within a week of news
The conversation changes rapidly these days.
Here were the topics—and they all took place within a week.
We started by complaining that NBC was failing at its obligation to provide good Olympics coverage. We briefly cared about Syrian refugees, even though their plight is horribly more important than Bob Costas bantering about athletes and how firm their muscles are.
We moved on quickly to the Mars Curiosity Rover. How amazing. And yes, it is amazing. But in the shuffle we ignored Russia’s Pussy Riot being put in jail by Vlad the impaler in Russia—even though Madonna cared.
Back to the Olympics for a while! Everyone got excited at water polo even though few understood what it was. I like soccer, so I ignored water polo. Bob Costas did not.
And finally, with all the mayhem in the world and juvenile leadership from the elite controllers, what are we left with this Friday? What is the conversation? You guessed it: Honey Boo Boo.
Sadly, Hillbilly child Honey Boo Boo will be around in the news and conversation a lot longer than Syrian refugees, too..
Happy Friday.
Prosecutors accidentally send out images of a dead Trayvon Martin.
This seems to be a pretty horrible error made by Florida prosecutors in the Trayvon Martin murder case. Among the confidential documents that were ‘accidentally’ released was a photograph of Martin’s dead corpse. Prosecutors quickly emailed reporters requesting that they do not use the picture of Trayvon Martin’s lifeless body, as they were not meant for public consumption.
I actually hope the photos don’t get ‘out’ there.. we have enough morbid and grotesque websites showcasing famous peoples’ dead bodies. I would be sick to think that a teenage kid’s body would appear on one of those sites.
Nonetheless, we are living in an age where mistakes happen quickly, and when they do there is little time to re-do the action you did wrong the first time. Click and save these days means upload and publish—long before you get the chance to run the document or blog post by anyone who would say, “are you sure you want to publish photographs of the dead victim before this trial begins??”
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Listen, I love a good conspiracy. The bigger the alien, the more I like it. The bigger then disaster awaiting mankind, the more it gets my attention. But on this matter, I just ain’t seein’ it bro.
A wave of net conspiracy theories have turned up after a photo from the Curiosity Mars rover was delivered back to earth. It appears to show a blotch in the horizon. Could it be a monolith!? A Martian!? Oh wait.. maybe it’s dust. After all, Mars is quite a dusty planet. A color photo coming from NASA tomorrow or so that Curiosity will beam back will show just how red and dusty it is.
Here is my bottom line on this:
And I know lots of conspiracy folks may say NASA would hide signs of life on Mars. I say no. First of all, think of the monetary situation they currently find themselves in. They are broke, and the budget money they actually get is cut with every budget cycle. If they announced life is out there, I imagine a huge push would occur to give them more cash to find more life. Cash for cells ..
And even more, if they truly found signs of life past or present, I don’t think something that major could stay hidden. Who would it benefit?
Of course if aliens were mounting ships in space to attack the planet, I can see that being a national security secret. But microbes on Mars? Nah. That is public information.
A caveat: If alien walks in front of the Rover, bends down, and looks into the lens? I think President Obama may have to decide if that image gets out.
But who really thinks THAT kind of life exists on Mars, anyway…
Really not sure if this is the type of logic that will gather more votes for Obama, but hey, he said it: He wants to repeat the auto bailout for ... every.. industry... Huh?
The POLITICO reported today, and Drudge put up a siren about it too, that President Obama campaigned today in Colorado and seemed to suggest that he wants to bail out, well, everyone. Everywhere. Everything!
The POLITICO dispatches this:
“I said, I believe in American workers, I believe in this this American industry, and now the American auto industry has come roaring back,” he said. “Now I want to do the same thing with manufacturing jobs, not just in the auto industry, but in every industry.
“I don’t want those jobs taking root in places like China, I want those jobs taking root in places like Pueblo,” Obama told a crowd gathered for a campaign rally at the Palace of Agriculture at the Colorado State Fairgrounds here.
It’s quite clear that the cost to taxpayers of government bailouts is quite high. What was the bang for the buck of the GM bailout? Some would argue it saved American cars, but others would point out that MORE TOYOTAS ARE BUILT IN AMERICA AND GENERAL MOTORS cars..
Not sure if this logic will help his gather independents into the fold. And I wonder if someone forget to give him the teleprompter at this event..
Really not sure if this is the type of logic that will gather more votes for Obama, but hey, he said it: He wants to repeat the auto bailout for ... every.. industry... Huh?
Stars and stripes waving in London
The USA women’s soccer team, together, waving the flag of the United States in London as they beat Japan 2-1.. I’m actually tearing up in all out pride .. Amazing game. Hope my VHS tape worked..
Gold medal in London!! USA beat Japan.. Japan denied the gold by the amazing women’s soccer team from the United States!!!
My own 20th century technology meets the London Olympics
The USA vs Japan in women’s soccer today .. I am desperately trying to find a tape to tape the game—and it hit me! It’s not the 2000 Olympics. This is the modern era, baby! I don’t T-vo it? I don’t digitally record it!? No! I have the old tape style.. and a VCR that kind of works. And while I’m getting myself completely stuck in the 20th century, I came to look into my closet just the other day and see that I have a life’s worth of tapes collected. Home videos, movies.. TV shows.. old Late Night with David Letterman recordings. All on VHS. I guess it’s time to stop being kind, I should not rewind, and I should work on converting these to the new world order of movie watching.
Hot and heavy Olympic flame burning
The television version of the Olympics is tame. The most risky of things broadcast so far during Olympics coverage on NBC was probably Al Roker’s awful red pants that he sported on the TODAY show. But what really goes on behind the scenes?
You know.
Come on, you know.
Sex. And a lot of it.
Olympics athletes all seem to agree on what is happening when the bright glare of cameras fades: Parties and sexual intercourse. Hope Solo even said the down and dirty athletes often take part in intercourse right out in the open. 150,000 condoms later, the Olympics teams from around the world get to know each other better than perhaps they ever thought they would.
CNN’s report featured a quote from a former gold medalist, not named:
"They know, the officials know, even the media. It’s not a secret, everyone knows!"(Sex) is all part of the Olympic spirit. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) wouldn’t say that, but it is, you can’t shy away from it. Why do you think they give away so many condoms?"
Smile! Or you can be arrested
More Olympics insanity.
A spectator was arrested for not smiling at the games. Really.
And a a swarm of bugs invaded Olympics stadium.
Who would smile at that?