Play us out..the new song begins in an hour. New Year’s Eve ending, sliding into another year..
Play us out..the new song begins in an hour. New Year’s Eve ending, sliding into another year..
Just got a message from co-Tumblr user I often talk to from New York City, who is one of many in a crowd just below the giant ball in New York City, waiting for 11:59 pm when he is able to count down to a new year and kiss his girlfriend. Of course until then he’s drinking few liquids, as the bathrooms potentials besides streets and snow piles are rare…
But he is having fun. And hopefully you are too.
And hopefully 2010 will turn to 2011 and we will all be able to breath a sigh of relief. We made it. Another year over. A new one just begun..
Of course in Australia, last year’s problems are already this year’s. And soon here it will be, too.
RENT — Happy New Year B
The Sounds — Living in America
ABBC “Happy New Year”
Groove Armada, Richie Havens Hands Of Time Live
Perhaps the anthem of a dying year.
Maybe they’re just frustrated with climate change..?
Documentary about polar bears goes cold as the subject matter destroys the BBC cameras filming them!
Peggy Noonan describes in more detail..
Just as The Christmas Story is the background noise of my Christmas every year as it airs on TBS, New Year’s brings a background noise of mystery, parallel universes, and aliens. Also known as the Twilight Zone on Syfy, airing all day today and tomorrow.
It’s a timeless show that was right before its time. And it still resonates in 2011.
Here’s hoping your cup is full and 2011 brings joy and peace.
Fingers crossed.
The world in 1950 .. Santa Claus happily singing about Camels as the world, weary from a World War, wanted peace and prosperity.
In 2011, we’re not all that different from the grandfolks. We want peace but won’t get it. We want money but don’t have it. We want a world that runs smoothly but it never will. We battle reality. But for one night on New Year’s Eve it somehow all makes sense..
ABBC “Happy New Year”
SO this is how Kanye has to end the year? Leaked Kanye West MONSTER video features dead models hanging by nooses with dismembered heads littering the floor..
Midwest disaster! Blizzard Causes 100 Car Pileup in North Dakota…
I would highly recommend the film “Grown Ups.” Great humor—enough for adults to get and kids to laugh at.
Watch as a family.. Watch it alone.
New York says ‘good riddance’ to 2010
Tomorrow we will all be saying good riddance to the times of our lives, the time of 2010 .. but will the days of a new age be better? With 2011 merely hours away, the sun will soon rise on a new day.
We’ve all been through this before as humans—years when resolutions are quickly broken and the ‘new’ day looks strangely like one which just got scratched off the calender..
Good riddance to 2010. But problems seemingly have been swept under the floor mat to yet another year. The bill is in the mail. It’s scheduled to be here in 2011. Which is only minutes from beginning…
Times Square Security High on Holiday Eve
Perhaps it’s the counter-snipers and undercover agents that didn’t want to see Snooki inside a ball dropping to the ground in Times Square tomorrow night..
NASA has completed its latest round of X-ray scans on the space shuttle Discovery’s external fuel tank, only to find more small cracks on the tank’s support beams..
Revealed: Black holes were big—and big early..
The DDoS wars continue.. this time 4Chan, normally the abuser, was abused. The website was knocked offline early Thursday morning..
The FBI raided a Texas server for clues to anonymous “Operation Payback” ..
Swedish man misdiagnosed with cancer forced to undergo penis amputation!
Oscar nomination ballots mailed..
Highest grossing film of ‘10: TOY STORY..
Isabelle Caro, a French model featured in an anti-anorexia advertising campaign, died at age 28 from unknown causes.. She died last month, but the news has just become public..
Leaked Kanye West MONSTER video features dead models hanging by nooses with dismembered heads littering the floor..
China crackdown on net freedoms continue: May ban Skype..
Communist clampdown on net phone..
Apple to announce Verizon iPhone before Valentine’s Day..
Ohio child cancers confound..
Bored: Authorities cracking down on flea markets
Florida holds “no refusal” DUI crackdown.. And so does Texas..
$5 a gallon gas predicted..
Single and a male? Move to New York City in 2011..
Just when you thought you can sleep easy knowing playmates were calmly asleep, now we learn this..
Return to innocence — Enigma
Dropkick Murphys - Fields of Athenry
Yes they are angry. But 30 inches plus of snow just fell on a city that rarely gets cold in the winter time!
Now that’s not giving any excuse for some of the most dramatic after effects of the storm of the new century in New York City. Babies dying and EMS workers not being able to get to locations due to snow covered roads is a major problem that hasn’t been greatly addressed by the City.
But I think as far as airlines, it’s important to remember that if a plane took off from an icy runway, lawyers would be waiting on the edge of a tarmac for problems. They would be quick to sue and sue big. I think airlines, being overly cautious, may be annoying as people are waiting, but it’s necessary. Just like the Eagles’ cancellation. I would have loved to see the Eagles (lose) play during a snowstorm, but public safely took precedence. Airlines are making the right choice in their caution. And they are losing about $150mil (so far) ..
I dread another storm hitting New York City and other areas before this one melts away. …some streets still not plowed.
Tomorrow’s cover today: please, not again. Without boldness from Barack Obama there is a real risk of war in the Middle East.
The newest ECONOMIST cover ..
A new photo of Miley Cyrus surfaces.. bound to make Billy’s achy heart break.. Perhaps as her best friend Leslie would say, she’s just being Miley.
Scientists closely watching the sun as it prepares to awaken from its lull..
It’s an interesting point that boys, more than girls, seem to be affected by disorders such as autism.
What actually scares me more than the prescription drug issue is that it seems people have slowly just accepted autism as it grows and grows among children.. There has to be an answer out there somewhere.
I agree with your characterization of the article.
It’s an interesting point that boys, more than girls, seem to be affected by disorders such as autism.
What actually scares me more than the prescription drug issue is that it seems people have slowly just accepted autism as it grows and grows among children.. There has to be an answer out there somewhere.
I agree with your characterization of the article.
Looking at video of the “cleanup” in the city that never sleeps is brutal.. cleanup workers smashing into parked cars.. streets still not plowed. A mess is predicted to be coming this weekend, just in time for the Times Square celebration. It may be likely that the ball will drop in a mass of sludge rather than a cold mass of people. Temperatures are predicted to dramatically warm up — and rain will be falling. The maze of snow throughout the city will be left to turn into junk, mixed in with mud and grime of city buses.
As a soon to be parent, this story alarms me as much as it does saddens me. I don’t want little Ayden to be a pill popper. And of the 25% how many really need this..?
This is what a crippling storm in New York City looks like.. The city is still crippled in the wake of the blizzard..
And if it’s true, it could upset everything we ever knew or thought we knew about the evolution of the human species.