Thursday, April 2, 2015

The faithful never leave us without something to do, unless we hide in our offices or go out in our cars wearing sun glasses. There is a good and healthy tiredness. It is the exhaustion of the priest who wears the smell of the sheep… but also smiles the smile of a father rejoicing in his children or grandchildren. It has nothing to do with those who wear expensive cologne and who look at others from afar and from above.  Do I know how to rest by accepting the love, gratitude and affection which I receive from God’s faithful people? Or once my pastoral work is done, do I seek more refined relaxations, not those of the poor but those provided by a consumerist society? Is the Holy Spirit truly ‘rest in times of weariness’ for me or is he just someone who keeps me busy?

Massive eerie sandstorm covers Dubai.. Some are comparing the visual aftermath of the natural event to the surface of Mars..

Some of the photos are amazing..

All the world’s a buffet for the POPE..Pope Fat-cis: According to new reports, Pope Francis is being told to lay off the pasta for a while.. There Pope recently made news for having a pizza delivery man give him some grub while moving through town in his Pope Mobile.. Now a massive weight gain has apparently caused eyes to widened by Francis as his scale tips.. New linens must be ordered! Get a bigger frock. Francis is the incredible enlarging pope..

Easter dinner this weekend. Lots of ham.

Mystery of strange radio bursts from space

There are very real and respectable people asking if this is a sign from intelligent life.. OR something else. A fascinating mystery

Mystery of strange radio bursts from space

It was ten years ago today that Pope John Paul II died .. What started today in 2005 was a strange odyssey of prophecy and paranoia.. Pope John Paul II was made pope during an eclipse.. His funeral took place during an eclipse, as well.. 

But I recall one strange and often neglected bit of history that made news at the time: He became the decomposing Pope. At the time, people who were attending days worth of a viewing for the Pope were horrified at the sight. Some even complained of a smell.. Pope John Paul was only ‘lightly’ embalmed ..As a report from the AP said in 2005:

"For a four-day viewing, injections of formaldehyde and other preserving liquids are necessary," Signoracci told The Associated Press, cautioning that he could not be certain what had been done without examining the body.
The Vatican has said John Paul’s body was not embalmed, only “prepared” for viewing by hundreds of thousands of mourners, refusing to elaborate on the procedure used.
John Paul died Saturday, and his remains were put on public view two days later, through Thursday. His funeral on St. Peter’s Square and burial beneath the basilica took place Friday.
Maria Campos Guereta, a 29-year-old banker from Jerez, Spain, was among the last mourners to file past the body Thursday. “Truth be told, he looked really haggard,” she said.

The entire world was watching, on live TV often, the Pope decomposing as the process of death overtook his body.. It was actually quite a creepy sight to behold, and one that our minds perhaps have tried to purposely forget.. 

For those who don’t remember the events of ten years ago or just weren’t paying attention due to age or place in the world, Pope John Paul’s death was a big deal.. It was earth-moving, and policy shifting. 

But for me, what I will never personally forget, is the harbingers that occurred before his death—the white doves circling his head weeks before he died.. The thousands who gathered outside of the Vatican waiting for his passing… the election of Ratzinger.. The would be assassin calling himself a spiritual brother of John Paul..

And….that horrific sight of the pope decomposing before the eyes of the world’s population.. lightly embalmed and on display, rotting away.

April 2, 2005.. April 2 2015..  
Ten years later, the news of the bizarre and strange continues.. Two more Popes since, and some would say a furtherance of prophecy.. 


Strange noises now being heard in Jersey City.

The headline of the ‘news’ article laughed a bit at the noises and said ‘it could be a UFO’ in a mocking way.

Actually it’s simply a continuation of booms and noises that are being heard throughout the world and the United States.. it all started in Kiev with trumpet sounds a few years back.. 

Just yesterday we linked up an article about how people in Berkeley California can’t sleep because of loud booms and bangs almost nightly..

Though I think these noises are serious, there was on comment on the article that did made me chuckle.. It was this:

Was Governor Christie in town? It sounds like it could be his stomach grumbling!


“Rebels” capture palace in Yemen

Al QAIDA storms prison and frees 300

Israel renews talk of military action

Christians victims of college terror attack in Yemen

Peace on .. whatever.

Gunmen attack Garissa University College in Kenya// MORE: Gunmen attacked Garissa University College in Kenya during morning prayers, killing 15, wounding dozens and leaving 550 unaccounted for

A developing story..

CNN coverage//
NBC NEWS coverage..
TELEGRAPH coverage..

One quote: “If you were a Christian, you were shot.”

I keep thinking about this weekend, today is Holy Thursday on the Christian Calender. This Easter will see a blood red moon and an eclipse.. 
Yes indeed, there are reasons to be creeped out by all of this.

Gunmen attack Garissa University College in Kenya// MORE: Gunmen attacked Garissa University College in Kenya during morning prayers, killing 15, wounding dozens and leaving 550 unaccounted for

Mysterious Booms Keep Some Berkeley Residents Up At Night

There have been booms everywhere.. Worldwide as a matter of fact.

But they are so loud and continuous in this part of California that people are losing sleep..

Mysterious Booms Keep Some Berkeley Residents Up At Night

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The April Fool’s Joke needs to stop

I am happy April fool’s day is almost. Since childhood, I hated the day. The fake humor.. the not so clever jokes.. the phony nonsense that people think is laughable but instead it just an annoyance.. 

But recently, really with the internet, I avoid news in general on April fools. Because everyone wants to get into this act of outdoing each other.. real news agencies report false stories, for fun.. Real outlets of information think they are being more clever than the next guy.. 

Instead, things like this can happen: Shareholders can get very angry.

I love humor. When it’s funny.
I like jokes, when they are meaningful..
I really like comedy. When it is done right.

The people who don’t do it right are the ones who incessantly try to do it on April Fools.. a day that just should go away for good.

And that is why I love the sarcastic humor of this video:


Tonight, as the moon rose and the sun set, a fireball flew through the early evening sky.. My artistic interpretation.. 

Blood Moon With Total Lunar Eclipse & Eerie Biblical Message Rising Over U.S. Easter Weekend

Some Christians believe the blood moon lunar eclipse tetrad could be connected to Jesus’ return — or signify a world-changing event about to take place.
According to the King James Bible, “The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the Lord comes,” (Joel 2:31).

The end of the world..
There has been lots of end times before, so I’m not going to pack my bags yet. I think we’ll be here for a while. 
But that’s not saying things won’t stay scary.

Blood Moon With Total Lunar Eclipse & Eerie Biblical Message Rising Over U.S. Easter Weekend

I don’t want to believe, I want to know, I want to prove, I want evidence.

Belief is for those willing to accept things without real evidence

Art Bell tonight in a response on the message board BELLGAB to the famed UFO poster ‘I want to believe’

Gov. Brown orders mandatory water restrictions in California

Gov. Brown orders mandatory water restrictions in California

Priest leaves children horrified and unable to sleep after showing them ISIS execution vide

This story comes from the UK.. the video shown was the beading of 22 coptic christians.. here in America we just put a woman into jail for showing THE ABC OF DEATH to high schoolers, and I opposed that punishment .. in that light it would hypocritical of me to say this priest should face punishment .. and quite frankly, Holocaust imagery is just as brutal. We should not start banning real events.. sadly these teenagers and all across the planet will soon be entering adulthood and their fellow adults can often be monstrous.. perhaps the sooner they know that the better..

Priest leaves children horrified and unable to sleep after showing them ISIS execution vide

A great article by Tim Goodman on the Hollywood Reporter about the Trevor Noah situation

And the premise is this: Twitter is not a comedy club.. and comedy is really, really bad on Twitter.

I can’t say I disagree. This is a great point by Goodman..

A great article by Tim Goodman on the Hollywood Reporter about the Trevor Noah situation

Reflections in the ‘blood’

I was sent a video tonight .. After a quick bit of searching, I realized it has been making the rounds on conspiracy sites online for a few days.. It’s a drone video which, we are told, shows ‘blood stains’ on the top of the Georgia Guidestones.. You can see the video here in full:


I just want to throw a bit of cold water on this theory before it gets rolling too far.. First off, I am not a fan of the Guidestones.. Let’s clear the air on that first. But the part of the video that gave me pause was about 3 minutes and 19 seconds into it .. check it yourself: There is a moment where you see the reflection of the drone taking this video in the blood, indicating that is fresh liquid and it still in its reflective nature.. A screen cap of what I see at this moment of the video:

Yes, indeed.. I am casting doubt no this video. 
For all of those who never believe a word of mainstream news, use the same discretion in your alternative sources as well.. Just because someone is not mainstream is not an indicator that they are 1) telling the truth or 2) an expert in anything …

Use discretion.

IF you buy into this video, ask yourself why the pool of red is still wet.. and how someone just discovered this after the fact..

Megan Fox releases the thumbs!!
She knows you don’t think she’s smart.. But there’s lot of reasons she doesn’t really care.. 

From her BAZAAR interview, snippets worth thumbing through:

I would say most people assume that I’m not very smart or educated or earnest, because I have this image that I’m sort of narcissistic, chasing attention, and wanting people to like me,” she says. “It makes me laugh because I’ve done plenty of interviews and when you read the article from beginning to end you can see that I’m not your typical music video model.

And this

In Transformers I was a kid, I had no idea what I was doing. There was nothing for me to do [in that movie], but then I did nothing and that was my own call. 

On the charge she was eye candy in TRANSFORMERS:

I don’t take it personally because in some ways I acknowledge and agree. But at the same time, both established comedians and Quentin Tarantino have come up to me and said, ‘I really liked Jennifer’s Body, you were really good in that.’ The people whose opinions matter liked it, so I’m okay with that.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015




Heavy geyser activity at Yellowstone, March 30 2015..

Incidentally, there was an official scientist or the like from Russia who said that they should bomb Yellowstone to induce an earthquake and cause an American collapse. I suppose neo-cons exist even there.. 

As far as this video, no reason to panic.. Just to take notice. Watch carefully. And as always, hope for a quiet best and nothing more..