Sunday, February 16, 2014

I'm having sudden immense nostalgia now.

Damn you Buzzfeed quiz that correctly labeled me a 90s person. Damn you.

CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW!? California police use taser on deaf man trying to communicate with them via sign language

It seems like every day we hear about cops killing homeless people or mentally challenged people.

Today we hear about them tasering a deaf man trying to communicate via sign language…

From the report: 

The Greater Los Angeles Agency on Deafness is filing a lawsuit on behalf of Jonathan Meister, who was charged with assault as a result of the incident. According to the lawsuit, Meister was retrieving boxes he had left at a friend’s house when police, alerted by a neighbor to a possible burglary, arrived.

Officers Jeffrey Salmon, Jeffrey Tysl, Erica Bristow, and Mark Hultgren allegedly ordered Meister to stop loading the boxes into his car, but Meister could not hear the order. One of the officers then grabbed Meister by the hand, who

As Paul Simon wrote:

A man walks down the street
It’s a street in a strange world
Maybe it’s the Third World
Maybe it’s his first time around
He doesn’t speak the language
He holds no currency
He is a foreign man
He is surrounded by the sound
The sound
Cattle in the marketplace
Scatterlings and orphanages
He looks around, around
He sees angels in the architecture
Spinning in infinity
He says Amen and Hallelujah!

CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW!? California police use taser on deaf man trying to communicate with them via sign language

Students BANNED From Researching Malcolm X For Black History Month

Other reports claim that the decision was the teacher’s all alone..

In 2014, do we really need to be banning this stuff? Seriously?

Students BANNED From Researching Malcolm X For Black History Month

Yes America sucks in Sochi. And Drudge is there to rub it in..


Showing he still has it to pick the best photos with headlines..

There are ups and downs in these games..

But boy are we bad this year.

A Sochi moment in time..

The Olympics standings right now, numbers as of February 16 2014 at 3:30 PM


Homeless Hungarian man hits lottery jackpot with his last few coins

There are good people in the world..

Homeless Hungarian man hits lottery jackpot with his last few coins

What say you internet users: Right or wrong? Censorship or not?

Kendall Jenner nipple photo at fashion show deleted by INSTAGRAM ..

The question arises: Is she too young at 18 for sheer clothing?

If INSTAGRAM wanted to do anyone a favor, they’d lay off the nipple content and remove Justin Bieber’s account altogether.

Opinions out there fashionistas or nipple lovers?

Wall Street JOURNAL: Storms trigger rash of cabin fever

As said yesterday.. I began feeling like Jack Torrance. Thankfully roads got cleared in time to make a grocery store run. It felt amazing to pay too much for groceries just because I was out.

I think there are times that some people impose cabin fever on themselves. There seems to be this thought, every time it is about to snow, that if people don’t get their bread and milk they are going to quite literally die. I have seen firsthand people panic and stock up on things, even though they live about 50 steps from the front door of a major grocery store..

I spoke to a local restaurant owner who told me he does not close when it snows, and since everyone else does, his business is typically better during storms. Smart move.

I myself get hungry for Chinese food during snowstorms. I can be confident that regardless of the day or weather, Chinese food will always be available.

Wall Street JOURNAL: Storms trigger rash of cabin fever

This is not the way everyone wants to start a Sunday, but here you go: Miley Cyrus’ new BANGERZ TOUR starting off with a large hot dog and lots of crotch grabbing.. 

I did read one news account that isn’t as kind to Miley as some others: “Miley Cyrus: From Foam finger to laughing stock..

1 in 4 Americans don't know the basic movement of the earth around the sun

Not sure how many of the 1 in 4 also think the earth is flat.. (and 6000 years old) ..

1 in 4 Americans don't know the basic movement of the earth around the sun

The cross country Satanist murders…

This is a disturbing story (too close to my own home base as well for my comfort) ..

Nineteen-year-old Satanist Miranda Barbour said she and her 22-year-old husband killed a man in Port Treverton, PA in a sadistic way..

She also just gave an interview to the local newspaper, the DAILY ITEM, that quotes her commenting that she killed 22 people across the country so far in a Satanist romp.. 

She told the paper she can pinpoint them on a map and ‘stopped counting’ after 22 deaths..

According to the paper, the FBI has been inquiring into the case, giving some more credibility to her claims of multiple killings.. 

A disturbing read..  

The story is also making national attention due to her claims of multiple killings— and it is another example of why you should be very careful on Craigslist..

This Guy Wants to Help You Download Your Brain

Imagine someone downloading your entire brain onto a USB stick, or whatever future storage device is thought up.. I guess there would be good aspects to this ability.. But come on, folks, this is pretty freaky for the future. 

Now to be honest, I’d love to opportunity to be able to download the previous night’s dreams. But what if we dream up something that may be perceived as criminal? In a future world, will we be punished for the subconscious thoughts?

Yes indeed. Downloading the brain sure sounds fun. Until you think about some interesting consequences of such advanced actions..

This Guy Wants to Help You Download Your Brain

Saturday, February 15, 2014

For anyone in the white shaded area—you know, the folks who have feet of snow on the ground—this is a scary image. It’s another ‘little’ storm coming for Monday into Tuesday..  Shovels and plows need to get ready one more time.

Parental pride..

Tonight we took Ayden to get his favorite food: Pizza.. While there, the owner sent out his two kids to play with their Ninja Turtles with our son.. It was great. And it was a pure child bonding moment, giving mom and dad time to eat. 

At one point, Ayden announced: “Watch this.” We all thought he was going to do some amazing thing with the Ninja Turtle toys, or perhaps recite something he memorized from his literature (for a three year old) ..Instead he proceeded to go to the muddy and slushy part of the hard tile floor of the restaurant, and he did a spot on tumble-set—quickly getting up saying he hurt his head.

That’s our boy.

So the big storm this week.. and another snowstorm happening today. There is a certainly part of me, each time I look out the window and hardly see the road in front of me due to giant snow piles, that I feel a little more like Jack Torrance from the SHINING.. Sure, I’m not living in a big vacant hotel .. And I don’t have spirits serving me drinks yet. But my God.. the insanity of being homebound .. the mind numbing winter that keeps you stuck in four walls.. I LOVE getting outside to shovel at this point. That’s just how crazy it is feeling.. 

‘The Simpsons’ getting a full-length LEGO episode in May

LEGOS seem to be all the rage..
LEGOS dominating at the box office …no matter the age.
And now the SIMPSONS.. 

I am enjoying it..

‘The Simpsons’ getting a full-length LEGO episode in May

800-Pound Runaway Snowball Slams Into College Dorm, Knocks In Wall

Just picture of the scene of panic during this one

800-Pound Runaway Snowball Slams Into College Dorm, Knocks In Wall

A snowy Saturday morning…
When it gets warm eventually there’s sure a lot to melt.

Friday, February 14, 2014

The quake in SC and the extent of the shake..

A 4.4 quake hit South Carolina tonight.. The shake was felt far and wide..