Friday, August 2, 2013

Finally, Hurricane Sandy victims get their Halloween *(in summer*)

You’ve heard of Christmas in July? And now you’ll hear about Halloween in August.. Kids get their Halloween nine months after Superstorm Sandy forced it to be canceled.. This is actually a pretty nice story to tell.. It’s good to see kids happy, especially after the misery that prevailed after Sandy ravaged the entire region..

Speaking of Halloween, this is probably what I want to go as this year. 

Just saying..

A tale of two generations..

We are barraged with information today about how we are stupid, but how breast feeding makes us smarter. I don’t know which to believe, but I’ll share information on both with you here..

A test for eighth graders in 1912 shows that it’s quite possible kids were smarter a century ago than they are now.. And just try to answer the questions, I dare you. Such as: What are the functions *or uses* of the spinal column?

And kids didn’t have Google and never Binged it.

But maybe they were breast fed more. 

Your thoughts?

Want to move yet? Breakdown of what countries mandate GMO labeling..

Thursday, August 1, 2013

You’re watching: CCTV footage of Michael Hastings’ car crash seems to show an explosion PRIOR to the accident..

Accidents happen, I suppose.

But explosions prior to them?

Sorry for being a conspiracy-monger but something here is not sitting well ..

Oh no, I forgot to eat my marshmallow!

My son Ayden, trying to seduce me into thinking that it’s his nightly duty to eat a marshmallow

Wow.. the Crazy Rhubarb Lady reminds me of someone I know. I bet she does, you, too..

And here’s the backstory, dare to read it..

Mutilated cattle have been found on a Missouri farm. And mainstream media sources are getting a kick out of this one: Cops are NOT ruling out aliens doing it.

In all fairness, if you read the description in detail of the tongue and organ mutilation, you wouldn’t rule aliens out either.

How many times do I have to tell you: Your television set (and other appliances) are watching you!

The old timers used to say that if you can watch your TV, your TV can watch you.. And watch you it probably is..

Headlines are popping up around the net tonight saying that Your Smart TV Might be Watching You

The truth is right in front of us.. if we care to understand that today’s science fact was yesterday’s fiction.

Of course hackers can get into your machinery.. and even other forces, such as the United States government or foreign entities all the same..

Never forget this admission: In 2012, General David Petraeus said he wanted to spy on your through your washing machine. And we have come a long way since 2012.

CNN reports an Exclusive: Dozens of CIA operatives on the ground during Benghazi attack

This is very interesting to say the least.. CNN has uncovered this information now.. almost one year since the entire thing went down in 2012 prior to the Romney/Obama election..

Equally important is what else CNN says concerning the CIA: They are going to great lengths to keep whatever it was they were doing on the ground a secret..

MORE from CNN:

Sources now tell CNN dozens of people working for the CIA were on the ground that night, and that the agency is going to great lengths to make sure whatever it was doing, remains a secret.

CNN has learned the CIA is involved in what one source calls an unprecedented attempt to keep the spy agency’s Benghazi secrets from ever leaking out.

We can make assumptions .. but those assumptions of what the clandestine efforts that CIA is and was making in this regard are probably incorrect. Maybe.

You can read the CNN story for yourself, but this other quote is noteworthy and should be read carefully:

Since January, some CIA operatives involved in the agency’s missions in Libya, have been subjected to frequent, even monthly polygraph examinations, according to a source with deep inside knowledge of the agency’s workings.

The goal of the questioning, according to sources, is to find out if anyone is talking to the media or Congress.

It is being described as pure intimidation, with the threat that any unauthorized CIA employee who leaks information could face the end of his or her career.

In exclusive communications obtained by CNN, one insider writes, “You don’t jeopardize yourself, you jeopardize your family as well.”

Another says, “You have no idea the amount of pressure being brought to bear on anyone with knowledge of this operation.”

I am sure the snooze media will exhibit due diligence and follow up on this story..

Michael Hastings sure would have..

Hmm…maybe he was…?


CNN reports an Exclusive: Dozens of CIA operatives on the ground during Benghazi attack

Google 'Pressure Cookers' and 'Backpacks,' Get a Visit from the Cops

True story..
A must read..

Google 'Pressure Cookers' and 'Backpacks,' Get a Visit from the Cops

Over 1,000 killed in Iraq in July

….war is over?

Over 1,000 killed in Iraq in July

A sinkhole in Missouri that keeps on growing..

This is a real photo, by the way..


Space Weather contradicts report on big solar flare

This morning’s headlines blazed with  heat: A near miss! The sun ejected a flare that almost hit earth two weeks ago..

And now today the website Space Weather is responding to that with this:

SPACE WEATHER FACT CHECK: Many readers are asking about a report in the Washington Examiner, which states that a Carrington-class solar storm narrowly missed Earth two weeks ago. There was no Carrington-class solar storm two weeks ago. On the contrary, solar activity was low throughout the month of July. The report is erroneous. The possibility of such a storm is, however, worth thinking about: A modern Carrington event would cause significant damage to our high-tech society. Solar flare alerts: textvoice.

The original report that appeared in the Washington EXAMINER this morning came from  Henry Cooper, a former Reagan official who now is pushing for missile defense programs.. And where did he get his information? Peter Vincent Pry—who is pushing for the United States to upgrade its electric grid to help during events of massive EMP attacks of solar events. Which is a noble cause.. But now I am troubled by the SpaceWeather report that all of this was based off of something that never was..

The UK DAILY MAIL picked up this story today, too, running a more dire headline 

I will investigate this matter further..

So far I have yet to see a press release or statement on any of this from NASA.

Please email me at if you have more information or useful links..

Dying 2-year-old son to be Pa. couple's best man

Every now and then a story actually makes me tear up. This is one of them.. I could not imagine the prospects of losing a child, especially to leukemia.. The AP dispatch reports it this way:

Two-year-old Logan is the son of Sean Stevenson and Christine Swidorsky, of Jeannette. The couple had planned to wed next year, but decided to move the ceremony up to Saturday so the boy, who has leukemia and other complications, could participate.

The boy has already lost one kidney and has a mass on his remaining kidney. He has Fanconi anemia, a rare disease that often results in cancer. Doctors last week gave the boy two to three weeks to live.

Swidorsky says, “We want Logan in our family pictures, and we want him to see his mother and dad get married.”

Again, as a parent, I have so much empathy for these two adults watching their innocent young toddler succumb to such a disease.. 

I cam so sad to read it.. but at the same time so heart-warmed to think of how much joy this will bring this young little brave man.

I have said this before and will again, I don’t know for sure if there is a God above or a devil below, but I will be doing my best version of praying or at least sending positive thoughts towards these three as they share the bond of matrimony with a child who will soon be gone from this natural earthly dwelling..

Dying 2-year-old son to be Pa. couple's best man

Massive solar flare narrowly misses Earth, EMP disaster barely avoided

This was the closest of calls, and sort of compliments the story we have been worried about for days regarding the big hole in the sun..

This almost-flare took place two weeks ago. But yet we’re only learning about it today in the mainstream.

And it’s top story worthy.. in my opinion. But most people by the day’s end will still not know that our world may have been forever changed only a few days ago..

Massive solar flare narrowly misses Earth, EMP disaster barely avoided

50,100+ pounds of Ground Beef Recalled for E.coli NATIONWIDE

Where’s the beef!

Hopefully this isn’t in your house.

I stopped eating hamburgers long ago. This is just one reason why..

50,100+ pounds of Ground Beef Recalled for E.coli NATIONWIDE

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A new book details just how much Hollywood loved Hitler

Devastating news about Tinseltown..

A number of skeletons in closets about to fall out..

A new book details just how much Hollywood loved Hitler

And here we have an example from FOX NEWS of why the paranormal should be left to night time..

Clyde Lewis and Art Bell do just fine covering bigfoot. No need for Brian Kilmeade to try—-though try he did.

And here we have an example from FOX NEWS of why the paranormal should be left to night time..

Secret Sex Tape: Monica Lewinsky Caught On Explicit Recording Telling Bill Clinton, ‘I Could Take My Clothes Off…’

We already know anything online may be there forever.. But for God sakes Monica made Bill this tape in 1997 and it still exists…

A part of the plan:
“Maybe we could go over and watch a movie together and just have kind of, I don¹t know, boxed dinners or something like that,” she says.

Boxed dinner, plans for 15 minute encounters, and stained dressed.. That was the way we were in the roaring 90s

Secret Sex Tape: Monica Lewinsky Caught On Explicit Recording Telling Bill Clinton, ‘I Could Take My Clothes Off…’

I received a few messages that I am covering the Art Bell return to radio way toooooo much.


So for that..I will not provide you with the latest updates on ART BELL’S RETURN!

Art Bell’s Dark Matter will air nightly on channel 104..
Art Bell fans.. you may want to consider this from Sirius XM..
Whitley Streiber: “Dick Hoagland and our own Whitley Strieber are bound to be frequent guests again”
CoastGab changes name to Bellgab
Facebook fan page ditches “Coast to Coast” in title..

And just in: ARTBELL.COM now has an official presence on Facebook. 

If you think I’m bad now, wait until September 16 when he is actually on the air.

I’ll be partying like it’s 1999!