Proof we need to watch Chantal.. This is one model for the storm in a run tonight..
So.. Think NBC will regret letting Leno go? He certainly has worked for them since about 1995 when Letterman changed his style and started the ratings dive…
I still say late night television was ready for a female comedy host. They missed their chance..
Chelsea Handler or Tina Fey would have been spot on..
Instead they are stuck with Jimmy Fallon… I think they’ll regret it.
(Though this is also a good chance for Arsenio Hall, who is throwing himself back into the ring)… Yes it feels like 1993 all over again..
Why are the police now stopping people from exericising their rights to speak to the media?
This boy was a witness to the San Francisco plane disaster over the weekend. Clearly we see the police officer pull him away as the anchorman on the ABC affiliate says the police are keeping him from speaking to the media…
But may I ask.. why?
This wonders watching, and call me crazy but the name Shirley will give the storm and exceptionally cocky attitude..
Science fiction becomes science fact..
More proof of something I have long believed about life on this planet: We know absolutely nothing, and everything we consider fact is only fact long enough until more evidence comes forth to disprove it..
Amazing stuff.
Must be a portal.
And you thought eugenics was long-gone.. WRONG
SWAT teams raiding poker games and trying to stop underage drinking? Overwhelming paramilitary force is on the rise
This is a must read by Radley Balko at SALON.. I think we have all noticed a militarization of the police across the United States. You’d have to be under a rock not to.
It’s probably not a good thing, either..
Read this one if you think it is: Elizabeth Daly bought water, and went to jail for it. Seriously.
Not convinced yet?
What about the story of AJ Marin, who did the crime of …. writing in protest with chalk on a sidewalk outside Pennsylvania Governor Corbett’s mansion.. His citation: He was arrested for writing a “derogatory remark about the governor on the sidewalk.” The “derogatory” comment that AJ was arrested for stated: “Governor Corbett has health insurance, we should too.”
Anyone waking up and performing their first Google search of the day will be greeted by a new Doodle from the company, something they have made famous over the past few years: Remembered today on the Google Doodle is the 66th anniversary of the Roswell UFO crash.
I myself played with the interactive Google doodle a bit too long, trying to figure out how to help the little E.T. find his spaceship back home..
If you are patient and stay with it long enough, you actually end the little game with a “Google Daily Record” headline saying a flying saucer was spotted over Roswell, indicating that your gaming has been successful and the alien has found his way back to space..
I rarely remember my dreams.. but last night’s was quite visual, and very memorable. The scenery was abundant.. the feelings I had during the dream was palpable. But looking back on it, I don’t quite why the night vision had such a foreboding threat of doom associated with it, but it surely did.
The premise was quite simple, actually.
I was driving —I think with my wife but, as dreams go, I can’t remember for sure—and we were in a mountain setting. It was dry and arid, looking like a drought-plagued dust bowl. The interesting thing, though, is that I recalled being there before. And it was not a good place..
As the dream went on, the discussion came up: What would be scarier: 1) If we see a house in the middle of this no-man’s land, or 2) if we saw a single person walking alone in the distance across the barren landscape.. We concluded that either would be alarming and would cause unease within the mind..
Looking back on it now, neither instance—a house or a lone man—really is scary in itself. But for some reason, that dream I had last night was actually a nightmare.. And I cannot figure out why looking back on it now..
Allow me to write a rambling stream of consciousness for a bit.. I think I know where I want this to go, but we’ll see where it leads..
It was the best of times.. it was the worst of times.
There was a family party today to celebrate a birthday, a graduation and new nurse Kaitlin in the family, and a young man becoming a Marine.
The world is filled with fires, feuds, and retaliation.
Egypt is in turmoil.
The Middle East always is..
Climate change is occurring..
Weather has always been extreme.
But today was one of those days where the trials and tribulations of reality took a back seat to family and kinship..
An interesting parallel existed in my mind’s eye as I watched my family … we’ve grown and aged. I did, too ..
I distinctly remember a moment in time, so long ago now last century, when a teenage me was walking my now deceased dog on Christmas Eve night.. a full moon was above, and my little nephew Shawn Jr. was by my side .. he followed me around in those times everywhere I went. He was a cute little skinny runt, probably around age 3 in my memory.. I recall fondly the cold air, the snow on the ground, and the magic of Christmas in our hearts as he chatted up a storm about what Santa Claus was going to bring for him.
This year, this day, my young son, now aged 2 and a half, was running after his family members one by one —chasing them around the house with a Superman watch that plays a few seconds of the theme song. The watch was a gift for his Uncle who celebrated a birthday today. But it didn’t fit Uncle Shawn, so Ayden now is wearing it for ‘special powers’… And I looked at my son, sweating and laughing in the 95 degree heat, and could not think back to that cold and snowy Christmas eve when my nephew was just his size..
My nephew is now a Marine..
My son has a future ahead of him.. As of today, he is Superman and he is knocking ‘bad guys’ down one by one…
A tale of two ages..
A sign of the times. Not the overall ‘world’ times.. but the localized times. You know, the ones that matter.
My sister made a comment today about how reality exists for us.. but everyone else has their own reality, their own story, and their own piece of the pie of existence. We only know what takes place on a daily basis for our own bodies and souls. We cannot understand or fathom what happens in the lives of others.
And with that said.. I can only remember what it was like to be ME at age 3, living in the mine fires of Centralia.. While I can try, I don’t really know what it was like to be my nephew patiently waiting the arrival of Santa somewhere in the mid 1990s.. and I can love and appreciate everything my son Ayden does, but only he will know what it was like to be AYDEN at his age, and any age..
Isn’t that interesting?
We can be connected to family.. but disconnected all the same…? Strange in a way..
And now a memory may exist for my son Ayden.. a memory in time.. Etched forever. When he looked up at saw his cousin come back from the Marine Corps, looking more than a tad bit different. I think Ayden met a new hero today.
But .. .that certainly didn’t stop him from using his special toddler powers and taking him down..
If you’re still awake, you may want to tune into Coast to Coast AM, hosted tonight by John B. Wells.
The topic: THE GRIM REAPER..
As the Coast to Coast website describes:
Investigative reporter Peter Lance joins John B. Wells to discuss once secret FBI files that tell the definitive story of Gregory Scarpa Sr. aka “The Grim Reaper;” a Mafia capo, who “stopped counting” after 50 murders, while secretly betraying the Colombo crime family as a top FBI informant.
It’s an interesting topic..
Scarpa is an interesting character I’ve read about years back..
With Wells there is at least one thing you can county on great music. The topic tonight is thankfully not politics or world events.. with some interesting stories of Scarpa and some creepy music, you’ll want to lock your doors and make sure the windows are tightly closed.
Didn’t go to a party tonight, but I went to a block party in Minersville.. Had some good buttery halushkie, and other coal region food at its best and most artery clogging.
Sadly I didn’t hear SAPPHIRE sing Kiss Me Deadly because Ayden got tired and we had to go home.. But enjoyed the show I saw nonetheless.
It certainly put me in a Lita Ford kinda mood—maybe because so many in this region drink their Yuengling while still dressing like their kissing deadly in 1985..
Well it’s pretty much official tonight.. the LONE RANGER is a bust at the box office.
Nikki Finke is reporting on DEADLINE.COM that the movie has had a wretched performance since it opened this week.. Not even good ticket sales on Friday. Apparently very few people want to see the movie..
While you cannot go by ticket sales to judge if a movie is good, you can at least state that this film is the latest of some big Hollywood budget busters this summer with fetched little money..
Finke reported that the movie may not even top $50 mil for the entire weekend..
Horrible performance.
Johnny Depp has a following. But apparently the Lone Ranger just doesn’t..
Facebook chief operating officer Sheryl Sandberg said she had planned to take the flight that crashed on landing in San Francisco on Saturday. Sandberg decided to switch to another airline in order to use reward miles, she said in a post on her Facebook page. “Taking a minute to be thankful and explain what happened. My family, colleagues Debbie…
A stroke of luck for Sandberg, who averted having happen to her what is happening to over 180 people tonight.. and of them, over 40 are in critical condition.. One report surfaced tonight saying 2 were dead from the Boeing disaster..
CNN is reporting tonight that there were 307 on board the doomed flight. Nine different hospitals are treating the injured..
There are also some amazing and breathtaking images online. It’s amazing, looking at the scene, that we are not talking about even more grim numbers tonight.. thank God we aren’t.. but that’s no comfort for the 2 already fatally injured and the others who are in serious condition..
No matter how many times I watch people scare their unfortunate co-worker in this restaurant, I cannot help but laugh in spite of myself..