Who needs SOPA or PIPA when you have Youtube!
Interesting new wrinkle in the Internets: YouTube wants your full name when you comment on videos
Thanks for reading, number one.
As far the FineArtStream.com, it’s a great website. 24/7 Art Bell.. nothing can beat that. I often listen and place myself back in the time when the show was on, wondering what I was doing.. and contemplating how I have changed and how life has changed since then. But the more it all changed the more it was the same.
Read your site a bit today, too.. Love the poetry.
Wow.. finally a philosophically great question. What indeed is my ‘deal.’? I don’t know. What’s yours.. what is anyone’s? As a matter of fact, what is a ‘deal’? Deal or no deal? … TBA at a later date.
Happy Valley couldn’t be sadder today. Penn State University has been hit with unprecedented penalties by the NCAA.
The ‘death penalty’ was not imposed on the football program, but it may as well have been.
The online world.. the cable television world. .the sports world.. the bars of America.. all will be talking about today’s news concerning Penn State. Few will talk about the victims of sex scandals.
We will.
Jerry Sandusky was accused, prosecuted, and convicted of systematically using a charity to get underprivileged kids into his sex ring. He showered with them, and brought them to his house to rape them. The underage boys were also not helped by the University and Joe Paterno after a cover up ensued because top officials wanted to protect the name and reputation of the school… and now, due to their actions for years, the reputation of Penn State and the football program lays in ruins. Yes, this is why these penalties were imposed.
This is why.
On Saturday, the New York DAILY NEWS reported that Colorado shooter James Holmes was screaming at guards, spitting, and calling himself the Joker.
Today a whole new ‘Joker’ was revealed at court, causing confusion over initial reports of his wild-attitude. Instead, today, the only wild thing about Holmes were his eyes. He appeared listless and even drugged at points, with his head slow motioning back and forth.
When Holmes appeared in in court today, he appeared with bizarre reddish red hair. He spoke no words. He is set to be arraigned next week.
In the wake of the midnight massacre in Colorado, people seem jumpy. I am awfully curious, did the events of this past weekend cause you to think twice about going to see the movie, or is it business as usual?
This is James Holmes as he appeared in court today.. wide-eyed and sporting red bushy hair. His face looking deranged.. He didn’t a word..
The Olympic planning committee must be a paranoid lot. I’d join were I to know how to. They are worried about volcanoes and earthquakes during the games.. flooding and other mass casualty events. But it seems most pressing this year is something that may be realistic: An international event that could send the games spiraling into a political realm.. As a matter of fact, a TIMES OF ISRAEL article is reporting that the London Olympic planning committee is worried that Israel may strike Iran during the 2012 games... Londoners are worried about Iranian missiles that are reportedly capable of reaching the city..
Yet another report says that London is on high alert for terror attacks. While this was likely and predictable, here is the part that is raising eyebrows: Israel fears that an Iranian terror squad is in London to attack Jewish athletes.
The games are set to begin. And with them will come pageantry and honor, decency and pride (and a lot of condoms, I think I read athletes are getting about 15 per person for a sex-ramped up romp double week of lust)… Hopefully the world will remain at peace. Hopefully the only battles will be on soccer fields or tracks.. or swimming pools or basketball courts. By God, the last thing this world needs is more anarchy and violence.. We are a small pale blue dot. We are tiny compared to this universe. And one filled with hate war.
In related news. The Federal Reserve has plans to keep pumping. And the economy has its own plans. Apparently earnings now show that whatever ‘recovery’ has been going on is sputtering and another recession (as if we have not been in a depression for years!) is about to take place.. Hold on to your hat, coat.. undergarment, whatever you can still afford in this messy new life.
The lost generation indeed. Millions will grow up in a class lower than the middle, as the middle keeps shrinking, the lowest keeps peaking, and the highest keeps shrieking. This is our new life America..
The Great Society is back.
James Holmes is now known by most of the world now as the shooter and monster of the Midnight Massacre in Aurora Colorado during the DARK KNIGHT RISES. But the victims, as usual, will be forgotten in the dust of the justice system and publications in a 24 hours news cycle. So Coal Speaker will just pause for a moment in time to recognize lives that are lost.. I read these names and reports of their deeds on an LA TIMES dispatch this morning. Clearly, the other 58 who were victims but not deceased deserve space, too. I hope we see more profiles on them soon.
The dead:
Some striking things about the list. Veronica Moser-Sullivan was in the audience with her mom for a ‘girls night out’ .. Her mother is one year older than the shooter, and now remains in critical condition with bullets in her abdomen.
Alex Sullivan died protecting others in the theater—it was his birthday and they were at the film to celebrate.
But maybe most chilling to me is the tale of Jessica Ghawi. She was the same age as James Holmes. And just a month ago in June, she walked out of a Toronto mall before a shooter came in and shot over a dozen people, leaving two dead. Ghawi had a person blog and she wrote these profound words:
“I was shown how fragile life was… I was reminded that we don’t know when or where our time on Earth will end.”
Let that sink in.
Well, more then one thing.
First off, the media announced John Holmes as the murderer. I noticed this weekend that changed to James. Is it because John Holmes was a porn star and web searches were freaking out?
Secondly.. I am tired of how we spend about 1000 words on 12 dead and 58 wounded while the shooter will get 10,000+ words a day. I know that is the nature of the media beast, but I think a week of silence would be in order. There’s time for the trial and the story of how James Holmes was a ‘nerd’ who even gun lovers were freaked out by.. and how neighbors ‘never saw it coming’ even though lots of explosives and ammo was arriving by the day… yes, we will hear it all. But how about we stop and pause a bit for the victims. A man celebrating his birthday? A 6-year-old? They deserve a bit more than they get.
And finally I am tired of all these crappy and ridiculous DARK KNIGHT memes floating around on Facebook and the Internet. Listen, yes, we get it, you’re as upset as me. But you posting a stupid picture of BATMAN with a strange ribbon aside of him doesn’t do anything.. and BATMAN praying over a movie theater? Now that is tacky.
Just mourn like normal humans did before the moving GIFs and crappy JPEGs of the net.. please?
And we should mourn. Because this was a horrible weekend for good people. I hope all who are dealing with it find some sort of beauty in life again.. a monster took it away for a while. But it’s still there.. minus out all the hate and carnage and sickness of the human mind, I swear beauty is still there.
Did a few creative maneuvers in the homestead this weekend. Switched some rooms and altered the surroundings. Those things get tough with a 2 foot person moving all about the room you’re trying to clean. And I noticed something, he was shocked things looked different. My son Ayden even seemed a bit angry at how we moved his toys, moved his books.. And I think that’s good. It was the first shake up of his 17-months of life. This was a big one. He faced it with anger but perseverance.
I personally think, after living 31 years, life changes a little too much for me. Maybe that’s because no one ever moved my toys from one room to another. Hope we help him deal with a future of constantly evolving things.
This was supposed to be a huge weekend for the DARK KNIGHT RISES. Instead it become a national crisis when John Holmes shot the theater in Aurora, CO. Now Warner Bros is faced with an interesting question about how to fully promote what was geared up to be the biggest movie of the year. Their immediate answer according to the always spot on Nikki Finke is that they may go all weekend without reporting or bragging about box numbers..
However non-chatty Warner is about to become, numbers will still be released to reporters ..
Question will be: how much will this effect overall numbers in the end? Does this mar the Christopher Nolan reinvented franchise?
A tragic film in a sense. Heath Ledger dead as DARK KNIGHT came popular.. DARK KNIGHT RISES released during a real midnight massacre.. Yes indeed, the BATMAN in somewhere in tears tonight..
Two tales on one picture.
When I saw this AP photo yesterday, it gave me chills.
When I see it today, it makes me cry.
Children are growing up in a world that seems to be regressing into a sick cauldron of violence and horror. I have a son, too. I want my son to be excited by a hero named BATMAN.
Our society seems to be becoming a nightmare. God bless America indeed.
If there is a God, you really still think he blesses America…?
Michelle and I are shocked and saddened by the horrific and tragic shooting in Colorado. Federal and local law enforcement are still responding, and my Administration will do everything that we can to support the people of Aurora in this extraordinarily difficult time. We…
Here’s a clip of the aftermath of the attack on the movie theater near Denver — a lot of commotion, doesn’t appear to be a lot of violence exposed, but it’s nonetheless harrowing. Such a scary incident, we could not even imagine this happening.
Chaos reigned after the shooting took place. People on television reports calling in to the morning shows describing more scenes of chaos.. one witness on the TODAY show said he was also shooting people trying to escape..