It’s been a tremendously bad week…
What can we do to be happy?
Concerns that Ryan Edward Dougherty, 21, Stanley Dylan Dougherty, 26, and Grace Lee E. Dougherty, 29 are on a violent mission that will lead to multiple deaths..
Meet Anne Hathaway as Catwoman..
Not sure if I like the outfit.. And as a matter of fact, not even completely sure if this is even the full outfit.. Time will tell. Namely summer 2012.
Saturday: The Ticket Office is open for Grandstand Show Tickets, advanced gate admission, pre-paid parking, Reithoffer Rides and more.
I wanted to know your thoughts, if you have any.. Worth seeing?
A wrap of the most important headlines .. Americans waking up to dramatic news about the S&P.. At least they waited until after the Wall Streeters went to bars to cry in their beer before the news erupted late Friday .. But what about Monday? We can wait to see .. and may want to turn our eyes when that opening bell rings..
S&P: At least you waited until the Friday Stock Market closed
The outlook on the new U.S. credit rating is negative, S&P said in a statement, a sign that another downgrade is possible in the next 12 to 18 months.
…I am outright addicted to Foster to the People ‘Pumped up Kicks’ .. can’t get it out of my head
…Be a new soul. Or an old one in a new world.
The summer is slowly but surely waning away.. Enjoy the final weeks before it’s gone.
It was called Dreamboard and it has now led to multiple arrests and the collapse of an international child abuse ring..
The site hosted images of child porn. The children being victimized were in obvious, and intentional, pain..
Servers disguised the users’ real identity..
The kids were 12 and under in many cases.. A number of countries were involved.. 72 were arrested after the sweep..
Court papers allege that participants who molested children and created new images of child abuse were placed in a “Super VIP” category that gave them access to the entire quantity of child abuse on the bulletin board.. Government officials even said that some who were on the site were infants..
INFANTS.. This is what humanity is capable of.. this is what humanity can do. This is disgusting and horrid.. and very real. 72 less creatures now roam freely to rape and pillage the most innocent on earth.. but so many more are out there to terrorize children across this globe..
Attorney General Holder said this on others across the earth involved with child porn: We will find you, we will stop you, and we will bring you to justice. We pray he’s right and will follow up and bring degenerates to justice wherever they are.
Now in Missouri, teachers have been banned by law from becoming social media friends with students in Facebook and any other platform that exists.. Teachers are now, by state edict, not permitted to be friends with students online—I suppose even if the students asks. Even more interesting in the new law: "Teachers also cannot have a non work-related website that allows exclusive access with a current or former student"
Some are applauding the ban, others worry about the long term repercussions. It will be more interesting see what states follow with their own regulations..
The amazing Vesta: New amazing images of the surface of asteroid Vesta are leaving scientists stunned at what they are seeing.. They will have years of images to think.. ponder.. analyze.. and study.
You will most likely be shocked too—if you even see them.. The team does not plan to post raw images online as other NASA missions have done. Instead, there will be just one picture released daily.
One picture daily? …that’s all? … Don’t know about you, but I certainly feel left out
Goodnight all.. if you can sleep.
The song at the moment that most reminds me of my son.
Goodnight all.
…and before anyone was able to catch their collective breath, the calender turned a page and it became August.. With the summer nearing an end, the great people of earth reached for the stars, hoped for the best, and rallied together for a few more picnics, adult beverages, and laughs under the stars.
The only thing more shocking than politicians playing like kids in sandboxes, taking America to the edge of disaster, is that Obama is going to speak during BIG BROTHER. Now that will make his poll numbers drop..
…were I to find “John Panne” or run into someone named that, would I announce that I had a dream about him!? Would I say “nice to meet you! I dreamed of you!” ???.. If this man my version of Mother Abigail from the STAND? Will he be in a corn field next telling me to head out to Colorado? … so many mysteries.. And maybe just nothing at all to think about, just a random thought in a random dream on a random night…
…and it was name specific. The name ‘John Panne’ kept popping up everywhere, the last part of the dream being a phone number for me to reach him. Of course I forget the phone number but can’t forget the name… It was strange. I never had a name specific dream before, but I cannot say that anymore. Now what does it mean? .. .clueless.
Thanks, again, to all those who sent emails this past week, messages.. those who visited and read what was here..
The news of the world, yet again, has been dominated by debt. The economic gains are diminished, here in the US of A.. and the world, too, isn’t much better. Though 7 billion inhabit the planet, it’s obvious most of that population is in for inescapable journeys, some that will take us to hell on earth and others that will force development of our species.
The idea of 7 billion people.. I can’t even fathom it. That amount of souls, spaced out in space here on this blue dot somewhere in a galaxy, in a universe.. I can’t grasp the idea of what we are, who we are..
People offer up tales of physical prowess at bars across America every Saturday night.. It will happen to you, no doubt, that at some point this weekend someone will offer up a point or two about how much better they are as compared to you. But, ask yourself, what are they? … cell… atoms.. spinning. A mass of atoms, and often a mass of ass. Mass, nonetheless..
And take it even further.. we don’t know what the universe is, we’re not quite sure exactly how a big bang occurred, but still somehow buy into the notion that the universe was the size of a fist and exploded into this. Despite our inability to conjure up any real data to prove the big bang once and for all, it’s our best belief. So, this Saturday, when Joe Sixpack propels himself to the head of the club or the front of the line, realize that you’re somehow joined with him/her.. we’re all somehow joined together.
But I still can’t figure out, despite a mass of atoms, what exactly we are.
And never will.
But that’s just how it’s going to be.
Good Saturday evening, all, and here’s hoping your figure out what you are and where you’re going on this long highway of life, with stretches of boredom and others filled with accidents and riddles.
Good evening.
That’s right.. 7 billion strong, here on this planet.. Food shortages.. water problems.. some population booms in lands hurt by storms and disasters.. Oh yes, indeed, those here, all 7 billion of us, have quite a story to tell.. And those coming onto the planet, or back again depending on your religious beliefs, have some tough times ahead.
But that’s the way it’s always been here… here on this beautiful blue ball, surrounded by space and time, and ravaged by war and crime.
COWBOYS & ALIENS isn’t doing as well as expected.. but the SMURFS is doing much better..
Remember, only days ago, most predicted that the SMURFS would be trounced by the bigger budget flick..
Go SMURFS! A victory for anyone who grew up in the roaring 80s..
Crystal Gayle sings … Get ready for the times to be better.
We’re all ready for it..
The Highwaymen
Goodnight all
Let the lion sleep. And you should, too.
I’ll be the first to say it, I hate the giant plastic testicles on the backs of trucks.. But … a jury trial for displaying them!? … that’s more obscene than the testicles. (More here:
That summer sun is setting sooner each night. 8pm now and it’s already getting a little dark. These long summer days are ending, and the lightning bugs are gone.. How sad, how… sad.
How to tell if it’s made in China..
Piers Morgan implicated in phone hack scandal..
Hundreds of strange underground tunnels found in Bavaria..
Suicide spikes among middle aged women..
Unique findings on the far side of the moon..
A town bans ANIMAL NOISES!
New information suggests that long winters made people have bigger eyes..
Woman arrested after sausage attack..
Alex Trebek injures leg while chasing a burglar..
Facebook removes NEVERMIND cover photo..
If a woman gains weight a new poll says half of men would leave them.. and guaranteed that at least 70% if the 50% are obese slobs themselves.. The women would probably be better off without self centered selfish males who age just as fast as women.
Spirit in the Sky — Norman Greenbaum
More than a Feeling — Boston
Get your voice back. And practice using it.
I downloaded it for fun.. Finding no fun, I may uninstall after minutes of use..?
It’s a pretty devious fake account..
*Can David Karp do anything to end the spammer? I’d guess they are trying. I just wish there was a way to verify that people who sign up here are humans and not malicious sexbots.
The heat is still there, but a little less. It feels more like a roaster instead of a broaster. So I’m not nearly as crispy as I was Thursday.
Nonetheless, some housekeeping items of note:
Tumblr was down, yet again, this morning.
When it is, and even when it’s not, you can always reach me at, bookmark today.
I took off the automatic music because I wanted people to pay special attention to the past few songs from YouTube I posted.
And finally, ask me anything, tell me anything, and report anything on my open lines page. ask I’d love to hear from you.
And you thought the Florida sinkhole was bad!?
Follow up and re-report; Big news yesterday as Spielberg said that JURASSIC PARK 4 will be coming in the next few years..
Major Hollywood entertainers on hand..
High praise for COWBOYS AND ALIENS..
TRUE BLOOD panel at Comic Con..
It’s lunch time at Comic Con!
Jill Pantozzi, portrays the character Daenerys Targaryen from “The Game of Thrones”, as she pretends to eat a horse heart at the Comic-Con International 2011 convention held in San Diego Friday, July 22, 2011. The annual comic book and popular arts convention attracts over 100,000 people and runs through Sunday. (AP Photo/Denis Poroy)
They couldn’t find a chopper.. couldn’t find a boat.
I feel like there are going to be a lot of cops in Norway feeling guilty for life that they could have done more.. No matter whether it’s their fault or not, guaranteed that the thought will be present.
There is something magical about moonlit summer nights.. Something mysterious. The noises of a summer night surpass those of the entire year put together.. Goodnight all
This one goes out to my mother-in-law, fighting for her life in a hospital bed.. her favorite song and my wife’s sudden reminder of times gone by..
Amy Winehouse found dead..
A life cut short..
Troubled diva..
Sold more than 5 million albums..
Flashback: In June, Winehouse was booed while on stage in Serbia after she stumbled and appeared to forget lyrics to her songs..
And now tonight, after all the online jokes, after all the barbs at her expense, she was found dead at her home in North London ..
…and now joins the ‘27 club’ with Brian Jones, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison and Kurt Cobain..
Funeral workers carry out her body..
Singer Amy Winehouse was found dead at her apartment in London on Saturday, the UK Press Association reported. She was 27.
…starting ‘looking’ at persons of certain political beliefs? .. And editing them? Censoring them? … Oh boy. Here we go..
Listen, first of all, without question, anyone who shoots kills maims or destroys is insane to a degree and .. even some people with political beliefs are extreme. I get it.. And yes, this disgusting creature could have been an extreme conservative. I get it ..
But deep down, there is something else at play here.. Something deeply disturbing in my mind about humans themselves. They are capable of things many others cannot even think of.. Holocausts, killing sprees, torture camps, terrorist attacks, mass shootings.. Killing of innocent children.. all disgusting, vile, and rejected by humans as a whole.
I don’t know if I am answering your question or even if you asked one, anonymous, but I certainly think that the killer is a killer first and political believer second.
Some chilling accounts coming out about the island of death, Utoya.. Survivors tells how he played dead before the gunman shot him in the back.. .. one said “I could hear his boots and feel his breath’.. Another said that the gunman yelled ‘we all must die’.. Even more horrid, it was open season on the innocent: Gunman had 30 minutes for killing spree before SWAT team arrived.. Norway’s Prime Minister said, “My childhood paradise was transformed into hell”.. MORE.
I have lots of coverage at today on the Norway nightmare.. a true act of horror, terror, and violence .. Utoya Island became an island of death.. prayers with the nation.. And will someone, somewhere, ever be able to explain why human beings are capable of the most atrocious acts of anyone in any animal kingdom.. ? In the animal world, it’s kill or be killed. In the human species, it’s kill TO KILL..
We are, perhaps, more ‘animalistic’ than animals ….
Very chilling image.. if true, the killer standing among his dead on Utoya Island..
Front page, Aftonbldet (published in Sweden), Saturday 23 July 2011.
This newspaper, from Norway’s neighbor Sweden, has a front page photo purportedly of Norwegian terror suspect Anders Behring Breivik, standing among the bodies of his victims on Utoya Island, where the massacre of at least 80 people — including children — took place.
I’m not certain how this image was acquired but nevertheless: it’s utterly terrifying, and terribly sad.
HORROR IN NORWAY: 90+ are dead ..
Sky News*not Murdoch’s* report that people who ‘believe in the New World Order’ are responsible..
Suspect a farmer..
Amateur video shows a chilling aftermath of Oslo bombing..
Cops say attacks do not appear to be linked..
Norway Killer: Anders Behring Breivik.. a freemason?
Before Breivik was named as the shooter, media rushed to blame attacks on Muslim..
PDF version of Breivik’s Facebook page..
Report: The first thing he did was to shoot the ‘cutest girl he saw’..
Who is the suspect..?
Man with knife detained near Norway’s Prime Minsiter!
Cops label suspect a right wing extremist..
Cops investigating second suspect..
Norway’s Prime Minsiter’s words after attacks..
Deadliest attacks in Norway since World War II..
Witnesses suggest a second gunman at the youth camp shooting..
Why Oslo?
Home grown plot..
The scene of terror: Smoke rises from buildings in Oslo, Norway, at the scene of a large explosion which tore apart several buildings..
An employee at a Norwegian agricultural cooperative told CNN that the man identified in media reports as the suspect in Friday’s attacks bought six tons of fertilizer from her company in May..
Graphic images..
Shock attack.. Reports that island shooter dressed as a cop..
Scene of horror: The moment the bombing hit..
Island of the ded: This is the little island of hell on earth in Norway.. the site of the youth camp were kids were shot in dead..
Eyewitnesses describe a war zone on Utoya Island..
The island stained with blood..
The Prime Minister was set to visit the youth camp on Utoya Island..
Youth Camp island turned ‘into hell’..
Island Paradise turns into violence..
Indeed, people are strange.
Almost everyone I know today was wearing red. Maybe the heat made them (and me) wear the color, or because of the heat I noticed more .. And speaking of heat? It’s freaking hot..
100+ degrees everywhere.. Boehner withdrew from debt talks with Obama.. And Oslo became a bloodbath. Bad day for earth..
Metisse - Boom Boom Ba
And with that, books —at least the paper version—appear to be dead.. Site Amazon will still send them.. And Barnes will carry a bit longer. But Borders closing is big.. And guess what? We’ll miss paper. I swear we will. Goodbye paper. Though the trees will soon breathe a half sigh of relief.