Saturday, March 30, 2013

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Here is a quick video from today.. the Coal Speaker family went to what was going to be a simple and peaceful Easter Egg hunt. I never really went on these.. my wife Tara did, as a child.. This was Ayden’s first in his two years and one month of life. We didn’t know what would hit us, and I am still quite surprised at what did..

The weather was quaint.. the sun was rolling in and out from behind the clouds.. There was a warmer feeling today, at least warmer than it has been for the entire winter.. And when we arrived at the site of the Easter Egg hunt in St. Clair PA, there were hundreds of people already waiting. Baskets in hand.. children in arms.. kids in Easter bunny costumes.. ages 1 through whatever age you need to stop hunting for Easter eggs…

How bad could this be, I thought? Mom and dad figured, ‘we got this.’ 

So we instructed the two year old Ayden the best we could on the ground rules. He ignored most of what we said, but he knew the basic premise: Hunt and gather as many eggs as he could.. There were even prizes, apparently, for certain eggs. My wife’s sister told us, “When you get ten eggs, go to the building to collect your prizes.”

That certainly sounded easy enough, right?

By this point, more and more people had already shown up. The POTTSVILLE REPUBLICAN this morning reported that over 3,000 eggs were hard boiled and ready for the event. Clearly, there were enough people to get all of those eggs.

Shortly after 1pm, Ayden and Mommy and Daddy happily got in line in the 1-2 year old section. And then, much to my surprise, an air horn let loose to indicate that the race had begun—quite frankly it was a race I didn’t know existed.

Once the kids were permitted to go collect eggs, the parents of those children quickly forgot that they had children. They pushed, poked, ran, and did whatever they could to get in front of others. They rushed to where the eggs were, taking every single one that they could find. I thought to myself, well the rules have changed.. So I took Ayden and picked up, realizing now that it was a life and death struggle for hard boiled eggs—you can hear in the video Ayden getting so excited about the immediate need to run that he told me, “HURRY!” Meanwhile, Tara was holding the camera for what she thought would be a cute family video, only to turn into a state of modern war.

At one point you’ll hear Tara, my wife, being struck in the face. Maybe by Ayden’s shoe, or maybe by someone else. The panic was so fast and furious that I just can’t tell. 

In the end, little Ayden only captured one yellow egg. You’ll see at the end of the event, he was quite proud of that little yellow egg. 

I don’t know what happened in other age group sections at the egg hunt, but in the kiddie section, I was amazed at so much.. amazed that, in this little “fun” event, how parents could act.. If they acted like this because red Easter eggs mean they can collect a dollar, I’d hate to see how they act before a big natural disaster in a grocery store. Oh wait, I already did, I went to Walmart before Sandy.

So I suppose next year, or next egg hunt, we’ll be ready.

Perhaps we’ll arm Ayden with shin guards, a helmet, and a mouthpiece. Maybe we’ll get him cranked up on sugar just so he can beat the crowd.. 

I am just grateful Ayden got a yellow egg. As my wife and I stood in amazement for a minute after the event suddenly ended, we also saw a spattering of kids and moms here and there, looking stunned, like zombies just attacked and ate the family dog. Maybe they, like me, thought they’d get a priceless family photo of their children happily finding an egg. Little did they know, other parents had much more ulterior plans.

All for eggs.

I am amazed….

Happy Easter nonetheless. Hopefully no one tramples your eggs.

Pope Francis holding a tall, lit, white candle, enters a darkened St. Peter’s Basilica, at the Vatican Saturday, March 30, 2013, to begin the Vatican’s Easter vigil service. Pope Francis is celebrating a trimmed back Easter Vigil service after having reached out to Muslims and women during a Holy Week in which he has begun to put his mark on the Catholic Church. Francis processed into a darkened and silent St. Peter’s Basilica at the start of the Saturday service, which recalls the period between Christ’s crucifixion on Good Friday and resurrection on Easter Sunday. (AP Photo/Alessandra Tarantino)

No way in hell (or heaven) that Benny Natzinger would ever have done this.. Pope Francis, prostrate on the ground for Good Friday mass.. plain black shoes and all. A day after he stirred the world by washing the feet of young prisoners.. not a bad holy week for the Pontiff, now was it?

Friday, March 29, 2013


Though lil’ Kim may be years away from having weapons that could cause such mass destruction, it’s further evidence of an unsettling escalation of tension.. And now that Un has gone as far as saying the nation is in a state of war with South Korea, we may be beyond just increases in tension..





“As of now, inter-Korea relations enter a state of war and all matters between the two Koreas will be handled according to wartime protocol,” the North said in a joint statement attributed to all government bodies and institutions.

Eyewitness to Washington state landslide: I looked outside and didn’t have trees anymore

And even better: Insurance companies will NOT cover damage from the massive landslide..

Good luck Myspace

I never joined. But in hindsight, they are a whole lot less scary than Facebook.

Good luck Myspace

Hard to believe it’s been 6 years since we all enjoyed this on TV. But here it is.. the crazy woman God Warrior from Wife Swap. It’s just as good as it was in ‘07

Bacon flavored condoms. 


They exist.

I don’t have a joke. I think the joke is that they exist.

Nelson Mandela hospitalized again

Sorry Kevin but I have to say it.

Haven’t we been down this road before? time slip anyone?

Nelson Mandela hospitalized again

The Monsanto Protection Act is getting some more national coverage .. finally.

Now CBS NEWS reports on the effort to call attention to the little known addition the budget bill. 

Could Obama issue an executive order reversing this amendment? Some want him to.. But even that is a debatable thing now..

What a mess this has become.


PHOTOS: 7 lakes and rivers that are drying up

Water wars coming..

Thursday, March 28, 2013


Good evening everyone.

Hard to believe MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE is no mare. But at least we have what they created..

Sky News reports: South Korea’s Yonhap News Agency reports increased activity at North Korea’s mid- to long-range missile sites according to a military source

7,000 Okla. dental patients possibly exposed to HIV

Next time you go to the dentist I’m sure this’ll be the back of your mind.. Or front.

7,000 Okla. dental patients possibly exposed to HIV

North Korea gonna kill us all? Not sure about that.. but it's funny how little attention their threats are getting


Why aren’t we more freaked out about North Korea aiming missles at us. They’ve basically told us, “hey we are probably going to bomb you, just giving you a heads up” and we don’t seem to care. Just a little unnerving is all

This is quite a valid question. They may not possess the weapons they claim to.. but…

They are also a nation threatening to BOMB US, kill us, and threatening to reignite war with South Korea. Yet I flipped through the major NEWS networks tonight (news?) and the big story was all that March Madness stuff, and how people are faring with their big ‘brackets’ .. and how much cash people may make off of college kids shooting hoops.

And in the mean time, North Korea is readying rockets to hit US bases.

You hear that?? Maybe it’s not true. Maybe it’s a big lie. BUT IT’S BEING REPORTED IN GLOBAL MEDIA. In America? Brackets. March madness. Cruise ships. Justin Bieber shirtless. You know, things that matter.

Yes, artistaespiritu, it matters. And maybe we should not be freaked out as much as we should be readying ourselves for all possibilities.. It reminds me of the TRUMAN SHOW, when Truman Burbank finally made it out of the fake world he lived in. What did people do? Turn the channel to the next best thing..

Frank and the feet…

Now Pope Francis has made more headlines. This time because for Holy Thursday mass he washed the feet of young detainees in prison..

Something tells me that if Benny Natzinger did it he’d had to wear gold-plated-gloves.. 

I finally saw the WORLD ACCORDING TO DICK CHENEY on Showtime last night.. it was a masterpiece.. of sorts.

At the beginning, I was wondering aloud, “what nudity could there possibly be in this!?” …and then Abu Ghraib appeared… I remembered it vividly, but until the moment it was in the documentary I somehow forgot it happened.

The documentary also brought back other memories for me.. I forgot, somehow, that John Ashcroft was near death in a hospital.. I forgot about about how much of a role Scooter Libby played.. It also reminded me of those debates, long ago ten years back, about whether Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. He did not. At least not when we invaded…

I also was amazed that Donald Rumsfeld blamed the Bush Administration for putting so much stock in possible stockpiles of weapons, and basing the war effort on that single issue, only to be proven wrong…

It brought back so many memories.. I forgot just how dismal things were.. 

And then I thought.. where is that anti-war movement now? Could they have forgotten we are still at war? Where are all those angry about domestic surveillance.. surely they know it still happens? And where are all who want Gitmo shut down.. or who think drones are too much.. or … well, I can go on.

It’s amazing how quickly we forget history. Even me, someone who prides myself on knowing quirky facts and weird things. But I forgot lots from the past ten years.. Hopefully it’s not too late that I am already doomed to somehow repeat something..

I’d say watch the WORLD ACCORDING TO DICK CHENEY if you get the chance.. it was an amazing piece of work. 

Finally, Dick Cheney looks healthier than normal. He may be the bionic former vice president.

Looks like a great Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis tonight.. what does our fascination with zombies say about our mental health?

Worth listening to.. 

That or you can try Linda Moulton Howe on Coast to Coast with bumps in the night.

You pick.

Looks like a great Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis tonight.. what does our fascination with zombies say about our mental health?


NBC exec: No plan to replace Matt Lauer.. right right right.. But there is a war on Jay Leno … Beware Matt, it’s almost over for you at Peaccock..