Monday, August 25, 2014

Syfy's 'Lost Girl' Ending After Fifth Season

The show will end after its upcoming fifth season—even though ratings in Canada are high and the show has a dedicated following in the United States. Fans flocked to LOST GIRL and it became a sensation with a cult following who spend time reading and writing fan fiction, and Tweeting live during programs.. 


Showcase ordered 16 episodes for season five, to be split into two parts.

The first eight episodes will start airing on Showcase on December 7, with the second batch to air in fall 2015.

Syfy did not indicate when the fifth season will air on its network.

My wife is also very upset about this…it was her favorite show for four seasons..  The only thing I could say to console her is that I went through the same thing when Art Bell retired. And retired. And retired. And retired. And retired. 

Come to think of it…


Maybe I should have watched this show, too..

Good thing for her fangirl series: There will only be one series finale.

Syfy's 'Lost Girl' Ending After Fifth Season

A Man Known As ‘The Penis Collector’ Was Found With Jars Of Human Penises In His Home

Read it and wince.

A Man Known As ‘The Penis Collector’ Was Found With Jars Of Human Penises In His Home

NBC news reports: A construction boom of pipelines carrying explosive oil and natural gas from “fracking” fields to market — pipes that are bigger and more dangerous than their predecessors -– poses a safety threat in rural areas, where they sometimes run within feet or yards of homes with little or no safety oversight, an NBC News investigation has found.

We’re fracked..

NBC news reports: A construction boom of pipelines carrying explosive oil and natural gas from “fracking” fields to market — pipes that are bigger and more dangerous than their predecessors -– poses a safety threat in rural areas, where they sometimes run within feet or yards of homes with little or no safety oversight, an NBC News investigation has found.

A must read from the LA TIMES: Complicated case of a leaky radioactive dump in New Mexico

The main gist of what to know: In February, a 55-gallon drum of nuclear waste erupted and began spewing radioactive foam. Oh, and then it went airborne. And this: 150 workers were NOT TOLD TO MOVE away from it until about 10 hours after the white foam eruption.. Oh, and this: Nine days before the radiation release, a truck caught on fire underground and burns for hours before people knew about it.. And the best: The government failed to do any radiation tests despite peaks after the leak..

A must read from the LA TIMES: Complicated case of a leaky radioactive dump in New Mexico

Court: Silence can be used against suspects

You have the right to remain silent. But now that means you’re guilty.. 

Miranda once mattered..

Court: Silence can be used against suspects

Saudi Arabia executes 19 in one half of August in 'disturbing surge of beheadings'

So.. that’s what “allies” are for?

Saudi Arabia executes 19 in one half of August in 'disturbing surge of beheadings'

The blue sky blues

The weather is perfect today here in my home town.. the low 80s, no humidity.. perfectly blue sky with no chemtrails in sight.

It must have been really insulting as kids headed off for their first day of school of the 2014/15 year.

I myself recall these days, back in the grind of high school, sweating through 7th period and hating every minute of the walk home in heat.

But as you get older, you appreciate this warmth.. the winter begins to set in.. and the cold hurts. It bites at you like it’s sucking away life and time …

But today is beautiful.. Just amazing. Unless you’re on a big yellow bus coming home from hell.

The family of Michael Brown said that, days before his shooting death at the hands of the Ferguson police officer, he confessed Jesus was his savior and said soon the entire world would know his name..

The family of Michael Brown said that, days before his shooting death at the hands of the Ferguson police officer, he confessed Jesus was his savior and said soon the entire world would know his name..

VOODOO returns to New Orleans

VOODOO returns to New Orleans

Hundreds of gas plumes have been found off the Atlantic Coastline of the United States, bubbling away..  They may have been bubbling for a while. But how would we know, we just discovered them..

The aftermath of the 6.1 quake in San Francisco:  Large cracks in highways, some cracks 10 feet deep and hundreds of feet long.. Apart of the reports of the quake: An explosion happened first and then shaking for about 30 seconds later.. One witness interviewed said that the shaking from this quake seemed ‘worse’ than previous quakes..  And it’s just the start?

But here’s a great example of CREATIVITY after the quake!  Rock on, sk8ters.

Add this to the weird mix of quake news: On August 22, before the San Francisco earthquake, the Salton Sea stink caused an ‘odor advisory’ to be issued.. There was a ‘rotten egg’ smell before weeks before..

Reports indicate that the SAN FRAN shakes may cost a billion bucks..

California quake: Was this the one before the 'Big One'?

California quake: Was this the one before the 'Big One'?

Sunday, August 24, 2014

7.0-magnitude quake strikes Peru, USGS says

Tension builds somewhere and must be released somewhere else. I have a feeling that the strong quakes are not done yet

7.0-magnitude quake strikes Peru, USGS says

This Is What Northern California Looks Like After Earthquake

This Is What Northern California Looks Like After Earthquake

I wrote this back in March of this year along with the cartoon posted of a new tree limb going into a classroom.. It’s interesting to note that originally, this cartoon implicated that there was a positive in the Axe, molding students into identical pieces of wood..

I wrote this in March:

This is a piece of art from the Internet I found.. no clue as to its origins or who created it—I’d give credit if I knew. But I just love it.. Who DIDN’T feel like this as they walked into school classrooms each morning? And for those still in school who are reading this, I felt this way too. I fear my son, only age 3, will one day be thinking the same thoughts.. so often it feels like a big PINK FLOYD song as you go through your childhood. There seems to be so many adults who are dead set on ruining a kid’s dream or stomping down imagination.. There are teachers, parents, bus drivers, and principals who become a nightmare for children.. There are moments in time when living in childhood is a prison unto itself—where bullies thrive and hopes dive. But to those who read this facing the same hell of the brain: Be strong. School will one day be out forever. And when you’re 15 years post high school graduation, the good memories may remain and the bad will shrink.. Some of them.

But I also say this, to those who are reading this right now being bullied: You don’t have to be the victim. You’re better than the bully.. you’re smarter.. you’re more intelligent. And you’re more honest with yourself. Be as strong as you can be, don’t allow the darkness of sadness creep in, it’s not worth it. And more than anything else, don’t ever lose who you are.. then a bully wins. I’ve been down paths similar.. And it’s rough. But after the storm passes you’ll see how beautiful the sun can be..
I fear future moments with my own child.. I fear what other kids—and adults—are capable of. Having a child changed everything, and continues to do so.. E V E R Y T H I N G.

I felt it was appropriate to re-blog the matter for everyone’s enjoyment, now that school is beginning all over again.. Whether it’s the indoctrination of grade school, the prison of high school, or the supposedly free minded slavery called college, keep your minds fresh, young, and immune from it all.. Learn what you can but forget what is untrue.. realize the truth is deeper than skin and goes far beyond this planet. 

And though school for me is a long memory, I am watching my own son grow and soon be shuttled off on a big yellow bus—the bus I used to get sick seeing this time of year. As a matter of fact, even at the age of 33, I still get sick when I see them every morning..

Education… be molded .. but do some of the molding yourself.

Good luck students..
Eat your pudding.

Injuries, Fires After 6.0 Quake Rocks Napa, State of Emergency Declared

Injuries, Fires After 6.0 Quake Rocks Napa, State of Emergency Declared

San Francisco quake: The fault line responsible was dormant for over a million years

San Francisco quake: The fault line responsible was dormant for over a million years

Structural problems in buildings after Napa quake

Structural problems in buildings after Napa quake

Icelandic volcano could trigger Britain's coldest winter EVER this year

Not sure if friends in the UK have any more luck than the Americans across the pond saying the name of the volcano, but apparently they will most dramatically be affected first by a big quake—well, after Iceland and global air travel..

It’s not a nuclear winter.. but an Iceland type.. 

Icelandic volcano could trigger Britain's coldest winter EVER this year

Miley’s twerking caused San Fran to shake. Someone needs to stop her now