Friday, April 4, 2014


The Queen meets the Pope.. and the Queen actually was 20 minutes late! But I suppose her gift smoothed things over: A bottle of whiskey..

Get ready Vatican.. a whiskey-enthused Pope may soon legalize female priests! 

Don’t take me to this ballgame.. This is scary.. photo was taken at the AA affiliate for the Texas Rangers, the Frisco Roughriders, just north of Dallas that was all over Twitter last night via Fox 4 News in Dallas

I know, or any other website with third party ads, really can’t help it.. but I am getting tired of seeing NOAH ads everywhere.. And when I went to Forteantimes this morning, all there of the NOAH ads you see here had automatic sound play .. simultaneously.. 

Hidden ocean under surface of Saturn’s moon Enceladus could harbor life

This is a big one.. 

Bill Clinton told Jimmy Kimmel that aliens may one day be known. Maybe the moon Enceladus is a start of space life..

Hidden ocean under surface of Saturn’s moon Enceladus could harbor life

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Someone I know wants to sing with Bruce Springsteen.. She has some more songs at this page:

‘Slap-Ass Friday’ Becoming Problem For Las Vegas Middle Schools

Throwback Thursday..

Slap-ass Friday.

Kids these days..

‘Slap-Ass Friday’ Becoming Problem For Las Vegas Middle Schools

Thursday, April 3, 2014

WHOOPS! 375-pound drone crashes between Pennsylvania elementary school and hotel

This is the future.. Let’s face it.. accidents will happen, and most likely more often in the beginning phases of the new Drone Order… The sky will be falling.

WHOOPS! 375-pound drone crashes between Pennsylvania elementary school and hotel

My Daily Doodle.

You’re looking at Poppy Largent and Desmond Tata. They just had a big celebration of global warming in Bellicose Junction.

Bellicose Junction is a fictional town that existed in the mind of me and a few friends for over a decade. And it also, most likely, is in your psyche too.. a town or imbeciles and rejects, with no purpose or direction, aimlessly walking through live polluting every step of their path.

Oh, and eating lots and lots of LLAMA meat.

More images of the aftermath of the Chilean quake


Ayden appears to be getting set to strike..

He has been parading around the house tonight loudly proclaiming “I DON’T WANT MY UNDERWEAR! I DON’T WANT MY UNDERWEAR!”

His demands include:

1) Diapers.
2) Wipes.

He does not want to watch Thomas the Train, as that is for babies…

The conditions of potty training are just too demanding. 


Seems like pretty big news here.. David Letterman is going to retire in 2015..

My alien

Some have long believed that Bill Clinton knew the secrets of aliens .. some who surrounded Clinton while he was in office have since become proponents of disclosure, the act of releasing all evidence of aliens to the public.. And last night during an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel, Bill Clinton said some very interesting things concerning aliens.. .. the words of Bill Clinton:

We know now we live in an ever expanding universe. We know there are billions of stars and planets literally out there — and the universe is getting bigger. We know from our fancy telescopes that just in the last two years more than 20 planets have been identified outside our solar system that seem to be far enough away from their suns — and dense enough — that they might be able to support some form of life. 

He continues..

But if we were visited some day, I wouldn’t be surprised. I just hope that it’s not like ‘Independence Day,’ the movie — that it’s, you know, a conflict

I am with him..I agree. And so does Podesta! 
Disclosure folks.. I can feel it coming.

y ask y..

New analysis of the Shroud of Turin depicts someone crucified in a Y shape..


The Internet world is alive about the video of elk running at Yellowstone—a video that I posted but also actively questioned.. The most read article concerning this is from the EPOCH TIMES, which paints an alarming picture that animals in general are leaving Yellowstone and the end is nigh.. Perhaps a little perspective is needed. The reason I posted some doubts about this video is it was a ‘too good to be true’ end times type of thing.. Elk running for their lives from the supervolcano about to blow! AND then a 4.8 hits the next day.. the timing could not have been better.
BUT.. Sharon Hill from DOUBTFUL NEWS adds a bit of, well, doubt, to the story.. and common sense.. and logical questions that maybe can ‘bring you back’ from the cliff and the eve of destruction. Elk running for their lives. Or maybe… just running?

Must-see morning clip: Jon Stewart nails it regarding CNN's 'breaking news' coverage of the missing Malaysian flight 370

Love this video.. It’s dead on accurate about CNN and their constant ‘breaking news’ graphic that accompanies EVERY story regardless of whether or not it’s breaking news..

Let’s keep that banner for the real stuff CNN?

Must-see morning clip: Jon Stewart nails it regarding CNN's 'breaking news' coverage of the missing Malaysian flight 370

The moment when you lose a follower to your website.. and then realize it was just a fake BOT

This is a scene from Chile in the wake of the big 8.2 quake

And the way of even more since!

There was a another big earthquake off of Chile’s coastline, the same location as the 8.2 struck.. it was 7.4 .. And right after, a 7.6 shook!  There may have been more.. I am actually losing count. And with a ring of fire that looks like a Christmas tree, how can one NOT lose count?

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Fatalities reported in Fort Hood shooting

Still more questions than answers..
Still so many changing facts..
Still it believing any story until this is all done

But so far we know it’s beyond tragic and somehow eerie that another shooting happened at this same base.. The cursed Fort Hood..

Fatalities reported in Fort Hood shooting

Active Shooter Reported at Fort Hood






INITIAL NBC REPORTS SAY TWO SHOOTERS.. NBC later changed it to 1 shooter and other networks seemed to converge on the single shooter story.. 

DALLAS NBC affiliate reports 8 people injured and two reported shooters.. Other networks saying 2 confirmed..


The base near Waco, Texas, is where Maj. Nidal Hasan killed 13 people in 2009.

Active Shooter Reported at Fort Hood

This is the ‘ring of fire’ over the past 20 hours.. 
It’s lit like a Christmas tree…