Thursday, October 3, 2013

I need some answers from readers

I have a playlist on this site now, it includes some of my favorite songs.. I expect it to change and be updated as much as my background image..

I was told today playing autoplay music is as crude as having a 1990s style Geoshitties page.

Can any of you let me know your thoughts on autoplaying music when you get to a site? Does it help or hurt?

This is the storm soon to be known as Karen..

Blues and News: Thursday shutdown update

The new word of the year: BARRYCADES.. those monuments of government shutdowns called barricades, changed a bit to fit the President’s order to close certain places. In the case of Mount Vernon, an order was given to shut it down. Funny enough, it’s PRIVATELY OWNED!

Federal workers nervously anxious over shutdown.. In many states, even if federal workers want to file for unemployment, to certify that they continue UC benefits, they will need to prove they are searching for another job—and if they are offered another job and don’t take it, they quite possibly will lose benefits..

Some other links worth reading

Nope. Not open yet.

Still shut down.

I just checked. The government is still shut down..

Go about your bid’ness..

Don't go into the light.. and other weird tales at night.

Those who know me or follow this site will vouch for me: I love paranormal radio. Art Bell, Clyde Lewis.. sometimes George Noory.. seldom John Wells. Nonetheless, my mind is just blown away by the nightly prospects of flipping back and forth from Clyde to Art over and over.. 

Last night Art Bell had a guest, Whitley Strieber, who seemed to confirm something that John Lear said many years back on an Art Bell show when he was hosting Coast to Coast AM: Don’t go into the light.

Some context is in order.

John Lear, yes, a family member in the famed Lear family, told Art Bell that when you die, the ‘light’ is a trick.. the light is a mirage.. it’s the devil himself trying to trick us to enter the gates off hell with him.. The light. 

Last night, years after that Lear show, Whitley Strieber confirmed to Art what Lear said, that the light was not goodness at all.. he said not to embrace the light. Turn away from the light.

I am with Art Bell on this. It makes me angry that the one thing that people say they see when they have NDEs may be a fraud! 

I am sure many will debate me on the existence of an afterlife to begin with.. but travel down a road with me for a minute, and envision an afterlife being real. You’d certainly think ‘the light’ was a sure bet! Go to it.. there is peace and serenity in the light, right?

Maybe not..

Something for you to think about, until you meet your ultimate demise and actually find out if an afterlife, a light, and a devil exists..

OKCUPID is allowing you to pay extra to filter out those pesky 'fat' and 'ugly' people..

… long as they allow users who get drunk late at night while surfing their ‘matches’ to un-filter those same people…

OKCUPID is allowing you to pay extra to filter out those pesky 'fat' and 'ugly' people..

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Everything was typical.. until the atypical occurred.

This story is true. Trust me.. I would never lie to readers…

TONIGHT, around 6:30 PM…

It was just another night at Coal Speaker home base..

My wife’s sister was here for dinner.. Ayden, as usual, wasn’t hungry, so he was watching BATMAN on TV.. And on the table, three empty bowls. Our soup was gone..

For the record, my wife and her sister were talking.. my empty

I stood up from the table and turned around to the refrigerator to get something… My wife and her sister remained at the table.

I suddenly heard a clank noise, as though the spoon hit the bowl. When I turned around, the three of us witnessed the bowl crack into three pieces. When my wife moved her arms towards to the bowl to pick up the glass, it cracked and shattered further…

All three of us heard the spoon clank noise.. all three of us watched the bowl crash.

This occurred about 10 minutes AFTER hot soup was gone.. an empty, cold bowl.
By the way, the bowl itself is “Corelle Break and Chip Resistant.”

I am “SURE” there is a scientific explanation for this.. But I racked my brain for hours now trying to figure that out .. the only end game I can have is to travel down the paranormal road.
Unless someone out there, in the dark of the night, has a thought as to how this could happen..

Am I crazy? Paranoid? ..Probably.
But explain how a spoon seems to suddenly jump, crack a bowl, and have it all occur without anyone doing it?

A tale of various political stories..

I try to avoid politics on this site. I really do.. but it crops up, rears its multi-faceted head, and takes over the posts here quite a bit..

From the WASHINGTON POST, we learn that Republicans are in fear of the health exchange networks, where people can go and choose insurance under the Affordable Care Act.. the POST says that the websites were crashing because of the amount of people trying to figure out of they qualify for some type of coverage.. (Here’s the source for your reading pleasure) .. 

And from the UK DAILY MAIL, we have this: They report that less than 1% of the people actually going to the websites are signing up — maybe because they cannot? I don’t know. (Here is that source).. 

I suppose this is going to be hotly debated. Oh, and the government is shut down. In case our lawbreakers of the Republic don’t know. 

While we debate on whether people are flocking to these sites and causing high-traffic and outages, consider this fact: The Obama Administration has yet to actually tell us how many people signed up on the exchanges.. And apparently, according to some desperate to find new insurance or insurance at all, the websites are working 'worse' today than yesterdayy..

What are the trending costumes so far? You guessed it.. Miley Cyrus is looming large over Halloween 13..
Cyrus costumes flying off the shelf..

Thanks Miley. Now you ruined Halloween. 

Looks like this will soon be Karen..


This just sounds like a bad idea: A new horror-themed game show is set to begin, thanks to SONY. It’s called RELEASE THE HOUNDS.. 

The unknowing contestants will be facing fear in their quest for money.

One part of the show will be a race in which they will be chased by hound dogs who have been trained (tortured?) to guard cash the people are seeking.

This sounds like we’ve gone over the edge.

I remember the controversy in the late 1990s when Survivor first started.

And now we, as TV viewers, have evolved our habits into watching people being chased by dogs that could very well kill them?

This is entertainment, baby.

Welcome to TEEEE VEEE…

LOOK! In the sky! It's a bird, it's a plane! It's a drone! It crashed!!!

I expect as we enter the drone wars of the mid 21st century, lots more are going to hit the earth.. Let’s hope not over people. Right?

LOOK! In the sky! It's a bird, it's a plane! It's a drone! It crashed!!!

BATMAN set to begin again in ARKHAM ORIGINS game.. AND it looks cooler than hell..

The WWII MEMORIAL is becoming ground zero in the government shutdown fight

The WWII MEMORIAL is becoming ground zero in the government shutdown fight


Five marketing lessons from Miley Cyrus.. Interesting perspective .. she did create a spectacle and benefits highly from it..and it struck while the iron was hot. Genius marketing moves, for sure.

With the help of course of SATAN and her Illuminati brethren..

This is not a joke: Japanese fast-food chain has announced plans to grow rice and vegetables on a farm 60 miles from the crippled Fukushima power plant, site of the world's worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl in 1986

Pretty shocking. I am sure some will chalk this up into the ‘what can go wrong’ category..

Growing food near a meltdown.. ..this and Japan getting the 2020 Olympics? Everything is just coming up roses in Japan.

Big, giant, smelly radiated roses. 

My, how your food grows. And glows.

This is not a joke: Japanese fast-food chain has announced plans to grow rice and vegetables on a farm 60 miles from the crippled Fukushima power plant, site of the world's worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl in 1986

He’s got plenty more beebs up his sleeves.. And while I am growing weary of daily headlines relating to Justin Bieber and his self-loving fever, I cannot escape them. The latest from CHINA:

Justin Bieber gets CARRIED up the Great Wall of China..
And they sprint behind him while skateboarding….an ego out of control?

NBC news has confirmed that famed author Tom Clancy is dead at 66..