Monday, July 15, 2013

Summer's Worst Week of Heat NYC, DC, Philly, Boston

It’s hot.

No really hot.

No it’s hotter than that.

I always chuckle when those who ‘love the summer’ are seen quietly fanning themselves as sweat pours down their faces in the high noon heat of summer. You still like it, summer lovers? You enjoy the sweltering murderous heat? The kind that kills puppies and makes you sick? You’d really pick this over the cool breeze of fall and the snow of winter? 

I guess it’s all relative. 

After all, even the snow lovers come to miss the warmth by February..

Until then.. we have a HEAT WAVE!

Summer's Worst Week of Heat NYC, DC, Philly, Boston

In weather like this the only thing good to do is park

U.S. Repeals Propaganda Ban, Spreads Government-Made News To Americans

Perhaps one of the most important stories I have ever read.. seriously.. 

And you may think it’s simply conspiracy theory. But it’s not. This actually comes from FOREIGN POLICY magazine…

U.S. Repeals Propaganda Ban, Spreads Government-Made News To Americans

Case of the Mondays: News you can't use

Fukushima update: “Children catching crayfish in 1.13 μSv/h atmospheric dose in Kohriyama”

This Year’s Gulf of Mexico Dead Zone Could Be the Biggest on Record

Claim: Snowden possess blueprints that describe how the NSA operates..

Second night of protests after Zimmerman verdict.. demonstrators block freeway in LA.. cops respond with ‘less than lethal’ rounds..

Massive heat wave set to build across Eastern United States throughout the week.. big cities will be sweltering.. parts of the Southwest will be unbearable.. 

A heat wave in Japan has now killed 12..

A heat wave in the UK has now killed 4..

India getting its worst flooding in 50 years..

Fracking is being linked to faraway earthquakes..

Could it be? Nessie caught with Google earth!?

Did you think recently that the day was getting quicker? That time was advancing? There is an interesting analysis done, and it appears that changes in the Earth’s spin actually change the length of the day —but not by much.. as a matter of fact, experts will tell us that we should not even notice it. However, what if we did? What if.. these little stutters actually do get noticed by our minds?

Important story to read: Chinese police on Monday accused British drug maker GlaxoSmithKline Plc of channeling bribes to Chinese officials and doctors through travel agencies for six years to illegally boost sales and to raise the price of its medicines in the country

Twinkies are back—and being marketed to ‘dudes’ ..

The volcano that screams..

So how BAD is Roundup anyway?

Emergency measure coming against Monsanto in Italy..

Web industry chiefs don’t like domain expansion plans..

"Vampire" graves found in Poland..

Spot on: Police say a psychic found the body of a murdered 11-year-old boy..

New photo emerges from 1985 White House function.. Princess Diana dancing with Clint Eastwood.. PUNK..

Man uses his young daughters to re-create photos of horror movie scenes.. Joshua Hoffine says he does get hate mail for some, including one controversial photo that shows a wolf charging towards his daughter.. Here is the official website

The intriguing world of after-death experiences..

Lea Michele releases statement concerning the death of Cory Monteith..

Rammed: GROWN UPS 2 pummels PACIFIC RIM at the box office..But..DESPICABLE ME 2 holds the first place ..

RUE MORGE interviews the twins behind the twisted AMERICAN MARY

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Zimmerman's lawyer compares Trayvon death to kids who die of cancer...


Zimmerman's lawyer compares Trayvon death to kids who die of cancer...

Saturday night’s main event.

Bars and restaurants filled with patrons undoubtedly are now suddenly embroiled in Saturday night conversations about George Zimmerman, Tweeting their thoughts, and lamenting the justice system if they disagree..

There will be outrage and rage.. some will be happy that the justice system, for all purposes, seemed to work. Work in the sense where a jury finds a defendant not guilty because the prosecution substantially failed in proving the case of Zimmerman murdering Trayvon Martin in cold blood… one night in Florida months ago.

Tonight, when a jury of six women, five mothers, found Zimmerman not guilty, the justice system was exposed…It’s flawed and often wrong.. sloppy and long.. Legal briefs are abundant.. nights are late.. And the battles are more than skin deep.

When Casey Anthony was found not guilty, so many felt a world of horror for her daughter who had no justice… And now tonight, many feel the same for Trayvon Martin..

Trends are trending on Twitter tonight. Facebook is alive and well with passionate opinions.. Bloggers are opining .. in person, many are rambling. 

This trial intrigued the nation.
And whenever a trial does that, it causes so much division.

Maybe it’s time, as a nation, we come to grips with the fact that we are needlessly divided by race.

When it comes down to it, what really divides us? 

Are we divided by race?
The class system?
Religious differences?


It somehow goes back to money.

And money will be the issue now, as the civil litigation against George Zimmerman will begin. Most likely immediately.

OJ was found not guilty last century. But the civil lawsuits got him—even before he got himself by getting caught robbing his own trophies…

The George Zimmerman trial has played out, and now the outcome will play out..

It wasn’t 12 angry men, but instead 6 something women. Maybe if the jurors express their thoughts, we’ll find out if they were angry or happy with their decision..

George Zimmerman and his wife Shellie, with Seminole court services investigator Rob Hemmert talk in the courtroom in the George Zimmerman trial in Seminole circuit court in Sanford

Not guilty

The jury has reached a verdict in the trial of George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch volunteer accused of murdering Trayvon Martin.

Here we go…

So I must ask.. who is PACIFIC RIMMING this weekend?

Friday, July 12, 2013

More saki, more happy, more foodie, more drinky.

A night of food and fun at Uma Japanese hibachi steakhouse in St. Clair, PA..

Good times..

Wow… This haboob is striking Phoenix Arizona right now.. more here..


Two of the great things on earth combined: Ragtime piano music and Tetris. great mashup..


I am going to attempt to stay out of the ever-so-controversial weeds of the George Zimmerman case..

But I can only say this.. I am annoyed, very annoyed actually, with the amount of times both the prosecution and defense used the word ‘really’ in their closing arguments. Apparently both sides have been watching lots of old Tina Fey/Seth Meyers “really” skits from the Weekend Update bit on Saturday Night Live.

It was completely overdone.

At one point the defense lawyer, you know the one who looks like a sick cross between John Kerry and Mark Furhman of OJ fame, said “really? really? really? really? ” .. .REALLY?!


The jury, all six strong, should have in lockstep shouted back ‘YES REALLY!’


Things are about to get rough and dicey in Taiwain.. Yonagunijima (Yonaguni) island station E of Taiwan reported a sustained wind of 60.2 m/s (134 mph)

And you thought the TERMINATOR was just a movie..

DARPA is making this..

The FastCompany article says, 

Boston Dynamics has been busy working on an entrant for DARPA's Virtual Robotics Challenge, a contest aimed to create robots that can help in disaster situation.

Sure.. and it could also crush you with one lugnut if it gets mad.

You pick.

And you thought the TERMINATOR was just a movie..

Clyde Lewis is finally back on radio..

Last night, the long awaited return of Clyde Lewis on radio took place.  Lewis has been absent his hosting duties for several weeks since his operation to remove tumors from his kidney..

During his return program, Lewis was emotional about the operation he just went through, and was seemed concerned that his future may hold more bouts with his cancer.. 

For his return  program, he was joined on Ground Zero Radio by Al Jourgensen, the ‘godfather of industrial music’..   His subject matter was titled ‘In my time of dying’..

While his guest was interesting, it’s much more likely that listeners tuned in to hear Clyde’s harrowing tale of being under the knife, in medical are.

Clyde opened the program relaying the now most-sent news story of the “dead” woman who woke up on an operating table—just as doctors were about to remove her organs.. Lewis said it was something like that which scared him more than anything, especially since he has been through many medical issues in his life..

Clyde Lewis sounded heartfelt and graceful in his attitude and approach concerning his return. He had emotional words towards his finance, who undoubtedly has been affected emotionally by Lewis’ condition..

During his time away recovering, Clyde Lewis was forced to post a video of himself to prove he was alive, as rumors became rampant online that he passed away as a result of his cancer. Some on his Facebook page, even last night, wondered if he had returned too soon to the radio. However, anyone who listened to the show will realize that Clyde Lewis puts his entire heart into his job—it certainly doesn’t sound like work for him, but instead a way of life.

This website is  biased. We love Ground Zero Radio and have come to truly respect Clyde Lewis.

We are happy as hell that he’s back hosting the program live.. 

But we also hope, as did many of his fans, that he did not return too soon for his own good.

Prayers and positive thoughts will continue to be with him.