Saturday, July 13, 2013
Friday, July 12, 2013
Two of the great things on earth combined: Ragtime piano music and Tetris. great mashup..
I am going to attempt to stay out of the ever-so-controversial weeds of the George Zimmerman case..
But I can only say this.. I am annoyed, very annoyed actually, with the amount of times both the prosecution and defense used the word ‘really’ in their closing arguments. Apparently both sides have been watching lots of old Tina Fey/Seth Meyers “really” skits from the Weekend Update bit on Saturday Night Live.
It was completely overdone.
At one point the defense lawyer, you know the one who looks like a sick cross between John Kerry and Mark Furhman of OJ fame, said “really? really? really? really? ” .. .REALLY?!
The jury, all six strong, should have in lockstep shouted back ‘YES REALLY!’
And you thought the TERMINATOR was just a movie..
A century of scifi movie predictions have just been realized in the 6foottall robust android called Atlas.
DARPA is making this..
The FastCompany article says,
Boston Dynamics has been busy working on an entrant for DARPA's Virtual Robotics Challenge, a contest aimed to create robots that can help in disaster situation.
Sure.. and it could also crush you with one lugnut if it gets mad.
You pick.
And you thought the TERMINATOR was just a movie..
Clyde Lewis is finally back on radio..
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Delbert Weinbrum was first to decode and as I said on Facebook, it means exactly what you think it does.— Art Bell (@ArtBell51) July 12, 2013
That is all I can comment on for now, stay tuned.— Art Bell (@ArtBell51) July 12, 2013
This is going to be a very dangerous storm for Asia.. here is Typhoon Soulik poised and ready to strike Taiwan.. it’s been years since Taipei got a direct typhoon hit. That lucky streak could end by Saturday in the AM as this storm bears down..
Positive thoughts and prayers are with the island nation..
How to kill an area; Leave it
There has been an exodus from the coal region of Pennsylvania over the past generation.. high unemployment, economic conditions worse than other areas, and traveling to better jobs, all have forced younger people away from Schuylkill County .. And now the POTTSVILLE REPUBLICAN is sharing knowledge that has already been assumed: Most people who are young want to leave Schuylkill County..
Schuylkill County commissioners had a press conference on Thursday. They say that the county has lots to offer—presumably more than Yuengling beer and the A-Hole in Girardville—but they lament the fact so many young want to leave the area. To put a number on that, survery was conducted of the ‘yout’ of the region.. it found that 55% want don’t plan on living in the county when they are adults.
Of course, kids have grand plans. There is sure something about the coal region, maybe those tentacles of coal veins, that latch on to your spirit and trap you in the area.. Kids today become coal-region bar hoppers tomorrow, still wearing their varsity football jackets, trying to relive the dream of yesteryear. Just place GLORY DAYS by the Boss, and most will tear up thinking about the Friday night lights—unless your school didn’t have lights, in which case you’ll think of Saturday Afternoon Sun (*Cardinal Brennan football players would understand that*)…
So ….what would be a model for the future?
Two possibilities exist:
1) The county will continue to perish slowly, like a miner running out of oxygen in a confined space.. It will keep its high unemployment, and is generation of disenchanted kids..
2) Many who leave the area for experience and knowledge, will actually come back to Schuylkill county at some point in their lives, and bring progress to the area. The future will feature people, people who don’t sport mullets and cutoff jean shorts, creating jobs and hope ..
Which possibility is more likely?
A stroll down any street, Schuylkill County, will show how difficult number 2 would be to achieve.
How to kill an area; Leave it
Thanks to all the new followers recently..
Very humbling.
Hopefully my crazy talk tonight on 432 hz didn’t drive you away..
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Those those who want to listen, Rob Simone on Coast to Coast AM went in depth on the 528 hz in 2011. . It was an interesting show, and until today I completely forgot I listened to it.
Maybe I was the victim of frequency mind control.
Those those who want to listen, Rob Simone on Coast to Coast AM went in depth on the 528 hz in 2011. . It was an interesting show, and until today I completely forgot I listened to it.
What's the frequency Kenneth?
Good REM song.. remember that? Dan Rather should.
Nonetheless, I am researching all of this crazy HZ information and came across an interesting article on the 528 hz.. The ‘love frequency’ .. This website at least concluded that 432 hz is the best..
So they say..
Is this all crazy to you?
Here is the DOORS, changed from 440 hz to 432 hz.. Can your ears tell any difference?
I notice it..
LET IT BE at 432 hz.. Much better.
So let’s get a little conspiratorial and crazy, shall we?
Here’s a video where your untrained ear can most likely tell the difference between 432 hz and 440 hz.. Which ones makes you feel calmer, I ask?
I think there’s something to this whole vibration of the earth thing..
Sadly no one emailed me a song that made them happy..
But I had a fallback plan. I resorted to actually conversing with people—in person—about the topic throughout the day…
Quite an array of tunes..
Lionel Richtie..
Lee Greenwood (yes someone actually said that)
Even Annie Lennox.
I found out, though, whether it was LOVE GROWS WHERE MY ROSEMARY GOES or SWEET DREAMS… I can find some happiness with the songs mentioned by friends and co-workers too.
So it gives me the feeling that, regardless of the era of time or the artist who created it, everyone’s happy song has a common thread: they are just songs that make you feel good. Even if you didn’t realize someone else’s song could make you happy too, you realized after they said it.. “well, golly that song makes me happy too.” And you need to use the word ‘golly’ for it to be truly happy.
The other thing I began to contemplate was that old rumor and conspiracy theory that the 432 hz frequency we should be is on is perverted by the 440 hz we were placed on. Maybe these happy songs are on the 432? Just sayin..
Maybe some happy songs coming tonight.. along with some conspiracy talk about those strange HZ rumors..
Thirsty for happiness Thursday
Looking for positive thoughts today..
And happy music
My favorite happy song is Love Grows Where my Rosemary goes (and not because of the movie SHALLOW HAL!)
So what is your ‘happy song?’