Wednesday, July 10, 2013

When the Google stops the doodle

This from CNN:

Google and related services were inaccessible to some users this morning, prompting confusion and consternation across the Web.

Reports of outages began about 9:30 a.m. ET and quickly spread on Twitter, with users asking if the problem was affecting others as well.

Among the services affected were Gmail, Google Plus, Google Drive and YouTube. According to anecdotal reports, the outages appeared to be most prevalent among users in the Southeastern United States.

Google did not immediately comment on the problem.

Apparently the outages prove Google just hired someone from Tumblr. I jest!
Thank God it’s summer. If it was a school year kids would be flunking tests from sea to shining sea this morning!

Alternatives for your outage: DuckDuckGo and StartPage

If you want to see the Internet(s) in its infancy, here you go

Look no further than Geocities.. This website captures some of the classics..

I myself had a few Geoshitties sites.. 

It was the original Myspace.. the original blogger..the original Facebook.. it predated Tumblr. The divorced dads and Jeep lovers from the 1990s paved the way for the personal blogs and opinionated sites of today.

God bless Geocities, and the pavers of the internet superhighway.

But Yahoo! shut down Geocities.
And now Yahoo! owns Tumblr…


From the cute little Beeb to the depths of depravity

I haven’t had any kind words for Justin Bieber. I’ve maintained no fever.
And with TMZ report about Bieber urinating into a mop bucket at a NYC city restaurant and cussing
Bill Clinton
, my already 0% regard for him has now plummeted j to the negative territory.

I will not say anything that hasn’t been already..

I think every working man, woman, and child should be offended at this. It’s tasteless sure, but even more so is an insult to minimum wage workers and disregarded service employees—many of whom should be busy deleting any songs they own featuring the voice of Beebs.

Yes, indeed….the cell phone camera is always spying. In this matter, Bieber was using his own urine in an attempt to humiliate the people who most likely just waited on him hand and foot. But instead he only disgraced himself even further than the repugnant little creature has done previously..



"€œWhy did you shoot me? I was reading a book”: The new warrior cop is out of control

Good to see so many people linking this around the Internet(s) .. I linked it a few days past.. Love seeing everyone in agreement, right and left, about the state of American police…


I’m digging this because I’m reading through his new book as all of these articles are being posted online. I’m so glad that this topic is receiving more much needed attention. I mean, the Department of Education has their own fucking SWAT team for crying out loud.

My step-dad was a sheriff in Dallas, Texas for fifteen years so when the topic of police abuse comes up you can imagine the kinds of discussions it devolves into. In just the few years since my step-dad retired, the police force in America has changed dramatically.

"€œWhy did you shoot me? I was reading a book”: The new warrior cop is out of control

See, drones just don't kill everyone in your neighborhood with a single blast, but they can deliver clean clothes, too..

New technology is here to stay. For better or worse.
Dry cleaning.. better
Drone attacks.. worse.

See, drones just don't kill everyone in your neighborhood with a single blast, but they can deliver clean clothes, too..

Federal worker: Watch you co-workers

Even more from McClatchyDC:

Federal employees and contractors are asked to pay particular attention to the lifestyles, attitudes and behaviors – like financial troubles, odd working hours or unexplained travel – of co-workers as a way to predict whether they might do “harm to the United States.” Managers of special insider threat offices will have “regular, timely, and, if possible, electronic, access” to employees’ personnel, payroll, disciplinary and “personal contact” files, as well as records of their use of classified and unclassified computer networks, polygraph results, travel reports and financial disclosure forms.

Oy …

Federal worker: Watch you co-workers

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Crazy stuff.. if you don't know who John Bolaris is, you need to. He isn't just a weatherman.. he's a THE PEOPLE'S FREAKOUT WEATHER MAN

Crazy stuff.. if you don't know who John Bolaris is, you need to. He isn't just a weatherman.. he's a THE PEOPLE'S FREAKOUT WEATHER MAN

It's rather sickening to think about the percentage of the day I am sitting for

I have been inspired by my nephew, a little over a decade younger than me, coming back from several weeks of his training to become a Marine and seeing a healthy, altogether different looking young man.. It made me realize the roly poly little bout-faced boy I am becoming needs to stop.

I think it’s time to become thinking about healthy. I am heading quickly into the 30s.. and then the early midlife. And God forbid some type of strange crisis. Luckily for my family we don’t have the money to spend on a Corvette—but whatever stopped a man from making rash decisions without fundage  before, right?

Nonetheless.. I have decided on a new healthy lifestyle decision. First off, eliminate as much sitting as possible. We all know lots of studies and research exists to show just how much we sit, and how it could actually be deadly for our health… And yes, it will be tougher playing ANGRY BIRDS while standing.. but these are the pitfalls of a healthy choice.

The other factor into healthy life 101: Eliminate as many GMO foods as possible *sometimes that’s impossible* .. but to make it even simpler, I am going with the ‘one ingredient diet.’ 

While I don’t know and did not research whether anyone coined the term ‘one ingredient diet’ yet, I am going to attempt to claim credit in my ignorance. 

My simple notion of this diet: Don’t eat anything with more than one ingredient.

For example: If you want lemon peppered salmon, you would purchase; Non-GMO fresh caught salmon (good luck, I know), a lemon, pepper, and butter. You would NOT purchase the seasoning already made or margarine, as they have more than one ingredient. If you want applesauce, buy an apple, sugar, and mash it together. Avoid the applesauce with added ingredients, splenda, and especially ASPARTAME (cue the dread music.)

So it’s not that you’re only eating one thing, you can actually combine your one ingredients together to make a meal.

This will get rough.. indeed. 

But for generations, no, CENTURIES, we’ve done this. We’ve cooked, and made our own food.. And now, today, even this day, people are dying off quickly from the last generation that knew how to cook. Like, really cook. Like cook their butts off to the point where you never had anything that tasted that good. THAT is the purpose of the one ingredient diet. You cook your own food, slower, and longer, and you appreciate what you’re eating more. And you can also get to know what you’ve been eating. 

There were be some exceptions. For example, if I cannot find sunflower seeds without salt, I can cheat and get ones with  the salt.. I don’t care to make my own bread so I will buy from local bakers who only add the basic ingredients instead of the 500 that big makers put in..

And wine and beer?

Well.. not sure yet on the wine aspect.. Needs to research what ingredients go into FUNKY LLAMA, my favorite brand. But I have the beer thing covered: Straub from Pennsylvania. Good beer, no salt or sugar added..

So wish my luck .. hopefully this mission won’t become an ordeal. Maybe if it works I can market it.. Unless someone else did that already. And if you did, don’t sue me.. Pay me to help you!

And drink up, healthy beer style.

Americans Need to See the Violence of War, Police and Torture

This is more than an interesting story appearing on TRUTHOUT from the DAILY TAKE.. The idea that for Americans to understand torture and the effects of American policy, we have to see the most brutal of scenes..

It bring sup one question in my mind: Have we become numb to torture, that even if we did see it we’d look away and not even care?

We have been handed torture fest films for a decade since 9/11.. TV shows glorify hardcore violence against someone for the purposes of extracting information  (think 24) ..  how many SAW films did they make now?

So when we really see the real thing… do we even notice anymore?

What kind of a society are we in?

We did change since 9/11. That is no lie..

Americans Need to See the Violence of War, Police and Torture

Chucky is 25. Did you know that?

And I guess in that age of movies, you’re bound to be direct to DVD..

But.. now I realize something.. me, and others in my generation, practically grew up with CHILD’S PLAY. It was the horror movie always there since we were young. Interesting when you put that perspective on it.

Crazy summer weather time!

And as the United States East Coast watches for Chantal’s impact.. The Philippines watch for Soulik.. and in the path: Lots of nuclear power plants:

Monday, July 8, 2013

Proof we need to watch Chantal.. This is one model for the storm in a run tonight..

NBC’s Rising Leno Dominates Kimmel and Letterman

So.. Think NBC will regret letting Leno go? He certainly has worked for them since about 1995 when Letterman changed his style and started the ratings dive…
I still say late night television was ready for a female comedy host. They missed their chance..
Chelsea Handler or Tina Fey would have been spot on..
Instead they are stuck with Jimmy Fallon… I think they’ll regret it.
(Though this is also a good chance for Arsenio Hall, who is throwing himself back into the ring)… Yes it feels like 1993 all over again..

NBC’s Rising Leno Dominates Kimmel and Letterman

Why are the police now stopping people from exericising their rights to speak to the media?

This boy was a witness to the San Francisco plane disaster over the weekend. Clearly we see the police officer pull him away as the anchorman on the ABC affiliate says the police are keeping him from speaking to the media… 

But may I ask.. why?

Tropical Storm Chantal Aims for Caribbean

This wonders watching, and call me crazy but the name Shirley will give the storm and exceptionally cocky attitude..

Tropical Storm Chantal Aims for Caribbean

NASA Discovers Hidden Portals In Earth’s Magnetic Field

Science fiction becomes science fact..

More proof of something I have long believed about life on this planet: We know absolutely nothing, and everything we consider fact is only fact long enough until more evidence comes forth to disprove it..

Amazing stuff.

Must be a portal.

NASA Discovers Hidden Portals In Earth’s Magnetic Field

Potentially hundreds of women wrongly sterilized in California prisons

And you thought eugenics was long-gone.. WRONG

Potentially hundreds of women wrongly sterilized in California prisons

SALON: 'Why did you shoot me? I was reading a book': The new warrior cop is out of control

This is a must read by Radley Balko at SALON.. I think we have all noticed a militarization of the police across the United States. You’d have to be under a rock not to.

It’s probably not a good thing, either..

Read this one if you think it is: Elizabeth Daly bought water, and went to jail for it. Seriously.

Not convinced yet?

Maybe the story of Jeff Olsen.. his offense: Writing anti-bank messages on sidewalks .. he is not permitted to use the first amendment as defense, either..

What about the story of AJ Marin, who did the crime of …. writing in protest with chalk on a sidewalk outside Pennsylvania Governor Corbett’s mansion.. His citation: He  was arrested for writing a “derogatory remark about the governor on the sidewalk.” The “derogatory” comment that AJ was arrested for stated: “Governor Corbett has health insurance, we should too.”

SALON: 'Why did you shoot me? I was reading a book': The new warrior cop is out of control

Anyone waking up and performing their first Google search of the day will be greeted by a new Doodle from the company, something they have made famous over the past few years: Remembered today on the Google Doodle is the 66th anniversary of the Roswell UFO crash.

I myself played with the interactive Google doodle a bit too long, trying to figure out how to help the little E.T. find his spaceship back home..

If you are patient and stay with it long enough, you actually end the little game with a “Google Daily Record” headline saying a flying saucer was spotted over Roswell, indicating that your gaming has been successful and the alien has found his way back to space..