Wednesday, April 3, 2013
There have been lots of quakes in the Canary Islands lately.. and over the weekend, parts of the islands have reportedly been pushed up 4 inches..
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
For those drinking alone tonight, here's a list of the bar webcams being offered around the world is my favorite.
Unfortunately the Hawaiian Tropic Zone in NYC is closed. Which is a shame. Such fun was had there..
For those drinking alone tonight, here's a list of the bar webcams being offered around the world
Easter Egg Hunt At Seattle Zoo Turns Violent
This is pretty shameful stuff, and here I thought only my local Easter egg hunt got vicious..
Easter Egg Hunt At Seattle Zoo Turns Violent
This is when science annoys me.. seriously guys, you are still going to create highly infectious bird flu?
Obama! Come on! have some more sense.
Captain Trips SHOULD NOT exist..
This is when science annoys me.. seriously guys, you are still going to create highly infectious bird flu?
Questions in China: How did H7N9 kill two people?
…and I’m sure China will be completely honest with the world. Right?
Questions in China: How did H7N9 kill two people?
Monday, April 1, 2013
Good evening everyone. Here’s the Toxic Airborne Event with HAPPINESS IS OVERRATED. Truly a shame this band broke up.
Yes they happened.. The "best" internet April Fools jokes of 2013
I say “best” in quotes because I truly hate this yearly tradition..
Yes they happened.. The "best" internet April Fools jokes of 2013
Seriously, why does this Pope have to keep reminding us he’s probably the last one!?
Clyde Lewis continues to humor me with incredibly great headlines for his nightly radio show.. Tonight "Olympus has fallen and it won't wake up!"
And if you still think Noory is the king of paranormal radio, you haven’t listened to Ground Zero
(Though I still wish Art Bell would come back)
Clyde Lewis continues to humor me with incredibly great headlines for his nightly radio show.. Tonight "Olympus has fallen and it won't wake up!"
The top ten stories that sound like April Fools jokes. But they aren't
- Until 2012, Pepsi used aborted fetal-cells to flavor soft drinks
- There have been so many suicides in China among workers making our iPhones that factories had to put up suicide nets
- Wikileaks helped bring out information that DynCorp contractors were involved with a child sex ring..
- There is a brewing water crisis—one so bad that rivers and lakes are drying up across the planet
- Very recently, the mega rich withdrew their money from Cyprus banks—right before looting..
- Obama signed the Monsanto Protection Act, and the NDAA. He often signed bills despite his ‘reservations’
- There are black sites across the world where children are tortured in front of their parents
- Fear of Chinese censors is so intense that video game makers change their games
- North Koreans are eating their own children because of extreme hunger
- Each year, up to 800,000 children go missing in the United States
So sorry to be such a downer on such a ‘funny’ day.. But that’s just what I do.