Wednesday, July 4, 2012



I envy a boy that can spend Fourth of July soaking in a mini pool .. Therefore I envy my own son, Mr. Ayden Morris

He wasn’t born on the Fourth of July but he sure soaked on it.

Natural fireworks scheduled for tonight as long as fireflies show themselves ..and ice cream too.. Happy Fourth everyone.

An ex-FBI agent makes quite the statement in a new book: She says when she responded to Pennsylvania crash site on 9/11, she saw angels

Lilli Leonardi said: “They were dressed as if they were in warrior garb like a Roman centurion, and there were so many of them, you couldn’t see their faces”

An ex-FBI agent makes quite the statement in a new book: She says when she responded to Pennsylvania crash site on 9/11, she saw angels

The Higgs Boson Particle found.. but that leaves one other mystery unsolved

Now that the elusive Higgs Boson particle has been potentially found, maybe it’s high time for scientists to explain the other mystery of life: Why is it that regardless of human intelligence, we always seem to result in war like police states with dictators, why humans seem to always come up with new ways to torture and terrorize, and why there never seems to be a lack of hate across the planet. Animals may eat their young. But at least that’s quick. Humans devise horrid ways to destroy generations.


A major story developing at the Large Hadron Collider today .. CERN scientists announced that a Higgs-like particle has been finally found after decades of the searching.

"We have reached a milestone in our understanding of nature," scientists said in a statement. 

The scientific and religious worlds will now respond.. People will try to comprehend.. and all the while the little tiny particle will keep giving mass to atoms and making this whole thing called a universe work in some magical and strange way.


National Prayer Service on September 14, 2001 from Washington National 

Are we better than before..
Do we have more pride…more American zeal to do what is right… What does the Fourth of July this 2012 mean to you?

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Happy 4th America


Ray Charles sings America the Beautiful 

If it's not one axis of evil nation, it's the other

Fireworks over the Middle East.. not celebrations of American independence but instead a test of global security: Iran has test fired missiles in a war of nerves..

According to Reuters and other news sources tonight, Iran says that it has successfully test fired medium range missile … these missiles, according to reports, are capable of hitting targets in Israel.

Tensions have escalated between the West and Iran over recent months. Israel has ratcheted up a war of words with the nation..

And now as tensions mount this Fourth of July eve, the United States is sending warships to the Persian Gulf tonight—which according to officials is a signal to Iran..

According to ABC NEWS, the missiles tested by Iranian missiles attacked ‘mock enemy targets’..  And oil prices, predictably, surged

All eyes on Iran during the Fourth of July.

Fourth of July 2012 begins (on July 3).. The tradition continues here on Coal Speaker continues. Here is the final scene of the final episode of the WONDER YEARS… 

It’s the 3rd of July. CoalSpeaker family is ready for the 4th

Monday, July 2, 2012

Tensions flare in Mexico

Tensions flare in Mexico

Summer '12: 2,000 heat records either tied or broken

Summer '12: 2,000 heat records either tied or broken

Good evening… Hot and humid in the United States of hell

This seems to be a slow motion unfolding disaster in the Mid Atlantic.. heat and no electricity, no lights in sight and no end of the heat coming either

5 million without power originally. Now it’s 2 million.

But put it into perspective: After Hurricane Katrina, the most without power was 3 million… 

Power companies hope to have at least 90% restored by FRIDAY this week.. 

Of course there will be more heat and more storms throughout…

This seems to be a slow motion unfolding disaster in the Mid Atlantic.. heat and no electricity, no lights in sight and no end of the heat coming either

I have been doing some more thinking about the 'elusive' God particle

As linked yesterday here, scientists at CERN are expected to make an announcement this week that they have found the Higgs Boson God Particle with 99.99% certainty. The particle has been long sought by those who experiment with the giant CERN collider—it is the particle that makes up the mass of atoms..

My mind can’t necessarily comprehend the idea of this Higgs Boson particle. I get the basic premise.. but I’m a mere mortal. And for me it sometimes is just amazing to think about how the Large Hadron Collider even works, being 18 miles long and deep in the mountains..

But back to science.. According to reports and speculation, a press conference will most likely occur on Wednesday to announce the major and amazing discovery.  Peter Higgs will reportedly be there.. And if they are flying him in, you know there will be a mighty word said for mics.

The hope is that science may actually begin to explain something that has puzzled many: Why objects in our universe weigh anything. Comprehending the tiny sub-particle that gives mass to atoms may allow people to bring some form of reason and purpose to the objects in our universe and the nature of everything. 

What it will not do is answer ‘why’ we are here.. but may help in the ‘how’ department.

We will know something, perhaps, this week. Something amazing. Just in time for the great American 4th of July. Fireworks overhead.. the God particle all around. 

Sunday, July 1, 2012

This may be a big week: Scientists at CERN expected to announce this week that they FOUND THE GOD PARTICLE!

This may be a big week: Scientists at CERN expected to announce this week that they FOUND THE GOD PARTICLE!

From mild mannered child to .. monster of mayhem. And then he smiles and melts your heart..

Ayden Morris is 16 months old. He is amazing. At times it feels like he’s one of the adults, he tries so hard to be independent. He’ll go so far as to hold the cup with his own hands, but in the process rips it out of yours. He will take walks on his own, but make a fool of you as he whips his hands ferociously away from yours.

And yes, he eats on his own, even if it means he forces utensils out of your hands before you are ready to give them to him.

This is a wild ride. Parenting plus panicking. 
Laughing.. getting angry.. getting sad.. contemplating existence.. contemplating time.. Getting embarrassed as the frenzied flip out occurs at a grocery store checkout counter. 

My wife and I love being parents. We love having the task at hand .. we enjoy having something more important than ourselves being at the center of our marriage and lives. But .. by God, aren’t the terrible 2s supposed to occur when, well, when Ayden turns 2!?

I love the little man.
I love his emotions, as pure as they are.

And yes, even when I wish he wouldn’t get red in the face and belt out louder than a lawn mower on a microphone, I still am amazed as he grows, amazed as he learns.. and can’t wait until he starts asking “Why” to everything.

I think adults stop asking why..

And yes, we stop having meltdowns in grocery stores, too.
But that’s what makes kids more fun, don’t you think? 

Bubbling boiling

Mysterious bubbling is occurring in Assumption Parish in Louisiana .. the bubbles are rising up out of Assumption Bayou. CBS WAFB in Louisiana has more..

A leaking pipeline?

Nothing ruled out yet.

But people in Assumption Parish tell WAFB that they are worried, one man said that houses have been moving and cracks in sheet rock are forming.

No evacuations orders issued. But officials are monitoring the bubbling twice a day..


Officials are going to perform a pressure test to see whether an underwater pipeline may be the source of the bubbling.

Residents reported strange tremors around June 8 and still this week. According to a report in THE ADVOCATE, there is still no official word on whether earth shifting and movements have caused the bubbling of the bayou..

This is a developing story that Earth Informer will be watching..Mysterious bubbling is occurring in Assumption Parish in Louisiana .. the bubbles are rising up out of Assumption Bayou. CBS WAFB in Louisiana has more..

A leaking pipeline?

Nothing ruled out yet.

But people in Assumption Parish tell WAFB that they are worried, one man said that houses have been moving and cracks in sheet rock are forming.

No evacuations orders issued. But officials are monitoring the bubbling twice a day..


Officials are going to perform a pressure test to see whether an underwater pipeline may be the source of the bubbling.

Residents reported strange tremors around June 8 and still this week. According to a report in THE ADVOCATE, there is still no official word on whether earth shifting and movements have caused the bubbling of the bayou..